Further Helping A New Friend

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Somewhere close to the badger moutain on the wester shores ==

Kenwei is still in the same area she was yesterday and has gotten her bandage a little messed up and she has kelp on her flipper, but oddly it has helped her some with swelling, but only a little.

Leon has come back to check on the seal, he walks to her slowly and nods a hello "Hello...hi, I am here to check on you ok?" He speaks softly and slowly as he is still unsure what she understands and what she doesn’t.

Kenwei watches the mouse and nods a hello, she looks to her bandage and then to the mouse again as she moves her flipper “It...pains..not move me as well...not fast like" She has listened to other beasts talk in other places but still its broken common.

Leon nods and carefully checks the flipper"Its...torn still, I could sew it but it will hurt or...well pain you more but I can make it so you don't feel pain, sort of like a nap while I look at it better, your have some pain when you wake but it will maybe not be as bad and slowly lesson over a few days. I may even be able to find a way to keep water near you if it is needed"

Kenwei looks a little scared now, the flipper may not be as swollen but that’s only in one place, it’s still torn badly and may have a hair line fracture in a couple places. While not an all the way through break, the area does need to be able to heal and have very little or no movement for a long while. She lies down on the sand “Help..." she says, she will trust him.

Leon nods and takes a deep breath and gets out some herbs he uses when needed for helping a beast sleep a while and in a deep sleep, herbs he learned of from a Flitchaye he helped seasons ago, the seal will sleep deeply a few hour the mouse can clean, sew and better tend to the torn flipper. He will remove any small areas of infection with a skilled paw, he even uses his tail as a paw as he is in healer mode. And yes he brought a hare with him who stands guard because you never know whats around this beach.

Flint stands guard, his longbow and some arrows with him, and a saber as well and he is in full patrol uniform, a fighter and private in the Long Patrol. He stays alert.

Kenwei stays deeply asleep as the mouse tends to her wounds, mainly her flipper where she does have a couple infection areas, luckily not large and they won’t affect her swimming after she is healed. The couple stress fractions will heal, as long as she doesn't any major swimming anytime soon.

Leon scoots the herbs to the water and lets the water wash them away and out after he is done and washes up a little with some sea water, it’s temporary but will help, he sits beside the seal and looks at the hare"3-4 hours maybe"

Flint nods “Well I am ‘ere fer ya lad, not ta worry, wot” He adjusts his longbow and looks around making sure all stays clear.

Kenwei stirs slightly in her deep sleep, her wounds have been tended to and now she can slowly start to recover.

Leon watches the seal and then watches the ocean waves quietly.

Flint  stands guard nearby and is ready to go when the mouse is ready

Kenwei slowly wakes up with a groan and looks around ”Is…ello?” She asks.

Leon is still here and nods, he has caught some fish “Food?” He offers them to the seal.

Kenwei eats the fish and nods her thanks to the mouse as she eats her meal.

Flint is close, he flagged down another hare and had them tell Dorarose and Zinnia, and his nieces also that they would be a little later than the few hours planed , the other hare nods and is off with the message.

Leon meanwhile makes sure bandages are ok on the seal and looks at Flint “You think you can have a couple hares sort of keep an eye on her ?”

Flint nods “I can jolly well do that chap.Usually more than one hare passes to the mountain and village, he in fact stops one on their way to the village, they frown as they talk, well so much for fun, oh the joys of sending a recruit to fetch some hares, shortly 3 hares, privates mainly who are 2 fighters and a healer come to help keep an eye on the seal.

The seal looks a little worried and tilts her head at Leon

Leon says “Its ok…they are friends coming to keep you safe while you rest, maybe in couple days you can move some but for now you need to stay still, they will even bring you food and I will check you tomorrow, promise.”

The seal nods and relaxes, somewhat she relaxes and is soon asleep

Flint leads Leon back to the mountain and will led him back to check on the healing seal tomorrow, and any other time he needs to check on the seal.