Don't Lose Your Head

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Inkpaw, spy for hire and general scoundrel of a vixen sets out on her mission to capture the abbot of redwall, takes a slight detour to a tavern and wakes up in jail. General foxy madness and the consequences of such things. Note: Not for the faint of heart. Players Inkpaw (me) Kolur (Kolur)

Kolur sits at his desk, yep its -HIS- desk now. He has not done much to the desk and not much of vaule that he saw was inside the desk really, and a couple mugs he purposely broke that were of personal vaule to Scioto. He chuckles and drinks a tall glass of dark ale from is own mug and has a filed mouse chained to the wall, "Made sure my sword shines slave" The mouse nods and looks scared indeed of the marten.

It was the last place Inkpaw wanted to be, Scioto's / Kolur's office. It was the last place she expected to be. All she rememembered before waking up clasped in irons was partying it up a little vermin market place in the woods. The brown furred vixen had taken the sizable fund of money from the treasury for her 'mission' and spent it all on food, drink, and partying.
Her fattened stomach is twisted into a knot with too much food and drink and hangs loosly under her black silk shirt and purple silk sash. More signs of her miss use of already ill gotten gains include the gold earings and gold bands around her wrists, ankles, and the three gold bands about her tail. ...And the gold and woven belt about her second purple silk sash about her waste.
They clash poorly with the iron hand cuffs about her paws. The door to the office opens and the fox is led in side under the guard of a pair of ferrets. "Good morning sir. There is, ahem, something you should see."
Behind the ferret Inkpaw waves rather weakly, "Um, hi boss!"
Kolur had been told money and gold were missing and he was uncertain whom would do it, maybe Zurrgg had it elsewhere, he didnt know. As he looked to the door he narrows his eyes as he takes in what he sees and slowly stands. "What is..this?" He studies the vixen before him and a low growl forms in his throat, "Seems I may know where the gold and silver went to after all!"
The chieftain,Kolur, then looks to the guard "Where was she found? Had she been to the abbey first, is there a captive in a cell I should know of?"
The vixen seems to shrink between the guards. Fine wine still flowing through her the fox still had some time to think of an excuse for her actions. Mercy was not something she was prepaired to recieve from the marten and each step she took towards this dreaded office only filled her with more determination to come up with the perfect lie to get her out of this mess.
"Kolur budieeeee. Boss. So nice to see you again. You know, I was actually on my way to do just that. Kid napping the abbot of the abbey and all that. B-but you know what, I made a sliiiight detour into the woods and if you give me just a chance to explain..."
The ferret next to her interupts, "Bounty hunters brought her in. Appearently she was found passed out after a night of partying in woodland market place. They claim she didn't have any money left. Given the state she was found in it's hard to guess wether or not they stole what she had left or if she already spent it all."
Kolur listens and he listens good, his eeys seem to narrow more and more as they go on. He slowly turns to the vixen and takes a deep breath as he steps over to the mouse slave"Give me the sword..." He yanks it from the mouse who cowars in the corner and starts to cry. Holding he sword the marten looks over at the vixen, "Why do I have a feeling you betrayed me?"
The marten steps closer, the sword is newly polished and sharpened it seems, "What I should see before me is Abbot Benar tied up, or maybe his head...but not you tied up before me and in such intresting clothing, makes me further think you had no plans to go to the abbey at all"
The fox's trecherous little heart is beating a hundred times per minute now. "Me? Betray /you/? The wise and all powerfull leader of ferrival? No, no, no nononononono. Perish the thought. No I...uh, I went to that market looking for mercinaries. S-see I had this idea of putting together a traveling troop of minstrals together to infiltrate the abbey and get close to the abbot. Y-yeah." She thinks for only a moment, eyes transfixed on that glistening blade. "But you arn't wrong in assuming someone is trying to betray you." Her eyes dart nervously about, glancing at each guard and even the mouse before she says in a hushed whisper, "I stayed in the market place so long because I heard rumors that someone is plotting your assassination. Someone close to you. I would have found out too if not for yer own guards dragging me back here." Yes, yes, feed his parinoia, give him a target besides herself!
