Darcy Logs
01.08.09 - A Possible Cure
Discussion of a possible cure for the plague.
01.14.09 - Drunken Behavior
Darcy and Brenden get drunk.
01.16.09 - Bad Influence
Darcy, Harper, and Bradge hang out.
01.20.09 - Two For One
Darcy kills Sargas and Kara.
01.24.09 - The Dress
Darcy gets coerced into trying on a dress.
02.03.09 - Take It Back
Harper gets some bad news.
02.04.09 - More Time
Darcy comforts Harper.
02.05.09 - Elbow Deep
Harper is an arse, by the way.
02.09.09 - Conscious Choice
Harper is also evasive.
02.11.09 - Mud and Puddles
Darcy and Harper race in the rain.
02.12.09 - Wait and See
Darcy and Harper get ready for their trip.
02.13.09 - Infestation
Darcy, Harper, Sivaine, and Magramba find a place to spend the night.
02.14.09 - All In a Day's Work
Darcy and Sivaine take on a really awful robber.
02.15.09 - The Rain of Wildcat
Darcy, Sivaine, and Magramba fight a wildcat.
02.16.09 - Hidey Hole
Darcy, Harper, Sivaine, and Magramba are given some hospitality.
02.18.09 - The Drug is in the Pasties
Darcy and her companions discover they've been robbed.
02.19.09 - Flirting For Drinks
Darcy enjoys herself in a pub and meets Belliger.
02.20.09 - Dance Contest
Darcy and Harper compete in a dance contest.
02.22.09 - Bar Brawl
Darcy, Harper, Magramba, and Belliger get caught in a bar fight.
02.23.09 - Fluffy Problems
Darcy finds a lost kitten.
02.26.09 - Rushing Water
Darcy and the rest have to cross a rickety bridge.
02.28.09 - More Than Enough
Darcy, Harper, and Crow are captured
03.01.09 - Quite the Feeling
Darcy, Harper, and Crow are branded as slaves.
03.02.09 - Potential for Airborne Mustelid
Darcy, Harper, and Crow are brought to Ruingate.
03.04.09 - Say Farewell
Darcy's owner, Jarven, introduces her to her life as a slave.
03.07.09 - Kill Him
Darcy is punished by Jarven; Jarven is attacked by Harper; Harper is rescued by Tobias.
03.10.09 - Nothing Like A Closet
Darcy and Harper spend some time together.
03.10.09 - Lucky
Darcy pretends to be pregnant to keep Jarven from beating her.
03.15.09 - Get Away
Darcy and Harper escape Ruingate with Crow.
03.16.09 - On The River
Darcy and Harper run into Belliger outside of Ruingate.
03.23.09 - Kiss the Floor
Darcy and Harper return to Redwall.
04.07.09 - No Sense of Adventure
Darcy, Harper, and Bradge explore the attic.
04.13.09 - I'll Come Back
Darcy tells Harper she's going to Salamandastron.
04.15.09 - Bedside Manner
Darcy meets Rahier.
04.20.09 - Discretion
Darcy and Keita flirt.
04.23.09 - Nice Catch
Darcy meets Zeraph's girlfriend, Charlotte.
05.03.09 - Offer Most Persuasive
Darcy convinces Soclose to take her to Redwall.
05.03.09 - Impromptu Visit
Darcy visits Harper at Redwall.
05.22.09 - Drinking to Oblivion
Darcy gets drunk.