Babies in the Abbey entryway

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Entry

Lee, an otter. Streamheart, another otter. DoraRose, LilyMoore and Caleb, who are mice. Zork, a badger. Emmit the shrew. Ahndia and Ohdira, squirrels. Emyuil, another mouse. Oz, another badger.

Lee exits the Abbey from Great Hall, on his way to his morning swim, when spots Streamheart nearby. He waves and heads over. "G'mornin!"

Streamheart has been sitting on the steps leading up to the wall, she smiles. "Ello Lee, how are you today?"

Lee smiles brightly. "Well, Miss Stream'eart, I be 'appy...I think I found me brother!"

Streamheart asks, "You did? Where was he?""

Lee exclaims, "Here at the Abbey! 'Is name is Rowan, an' he was from South, like me..."

Streamheart asks, "Are you sure he's your brother?"

Lee says, "Well, we aren't completely sure yet, but we're gonna ask Martin...He might can help."

Streamheart says, "How will you...ask Martin?"

Lee shrugs. "I dunno, really...I'm afraid o' bein' wrong..."

Streamheart offers a smile "Well, try not ta worry about it right now Lee, if he is ya brother, your find out"

Lee smiles. "Thank ye, Miss Stream'eart." He sits on the stairs. "He is a good beast."

Streamheart smiles as she speaks "I am sure all will go well, and if he is your brother, you have at least some family here that way"

Lee nods. "I 'ad planned ta quest for me brother after the Feast, but now I won't 'ave to."

Streamheart says, "Questing can be hard sometimes I would think"

Lee nods. "Aye, now I know why me dreams were all about me brother lately..." he pauses. "Stream'eart, do ye have any fam'ly?"

Streamheart shakes her head, "Not anywhere around ere' no, my mom lives east of here close to sea"

Lee smiles. "Ah..the sea...I must confess on me part, I miss the sea."

The door to the gatehouse opens and DoraRose Strongheart steps out, keeping a firm hold on her now toddling Dibbuns' paws. LilyMoore sees the otters and coos, walking towards them. Caleb, after a split-second delay, follows his twin's actions, and their mother gets sort of dragged along, but she doesn't seem to mind. She smiles fondly and glances up. "Good day. They seem interested in you."

Streamheart smiles "Ahhhh dibbuns how sweet"

Lee glances at the dibbuns and smiles. Young ones are his soft spot. "G'mornin, Miss DoraRose, how are ye?"

DoraRose smiles a little wider as she and the toddler mice reach the otters. "I'm well, thank you. These two seem very excited about being able to walk. I'm DoraRose Strongheart." she addresses this last part to the female otter, nodding politely, unable to shakes paws since her own are a little full.

Streamheart smiles "Its nice to meet you, I like seeing dibbuns they are always intresting and can sometimes even teach us something at times"

Lee exclaims, "Oh! Miss Dorarose, allow me ta introduce ye to the lovely Miss Strea'eart."

DoraRose nods as LilyMoore reaches out to the female otter. "It's nice to meet you, aswell, Miss Streamheart. Lee was talking all about you yesterday." Caleb tugs his paw out of his mothers' and sits down, picking a teeny tiny dandelion, what's probably one of the last two of the season, and starts to look at it.

Streamheart brushes as Lee mentions her, she chuckles a little, "He has been very kind since I been here, made me feel very welcome so far"

Lee blushes a little and smiles. "Well, ye brighten up the Abbey with yer loveliness."

LilyMoore is clinging now to the ottermaid's leg, cooing and giggling. DoraRose smiles softly and kneels down, pulling the dandelion away from

Caleb's mouth just as he's about to stuff it in there. She takes the flower and brushes some offending ants off it, then hands it back to him, and wrinkles her nose as he promptly sticks it back in his mouth.

Streamheart smiles down at the dibbun as she holds on to her leg, "I think she is useing me as a way to stay standin' "

Lee chuckles. "Aye, she be a cutie. I think she likes ye, Stream'eart."