Kolur snorts, "No one would dare come attack me, and what of your new look and you seem to have gained weight and found passed out? Sounds like you were useing stolen riches to live it up."
The fox leans back chuckling nervously, "WeeeEEEeEEeEeeEEll I needed to play the part of a traveling minstral, didn't I? I just alocated a few nessicary funds from the treasury to dress myself up and for travel and expense." Her tail curls between her legs, "You, you trust me don't you Kolur? I served you faithfully all this time just as I worked for the monitor lizard, and Zurrgg! Please, I can still get you your abbot, I just need more time..."
Kolur narrows his eyes as it seems she just sealed her doom by admiting she stole from his riches, he goes to turn around and his grip on the sword is tigher as he growls and swings the blade the the mouse who has no time to react and the head tumbles away from the body.He then looks to the vixen and walks over "I feel...a little better now, and I do trust you not to fail me again." He then suddenly stabs forwards towards her midsection with his blade.
The fox cringes at first, watching the mouse die. She relaxes though when she realizes that she might just live through this...right up until the tip of the blade reaches her exposed belly button.
Cutting through rolls of flesh like a hot knife to butter the blade sinks deep into her guts. The fox doubles over, jaws open to shout but nothing comes out. Her paws reach down to grip the blade running through her middle and her knees weaken. She looks up, panic, terror and anger etched on her face, "K-kolur...w-why?"
Kolur stays clam and just smiles coldly "I dislike tritors and thiefs. You stole from me and you seemed to have lied to me. I asked but a simple task...get the abbot and bring him here, dead or alive it didn't matter and you are found in silk, and gold and who knows how much was stolen by others."He still has a grip on the blade and goes to suddenly twist it to cause further damage as he watches her. He seems just as insane, maybe more so than Zurrgg. "You know what, Zurrgg was right it is fun watching life light start to slowly fade from another, I rather enjoyed watching Scioto die as well"
The guards seem to tense, standing as far back from the fox and marten as they can. The vixen collapses as the blade twists. She slumps forward, only to catch her self at the last moment, "Y-you're mad...and're going to get everyone killed...why, why can't anyone else see that...why..." She falls to her knees and then to her side.
It occures to Inkpaw that she didn't think this through very well. This isn't how she was supposed to die! Well, she didn't plan to die at /all/, but maybe that was the whole problem in the first place. She knew better than to get involved with that monitor lizard. She knew better than to come to this village. She knew she should have just taken the money and fled to redwall like she origionally planned. Instead she listed to her greed and tried something bold and paid the price for it. And now she was here, bleeding out on the floor fighting to keep the remaiing embers of her life going as she slowly drifts off into darkness.  Jul 4, 2016 at 8:41 a.m.
Kolur yanks the sword free of the vixen and goes to clean it off with a rag he has and frowns "This will need polished again and being mad and insane is a good way to control beasts, and I have done more than Zurrgg ever did."
(One of the ferrets steps forward, arms folded behind his back. His eyes fall upon the vixen as her belly spills out onto the floor. "I'll send for the servents to clean up the mess sir." he gives the fox a slight kick to the back. "What should we do with /this/, sir?")
Kolur looks down at the mess and smirks, he motions for the guards to stand back and then rasaises his sword, bringing it down to behead the vixen and chuckles "I needed a new decoration for my office, now...thorw the rest out into the woods and make a couple slaves clean up the mess I can't have my office too messy after all"
The ferrets exchange worried looks but say nothing. They move quickly to remove the fox from the office, swiftly leaving the office. Once out of ear shot one ferret says to the other, "So...yeah..."
"Yeah..." the other says, equally not sure what else to say. What else was there to say?