Fight On The Road

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

somewhere north of the abbey on the dirt road ===

Zee walked up the road to get home, he frowns as his mind wanders back to a few days ago with his nephew and he sighs. He is alert yes, but not as alert as he should be right now.

Longfang has healed up some and gotten a couple new friends at his side, a red fox and another ermine has joined him and the ferret. He spots Zee and grins, he simply nods to the group as he draws out his sword, “You know what to do boys.” He smiles at the female ermine, “Care to have fun love?”

Fancyfur smirks “Of course love” She then goes to try and slip around the badger and then attack.

Zee hears movement and then sees a rat charging towards him and gets the staff up and slams it into the rat’s head as it sails towards the ditch and splashes into the water. He narrows his eyes at the two ermine and keeps an eye on the ferret and fox.

Longfang smiles coldly as he goes to try and slice at the badger’s side, “How are ya stripedog? Ready to die?”

Fancyfur grins, “Yes this is fun, may I kill the stripdog my love, it is my birthday after all and I want a nice badger fur coat for the cold season to come.”

Zee chuckles, “Fur coat of me..well good luck with that.” He turns, and click he draws out his blade, “But on you?..well it would only make you uglier, looks MUCH better on me my dear ermine lass.”

Longfang narrows his eyes “How dare you talk to my mate like that!” He looks to Fancyfur” Kill him my love and happy birthday I love you.”

Fancyfur smiles “Love you too Longfang and thanks.” She then draws out her 2nd blade, oh this will be fun as she charges the badger.

Zee was somewhat ready, he has light leather armor on his chest, and padding on his knees and elbows. He slices at the ermine as she attacks him, and barely blocks her attack before that.

Fancyfur growls as the blade is blocked and slices at his chest and arm with both blades, she is looking to disarm this badger of his weapon, heck maybe his own arm.

About this time Rayen comes up the road and she is talking with, none other than Marek and a mole , “Well I guess I should thank you for staying the night at my campsite, guess I can tell Flicktail that and he won’t be as worried I was gone all night and part of today.”

Marek shrugs, “Mr. Flicktail has a way of over worrying thinking no beast can defend themselves…” He looks up and frowns at the fight before them “Well..this can’t be a good thing.”

Zee gets the leather armor ripped by the blade, and backs off as he growls. If it had not been for the armor he would be very dead right now, another cur appears on his upper arm near his shoulder as he uses all his energy to push the ermine away best he can

Fancyfur snarls as she is shoved back and goes to punch him in the jaw, She then grins as she notices the armor is basically destroyed and goes to try and disarm him of his weapon again once she gets an opening.

Zee pants as he is out of breath and he is getting way too old for this fighting, he gasps as the ermine does manage to send his raspier flying through the air and alongside the road balancing but luckily not falling into the ditch.

Fancyfur smiles coldly and goes to shove the badger down while he is distracted and angles both her blades at him “Final last words?”

Longfang sees other movement out of the corner of his eyes and looks upon the vixen, Marek and the mole “Well well whats all this now? Come to help kill a stripedog?”

Rayen narrows her eyes “No, he is a friend to us and we won’t let you harm him” She has her bow and arrow already drawled back and ready to fire it at Longfang when needed or any of the ones with him.

Zaram stays close to Marek.

Marek shakes his head, “You know calling a badger that could easily get your face ripped off, trust me I seen it done to a beast before it’s not pretty.” He has his loaded crossbow at his side.

Longfang frowns “I am sorry to hear fellow vermin are…not friends, oh well boys..Kill”

The ferret and fox go to attack Marek and the vixen.

Zee is easily knocked down and groans as he lands hard on his back, he looks a little dazed at Fancyfur, “Ya breath…it stinks lass.” This said calmly.

Fancyfur growls and goes to rise both blades over the old badger as she presses a footpaw into his chest, She angles the blades so that one is on each side of his neck, the end result is going to be a headless badger unless one can stop her and no one is near her sadly as she smiles now,” I’ll send your head to your family Mr. Winters, not to worry…..this will not hurt at all as death will be instant.” And the blades start their movement.