DoraRose laughs lightly as she glances at her daughter. "I think so, yes. She's avery friendly little Dibbun. Oh, dear, Caleb. What is it?" She picks him up as he starts crying, having decided that dandelion flowers are really not all that great. His mother stands and strokes his back, then pulls the rest of the flower out of his mouth.

Streamheart frowns, then smiles a little, "Guess young ones that age like to see what everything tastes like"

Lee laughs. "Aye, least 'e won't eat one again."

Caleb sniffles, then yells angrily as his mother wipes his snotty nose. Boy, is he mad now! DoraRose nods. "Yeah, they want to taste everything. I think he doesn't like how fluffy dandelions are, though."

Streamheart chuckles as she smiles, she is in a good mood, "Flowers will be gone soon, as colored leaves fall from the trees"

Lee grins. "I look forward to the pretty fall leaves."

Zork skips into the entry from the direction of the pond, he even does a cartwheel and grins when he sees the large crowd, "Elllo all! How tis evry beast taday"

Streamheart blinks as she looks at the badger and shrugs, "I like fall and winter too"

Lee waves the badger over. "Zork, I'd like ye ta meet me lovely new friend, Miss Stream'eart."

Zork grins "Ello lass, I be now Blacksmith of de abbey and in de procress of fixin de forge up, done alot of work so far, but still have some ta do before it be ready for any forgeing work"

DoraRose picks up LilyMoore as she and Caleb wail slightly as Zork cartwheels into the entryway. "Good day."

Streamheart says, "You seem an intresting badger sir"

Lee nods heartily. "Aye, he be a good beast." He looks over at the badger. "Zork, do ye know the otter named Rowan very well?"

Zork nods "I try ta be, ya are only as old as ye feel I always say, I also have other skills besides Blacksmith work, just excited about finally useing the skill again"

DoraRose smiles and soothes her Dibbuns. "I didn't know you were a blacksmith. What other skills do you have that you haven't told us about?" LilyMoore, being the less upset of the twins, strts to play with her mothers dress collar.

Streamheart smiles to the one dibbun thats still crying, trying to get them to calm down if she can.

Lee leans back against the wall a little, making funny faces at Caleb. "Awwe, he be a bit upset."

Zork answers "I be a fighter...ya knew that, I make teas, I know healing...not anything too major, but bascis and a couple things over basic stuff, I can cook some things, I am a good tracker and know me way around de forest and know how ta surivive storms of winter then did live in de snowy northlands fer a while, longer than Ozzy did as he wandered to 'ere, something I didnt know but found out so came ta find him and I am glad I did!"

Caleb was starting to feel better, he was even cooing a little at Lee's silly faces and Streamhearts' smiles, when he saw Zork. Holding out his paws, he yells demandingly, get slightly upset again. DoraRose winces and misses quite a good bit of what Zork said. "I think you should hold him."

Streamheart listens "Must be cold up there"

Lee frowns slightly. "Hmm, I never been that far North meself."

Zork smiles, he can hold Caleb sure, "Tis cold if ya not use to it, de cold is not why Ozzy left, and I left ta wander and course find Ozzy, no he had a...different reason ta leave"

DoraRose passes Caleb over and bounces his sister, who laughs. "He told me once, I think. Or maybe Blisa told me that he had told her. Whatever. I've never been that far North, either, though I have been a bit North. I come from the Eastern Plains." She murmers this last part, mostly because LilyMoore is trying to grab hold of her teeth.

Streamheart nods, "So why did he leave anyways?" She is slightly curious.

Lee nods. "Aye, wot was 'is reason?"

Zork smiles at Caleb and chuckles "Hey thar..." He looks at the otters and frowns "He..." He sighs sounding a little sad "I will let ya ask Oz tis be better." Yes he meant to say Oz and not Ozzy. He looks back to the small dibbun and smiles again, just not as much as before.

DoraRose nods and gently bites down on her daughter's paw, not enough to hurt her, but enough to irritate her, which it does, getting LilyMoore to shout and glare, cuddling her paw. Caleb giggles, then pushes the left corner of the badgers' mouth up, wondering why his smile is smaller than it was.

