Cause He Is Evil Like That

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

      • This is a log with my evil ferret, yes I have a creepy evil ferret..Scioto spoofed the rat. ***

FV:Town Center(#180524R)

The gravelly path through the village gets wider the further into the village it travels until at the center of the village it splits off into four around a large firepit just waiting for any excuse for a feast or celebration and still showing the bones and a few broken mugs from the last one around the edges. A large longhouse for meetings has been built on one side of the road, standing important, decorated with carved wood, shields, weapons, furs and a large skull over the door with the large similarly fearsomely decorated house of the chief sitting proudly beside it.

Meek in comparison across the road a smaller wooden building bares a misspelled sign over the door naming it the 'Infermery'. A few trees dot the edges of the clearing but buildings take over in most directions, only the north showing some vegetation within the village walls. To the west houses seem to spring up and take over the land while noise and masses of beasts take over the south around the market and shops. Down the eastern trail the village gates can just be seen with the tavern close by.

Exits: [A]banded [W]arehouse, [T]own [H]all, [In]firm, [C]hieftain's [H]ome, [N]orth, [S]outh, [W]est, [E]ast

Magus was not one to fail, failure was bad and he walked the streets to find some helpers. Near him was his falcon.

A rat, who looked maybe like he seriously needed a drink was outside the tavern and kicked a rock, “This place is stupid anyways not ever gonna get a good job around here.”

“Oh but maybe you look in the wrong places my friend.” Magus states as he walks up to the rat “I have a job for you and I think it’s an offer you can’t…refuse.” The last word is said slowly. The falcon tilts his head and stays close to the ferret.

The rat turns and looks at the ferret and backs a couple steps back “Whao..not sure, what ya want me to do and how much gold is it worth?”

Magus just smirks” Find the badger maid, I have picked the lock of Zee Winters home, you are to get her and tell her her-DEAR Uncle Zee- is back and wishes to speak to her.” When he mentions Zee he oddly does a very good impression of the old badger, maybe just a hair off on the accent but it could trick a beast still.

The rat frowns, “The badger maid from the abbey, hey I am no foul, I am not helping you rob or hurt no Abbey Sister or nothing…you can’t offer much for that job.”

Magus snaps his fingers and the falcon is suddenly going to pin down the rat as the ferret looks at him with those eyes, pinkish and seemingly blind, but are far from blind more hypnotic “The price is your life sir rat, that’s worth more than all the gold in the world I am sure, you –WILL- do this for me and if you fail from your course and not go to the maid right away..well my pet has yet to have breakfast and he could wait till..brunch..” That voice…that voice! So creepy and cold and sinks into your very soul sort of voice and going along with the eyes can give one nightmares for weeks.

The rat eeps loudly and looks at the Falcon, “Ya..insane…” He frowns as he can’t look away from the ferret and gulps “R..Right away…I will go tell her to meet you…errr Zee…err the meet the hut in the badger, I mean badger in the hut!”

Magus nods for the falcon to step back as he grins “Good choice sir do hurry I have a time limit after all.”

The rat nods and speeds off to find the badger where ever she may be.

Magus watches the rat and smiles, he nods to the falcon” Fetch me a wood Pidgeon, I will need it.”

The falcon flies off and soon returns with a dead wood Pidgeon, Magus nods “You can have it after I use it…see I need to first get a cloak, then borrow some blood from the wood Pidgeon and send the stained cloak to my master Bora..I will not have a job done in time but by the time a message gets to Bora or for sure I return, the job should be done by this. Yes a small lie..but I don’t plan on it to stay a lie very long my pet….oh not long at all.”


Zinnia walks towards the gates, she has given up on finding her Uncle and is heading home.

The rat makes his way to the badger and runs off “I..message for you…..listen” He is out of breath, so maybe it sounds more important now.”

Zinnia turns and sighs “What..I need to be home” She says flatly.

The rat answers “Your uncle Zee is in his home..he needs to see you.” He hopes she listens.

Zinnia eyes go wide, there is hope “Uncle Zee!” She rushes to the hut, she had been worried he was missing.

The rat whimpers and faints, too much stress!

Meanwhile a falcon watches from a far and then goes to tell his master the ferret company is on its way.

FV:Zee's Home(#220402R)

This is the simple home owned by the elderly badger Zee. Well, owned is a strong word. More along the lines of Zee simply walked into the first vacant home he saw and shouted. "It's mine" before Scioto could argue. Clearly this badger is either brave, stubborn, stupid or all three to live in the middle of a vermin village without actually asking for permission to live there. Nevertheless, the fact that resides here in Ferravale in this hut has been more or less accepted by the community, as most expect the badger to fall over dead at any minute, and yet they are surprised that Zee wakes up every day, walks out of this hut and walks around the town like he owns the place. There is really nothing special about this hut, as only a chest of simple belongings such as food and clothes, and a hammock in the corner occupy the space.

Exits: [OUT]

Zinnia makes it to the hut and opens the door as it was unlocked “Uncle Zee?”

Magus stays just out of sight and cloaked as he disguises his voice, it’s not a perfect match to her uncle but it’s so close and in her state of mind could trick her. “Come in Zinnia dear…just shut the door please.”

Zinnia smiles and shuts the door and steps further in “Uncle Zee I was so…worried..” Then she frowns “Uncle Zee?”

Magus steps out and places a thick mask over his mouth and nose and goes to corner the badger, in his paw is a branch tied at the end with odd strong selling herbs.” I am sorry dear” In his normal creepy voice “Uncle Zee is most likely dead by now…do breath normally or in a panic, matters not to me, Flitchaye herbs.. drugged herbal smoke..your be out for a couple hours, long enough for me to do something, then I shall kill you my dear.”

Zinnia backs up against the wall..”Who..where is my..” She coughs and gasps as the smoke enters her nose and mouth, she tries to move away and the room spins and she falls unconcious to the floor.

Magus lays the smoking herbs next to her head and keeps the thick mask on, he knows once taken away the herbs ware off in an hour or so. He gets a dagger and cuts the cloak off at the claps, he keeps the clasp and carefully moves her just enough to get the cloak and steps back. He heads off to the side and uses the dead wood Pidgeon and makes some of its blood go on the cloak, he then rips the cloak and outside drags it across the ground. He then places it in a large pouch and nods to the falcon “Here my pet…” He writes a quick note and adds the note to the small pouch where the key is, “Take these gifts to Bora…and have the wood Pidgeon for lunch.”

The falcon flies off into the air with the wood Pidgeon for lunch and the contents of pouches for Bora, it will take 2 days of almost nonstop flying

but he will get there.

Zinnia groans in her deep sleep and shivers a little as it having a bad dream.

Magus walks over and stomps out the fiery herbs and pours water on them and takes off the mask and waits, “Your wake in an hour…then I can help ease your troubled mind.” He does make sure to tie her up and then just waits till she wakes up..cause well he rather kill her when she is awake cause..he is that type of beast and cause he is evil like that...