Biscuit Theif and a Grumpy Otter

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Bek the sea otter, Flicktail the Champion, Elecampane Squrriel dibbun, Friar Lacota

Location: Redwall

Bek is standing off to the side of the entry, well away from others and most seem ok with that. He has his hood on over his head.

Flicktail walks out to get some fresh air....making footpaw prints in teh snow

Bek watches the fox with slight intrest but for now dosn't do anything as he stays by the steps leading up to the walltop.

Flicktail sights the beast with thehood up and wlaks over Hullo friend

Bek nods and then speaks with his rough voice "Hello..thar, but wouldnt say..friend yet" He clears his throat .

Flicktail cocks his head andperks his hears, his tail forming a question mark behind him "Why would ya not say friend? yer not gonn try and beat me up are ya?

Bek crosses his arms over his chest"Why?..Do you---" He shakes his head as he shakes his head and looks ready to walk away.

Elecampane marches out of Great Hall with her arms full of biscuits. Several fall on the floor and in the snow as the dibbun makes a bee line for the main gates of the Abbey. "Hullo, Flicky. I go on a h'venture," she called to the white fox. "Needs lot o vittles for h'venturing," she said holding up her load of goodies. Another few biscuits hit the snow. "You best not beat Flickyfox. He a champeen o the h'bbey," the squirrelbabe scolded the hooded beast. She waves a paw at him, droping more biscuits into the snow.

Flicktail looks up "um young gel..ifyou go out Adventuring you will miss the treat....

Lacota follows the young Squirrelmaid moments later, calling out, "Young Lady, just where did you get those biscuits?"

	Bek watches all this and half glares at the dibbun as she looks at him. He then shakes his head and leans agaist the wall listening and watching the beasts gathered here.

Elecampane stops in her tracks and turns around. "Wot sort o treat?" she asks the fox. Uh oh caught redpawed by the Friar. "I bees needing em fer go h'venture," the tiny maid tries to explain to Friar Lacota. She looks down, "Does you wants th ones what falled ina snow back too?" she asks the Abbey cook.

Flicktail says, "why we have a special trest with you and this fellow" he nods to bek "I even have some canied nuts."

Bek turns around and looks back to the fox "I am NOT a part of this, or the abbey coughs- so do not say so please." A bit of anger in his voice as he makes a noise to clear his throat and even rubs it some as he sits on thge stairs and goes a bit more quiet now.

Lacota stands tall, paws on hips. "An adventure, you say? Well, that's good to know. You took an awful lot of the biscuits from tonight's dinner, you know, lass." He sighs. "Come on, you don't want to go adventuring tonight... It's awfully cold."

Elecampane thinks things over. "That why I needs lots of vittles ta keeps me warms," the dibbun suggested as she walked over to Lacota. The squirrelbabe relucantly surendered her loot to the Friar. "I still get th chesternutters?" she asked. "Flicky say I kin has some," the little maid pointed out.

Flicktail brings out a pouch of the warm chestnuts and smiles.

Lacota frowns toward Flicktail, but reluctantly nods his head. "Yes, lass, you have the candied chestnuts... But no more pilfering biscuits, alright?" He carefully places each biscuit into a basket.

Elecampane took the chestnuts happily and made a little curtsey to Flicktail, "Thank ee, Mr. Flicky, zir." Elecampane looked sorrowfully up at the Friar. "I sorry I stole all ee biscuits. I a gurt 'ungry beast an' h'venturin' is 'ard on ee stomick," she told Lacota.

Lacota hmms. "And just what does your mother think of this adventuring of yours? She must be worried sick." He counts the biscuits in the basket under his breath. "...Ten...Eleven...Twelve... Really, child, why did you need a full dozen?"

Flicktail gives Bek a concerned look "Are you ok Fellow? that sounded liek a bad cough...and we avegood ealers here" he winks to Ele "I promiseto tae you hadventuring wi me..if you like."

"I waz thinkin mebe I h'venture t' sally-mandy-ton. I 'ear hare is roight powerful fond o vittles," the little squirrel replied. "Has you been ta sally-mandy-ton, Flicky?" she asked the white fox. She looked over at Bek and wrinkled up her face, "You a'pose ee be needin a fizick, tis h'wful stuff."