Streamheart frowns "Oh did I ask the wrong thing, sorry"

Lee looks down. "Sorry Zork, forget I mentioned it."

Zork chuckles as the Dibbun helps him smile, he nods to the otters "Tis ok, just I dont wanna say why, he should not me."

DoraRose smiles and tickles her daughter, who whoops uproariously. Caleb giggles and pushes on the badger's nose, coming very close to accidentally sticking a finger /up/ the nose.

Lee asks, "Zork, can I talk ta ye later, in private?"

Zork shrugs, he smiles at the dibbun again and gently sits him down "I may be at de forge, Talk later all, have a good day" With this he heads to the forge.

Streamheart watches the badger go, "Hope he wasnt upset with us being curious"

Lee shakes his head. "Nah, not 'im, I don't think. Yer far too pretty for anyone ta be upset with."

Emmit enters the area and is every surprised to see a group of beasts standing there. OOC:Sadly, Real Life decided to be a pain and called him away so he couldn't pose out. :( BIC:

DoraRose picks Caleb up and sits down on the bottom wall step, bouncing him and LilyMoore on her knees.

Streamheart says, "Well, hope the badger is ok, but maybe he just has lots of work to do"

Lee looks over at DoraRose. "Do ye know the otter, Rowan?" He turns to Streamheart. "Aye, he does. 'E be a very busy beast."

DoraRose nods and continues bounceing the babies. "Yeah, a little. Why?"

Streamheart just listens now as they talk

Lee looks around and lowers his voice. "Well, Stream'eart here already knows wot I'm about ta tell ye, but Rowan an' I 'ad a very long talk last night, until very late. I know logically this may be crazy...but I think 'e be me brother, the one I was lookin' for..."

DoraRose raises her eyebrows and smiles softly. "Well, now. That's a good thing. How can you find out for sure?"

Streamheart walks off towards the pond, leaving the two to talk.

Lee shrugs glumly. "We do not know...Rowan already knows me suspicion, I told 'im last night..." He looks up and waves. "See ye later, Miss Stream'eart..." It is plain for any beast to see he has developed quite an affection for the female otter.

DoraRose smiles softly at the twitterpated otter. "I'm sure you'll find out for sure soon."

Emyuil walks up to his sister's side and lays a paw on her shoulder gently. "'rose, can we talk real quick?"

Lee says, "I 'ope so...per'aps Martin can 'elp."

DoraRose nods at the otter, then holds LilyMoore up to her uncle. "Here. Please hold her. And what's wrong?"

Emyuil takes LilyMoore gently and smiles softly at his niece's face. " I told you about, about those dreams....when can we go?"

Lee looks at the male mouse. "He's yer brother?"

DoraRose nods at the otter, then turns to her brother. "I don't know. I'm sorry. Emyuil, this is Lee. Lee, this is my younger brother." LilyMoore grabs at her uncles' nose, then wriggles, wanting to walk around.

Emyuil laughs in a nasally voice due to the fact that his nose is captured momentarily. His voice returns to normal as he says, "'ello, Lee," then sets LilyMoore down gently to walk, if she can.

Lee smiles and holds out a paw. "It be a pleasure ta meet ye, sir."

LilyMoore can walk all by herself, and does so now, toddling towards the main gate. DoraRose smiles and sets Caleb down, and he follows her, saying something in baby talk.

Emyuil shakes Lee's paw once and releases. "The same to you," he says politely.

Ahndia comes striding in from the orchard with her mother, Sister Odira, both laughing and talking happily. Ahndia has a headband of pretty leaves that changed color early. They shift on her forehead as she waves to the group in the entry. Odira smiles again. "Hello, all. Do you mind if we join you?"

Oz has his walking staff in paw as he walks to the entry, a little slower than he usually does, he hears voices and squints to see who is at the entry, he sighs loudly as if annoyed and walks a little closer as he rubs his forehead slightly and frowns some, once he is closer he then sees who it is and waves.

