Elders Getting Sick, Pre-2002

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

So, it recently occurred to me that there aren't enough logs from the ancient far past of the muck. As a result, I searched the Wayback Machine, and found the old web site, complete with archives from at least as early as 2001. So, enjoy this blast from the (Ancient) past, and please, feel free to give me feedback about what you think, and whether I should bring over more ancient logs or not.

Logged by Lilybud

RW Abbey: Great Hall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This vast, high-ceilinged hall is one of the main areas of congregation for Abbeybeasts. Sensitive to that fact, the builders designed this Hall with many places for conversation. Heavily cushioned lounge chairs are placed strategically in various spots of the room, some groups containing only two chairs and a small wooden table for private meetings. Others areas hold more than 5 chairs and stools as well as plush couches that are all circled around one large table to encourage large group interactions. Facing east, this room catches the sun's warmth and light even during the harsh, freezing winter. Golden sunbeams stream in from the broad, stained glass windows displayed in the magnificent sandstone walls during the day. Those magnificent pieces of art and beauty tint the rays, washing the room in shades of brilliant scarlets and cool, calm blues. A large tapestry greets you proudly defying the constraints of distance and time. The presence of such a skilled workmanship offers hope, courage, and love to those who are gathered in the Great Hall, holding up the Abbey charter and everything Redwall stands for and sometimes, one can almost feel Martin's eyes watching over all the Abbeybeasts. It stands proudly, depicting the most powerful warrior to ever walk Mossflower and his famed sword. Although ages old, there is not a single tear or rip in the tapestry, as if the very spirit of Martin was woven into it. Below the tapestry is large fireplace, giving off a warm, comforting glow to the times when the sun is weak. Three or four wooden logs are always stacked up next to the fireplace, ready to be used as fuel whenever the flames threaten to die down. Laid with flagstones, the floor is cool to your footpaws. A wooden feasting table dominates the center of the room. Polished and cleaned frequently, this table remains free of dust balls and holds a glossy shine. At the head of a table is the greatest chair, cushioned stiffly and covered with silk. The luscious cloth is embrodiered with designs that only the best weavers with the most nimble paws could pattern. Winding above your head is a strong, oak staircase leading up to and disappearing into the Hall's ceiling. Throughout the Great Hall, there is a theme of comfort, warmth and welcome. This is a place of comfort and warmth that is welcome to all, regardless of your background. The love is undiscriminating and extends to every creature that enters the Great Hall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs] Contents: Tapestry of Martin the Warrior With:

[DYN] Energized, keeps going and going! (Willowpaw)

[IC] Chugg
[IC] Looking for recruits!! (Sangta)
Lilybud trudges in from the kitchen, scowling as though in pain, eyes downcast, ears drooping. "'asn't any flippin' beast seen Leisha about?" she asks with a hoarse voice.
Heartwood arrives from the Breezeway..

Heartwood has arrived.

Willowpaw pops up beside Lilybud," Is havent's!" she makes a funny face at Lilybud then cracks up in giggles at her genius. Lilybud takes a deep breath as Heartwood enters, pressing a paw to the side of her face as she desperately questions the badger, "'ey thare, Heartwood m'gel, ye must've seen Leisha recently, ne?"

Heartwood straggles in from the Breezeway to join the evening crowd...but as she turns the corner, a strange look passes her face...and she leans heavily against the wall for a moment, closing her eyes. "Leisha? No, I dont think I have..."

Willowpaw, seeing she is getting no attention pops up behind Chugg. "Boo!" she says loudly waving her arms enthusasticly for a dramatic addition.
Lilybud whirls upon Willowpaw, eyes blazing with curious fire as she snaps, "QUIET!" to the young hare and shudders violently, returning her eyes to the ground and clenching her teeth.

Heartwood blinks. "My...bit of a temper, miss?"

Willowpaw jumps and looks puppy eyes at Lilybud," Awwws," she says internally offened. She wimpers...she doesn't know anybeast here, there isn't anyone to hide behind....her excitement doused she stands rather uncertain.
Whitehair comes from the entry.

Whitehair has arrived.

Whitehair room-pages, "Hello chaps.".

Lilybud shakes her head slowly, eyes squeezed shut. "Bloody splittin' headache..." she mutters half-heartedly. "Shouldn't yer dibbuns be outside o' summat?" she questions scornfully.

