Blackfur walks down the dirt road,an evil grin on his face and an odd twinkle in his eyes.
Oz is out for some fresh air,in seeing the cat he stops and watches him for a long moment, he has seen this cat before,almost in fact having to fight him.
Blackfur smirks when he sees the badger and smiles coldly, "Walking in the fresh fallen snow are we?...soft and white, me on the other paw like the color red."
Oz glares at the cat but keeps his quickly raiseing temper down,..." If I were you feline, I would leave the area...your not welcome in mossflower, leave and there be no need for battle."
Blackfur laughs coldly and grins his cruel smile "no need for,thats funny...Sorry to disppoint but I dont plan on going anywhere, I -like- it here."
Oz takes a deep breath, he looks serious at the cat now.."Trust me, staying would be bad...for you, your alone cat...your small little group gone,thanks to some fighters...who may even be on partrol now, and if they arent...I am"
Blackfur just stands there,he slowly pulls out his long blade and studys it as he runs a finger down the blade.."Sharp and you....are weaponless,not a good thing to be" he smiles coldly "With me around."
Oz folds his paws over his chest.."One does not always need weapons, and who says I dont have one."
Blackfur looks and smirks "Oh no, its a staff" he says scacastly.."Should I RUN?"
Oz dosnt reach for the staff he has with him,he does however keep an eye on the cat.
Blackfur shrugs as he walks a couple feet closer,blade in his paw..."So...what do you think of this, I Blackfur...powerfull slaver of mossiflower,my name feared...hmmms maybe I shouldnt of told a woodlander my ideas wouldnt want the fun to be spoiled."
Oz keeps his guard up on the cat,he now gets out the staff..."I do not wish to fight you cat, but I will if I have to."
Blackfur smiles coldly "I shall enjoy this, a chance to test my skills agaist a badger,...see I dont plan on anyone standing in my way of what I plan on it vermin turned good or you woodlanders."
Oz glares at the cat, "You sir are harming no beasts...not while I still draw breath"
Blackfur smirks "That -is- a problem...your correct, I will have to deal with it." He raises his blade and grins."By helping you to -stop- breathing!" With those words he goes to slash at the badgers chest.
Oz moves swiftly to the side and salms downwards with his staff towards the cats legs.
Blackfur growls as the staff hits him in the back of the right leg and just about trips him,he barely keeps his balance and makes an angled stab at the badger.
Oz moves away from the blade but it does get him on his lower left arm,a slight line of red forms,he grips the staff and goes to try and disarm Blackfur of his blade.
Blackfur only gets a better grip on his blade as the staff hits agaist his arm,he growls and tries to push the badger down into the snow.
Oz digs his footpaws into the snow but the ice has caused things to be slipary and he gets pushed backwards and falls onto his back,the wind temparyly knocked out of him.
Blackfur smiles down at the bader and sends him blade down.."Goodbye now.."
Oz quickly goes to block the blade with his right arm,the blade burys its self deep into his arm,he lets out a growl of pain, bright red blood coats the snow now...but as the pain shoots threw his whole arm,the snow isnt the only thing red now,...the badgers eyes glare back at the cat, a swirl of red coming into focus,he goes to rip out the sword and grab the cat's arm.
Blackfur eyes go wide,he wasnt expecting the badger to do this,he was expecting him to die,as his arm is grabbed he goes to kick at Oz.
Oz gets a better grip on the arm and is kicked in the side,he grunts a little but stands up, looking the cat right in the eyes."Mistake.."He goes to try and possiblly break the arm and his other paw slams the staff at him.
Blackfur gasps as the grip hurts,he slices at the staff with a downwards swing,aiming to block it or destory it.
Oz' staff is sliced in two and he barely misses getting another wound, he narrows his eyes at the cat.
Blackfur gaps and manages to break free.
Oz growls, and goes to salm him into a tree.
Blackfur eeps and in trying to get away trips,he holds his arm.."Get away from me!"
Oz takes a couple deep breaths,blood gushes from his wound on his arm, his eyes are still red, he glares at the cat..."LEAVE!"
Blackfur backs away from the badger,blade still in his paw, he stops as if to think on the matter.."This isnt over....I will be feared!"
Oz growls, he looks at the blade and to the cat going to grab him again.
Blackfur is grabbed by the thoat and drops the blade,he trys to claw at the badger to get loose.