Flicktail says, "yea I ave been to the Fire mountian..but winter is a bad time to go...The hares even let me inside once"

Bek speaks "Dont.Need.A. Healer" He then walks out, his voice a bit more gruff.

Lacota shakes his head. "Lass, Salamandastron is a bit too far for you on your own. However, it may interest you to know that I've been there myself."

"Did ya see ee badjer lords?" the dibbun asks the pair, "Did ee hares share ee vittles wid ya? 'Ow tall you think ee moutain bees?"

Flicktail says, "oh Aye We were friends, and sometimes the Mountian be so hi it is up inna clouds....and Lacota e was there too.....He prob knows even more in me"

Lacota says, "Lass, I not only met a Badger Lord, he came back to Mossflower Woods with us. The hares are great cooks, child, rivalling myself. As for how tall... Very, very tall, is all can really say."

Elecampane stared at them in awe,"Wow. Sally-mandy-ton taller then th h'bbey?!" The only thing taller than Redwall that the babe knew of where the trees around it. "Taller en da trees up ta th coulds! Wow!" "Where th badjer go? Ee at th h'bbey? I don't think I seen im iffen ee at th h'bbey," she said. "You a good cooker, Friar Lacota, zir. I dun beleave my ears. Redwall has ee best vittles, I knows it," she said defending the Friar's cooking skills. She turned to the white fox again and looking down at the ground she asked, "Mebe when ee snow is goned I go wid ya ta see th fire moutain, Flicky? I bees bigger ina Spring. An' then it not bees too cold an' not too hots."

Flicktail says, "I promise to take you to se the Mountian one day ave me word onit."

Lacota shakes his head. "I'm afraid not, Lass... Lord Sebastian returned to Salamandastron over a season ago... He was not in Mossflower that long, actually."

Elecampane asked, "Wot was ee badjer doin in Mossflower? Waz ee visitin? Waz ee ona h'venture someplace?"

Flicktail says, "e were fightin vermin that wot."

Lacota nods again. "That's right, lass. He was helping to free Redwall from a mean invader."

Elecampane asked, "Did ee win? Waz you there Flicky? Waz you Friar Lacota? Wot waz ee vermin doin ere? Did they catcher somebeasts an' steal em aways?" The little squirrel says, "Ee Sebaston badjer sound loike a goodbeast. Mebe I kin meet em when I gos ta th moutain wid Flicky."

Flicktail says, "e be a big Badja that be sure....he was kicking out a real nasty rat that came ta visit Redwall."

Lacota says, "Indeed, lass, I was here, with my trusty frying pan. I knocked a few ugly vermin upside the head with it."

Flicktail smiles to Lacota "you are pretty handy in the kitchen."

Bek returnd from having walked off towards the pond, he now returns, still hood is up, has he ever taken it off...nope.

Flicktail cocks his head "You seem rather Gruff there Sir, if you do not wish anything why did you come to our abbey?

Bek doesnt look at the fox right off as he is unsure whom he speaks to, there is not as many here at least and he had time to calm from ealier.

Leon walks from the direction of the open ground, it looks like he has had a long day as he heads back to his cottage now.

Flicktail Addresses bek more directly but still poliley, loud enough that leon woudl hear "I was asking you Sir

Bek now looks at Flicktail and takes a deep breath " I unwelcome now? I suppose I could just leave" His voice still gruff, not as much maybe but still a little rough sounding all the same. He keeps his head down slightly.

Leon looks over, "Whats going on now?"

Lacota says, "Now, there's no reason you have to leave, Mr. Bek."

Flicktail loosk up "ahh Mr Bek, no Sir you are not unwelcome, it is just cool out ere and I am not sure how to be more welcomeing to ya..Most beasts mistakenly think I am a Fox."

Bek manages a chuckle and then makles a gasping sound...ok chuckleing bad, "You..ARE a yeah they be right"

Leon blinks as he looks at Bek and sighs, he looks at Flicktail "He has a point.." He then walks over to Bek "Maybe..whom ever you are you should go inside."

"You is a fox, Flicky. You a otterfox, h'aint you? Mama said you waz one," the little dibbun says imitating the dibbun teacher.

Lacota pats Elecampane's head. "That's right, lass..."

