Bandit gets a visitor

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This scene takes place almost imminently after Scioto interrogates Bandit in the Ferrevale holding cell...

Why is bandit in a cell you ask? That is a long story actually which will be posted at a later date.

Lee marches in. He heard a rumor that Bandit was arrested.

Lee asks, "Bandit, are ye 'ere?"

Bandit is sitting in the corner of the cell, tail wrapped around his legs, he looks up and cringes when he sees Lee enter the room. The fox leaps up and too the bars shouting , "Lee! What are you doing here?!"

Lee says, "I'm 'ere ta warn ye ta stay away from the Abbey right now..."

Bandit pauses, the fox snerks and finely bursts out in laughter. Clutching the bars in one paw he slides down to his knees and leans his back against the metal cage. "I'll keep that in mind..."

Lee says, "Ye dont unnerstand the situation...the Abbey thinks yer a slaver."

Bandit chuckles again. If one looks close enough the fox is trying to keep himself from crying. "So it is true. Lovely. You just missed Scioto. He thinks I'm a slaver too."

Lee nods. "Aye...tis too true...I'll do wot I can ta get ye outta here, but I'm afraid the Abbey be against ye."

Bandit sits there and whimpers. There isn't much else he can do. "Lee...I...I said somethings back at the abbey. Safana twisted what I said but..." The fox can't seem to bring himself to continue.

Lee says, "Bandit, yes, I know. Safana be workin' wi' Aster an' Nightfur.""

Bandit whimpers again. He can't bring himself to look at lee and...wait, what? The fox pauses, tilting his head from one side to the other and rubbing his chin. "Safana...did this to me. Didn't she. I don't know how, I don't know why but, she is to blame for getting me accused as a slaver, isn't she?"

Lee nods. "She lied about ye ta draw suspicion away from 'erself."

Bandit is feeling a mixture of emotions. Pain, anger, shock. He whines softly, "But why 'me'? What did I ever do to her to deserve the possibility of dying as a slaver." Then it hits him. He really could die here, and with the reputation of a slaver. The fox slumps forward, "Oh light..."

Lee says, "I won't let ye die. I'm the 'ead guard of Redwall now. I'll tell Scioto that the Abbey wants ta punish ye for attackin' somebeast, an' per'aps he'll release ye inta me custody. Then I can release ye inta the woods...""

Bandit whimpers. His life, all his friends. All gone because of one blasted cat. The fox curls himself into a ball and begins to cry.

Lee says, "Ye still 'ave friends, like Elena, an' meself."

Bandit doesn't turn to face lee but he says. "T-thank you lee. Thank you for..." what he is about to say is interupted by the guard, "Alright, visiting hours are over. Time to leave."