
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: William, Amethyst, Flicktail

Location: Camp Coronado

Camp Coronado

William is sitting by the fire with a bowl of hotroot and fish soup with a chunk of hardtack dipped in one end. Amy sits beside him with simpler fare as she isn't fond of hotroot anything even if it does have fish in it. Everyone at camp seems to be enjoying a nice fishy feast today thanks in part to Flicktail's recent fishing adventure.

Flicktail comes out with a steaming hot "pike pot pie" with lots of feggies and pike wrapped in a golden crust, the fox mouth watering as he has a whole TRAY of them, tail flicking excitedly as he sits beside Amy.

The blind ratwife can smell the pot pies easily as the fox comes to land next to her. "Mmmm. Pass some of whatever that is this way Flicktail," she asks she's learned slowly that minding her manners gets food in her mouth faster than not.

Flicktail smiles "well ello ere, careful it be ot' he offers a pike but holds it with a cloth so as not to get burnt, making sure she feels the cloth "oi ave a cloth ta keep e heat off me paw.

William watches as Amy takes the pie and cloth from Flicktail, just in case. He worries a little too much about her sometimes. "Mind passing me one too Flicky?" he asks as they do look good, "Eh might as well send the tray around," he says noticing the dibbuns eyeing the pot pies as well.

Flicktail smiles "mde plenty, at were a BIG pike" he chuckles, as the pies cool some "Oi made em meself

William nods and takes the tray to pass it around mentioning at it's hot so the twins and Chris will get a little help and not burn themselves. Amy had dove into her pot pie readily despite how hot it was. Her table manners were only a little better than the average vermin but might be excused a little due to her lack for sight.

Flicktail smiles and offers amy a warm paw on her shoulder,affectionately "they be lovely family Willum....oi loikes em

William smiles and nods a little at the fox's compliment. Not much to say. Amy'd grabbed and nearly dropped a second pot pie from the tray before it went around. Looks like the rats are too busy eating to talk right now. Amethyst is tolerating the fox's paw on her shoulder since Will is but she's not exactly thrilled with the gesture.

Flicktail says, "um William...coudl ya make me somein fer Fae for when we and fast? something Pottery?"

"What you have in mind," the rat asks not bothering to point out that there may not be clay around here and there definitely isn't a kiln or wheel as this should be obvious.

"Don't get him started," Amy mutters around a pastie. She has a less than loving feeling for the kiln back home at times, but the fox wants to encourge Will in this manner she may have to go sit with the twins to distract herself from taking a few well aimed shots at the fox for opening his mouth.

Amy's ears perks up, the fox is now becoming interesting again. The Chapion of Redwall owning a dinner set with 'Wm. Tazan' inscribed on each piece could be profitable for her. Well profitable for Will but as he's her husband it would also be profitable for her as well. Yes he would sell more at the markets once word got out that the Chapion of Redwall and his wife owned such goods themselves.

William smiles and nods thinking it over.

"Wouldn't be much trouble but I'd need to know more about what exactly you'd be wanting. A dinner set is basically a few a collection of bowls, plates, cup and such for eating meals and beasts need larger sets if they have a lot of company over or large families," Will explains to test and see if this is really what Flicky wants. Even though the foxes live at the Abbey as Champion Flicky has his own little house so it wouldn't be odd at all for Fae to have her own set of dishes maybe even more than one see as she is the Champion's wife. "Now if you want a dinner set I'd need to know how large of one you'd need and what color you or Fae would like it to be, any special pattern or design you'd want drawn on it or carved into it. Some things are harder to do than others and may take longer than simplier sets but it'd be well worth the wait I assure you," the rat continues trying for the moment to ignore the question of payment since a little word of mouth should make the job pay for itself in time anyway.

Flicktail says, "somein noice, that she coudl bring out when we ave..important guests..loikes kings......oi kin haveit COLORS?" he says in ammazementOi would loikes toave martins sword and shield..and redwall on em......"

William nods and hmms going over to dig in his pack. He pulls out a piece of parchment and a stick of charcoal and passes them to Flicky. "Here draw out what you want on everything and mark what goes on plates and what on cups if they're different," he says.

Flicktail blink blinks..looking at the coal and parchment like they are snakes "um..Oi never drawed afore....oi thought ye would knwo be a artist for e set'

William chews on his lower lip a moment as this could be a problem. "I'm not much good with drawing either .... but I know someone who is very good at it. But I don't know if he'd do it. ...."

Flicktail says, "well could ye asks im.....?"

"Yes I could but I'm not. You're going to. See that weasel over there?" he asks quietly, nodding his head slightly toward Kluner who has yet to disappear as he's want to do. "He can draw very well but He doesn't usually draw for others as much as for himself. Now you my fine fox should go ask him nicely to help you cause you're so very good with dibbuns and young beasts."

Flicktail says, "well oi'll ask im..but Oi'd really loies to show everyone yer plates and good work.....maybe oi coudl give Amy a few gold coins..fer her eduacation"

Flicktail says, "nuttin maybe Benar kin does it...oi were just givin Amy a gift she looks loikes she wants to ave some coin"

It's true the ratwife is illiterate but Will has been trying to teach her to write a little even though it's of little use to her since she can't see it. Amy thinks the fox may be insulting her but if he's going to pay her when he does it she'll let it pass. Flicktail is a very strange fox in her opinion far too much like a woodlander for her liking.

Flicktail says, "Oi'd rather ye do it....we will see wot we kin do"

Amy isn't quite sure what's going on now. Too busy eating but there was meantion of gold and her name connected to it. "By all means you want to throw gifts at us go right ahead an do it, Sir. Don't let his husband of mine stop you any or th otters for that matter," she replies.