Marek acts fast and he is deadly and skilled with his aim of the deadly crossbow, and it’s already loaded as he fires one bolt off towards the back of Fancyfur in a lightning quick movement.

Rayen fires off an arrow towards the ferret as it’s closer and goes to quickly load another arrow hoping the first one didn’t miss.

Fancyfur suddenly gives a surprised gurgle and coughs up blood, the swords fall to both sides of Zee and she falls sideways landing beside him a cross bolt buried deep into her back. Her lifeless eyes look sideway, never to focus on anything again.

Zee closes his eyes waiting on what he assumes is his death, well he lived a good long life. He then opens his eyes and looks in shock at the now very very dead Fancyfur and scoots sideways away from the body.

Longfang eyes widen “Fancyfur Nooooooo!!!!” The ferret is easily killed as the arrow hits his heart, but the fox that’s working for Longfang is still alive and goes after Marek, as does Longfang but who will get to the stoat first? The fox flicks a throwing dagger at Marek.

Zaram goes to warn Marek “Zur move…..ooooh” Well the dagger hit the mole instead, not in a bad spot as it missed anything vital, just barely but the mole needs aid of a healer now.

Marek gasps and goes to fire the last bolt towards the direction of Longfang and the fox with him.

The bolt misses Longfang but fully gets the fox with him and the red fox falls to the road dead. Longfang goes to take a slice at Marek, “Your die for killing my mate!”

Marek sidesteps and goes to try and get his longsword out to better fight. He looks to Rayen “Get Zaram to the abbey!”

Rayen nods as she picks up the injured mole and dashes to the abbey.

Zee has meanwhile gotten up and retrieved his raspier and goes to help Marek fight Longfang.

Longfang snarls with hate, “Sideing with stripdogs and moles, what kind of vermin are you, you stupid excuse for a stoat, in my book a soon to be dead and headless one for killing my mate.”

Marek looks at the ermine with cold hate, “And you almost killed a friend of mine, if he dies and I don’t happen to finish you off now so help me I will come and hunt you down and end you!”

Zee walks so he is beside Marek and looks at the ermine, “You should not of come to Mossflower Longfang.”

Longfang looks like he is ready to explode with anger and suddenly goes to make a hard to block slice at the old badger, one that will cause a lot of damage.

Marek proves he doesn’t always need a blade for a fight, he uses the crossbow and goes to slam in the side of the ermine’s head.

Zee moves best he can and purposely falls backwards, a line of blood forms on his upper arm and the bandage on his ear comes off but otherwise he is ok.

Longfang could of done far worse had the crossbow not found his face, his eyes roll to the back of his head and he slumps to the road unconcious.

Marek snorts and will drag the ermine to Scioto and a cell here soon, but first he helps Zee to stand, “Let’s get you to the abbey Mr. Zee.”

Zee allows the help up and nods as he and Marek go to the abbey gates, Marek explains to the guards what happen and turns to go as he knows he can’t enter the abbey and he knows the badger is in safe paws now.

On up the road, Longfang has woken up and he has a bad headache but he will live and the fact he is full of rage may be the only reason he is good and alert, he looks up the road and goes to climb the tree he was beside and looks down and waits.

Marek walks along and stops as he comes to the dead body of Fancyfur, and there is the ferret and fox but where is Longfang?

Longfang jumps down in front of Marek while he is in a state of surprise and quickly does a series of pokes and jabs, his well know, well if your know him, pressure point fighting skill. The victim can’t move for up to a day so plenty of time to get them where you want them.

Marek has time to maybe blink and is suddenly on the ground even more surprised than before.

Longfang smiles down at him, “I don’t know who you are stoat but your be keeping me company, I want to watch you die slowly and painfully, unlike my mates quick death….no you need something more slow but first we need to get to a new campsite.” He picks up the stoat and places him over his back, any weapons are left behind. He will tie Marek up once they get to a campsite.

