Bad evening for the Woodlanders,Good eveing for the Vermin

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Blackfur walks down the road,he isn't in the best of moods right now as he glaces around,he has his sword and daggers with him.

Tungur is sitting on the side of the road, the rat's sword in his paws, cleaning it with a slightly red cloth as he hums an old tune to himself quietly.

Blackfur stops and looks over at the rat,he walks over slowly,"Hello there and how are we this eve?"

Tungur doesn't even bother looking up, the rat focusing mostly on shining his blade. "I know how I am. Don't know about you." he replies. "Fine." he adds after a moment.

Blackfur nods "Could be better,...I am looking for recruits for the Black Rose,..healers,fighters,assassins....archers maybe have any of those skills?"

Tungur sets his blade across his lap as he finally looks up, tilting his head to the side. "The what now? Never heard of it." he says as he stands up, sheathing his blade. "I'm a good fighter. Quiet too. Might make a fine assassin...for the right price." he smirks then nods. "I'm pretty good with throwing knives if that counts."

Blackfur nods,"The black rose is a slaver plans slow takeover of Mossflower"

Tungur arches an eyebrow and then nods. "I see." the rat grins this time. "Slaves are good." he strokes over his chin lightly before offering out his paw. "Tungur. I suppose if you need some beast to help out, I might be able to lend you my talents."

Blackfur smiles coldly and shakes his paw "Blackfur leader of the Black Rose, slave we do have is rather intresting...a fox,redwall champ in fact."

Sven comes up the road,he comes to a halt when he hears Blackfur and backs up slowly.

Tungur tilts his head then blinks. "What?" he blinks again. "You enslaved Flicktail?" he tilts his head. Tungur just laughs now, nodding. "Good, good."

Blackfur looks over at Sven and glares,he slowly slides his sword out,"Oh you just picked a bad time to be here hare," he smiles coldly as he starts towards him,he looks to the rat and back to the hare.."Ok hare you heard something wasn't supposed to ..not good..will have to fix that."

Sven tenses up "You have..Flicky." he looks around, he does the only thing he thinks is good,he bolts.

Tungur turns his head towards Sven and then smirks." he draws a throwing knife and tosses it into the air a few times catching it by the blade. "If you want to show me how evil you really are, now's your chance, cat."

Blackfur raises his paw and snaps his fingers,two ferrets appear and rush the hare,he smiles at the rat" ..witnesses"

Sven errrps as one ferret missses him and another gets his leg causeing him to trip,he glares at he cat..."I..I will..tell them"

Blackfur smiles coldly,"No dont think so hare" He steps closer to him"See can't let them find out just yet."He draws his blade aimed to kill...yeah no chances with this one.

Tungur stares at the cat and shakes his head. "Don't kill him." he says. "I thought you were a slaver. He'd make a good slave, I think." he nods.

Blackfur looks at the rat"There will be others...besides, I need to kill something...missed the chance to kill the badger." he lays his sword at the hares thoat as the ferrets hold the hare down.

Sven blinks," poisoned the dibbun care taker too? you were the one that poisoned Oz?"

Tungur laughs a little then hums. "Fine. Kill him." he slides his knife back into his belt. "Will make for a good show." he nods, leaning on one foot.

Blackfur smiles coldly"Yes.. and you hare know too much...goodbye." He then slices across the hare's thoat,he grins seemly enjoying this.

Sven tenses as the sword goes across his thoat,bright red rushes down his neck and onto the snow coating it red..his eyes flutter as he struggles to stay awake but fails badly and his vision blurs, life slowly leaves him as he takes a final breath and his eyes close one last time.

Tungur watches the hare bleed out like that, nodding to himself. "Heh. And to think. Wrong place, wrong time. Oh well. Good for us, bad for him and all that"

Blackfur smiles,enjoying every moment of this,watching the hare intensely as the life light fades from his eyes and he breaths his last,he smiles coldly and moves backwards,he smirks and looks around still holding a sword with blood on it.."Well looks like I did get to watch a beasts life fade after bad it wasnt the badger, due time."