Oz just holds him and glares,blood marks show on his wrists "Leave and dont come back...or your be the one that is a deadbeast." He goes to throw him into the ditch,rather hard.
Blackfur gasps for air,as he is released he seems to fly threw the air and land in the ditch,instany knock out cold with a broken arm and leg.
Oz slowly walks back towards the gate of Redwall, bright red blood on the snow.
Oz slowly makes his way back towards the gate,he grunts in pain as he carries a broken staff,he drops it and holds his upper right arm, a deep stab wound from a sword in it, he sways slightly as he comes forwards a guard,a otter, sees him.."What the.." Oz looks at the otter his eyes still slightly red,he snorts slightly and falls forwards...tried and out of energy,he closes his eyes and takes a couple deep breaths, ....trying to get calmed down...which he is compared to few moments ago.
Flicktail is busy moving nimbly thru the snow, his sword strapped to his side, as arctic foxes are wont ta do....folloing badger tracks noticing the lump of badger fur in the snow he makes his way over " at you? you shou;dn't be out ere leaking inna snow...." he lets the healer otter do it's healer otter stuff as he squats down, tail arched ober him to see if the Badger is still ok
Oz doesnt say anything right away, he takes a couple breaths, there is also a couple claw marks on his wrist.."Blackfur....don't think...will cause trouble..gain." He looks at Flicktail as his eye color slowly returns.."Flick...tail"he then looses conious.
Flicktail scrictheshis head "Black fur, red stripe, blue stripe....ya can't keep abeast sright ere....".Flicky gets several hare for the long patrol to carry the extreamly heavy badger into the infoirmary and goes out with some Sparra warriors to make sure no other beasts are in distress, and to bury any vermin types
Oz is easly picked up by the hares and taken to the infirm so his wound can be treated.
At the Infirm
Flicktail is sitting with a green blanket ober his lap, in a rocking chair reading beside Oz when the Badger awakens
Oz has layed on the infirm bed for a couple hours,when he finally makes a mumbleing noise and his eyes open slowly,his paw feels the smooth sheets of the infirm bed and he blinks back some light...his eyes are thier normal color now and his upper right arm bandaged, some aloe has been placed on the claw marks that line his wrist some,he goes to move his arm and grumbles.
Flicktail's rocker squeeks as he reads a big picture book to the fox Dibbun on his lap "and then Constance said "RAWR" you won't harm my dibbuns Clune e Scourage...."
Oz looks slowly over to where Flicktail sits with the dibbun,he listens before going to speak,..."Hey...there Flicktail." His voice just slightly weak and its clear his arm is huring him some.
Flicktail looks up as benick burbles and takes a whack at the book "Ello Oz, ye know it bot be healthy ta sleeps inna snows
Oz tries to smile.."I wasnt sleeping...I..ouch...passed out," He frowns.."I think I hate cats now." He looks to his bandaged small bit of red shows threw so he keeps it still,..."Hate infirms more." he mutters.
Flicktail says, "oh yea th novices asked me to thank ya for not makin a mess all over.....all that red snow..Ick" as benick turns his muzzle and smiles toothlessly at Oz and say "OZ!"
Oz smiles at the dibbun,he looks to Flicktail..."Well...that slaveing cat is gone at least," He looks back to the dibbun smileing at him again.."Hi"
Benix replies "bubb bubb BUBB!" while flicktaisl says a bit more sadly "aye..oi saw what were left"
Oz nods,he doesnt say anymore,he looks to the dibbun again,he forgets his bandaged arm as he goes to move it,he takes a deep breath as pain goes threw his arm,he sighs.."Well, could of been worse guess."
Benick moves over onto the bed and hugs his body up to Oz and puts his head on the badger's chest to begin to doze the dibbun warm and little as Flicktail rocks, closing the book
Oz smiles, "Must be nap time...guessing."He looks to Flicktail.."I didnt ...didnt plan on fighting today,but it happen, "
Flicktail says, "yea well if ya don';t loikes infirmaries ye shouldn't go get yerself sick or urt"
Oz starts to glare at him but doesnt, he simply nods instead..."Well like said, that cat wont be back....which is good, good for everyone."
Flicktail says, "well oz, ye did wot ya ad ta do...but...a beast diein never be were necesary but...a death o one beast diminishes us all"
Oz frowns at the words,he knows he could of very well been killed, he sighs deeply,.."True..."he decides to change the subject.." things go for the feast tomorrow, though I may not be able to help as much as planned."
