Bird Brains

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Gildor is sitting with his paws tied. He looks to be Sleeping, but who knows? He might be fakeing...or worse.

Suddenly a dark shape alights upon one of the fallen logs. A harsh, hoarse whisper breaks the twilight silence. "Kraw! Wake up, cat!"

Gildor does not reply but a slight growl slips out.

The shape, now revealed to be Dethwing, hops over to the cat. "Cat Gildor! You live! KRAW! Darkwatcher have message for you."

Gildor's eyes peep open "Darkwatcher? Message? speak up, what is it?"

Dethwing drops into his imitation of Darkwatcher's voice. "Gildor and Crystal: I, Darkwatcher, say this: You are not forgotten. I will return for you. Soon, with a horde at my back. Do not fear. I send with my crow some items you will find critical to your escape. Here is what you must do: Dethwing, before he departs, will cut your bonds. Using the dagger I send with him, cut Crystal's bonds as well. The enemy horde will attack very soon; in the confusion, escape and flee to the cliffs. I will wait there for you for several days; if you have not arrived by then, I will assume you ignored my instructions or are slain. --Darkwatcher."

Gildor nods "I will try to be there. What about the fox and the otter?"

Dethwing seems to have been given a response for this question by his master. "Leave them. They are of little consequence. If they don't fall in the battle with our rivals, then they'll fall beneath our blades. Even if they don't, they do not matter as long as we take the fort."

Gildor nods "we will try to dispose of them. Crystal is very hurt, we will not be able to travle fast."

The crow clacks his beak, then turns and nibbles at his neck feathers. "Darkwatcher say: If you are wounded, worry not. Among our number is an expert healer."

Gildor nods "Good. And the hoard is coming soon?"

Dethwing nods rapidly. "Very soon! Very soon!" He hops foward, advancing on Gildor. "Hold still so this bird can cut bonds."

Gildor holds very still "Hurry and thank you"

FWSHINK! FWSHINK! Dethwing's deadly, blade-like beak flashes out twice, severing the bonds swiftly. "SKRAW! No thank Dethwing. Thank Master. Darkwatcher easily could have left you behind, but he never does that to a beast."

Gildor nods "of that I am thankful. Where is Darkwatcher?"

Dethwing squawks, stepping back now that his work is done. "Ka-RAK! Master is in Mossflower country, gathering reinforcements for Morgoth's horde and gathering the other Nightblades!"

Gildor nods "again, good. how many Nightblades are there?"

Dethwing pauses, lifting one foot to count on his talons, then continues counting mentally. "Rawk! There is...rakaw! Gildor-cat, Crystal-spy, Master, Dimas-marten, Valdker-rat, and Livune-blade."

Gildor nods "thats a good amount."

Dethwing bobs his head in agreement. "Skraw! We're few in number, but great in power. We--Rakskarawrk! are elites...The greatest fighters in the land."

Gildor says "True."

Dethwing drops a small black knife, the one he spoke of earlier, at the cat's feet. "Skraw! Farewell! This bird must fly now! Goodbye, and good luck, Gildor-cat!" With that, the crow disappears into the darkening skies.