Bek answers calmly "I am fine and will be leaveing soon" He speaks slowly as if to make sure they understand.I do not need to stay"

Flicktail says, "Well I am happy I gave you somethinhg to smile about but I am sorry I coudl not know you you know me friend, leon, here?"

Leon narrows his eyes, he has had a bad day and it is starting to show, "Look...sir. One, sounds like its best you stay in for the night.Two, I have had a bad day..a bad day of some not totally listening to me and having some concerns which dont ask none of your bussiness.3...whats with the hood all..the..time?"..Whoa..

Bek narrows his eyes a bit...well best he can, at the mouse, "My hood is none of YOUR concern.." He tries to not strain his voice," and I WILL be heading out as no one tells me what to do,,,no beast."

Lacota glares sharply at Leon. "Brother Leon... Mister Bek is our guest here, I'll kindly ask you to refrain from yelling at guests, alright?"

Flicktail says, "better be careful Leon, sunds like we ave a beast woth knows everything....can't tell em nutthin...wot has made yer day bad? and can I elp make it better?"

Leon takes a deep breath to calm himself.." day started out simple..then something happen to get me concerned and then I start to go back and check on a beast and find my son is having problems with Pip again.." He sighs and just heads on inside, "I'm tried..goodnight and..sorry...didnt mean to raise my voice, its just....." He then just heads inside his cottage.

Lacota frowns. "I'll have to deal with Pip, it seems."

Bek starts to say somethng, maybe even rude and then watches the mouse walk away and shakes his head as he sits on the steps by the wall.

Flicktail goes over to sit nextto Bek not to close though "well ye are ALWAYS welcome ere anyways

Bek looks away, he seems to still want to hide his ID from the fox and ajusts his hood better, "Trust me..I am not"

"It vera cold out ere," Elecampane says as she brushes chestnut crumbles from her whiskers. "Mebe I go inside an' wait fer dinner," she says aloud. "You want come an' eat dinner, Mr. Bek?" she asks the grumpy otter.

Flicktail says, "oh I know ya are...but I think I will go with me small gel friend."

Elecampane goes into Great Hall to wait for dinnertime.

Lacota nods his head. "Yes, Mister Bek, you are most welcome to join us for dinner."

Bek looks at the fox, "You do not know me...sir." He looks at the squirrel as he rubs his throat,"Most back up from me...prehaps the hood, not know."

Flicktail says, "well rest assured I shall never back up from you"

Bek walks into the great hall and some beasts who are chatting stop and stare at him as he walks to a chair and sits down, he grumbles quietly and stands " NOT vermin." He snorts and then lets the hood fall to his back relieving he is a sea otter, a tall one also. A patch over one eye and some scars on his face and one rather nasty one on his throat where also some fur is missing, a couple back away and one blinks..well does he seem a threat anymore, that remains to be seen as he sits and glares into the fireplace.

Flicktail asks, "if I may ask why are you such an angry otter?"

Bek looks at the fire as he speaks, " There are some and maybe they are right, see me as vermin." He is quiet before goiing on, "You do not..know my voice even scares at times, not my vocal cords were messed up when a beast tried to slit my throat...barely missing a main vein...end result trouble speaking at times..sometimes fuild build ups in my throat"

Flicktail says, "well That will be the day when a Fox is a good beast and an Otter a vermin,..anyways I am proud ta know ya sir"

Bek may be listening or maybe not, a closer look shows he has drifted off in the soft chair, by the fireplace...well least he is cozy and VERY CLEARLY tried.

Lacota enters not long after. "Glad you decided to join us, Mister Bek... Oh, he's nodded off... Oh well."

Flicktail says, "smiles "Good eve Friar"

Lacota says, "Good eve."

Flicktail smiles "thank you fer an excllent dinner

Lacota nods. "Glad you enjoyed it." Feb 9, 2015 at 7:29 p.m.

Flicktail smiles "well sounds lame we ALWAYS enjoy your meals

Lacota says, "So I've been told."

Flicktail says, "You were real nice with that Dibbun gel"

Lacota crosses his arms. "So I was. I'm trying to work on not being as gruff with dibbuns as I used to be..."

Flicktail says, "they do love you ya know"

Lacota nods. "So I've noticed. I have to be a nicer beast because of that."

Flicktail says, "well A Dibbun be the best one to teach that" he smiles.