Tungur tosses over the cloth he was using to clean his own sword with. "I'll just pretend to know what badger you're talking about."

Daena is walking down the road, in a very curvy line. Singing some sort of pirate song, but her words are so jumbled that it is uncomprehendable. She looks up at the vermin blocking her path, " 'Ey, git ou' o' th' bloody road, ya-" she mutters a list of colorful curses, but they are slurred, "A gentle lady's tryin' t' walk heah!" She glances at the deceased hare, and all the red snow. Her reflexes are slow, so but she still pulls out her dagger. Though it wont do much good in her drunken state, as her hands are stable as her walk.

Blackfur looks up "Well, and a slave too...good night" He looks at the rat"Lets get a slave"

Sven is dead.

Tungur hms a little and then looks up. "Hm. See? I bring you luck, don't I?" he laughs a little bit, shaking his head, taking a few steps towards the otter.

Blackfur grins and heads on the other side of the otter,he snaps his fingers and the two ferrets block her path either way north and south.

Tungur makes sure to fill in any other left over gap. "Alright then. Drop your knife, kick it away, and we'll make sure to leave you alone. Right?" he looks over to the cat, winking once. "We'll even show you a good ole' way home."

Blackfur smiles,"Sure no long as you stay calm that is."He stays close to the otter.

Daena looks at Blackfur, dead in the eye. And says flatly, "I ain't droppin' my knife fer nobeast!" And by the look in her eyes, one would know that if she wasn't so drunk, Blackfur would be introuble.......

The ferrets edge closer to her as Blackfur smiles"Thats fine...your loose it either way, I always take all weapons and such away from my slaves."

The rat shakes his head and draws his sword. "This is pointless." Tungur starts to move towards the otter, slightly quick, but very carefully.

Daena spins around, whacking Tungur soundly on the legs with her rudder, probably knocking him over. She glares at Blackfur, "You'll 'ave to try an take it from me then."

Blackfur grins,his sword still has the hares blood on it,he slips out a small dart(knockout) and flips it at the otter to make her pass out.He shrugs"Sounds fun"

Tungur jumps up out of the way of the rudder, but just stands there when he sees the cat's actions. His sword goes slightly lower, making sure she doesn't try anything, the rat trying to keep her attention.

The dart hits home, and she sways unsteadily. "Wha' di' you do t-" She collapses into an undignified heap. Her paw is latched onto the knife so hard that it would take a badger to get it away from her.

Blackfur smirks,he goes to pick her up and smiles coldly"Alright, now we head home.."

---They head to Black Rose and plaxce the otter in a slave cell--

Blackfur lays the otter in the cell,makes sure she is cuffed to a cot first and locks the door smileing coldly.

Tungur just followed along, twirling a knife in his paw, whistling quietly. "Hm. Dark,"

Blackfur nods "You will have a room soon, be an assassin in the group...course dont always kill, get slaves too" He wipes off his blade with a cloth.

Tungur looks up and nods. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to get some of that...knock out poison stuff for my blades...and then I'll get you slaves." he nods.

Daena lays on the ground, still totally gone. Her knife stuck in her paw, and her rudder twitching.

Blackfur nods "I usally try to knock them out if can,...though some come quietly, others dont..I dont usally kill but the hare posed a one can know I have the redwall champ or that I poisoned the badger"

Tungur nods. "Right. Anyone who finds out, kill, enslave the rest. Got it." he then rolls his eyes. "You keep saying the badger. Ever going to fill me in on that?" he asks, tilting his head.

Blackfur nods "His name is Oz..he tried to slay me,because of him I was out of action for weeks...well, my plan was to lace his tea with poison,...sent a bat to do it, bat didnt make sure he drank it all....he didnt die, but he is out of the way for now, the poison still effected him greatly,kept him from being with his fox friend...still like to make him dead,..a fight only this time I win and he loses...the fight and his life,just like the hare I WILL watch the life light fade from his eyes."