Angelrose comes from the entry.

Angelrose has arrived.

A small, meek mousemaid enters here, small and dark, her black fur cascades a look of darkness, though her features and attitude differ. Though Angelrose looks dark, she smiles at all and looks to all the dibbuns gathered, and then to Heartwood, giving a curt nod before seating herself promtly at a table in the hall. "The Dibbuns?" Blink blink. "Oh...I...left them with the other caretakers...it was just so hot out there, I felt I had to get in somewhere where it was cooler..."

Kindrin comes from the entry.

Kindrin has arrived.

Willowpaw blinks," 'Cause everbodies in heres dats whys! No one wanna play witha me!" she retorts somewhat angry, which is mostly ruffled feelings...she shshouldn't be yelled at for just saying 'Boo!'

Willowpaw room-pages, "shouldn't even, ick typos!".

Leaf comes from the entry.

Leaf has arrived.

Chugg yawns.

Lilybud shakes her head to Heartwood, wincing slightly, and moves towards the door, "Ne, but it's so *noisy*-" she shoots a glance at Willowpaw- "in 'ere... h'I should think a breeze would do me good..." she speaks in disjointed phrases.

In a room page-pose, Sunpaw waves
Leaf tries to squeeze in beside Kindirn, but ends up sitting on the arm of the chair. She looks around, her small green eyes taking in everything...

Heartwood's nose twitches. "Mmm...is it just me or is something missing?" She raises a paw to rub her striped forehead. "Feels hot in here too...ought to tell somebeast that we dont need the fire burning in the hall anymore." That would be fine...but a glance at the Hall's fireplace reveals that it's *not* lit.

Leaf nods to Heartwood, smiling slightly. "Yeaha, it be kinda hot in 'ere." She leans back in the chair, almost falling into Kin.

Chugg says, "Are you sick."

Swashtail comes from the entry.

Swashtail has arrived.
Lilybud responds automatically to Chugg, "O' course not, cooks don't bally-well get sick..." with no enthusiasm in her voice. In fact, she sighs lethargically as she finishes.

Kindrin has remained quiet for most of this time, a habit unusal for the young squirrel. Suddenly, he leaps to his feet, knocking Leaf off of him. He begins racing around the room, then flings himself onto the floor, lying falt on his cloaked back. Kin begins to spin, the stops, sighing as the world twirls in front of his eyes...spinning....

Theolyn comes from the entry.

Theolyn has arrived.

>> a grim face hare enters, a paw to her sword...

Chugg says, "I think some of you are sick."

Whitehair comes from the entry.

Whitehair has arrived.

Whitehair wheels in a great red cake.
Whitehair pours a mug of cordial for you and him.

Theolyn moves silently into a corner, relaxing her sword paw as she looks about her at the mellow sandstone walls. Turning alert, watchful eyes on the other beasts, her one moment of relaxation vanishes like a flame in a strong wind.

Swashtail pours a mug of cordial for you and him.
Swashtail takes a piece of cake and hands you a slice too.

Whitehair starts scoffing down the cake.

Chugg says, "Some people here are definently sick."

Theolyn declines the cake, though she seems like she could use some. "What makes you say that, mouse?" She says upon hearing Chugg's comment.

Whitehair stops eating the cake and asks "Who?"

Whitehair gives theolyn a slice of cake.

Whitehair starts eating the cake again

Chugg says, " Well people don't all of the sudden feel hot on a cool day and in a cool room."

Whitehair takes the slice and eats it.

Theolyn shrugs her shoulders. "Perhaps..." she murmurs non-commitedly.

Heartwood shakes her head. "Allright, maybe cool for somebeasts, but some beasts dont always feel heat like others..."

Lilybud emerges from her fit of silence, demanding, "Stop the blasted arguin', woncha?" She adds with a huff, "The bally heat wouldn't be 'alf the trouble 'tis if y'all would keep your flippin' traps shut!"

Whitehair starts to laugh because of his funny question if you are all so hot how about lighting a fire?

Chugg says, " Yes but do you feel hot in a cool room all the time or veryoften."

Whitehair starts to laugh

Lilybud growls irritably, "Oh, blast y'all!" She stomps forward towards the outside, then halts, pivots towards the kitchen, frowns, glances back towards the door, and finally dashes through the kitchen door, burying her head in her paws with a whimper.