Flicktail says, "oh this be put on BY the Order FOR e abbey beasts we ave plenty o elp"
Oz chuckles softly.."Thats good,...I hope to be there," He would sit up but the dibbun oh his chest so he doesnt.."Should be rested by then...yes arm may be in sling but,....noy going to stay in here during that time."
Flicktail says, "nexttime take a horn, the Sparra's will eare ya if ya blows a horn"
Oz nods, "Alright but dont plan on getting into something like....that again."
Flicktail asks, "did ya plan on gettin in itthis time?"
Oz manages a small chuckle..."No..I was acahlly just walking when I came across Blackfur,...he said how his name would be feared one day, then he decided to try and take me down so he put it...wouldnt ruin his fun."
Flicktail says, "well Betterthings oi be hopin for th future"
Oz smiles "Yes better things...the feast will lift spririts I believe, and they are fun from what I,food, games, maybe even stories of Martin."He looks down at the dibbun.."I bet your dibbuns love stories."
Flicktail says, "Oi don't know if they unnderstand yet butthey lokes the familiar voice and scents"
Benick stursn to presshis cold nose against the badger's side
Oz looks to the dibbun, he nods "Well this one seems to like me alot"
Flicktail says, "Must be somein in yer eart"
Oz smiles..."Welll I am kind, and love dibbuns, if they were ever in danger I would protect them"
Flicktail says, "Some Badjers would kill Benick simpley because e looks loike a fox...."
Oz frowns, "Then they would be wrong...its not your species that makes you who you are..its whats in your heart,...there may even be a woodlander species that isnt on the side of right...its whats in your heart that makes you...welll you."
Flicktail says, "wot do ya think a a badger wottakes a crippled Weasel, inna c hair unable ta get out, ties im up and beats im"
Oz frowns "Who was this?...well I would say they wasnt looking to see the beasts...personility," he frowns "I didnt even know there was another badger around here."
Flicktail says, "Badger named Redstripe......"
Oz hmmms "Never heard of him.
Flicktail says, "Bluestripe be ere e be a friend"
Oz nods, "I have yet to meet him too..."
Imoen peeks into the infirm to see whats going on.
Oz tries to get comforable while at the same time making sure the dibbun fox on his chest doesnt fall off as he lays a gentle paw,his good arm for this, on the dibbun.
Imoen watches quietly as to not distrub anyone,she then goes to slip off to another room.
Flicktail says, "It be hard ta be champion Oz, every beast wonts me to decide wot be roight and wrong but wont's me to do ittheir way"
Oz nods as he listens "I can help you, if you let me..." He grins slightly "Besides..Martin said I was supoosed to help you,"
Flicktail cocks his head "Hep me? how?
Oz shrugs,he grunts softly that hurt a little.."Well...maybe babysit dibbuns prehaps or...well I did shovel snow eariler...cant to much now."
Flicktail chuckles "aye that woudl be a elp.....
Silver walk's into the room "Well how are you..."
Oz looks over at Silver and nods.."Greetings...Silver."
Flicktail looks up, jos ears standing up as he smiles "well Ello Sil-fur....please come in and visit our injured badja wi me, and Benick" the dibbin is now snoring on Oz's chest
Silver smiles a little bit but has an idea how oz got hurt "I hope you did not hurt your self with the snow..."
Oz shakes his head "Not with the snow...more like by who was in the snow."
Flicktail says, "er were sleepin inna snow..not real goods"
Silver frown's "Well I hope you at least got my dagger back...!"
Oz nods some.."Passed out but got here somehow...and no,didnt see no dagger...just his large sword blade he had."
Imoen wanders back in,she stops by the doorway.
Flicktail asks, "ello Imoen, how ye be doin gel?"
Imoen shrugs quietly, she stays where she is not seeming in the mood to talk.
Flicktail says, "Oz ya didn't ave to sheath that blade in yer knows"
Silver throw's his good arm in the air. "Well I say leaveing a chap out of a fight...did not even save a little bit for me..!"
Flicktail says, "Aye Sil-fur Oi already say that to im"
Oz manages a chuckle at that, "More like he tried was trying to block the blade, ummm....didnt work, but did miss hitting me in the chest,that wouldnt of ended well."
