Casper's Return Part 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Abbey entryway

With: Shandar (+Ahndia and Feather), Casper (+Lahki), mice (Ahndia is the exception- she's a squirrel)

Flicktail, fox

Flicktail giggles Calling out for Shandar

Shandar is doing her after lunch exercise, if it can be called after lunch for one who has not eaten lunch, that is. She is hanging from one of the low branches of a tree near the wall, doing pulls ups. Ahnida sits curled up on the branch with Feather in her lap, mentally counting the number Shandar has done- every now and then she calls out a number as she feeds Feather bits of cracker to keep the dibbun quiet. As Flicktail calls for her, she doesnt respond, but Ahndia waves, responding for her friend. "Hey! We're over here!"

A call can be heard faintly from the outside of the main gate, and then a very loud, cheery laugh. One of the guards on duty leans over the wall. You cant hear his voice, but you can tell he is speaking to those on the road. Something one of the unknown says makes him laugh, and he motions for the guards on the ground to open the gate. "Tis the friendly mouse you an I were talking to awhile ago! He brings a friend!" He calls down the steps.

Flicktail says, "Flick gel..did ya see I found yer brother"

Shandar nearly falls from the tree, but keeps pulling herself up, lowering herself, pulling herself up. She grits her teeth. Do not reply. You will stop, and not beat your record. He could not possibly have found your brother. Ahndia raises her eyebrows. "Seriously? But...I never even saw you leave! ANd you have a broken arm, too!" Feather wriggles in her grasp, fed up with the crackers, and Ahndia lets her go, with a warning not to fall. Feather nods and holds on to Ahndia, devising a plan on how to get down without help. "35, Shan." Ahndia calls down. "5 more and you will beat what you did last time." Last time Shandar sort of cheated, though- she was mad and upset and full of adrenaline from a fight she had with another dibbun, so that 39 she got was not all due to strength.

Flicktail runds over "Casper Casper I foudn im...he's ehere!" he smiles his arm close to his body in it's sling

The guards nod a polite greeting to the abbey warrior as they pull the doors open. When the heavy wood is open enough to allow the beasts to enter, the guards leave, going to greet the visitors and confiscate any weapons. As they know one of the beasts, they dont feel a great need to do this, but it /is/ protocol, so they do it anyway. As they laugh and joke with the two mice that enter, it becomes apparent that it is a healthy, if not slightly unsteady, Casper and a /very/ ecstatic female mouse about his age. She holds Caspers paw, with her eyes closed. She tugs his paw. "C'n I see now? Oh, /pleeease/ say I can!" She begs.

Flicktail looks at the Warrior mouse "whoa.." he stares his muzzle open

(Feather picks this time to crawl down Shandar, which makes it VERY hard for Shandar to do her pull ups. She sees Casper, and screams. Then she falls from the tree, Feather still on her. They hit the slush with a loud splash, soaking both of them, and splattering Ahndias cloak. She sighs as she climbs down the tree head first, in the way that squirrels do. "You two ok?" She sighs. This is her job here- not to count pull ups, but to make sure no one ends up dead. Shandar lifts up Feather, shouting. "Take her! Oh, Martin, take her, Ahndia! Caaaassspper!" She screams as she scrambles up and dashes for him. Ahndia is left holding a muddy Feather, a funny look on her face as she watches Shandar dash off quickly. )

Flicktail runds toward casper, slipping and sliding looking liek he's going to knock Casper over in the mud

"oh aye, Open those pretty lil' eyes! We're here!" Lahki opens her eyes, and gasps, squealing. "Oh, Casper, it really is as nice as you said it would be! Redwall Abbey!" She sighs happily, looking about everywhere with wide eyes. She overlooks two things: A fox and a little mouse. As Shandars little arms wrap around Caspers legs, he laughs and tackles her. Then Flicktail hits him. As he slips, he accidentally brings his friend down with him, and they all end up in a mud heap. Casper laughs uproariously, happy to be home, and Lahki is laughing so hard that she doesnt even make any noise, laughing so hard tears streak down the mud on her face.

Flicktail exclaims, "I tol ya I'd find im Shandar!"

Shandar starts to laugh and cry at the same time, refusing to let go of her brother as she hugs him, still sitting in the mud. She cant think of anything to say, so she just laughs. Ahndia comes over, holding Feathers grubby paw, and she stands at the end of the mudpit. She would like to join in, but is that not a bit much for a novice? Mudpies? She /does/ have kitchen duties later, and she doesnt want to have to change...

Flicktail declares "Baff time for everyone!

Casper's white teeth show very brightly through the layer of mud caked on his face, and he has both arms wrapped around Shandar, holding her tightly. One by one, many of the guards start to laugh too. A hedgehog comes over, nodding to Ahndia, as he deposits Casper and Lahkis bag next to her, away from the mud. Casper turns, about to greet Ahndia, then sees in her eyes that she /does/ want to join in, so he reaches out, going to grab her ankle and drag her into the mud. Lahki staggers up, wiping her eyes free of tears with the back of a dirty paw, but it doesnt help. She has calmed enough that you can hear her laugh- a nice, tinkling sound, very full and happy.

(Ahndia eeps as her ankle is grabbed through a pawful of her habit and she loses her balance, falling heavily into the mud. She glares at Casper, but cannot really be mad at him- he just came home since /forever/, and he deserves to have his fun. She laughs happily and leans over to give him a hug and whisper in his ear. "We missed you so much. I am so glad you came back." Then she stands and backs up so she wont fall again. "I am sorry, I have forgotten my manners. Uh, I am Novice Ahndia. Welcome to Redwall Abbey! You are..?" She asks of Lahki. Feather doodles patterns in the mud on Ahndias habit distractedly. )

Flicktail had to go here, so we stopped with plans to continue another time! Part 2 coming soon!