"Aft'noon Oz," Emyuil calls out. He watches LilyMoore proudly with a wide grin on his face and wishes he could have a life like his sister' much happiness...

DoraRose waves the squirrels over. "Yes, please do. Good day, Oz," she calls, keeping her gaze on her children as the reach the main gates and start hitting them to see what happens.

Oz frowns "I could be alot better" He looks around best he can and shakes his head and just listens mainly as he rubs his forehead again

Emyuil laughs softly as his niece and nephew attempt to escape. He considers going over to open the gate for them...maybe take them for a walk...he steps forward.

Ahndia claps her paws together, further mussing her headband. "Oh, Mrs. DoraRose, they're so cute!" She squeals, not having seen the dibbuns before. Odira chuckles setting the headband right on her daughter's head. "I must go back to work. But it was good to see you all." She hugs Ahndia and leaves.

Lee watches the dibbuns, smiling softly. "They be adorable..."

DoraRose smiles. "Thank you. Caleb, Lily, please get away from the door. Emyuil, would you please get them." So much for his idea. She stands and stretches, arching her back.

Oz frowns, he makes his way to the stairs and sits down. Seems he has a headache today

Emyuil nods, a bit sullenly at the failure of his idea. He walks over and scoops up his niece and nephew. "I gotcha!"

"'Ey! Ahndi!" Another young squirrel, with light grey fur, runs up panting from the orchard, taking Ahndia's arm. He's got leaves stuck haphazardly in his tail. Ahndia blushes and smiles shyly. "Hi." Giving a wave to the general group as a whole, he plucks leaves from his tail. "Hi everyone. Gosh, I just came from the orchard, and some dibbuns are throwing leaves eveywhere. There aren't even that many fallen yet! Anyway." He grins, tail clean.

Lee looks around, not really sure how to further the conversation.

The twins shriek with laughter and their mother smiles at them. "Are you alright, Oz?" DoraRose asks.

Oz shakes his head, "No, I am not ok my vision is getting worse." He sighs, "I am going to have to talk to Leon again, sooner rather than later."

"Are there any remedies our aunt used, 'rose?" Emyuil asks his sister. "Ones that'd help Oz?"

The grey squirrel frowns. "Oh, I'm sorry Sir. Losing one's eyesight is terrible..." Ahndia nods. "Well, I hope Brother Leon can help, Papa oz. I've got to go- the dibbuns in the orchard probably need a bath." She rolls her eyes and wanders off with her friend. It's kinda clear she's got a crush on him.

Lee stands. "I'm sorry ta hear that, Oz, I'm 'eaded ta the Infirm now, I'll tell Leon yer lookin' for 'im if ye want..."

DoraRose nods and sighs. "I'm sorry, Oz. And it was out grandmother, Emmy. And no, she didn't."

"Sorry, my memory betrayed me," Emyuil says. "What about glasses?"

Lee moves off toward Great Hall. "Anyway, Good day to ye all, see ye for dinner, I 'ope." He waves and departs.

Oz looks up "Its not something thats cured, its...been happening slowly over, well..since..Vladmir, but didnt get worse till recently and Leon said I am going blind, by winter I will be totally blind and already had two glasses, the last pair was broken by this rat that was in the infirm, decided glasses didnt help much anyways so why use them, and I am already, may as well be, blind at night. I have my walking staff and I am remembering how many steps to and from places in the abbey and how many steps to each level of the abbey"

DoraRose takes Caleb, who is now fussing., and cuddles him. "I'm sorry, Oz."

Oz nods slowly, he just sits here not saying anything.

Emyuil picks up Lily and carries her to Great Hall, smiling and humming happily.

DoraRose smiles, then frowns slightly at the retreating back of her brother. "Where'e he going?" she mumbles, then smiles at the badger. "I'm sorry, Oz. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. And try to have a nice day, okay?" and she quickly scurries after her brother, wondering what he's up to, with her daughter nonetheless.

And I had to leave....thx 4 reading!  :)