Flicktail says, "stay away from th pointy end oz"
Imoen sits down by the wall and hugs her knees to her chest as she listens to the talking.
Flicktail asks, "you ok Imoen?"
Oz smiles weakly, " end hurts just a tad."
Flicktail says, "oi ave somethin for ye Imoen, if ya loikes, for tamorra's festival"
Silver still full of rage "Well I still had a price to settel with him he killed friend's and friend's of my friend's!" Silver had not seen imoen and hope's that she did not hear him."H.. how are you imoen..."
Imoen looks over at Flicktail but doesnt say anything,she stares at the floor.
Flicktail jo;ds his many comming to him with broblems, he tries to keep everyone happy
Oz sighs at Silver.."I think the cat is,..I mean I threw him pretty hard."
Imoen finally looks over at Flicktail.."What?" she asks quietly.
Silver frown's and is about to say somthing but think's better than that.
Flicktail says, "Ou ave a present for ya....but if somethin be wrong..oi'd loikes it if ya let me elp"
Silver sit's down by imoen "I am sorry about Patch..."
Imoen just stays where she is "I dont think you can help me much, I'll..I'll be fine,just bad day yesterday."
Flicktail asks, "Patch? wot appened yesterday?"
Oz listens,he yawns a little starting to drift off.
Silver look's up at flicktail "Blackfur...killed him!"
Flicktail Has Never met any Patch
Imoen sighs, she stands and walks over to the window to look out.
Silver frown's at flicktail "He was a friend of imoen's...he died for no good reason we found him...when we were looking for him to invite him to the feast..."
Flicktail nods "ah Oi see....Yes that be a bad day"
Oz listens and frowns slightly,he closes his eyes and slips into sleep...still tried from the fight.
Imoen watches a couple sparrows chatter in the snow and looks back to them.
Silver is about to ask imoen if she had brought back his pack but think's better. "It will be Ok Imoen..."
Flicktail says, "Oi be sorry Imoen...."
Imoen says, "I..I still want to sing tomorrow night, if I could"
Silver smile's "I forgot about the feast... still..."
Imoen nods, she comes over to where they are now.
Flicktail says, "cours ya kin...thats why oi gotthis for ya" he reches under his blanket and pulls out a plain brown package"
Imoen looks at the package and tilts her head "Whats that?"
Imoen is curious as she takes the package, she slowly opens it to see what it is.
within the wrapper is a nice blue and green dress, just Imoen's size
Silver smile' but is still angery at not geting to fight blackfur "How did blackfur die...?"
Flicktail says, "looks like a Badja brok im and tossed im inna dich"
Imoen looks at the dress in shock,..."For me?" She smiles,she doesnt pay attention to what Silver just said, a few tears come to her face but happy ones as she goes to hug Flicktail,if he allows,.."Thank you!"
Oz snores,he cant answer...snore.
Flicktail gives her a hug "yer welcome Lass...Happy winter festival..oi hope ya loikes me present
Silver smiles looking happey for the first time since entering the room "I hope he died slowly...!"
Flicktail says, "huss Sil-fur, The Dark Forrest be another place, this here be a wunnderful young gel"
Imoen smiles "I do like it, thanks.." she looks over at Silver but doesnt say anything to him.
Flicktail says, "oi can't waitta see ya init and ear ya singin tamorra"
Silver blink's a few time and sit's down "So sorry I kinda lost my self wot!"
Flicktail says, "it be ok sil-fur, Oi know how ya feel....and oi feel at way too"
Imoen nods "I'll be there." She looks at Silver again,.."Ummmm...well think of all the food at the feast, doesnt food make hares happy." she smiles, yeah she is in a better mood now.
Flicktail says, "no Imoen, YOU make hares happy, ya make lots o beasts appy"
Imoen says, "I do"
Flicktail says, "aye ye do Luv"
Silver smiles but inside he hate's being reminded that he is a hare "Aye it can... but Some day's i do not feel like a hare..."
Flicktail winks to Silver "go to camp willa, maybe they canmake ya a otterhare"
Imoen nods, "Thats funny..." she smiles and goes to hug Silver"Dont worry Silver your still my friend."
Flicktail says, "well beasts oi must be about me duties" a Mosue maid picls up benick for his nap
Silver frown's what is funny about it...?"
Imoen smiles "Dont silly "
Silver smiles "Thank's for being a good friend..."