Marek growls, “You won’t win this…” His crossbow, sword and some daggers lay on the side of the road on the ground, some wind blows some leaves over the weapons.

Longfang smirks “Seems I already have…..”

Marek is taken somewhere into the woods and it’s a good thing he is tied up or this ermine would be in a world of pain, weapons or no weapons having Marek as your captive is not wise, especially when you harmed his friends.

The rest is what happen in the infirm of Redwall Abbey=

What Happen With Zaram=

Rayen can still run fairly good, even when she is with dibbun, she has a small cut on her shoulder but is not paying that attention as she rushes into the infirm and lays down Zaram having a healer help her with him.

Zaram is passed out and has an injured arm, but the healers do start tending to him so he should be fine.
Lacota is up, suddenly. "Good grief, what is going on? Was it another ambush on the road?"
Rayen frowns, "I couldn’t stay, there is an ermine on the road me and..." She frowns , should she mention who was at the campsite she made last night, she decides its best" And Marek came upon the ermine fighting that one old badger, not sure whats going on now but Zaram here needed help and like I said I can’t fight being with dibbun"
Jules blinks at all the commotion wiggling his nose, "tupid, long mouse beast." he nods, "sawer, wee one other doy, eemed nioce, nuff."
Flicktail look up concerned "How long ago was this? is my friend Marek ok? do he need my help?  “
Lacota asks, "The Ermine, again?"
Rayen frowns" Like a short while ago." She checks on the mole Zaram and makes sure he is comfortable. She sighs and lies down; she is tied, very tried

Zaram remains out cold and the healers tend to him and leave him to rest and recover.

Zee gets to the infirm after maybe 30 minutes from this after he gets help from the gates=

Zee had been helped to the gates, and from there he slowly walks to the infirm from way of the open ground with a groan and leans against the doorway muttering "Getting...too old for this..." The last word is muttered under his breath.
Flicktail shakes his head and goes to help the old stripe dog "why do you keep DOING this without me? “
Zee frowns, he looks at the guard “" The guard frowns, "Sir this is a..." Its yanked from the guard, a long thin raspier blade and its slide and locked back into his hollowed staff that he leans on and looks at Flicktail, the guard frowns and walks away giving up and he is not about to take a..umm that’s a staff right?..away from the badger.

Flicktail helps Zee to bed "What happened and are there more beasts that need the Champion’s aid? “

Zee allows the help and sits down. His ear bandage is off and he has some bruising around his neck, "Longfang..needs dealed with. Ya mate and Marek showed up towards the end of the fight and the one mole got hurt.." He coughs some. " Marek and Longfang fought, and there be a dead ferret and another dead ermine,  Longfang's' buddies, on the road...Longfang  got knocked out and I got helped to the gates...Marek was gonna go back to take care of Longfang, not sure that was wise, minds a bit clouded after his friend was almost killed" Zee points to Zaram, "That mole be like a son ta Marek..."
Flicktail says, "Marek  be my friend. I MUST go find him and  help him!"

Zee nods, he rubes his arm as he speaks, "Longfang be dangerous lad....took a cross bolt to the chest to stop his friend, and the other bolt missed Longfang....hey I am not the one to carry so few bolts, and close up fighting isn’t always wise with that ermine."

Flicktail says, "It don't matter, I have me sword and me friend is in need"
Zee stands up "Well ya best be careful and may be best to wait till morning time"
Flicktail says, "If he's in trouble can't wait till morning. He’s my FRIEND Zee. What  would YOU do for a FRIEND?"
Zee grunts and then sits down "Too tried to move...sore..leave de fighting to you young un's....that’s the idea." He lets himself lay down and holds his staff close, it is staying with him and he could care less, he looks at the fox "Help em'...don't go alone lad, don't want no bad news....and one more thing, agreed by more than me, Longfang breath stinks.." He lets his eyes close as he drifts into sleep, he may have had more to say but it won’t be said any time soon.
Zee snores...loudly!!