Graveyard Code

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Feel free to use or adapt this if you want a cemetery in your building projects:

@dig Mossflower Woods: Graveyard==rw/graveyard

@dig Graveyard Offerings==rw/graveyard-offerings

@link #f $rw/graveyard=$rw/graveyard-offerings

@desc $rw/graveyard=--------------------------------------------------------------------\rDescription\r--------------------------------------------------------------------

@succ $rw/graveyard={lexec:user_stats}\r{lexec:graves}

@set $rw/graveyard=my_state:{default:{prop:visitor/{ref:me}/state},main}

@set $rw/graveyard=_depart/reset_state:},{store:{secs},visitor/{ref:me}/last_visit}}

lsedit $rw/graveyard=graves

.del ^ $





lsedit $rw/graveyard=user_stats

.del ^ $


















- {commas:


` and `,


{name:{&p}}} {if:{eq:{count:{&who}},1},is,are} standing by a grave in row marked '{subst:{&grave},tmp/bygrave/,}'}}



lsedit $rw/graveyard=main

.del ^ $

You are standing by the edge of the graveyard. You may [enter] to pay your respects.\r

(See [grave help] for a full list of commands.)


lsedit $rw/graveyard=grave help

.del ^ $



lsedit $rw/graveyard=help

.del ^ $

Type: To:

- ENTER enter the graveyard

- ROW # enter row #

- ROWS show all the rows and the graves each contains

- APPROACH x approach a grave named 'x' in the current row

- NOTES view the notes on a grave

- ADD NOTE x leave a note by the current grave with the text 'x'

- LEAVE leave the graveyard

- ADD ROW x add a new row of graves with the name 'x'

- ADD GRAVE x add a new grave in your current row with the name 'x'

- CARVE x carve a permanent message into the grave you're beside


lsedit $rw/graveyard=graveyard

.del ^ $





You are standing by a gravestone marked: '{subst:{&grave},visitor/{ref:me}/grave,}'. It reads:\r

` `{prop:graves/{&row}/{&grave}}\r




There {with:c,{count:{&notes}},{if:{eq:{&c},1},is a [note],are {&c} [note]s}} on the gravestone.}}


You are standing in row {&row}.` `



You see the names of the dead:\r


You may [approach] a gravestone to view it.


There are no gravestones in this row.}}}


You see {count:{listprops:graves/}} rows of graves. Use [row #] to enter one.\r

You may [leave] the graveyard.}}}


@act enter;leave;approach;row;note;notes;add note;add grave;add row;carve;grave help;rows=$rw/graveyard=$rw/graveyard:act/enter=$nothing

@desc $rw/graveyard:act/enter={list:help,{loc:this}}

@succ $rw/graveyard:act/enter={lexec:{&cmd},{loc:this}}

lsedit $rw/graveyard=enter

.del ^ $




You enter the graveyard.



{otell:{name:me} enters the graveyard.}}



You are already in the graveyard.}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=leave

.del ^ $




You step to the edge of the graveyard.



{otell:{name:me} steps to the edge of the graveyard.}}



You have not entered the graveyard.}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=row

.del ^ $





You are already in row {&arg}.



You walk respectfully to row {&arg} of the graveyard.





{otell:{name:me} walks respectfully to row {&arg} of graves.}}



There is no row {&arg}. Choose a row #1-{count:{listprops:graves/}}.}}}


Which row do you want to enter? (1-{count:{listprops:graves/}})}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=approach

.del ^ $









You approach the grave marked '{&grave}'.


{otell:{name:me} approaches the grave in row {&row} marked '{&grave}'.},




There is no grave with that name in this row.}}


You are not standing in a [row].}}


You are not standing in the graveyard. You must [enter] first.}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=note

.del ^ $



lsedit $rw/graveyard=notes

.del ^ $






Near the grave marked '{&grave}'\, you see the following notes:\r

{parse:n,{&notes},- {prop:{&n}}}


There are no notes on this grave.}}\r

You can [add note ] to post a message by the grave.


You are not beside a grave.}}}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=add note

.del ^ $





You add a note to the graveside: "{&arg}"


{otell:{name:me}\, standing beside a grave marked '{&grave}'\, adds a note.}}


What do you want your note to say?}


You are not beside a grave.}}}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=add row

.del ^ $




   		Graveyard: Added row #{inc:lastrow}
   	    Graveyard: Please provide a name for the new row.}


Graveyard: There are no graves in row #{&lastrow} yet.}}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=carve

.del ^ $




{if:{eq:{prop:graves/{&row}/{&grave}},` `},

Graveyard: Message set. (You cannot change this unless you speak to {name:{owner:this}}.)



The message for that grave is already set.}


You are not standing by a grave.}}}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=add grave

.del ^ $





Graveyard: Added grave '{&arg}' to row #{&row}.\rTo carve a message\, use [carve ].\r


{null:{store:` `,graves/{&row}/{&arg}},



That name is too long.}


You must give your grave a name. Example: add grave {name:me}}


You must be standing in the [row] where you wish to add the grave.}}


lsedit $rw/graveyard=rows

.del ^ $


   Row {subst:{&row},graves/,}: "{prop:{&row}}"\r
           ` `{commas:{subst:{&who},{&row}/,}}
           ` `(empty)}}}


@drop $rw/graveyard={lexec:dropped}

lsedit $rw/graveyard=dropped

.del ^ $





You set your offering down by the graveside.




{otell:{pronouns:%n sets %p offering by the grave marked '{subst:{&grave},visitor/{ref:me}/grave,}'.}},



Your offering is gobbled up by the Dark Forest.}}}
