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May wanders down the dirt road wearing a green habit one of the beasts at Redwall had given her. It's much too big for the skinny young mouse but it's clean and most importantly warm. The maid walks quickly along the road paying little attention to anything except where she is going.

Forthwind is approaching from the opposite end of the road. He'd been spending some time at Redwall Abbey, having been extended an invitation to stay for a while by Flicktail. At the moment though he seems to simply be taking a walk outside of it. His hat is pulled low over his head to help block out the cold, and he nearly bumps directly into the young mouse.

The mouse is suprised as the fox comes upon her so quickly, though he doesn't look to be in much better condition than herself. Other than the white fox at the Abbey whom she'd only seen from afar this is the first fox she's met. The mouse takes a few steps back blinking up at the fox as if wondering how he'd come to be there.

Forthwind jumps a bit in surprise as he almost crashes into the mouse, looking over her and recognizing the habit that she wears to be the same as the rest of the Redwallers. He mutters, "Sorry... ah wasn' watchin' where ah was goin'." His voice is low and raspy, the result of a great deal of coughing. Seeing the surprised look on her face, he asks, "What're ye lookin' at me like that fer?"

"Didn't see you til you were right there," the mouse mumbles dipping her head down but never taking her eyes off the fox.

The tod shakes his head and can't help but give a small smirk, though it doesn't seem particularly mirthful. "S'quite all right. Ye've got an awfully suspicious look on yer face though. Haven' ye ever seen a fox before?"

May says, "I saw a white fox at the Abbey. I never seen a red one before. I don't think."

With a nod, the fox says, "Well, ah do hope ah'm not a disappointment fer yer first time meetin' a red fox." He chuckles lowly, then turns his head to clear his throat.

May asks, "Foxes aren't supposed to be white are they?"

Forthwind gives a shrug. "Ah'd never seen a white one 'fore th' one in th' abbey. So ah doubt it."

May asks, "What's your name?"

Forthwind asks, "Forthwind, an' yers? Ah don' recall seein' ye at th' abbey while ah was there."

May says, "I live in the grass but it's cold now and the Abbey has food. I didn't see you there either. It's a big place. I'm mouse."

Forthwind nods in understanding. "Ah do understan' that. It's not pleasant t' be outside in th' cold. Yer name though, what is it?"

May shrugs, "I might have had one. I don't remember."

Forthwind asks, "How long 'ave ye been on yer own?"

May says, "Long as I can remember."

Forthwind shrugs and nods to the mouse, then offers her a small smile. "Ah need t' get goin'. Pr'aps ah'll see ye at th' abbey. Goodbye fer now mouse." With that the fox sets off down the dirt road.