Group Creation in the MUCK

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Written by Otter (Edited by Zoe_Lang)


This document describes what you need to do inside the MU when logged in as your character that will be leading the group.

Example Used

This example assumes you want to create a group called "FeatherDusters". Obviously, you have your own group name in mind. So, when you see FeatherDusters, use your own group's name. This name must have no spaces (that's why the example if FeatherDusters and not "Feather Dusters").


1. Create a skills group with a description.

This is crucial because the +skills group is what establishes the locks and the chat channel for your group as a whole. Also, this command enables your group's membership to "show their colors" by using the +groups command to indicate their primary allegiance.

The command to create and manage the skills lists is +skills. To create a new public group that will be listed with the +skills list command, do the following: +skills create FeatherDusters,public

That creates a new group, but it doesn't add a nice description for it. In order to provide the nice descriptive text that appears after the group's name, you need to give it a description: +skills describe FeatherDusters,Those who build and sell feather dusters!

To see the results of your work, enter the following: +skills list

And you will see your group now listed.

2. Establish the group's area on our official web-site

This section will be expanded as the options for groups on this website are fleshed out.

3. Accepting applications

Now that you've got a site and the group created, you'll have gotten your friends and others to want to join. The process they need to go through to get listed in your official group is called an application.

This is something that is done by the new member, NOT by you, the group owner. They need to type the following to request admission to your group: +skills apply FeatherDusters

That will add their name to the list of applicants. You have the power to accept or deny their request to join. Of course, this means you need to check the list on a regular basis! To check it, do this: +skills pending FetherDusters

If you see someone that is worthy to join your group, you accept them, and give them a value. This value can be anything you want. It's OK to use the value as a rank, a position, or just the word "yes" to indicate they belong. This value is easy to see by the player, so don't make it anything secret!

Assume that Nicodemus applied to the group, and you want to approve him: +skills grant nicodemus,FeatherDusters=Master Cleaner with a Duster

If you didn't want Nicodemus to join the group, you would deny him: +skills deny nicodemus,FeatherDusters

As a courtesy, you should let people know when you approve or deny them. Silence is deadly; people assume you don't care and they won't either.

4. Removing someone from the group

If someone who joins the group leaves, or gives you cause to remove them, getting rid of them is as easy as this: +skills revoke nicodemus,FeatherDusters

If you throw someone out for no good reason, expect other members to quit. It's hard to run a good group and capriciousness never helps!

5. Showing the group in the +groups command

Now that the group exists and has members, the members (and you!) need to show their membership. To do so, each member (and yourself) should set the group as their "active group."

NOTE: there can only be one active group per player at any time.

To show that you belong to the Feather Duster's group, the name of the group is given to +groups: +groups FeatherDusters

Now, type +groups and you should see yourself and your group listed.

"But wait!" I hear you cry! "My name just shows as member and I'm the creator!"

To control the value after your name in the group list, specify the text you want to appear after your name when you run the +groups command: +groups FeatherDusters The Master of Feather Dusting

Of course, each member can set their own title, so do keep an eye on what they set so if they show things you don't think are appropriate for your group, you can ask them to fix it (or remove them from your group).

Only group members can show up in the list; it's totally controlled by who you have accepted using +skills. If you remove someone from the group, they will vanish from the list as well.

6. Using the chat so your group can talk to each other OOCly

There's a full chat system in place that is based on the groups in +skills. So, once you've had members join, you can talk with them at any time without having to page them.

The chat command is named "chat". Most people use it with its one-key shortcut, the dash ("-").

When a person is granted into a group, they are automatically able to hear what's said on the chat channel. To talk, use the "-" followed by a space (IMPORTANT) followed by the group name followed by a space then what you want to say (or : and what you want to pose).

For example: - FeatherDusters Everyone, Nicodemus has just joined the group!

If someone wants to avoid hearing the chat, they can turn it off by using the following: - #off FeatherDusters

When they want to hear again, they turn it back on: - #on FeatherDusters

The chat system is a useful tool with many commands in addition to chatting and enabling/disable. See the help for details: +help chat

Pay attention to the alias if you don't like having to type the full name all the time. And of course, you can say/pose on the last channel you did before by using "--" which is just two dashes with no space. A really nice short-cut!

7. Allowing anyone to join without approval

Sometimes, you just want to make a group where anyone can join. This is usually a sub-group for free chat, or perhaps your group doesn't have any strict admission needs. You can mark your group as auto-join, and then anyone who applies is automatically approved.

This decision can be changed later, so if you decide you want to approve manually again, you can change it back.

To enable people who apply to be automatically approved, enter this: +skills autojoin FeatherDusters,yes

To set disable the auto-join, so that all applications require explicit approval (the default) then enter this: +skills autojoin FeatherDusters,no

8. Broadcasting the IC events so all can see to the group's chat channel

When things happen in your group, the members who aren't physically in the same room may be interested to watch. Broadcasting is a tool that allows the "visible" events (what you would see if you were there, ignoring all the OOC junk) to be transmited onto a group's channel (or to any +skill group's channel, perhaps one made just to receive broadcast).

The Radio (described next) is how to broadcast publicly, instead of to the group. Use the instructions in this section only to have broadcasts that are restricted to group membership.

To enable a room (or area, via the parent room) to broadcast, the owner of the room needs to go to where the broadcasting should be enabled and enter this: +set here broadcast=FeatherDusters

The owner of the group (the one who did "+skills create") then needs to do this: chat #xlock FeatherDusters=$~broadcaster|~skill_list/FeatherDusters:*

That allows the broadcaster (and all other group members) to talk on the group's channel. That will cause everything publicly done in all the rooms where broadcast is enabled to be sent via chat to everyone. This can be very spammy!

Often, instead of sending to the main channel it's better simply to create another +skills group just for the broadcast. In that case, ONLY the broadcaster should be given permission (you would remove the "|~skill_list/FeatherDusters:*" from the above example.

If you don't mind others watching, you can set that seperate list to auto-join and not worry about it. OR, better yet, if you want the entire MUCK to be able to watch the role-play in your group's areas, it's better to have the Radio running.

9. Using the Radio to broadcast to the world

The radio is a tool that lets anyone "listen in" to any and all public events that are broadcasting to it.

Like the +broadcast command above, the radio requires the owner of the room to enable it. Also, like +broadcast, only the things you would have seen had you been there will show (no whispers, room pages, etc.).

To have the room broadcast to the world, enter this: +set here broadcast=@radio

It's the same command, but the "@radio channel" is a special channel used by the radio program.

To hear the radio (which is very very spammy) enter this: +radio on

If you want to only hear the radio from certain areas, you need to make a filter that matches the name of the rooms you want to listen to. If the Feather Duster Guild's main hall was called "Feather Central" then you could enter the following to restrict what you saw to those rooms that had "Feather Central" in their title: +radio tune *Feather Central*

To hear everything again, enter just this: +radio tune

When not given any pattern, tuning is disabled.


There's quite a few tools to support the group. This page covers the basics, but does not cover how to use the locking features for controlling access to what you build using the group membership.

The programs can't replace your good judgement and work! The groups that succeed do so because they are able to work together and enjoy doing so. The tools help in communication and sharing the group's mission, rules, etc., but they don't replace the need for good leadership and attention.

If there's any questions, the staffers can probably help: +staff

Or, you can seek out one of the wizards: wizzes


See Also