Daena's tail twitches more violently now. Her eyelids slowly flutter open. She immmediately goes to put her paw on her forehead, but can't it's chained. She looks really confused, and can't remember anything. Which tends to happen when you've been wasted. "Wha' tha-" more noutical sounding curses, but these are understandable, "Am I doin' heah? How did I-" She looks around, trying to figure this out.

Blackfur looks and adds "Oh...bat is dead now by the way,...seems some ale didnt agree with him,guess he shouldnt of all,hee"

Tungur shakes his head and sighs quietly. "I had to give my loyalties to some crazy feline, didn't I?" he mutters to himself quietly before looking around. "Still a nice place."

Blackfur looks at the rat,he nods and smiles coldly at the otter "Welcome to your new home,your be here awhile."

Daena tries to stand up, but her paw is chained too low. So she just glares at the cat, who is obviously the bad guy here, and if this was a movie, this would have been an epic line, but it's not so it probably isn't, "I don't know where I am. How I got here. Or who you are. But I know you wont be alive and I wont be here very long........ " She then smile sweetly, "Now would ya care to explain what my lovely self is doing in a place like this?

Blackfur smirks"Your a slave of the Black Rose, look you even have a couple more otters for company oh and look" he points to Flicktail "The famous redwall champ Flicktail is here too"

"You're here cause you don't deserve to be out there." Tungur nods then looks to Blackfur. "So. What exactly do you make your slaves do, hm?" he asks. "Break up rocks? Or do you just keep them locked away and poke at them with a sharp stick?" he smirks.

Daena quirks an eyebrow. "Slave compound, eh? Soun's like an adventure. AN' I don' know who or what an redwall champ is. So if yore tryin' t' scare me; sorry hun, try a differant approach."

Blackfur nods "They mop,sweep,clean...cook,have one that even helps heal"

Tungur ohs and nods. "I see." he hms. "Eh, better than me doing it." he laughs a little and nods, looking around as he takes a seat on whatever he can find.

Blackfur blinks"You know Redwall Champion..carries the sword....well usally,he didnt have it,but still I have -him- and thats good for me..see how they feel when I decide to tell them"

Daena didn't really have anything of value anyway exept the dagger, but she is rather mad that they *checked*. She looks at Blackfur, totally unimpressed. "I dunno wot tha' is. But I 'ave 'eard o' Red'all." she looks around her, "Which one was 'e? This 'un?" she gestures to the sleeping Jo.

Blackfur grins "You mean the champion..the fox,his name is Flicktail..supposed to protect the abbey and stuff" Smirks"Guess he wont right now."

Daena looks at the fox scepticly, "Ya mean t' say a fox were in charge O' protectin' th' Abbey?"

She shakes her head, "Tha' is maddness." She chuckles a little also, "Yep, I guess 'e wont."

Blackfur smirks "Dont ask me how he became that, he is a looser if ask me and I use ta know him"

Daena asks, "So, d'ya 'ave a name mister kitty?"

Blackfur grins "Blackfur..leader of the Black Rose"

Daena looks *veeeery* impressed. NOT. She snorts. "Huh. So yore th' leader. Well, a'least it ain't some wimpy weasel."

Blackfur smiles coldly"My father use to be Leader, I am now and have made it better"

Daena smiles back, as if she found this all humorous. "I see. An' 'ow did you do tha', Mista Blackie."

Blackfur chuckles "Easy, better locks,better get some sleep,your need it for work tomorrow"

Daena snorts in disdain, still unimpressed. The she laughs, a very eerie sounding laugh, "Hah! I don' think I'm th' one who needs th' sleep. You will *cat*."

Blackfur smirks as he walks away "Yes your right, I will sleep right now, in my bed...good night let those bed bugs bite." he heads out,making sure the doors are locked tight and good guards are posted.
