Blackfur Is Seeing Ghosts!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Jake is still here,having helped out already,he is still hiding,sort of..he is in the corner and so far a guard,that seems on the slaves side, has said nothing about him being here.He starts to slowly wake up and coughs a little,his hood on right now .

Blackfur enters the building and scans the room,he narrows his eyes at the guard who wisesly backs up,he growls low as he sees the figure in the corner,he draws his sword and lays it agaist his thoat and grins.."Time to be awake..."

Jake feels the sword and goes to reach for, oh yeah he doesn't have it anymore,he glares at the cat and remains still, it isn't wise to move with a sword at your thoat.

Blackfur smiles coldly as goes to force the hare into a standing position, "Your coming with me,..the ghost mouse dreams will end!"

Jake frowns,he slowly stands up to go where ever it is the cat seems to want to go.

Flicktail thwos an old potatoe at Blackfur thru the bars

Blackfur keeps his sword at his thoat as he barks orders "Search him!" The guard does so,Blackfur hissses as Flicktail hits him with the potato and looks back to the guard who shrugs "He doesn't have it boss." This only makes the cat twitch,he mutters to himself.."If he..then the ghost..."yep losing it:P.

Flicktail asks, "Kill th ghost? e already be dead..e's only commin to drag yer mangy hide to e dark forrest"

Jake listens as they talk,is'nt much he can do in his position right now.

Blackfur growls,he keeps his sword at the hare thoat,.."Then..I'll kill ya friend..I'll...." he hissses low,a shadow spokes him, seems he is just a little to jumpy right now.."No mouse is getting me..I will not be defeated!!"

Flicktail asks, ""wot friend ya talkin bout? that be one o YERguards"

Jake stays quiet, his hood is till on but the cat did get a good look at him,he looks at Flicktail and at the same time trying to figure out what to do.

Blackfur smiles coldly as he pulls back the hood,he grins and goes to slice his thoat but stops,he lowers the sword instead and goes to back up a little,starting to take Jake with him,he shivers and looks at..well nothing it seems, "Stay away from me!" he says and hissses,he then shoves Jake down rather hard and backs up,shivering as he seems to decide to exit the room,.."Stop invading my dreams!! I will rule all of mossflower! No ghost will defeat me!" He growls and then leaves,rather quickly. Yep halucations maybe,or maybe not.

Jake oofs as he hits the floor and rubs his shoulder as it hits the floor,he watches Blackfur leave the room and looks back to Flicktail,"I don't think he will stay gone too long."

Blackfur pretty much went to his room to think on ways to rid himself of the ghost who seems to keep haunting his dreams and vision
