Awards, Charities, and Goodbyes.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Aikuen, Kentar

Location: Shoreline, Village, Kentar's Cabin, Graveyard.

Its a nice day out. The sun is shining, beasts are running around outside, and Kentar isn't enjoying it one bit. For you see, he's not outside. He's laying in bed in the healer's tent, looking outside. He's glad of course, but still a little jealous even though he knows why they're running around.

Aikuen is with the stoat. He is one of the only beasts that's not outside. He is in for Kentar. The otter leans on the back of Kentar's empty wheelchair after kicking Robin away from his duty as official stoat pusher, "So mate... Are you ready? Today is the big day and stuff..." he chuckles lightly, and raises the front wheels of the chair. Tempting him to get in.

Kentar looks towards Aik and laughs a little. "In that thing?" he asks, shaking his head a little. "I know it's easy for me to get around and all with my leg, but." he pauses. "I hate that thing." The stoat nods once before sitting up and sliding himself into the chair when its down flat. "Ah well. Only for a few weeks." he nods. "Yeah. Jasper's not ready yet though, so. Maybe a walk around the beach." he laughs. "Well. You know what I mean."

Aikuen smiles as the stoat get in, patting him on the shoulder, "A few weeks? NAh. Id give you until the otter is born. I bet my rudder on that!" he chuckles, "Alright a 'walk' on the beach for me. And a roll for you! Hold on tight, I promise not to stop suddenly!" he laughs and pushes the stoat out the tent, and in the opposite direction of all the movement of camp.

Kentar smiles a little bit and grins. "Oh?" he asks. "So if your wrong, do I get to cut it off or something?" he asks then laughs as his friend assures him he wont suddenly fly out of the chair. "Haha, thanks." He smirks. He looks around as they leave the tent, the stoat shaking his head a little and folding his arms. Not comfortable with it. He's good at hiding the fact he's terrified out here.

Aikuen scoffs, "No you wont. That's my rudder. Its mine. And Fira's. Its her tail." he chuckles, and continues to shove the the chair through the sand, lifting the front wheels from time to time. Popping a wheely! He laughs, "Hows it working so far mate?" asking about the whole scared thing.

Kentar laughs a little and grins. "Yeah, yeah, I supposed." he smirks then grips onto the chair when the front is pulled off the ground. "Please. Don't do that again." he growls. "Not well. I'm horrified. And I really, don't think that's helping." he eyes him for a few moments.

Aikuen laughs and nods, "Alright. Alright, i wont do that again. Just trying to have a little fun that's all!" he grins as he eyes him, "Tell me what's scaring you. And don't just say, I'm scared cause I'm scared. Give me an actual object out here. That frightens you." he looks around.

Kentar looks around and brings his arms closer to his chest again. "Everything. Just the fact that its big. Wide. And very open." he says quietly. "I come out because I have to. I hide the fact I'm scared for a reason. Please, don't tell anyone." he says. "Please." he looks to Aik. He doesn't want Garnet finding out. Or the rest of his family.

Aikuen sighs and nods, "I wont tell. Though its going to be hard to hide it from them. You do know that right? Anyway. Hopefully this will pass, or i might have to make some measures... Don't want you to be inside for the rest of your life..." he nods slowly.

Kentar nods a bit. "I'll tell them if and when I have to." he says quietly before tilting his head. "What sort of measures?" the stoat asks, carefully eyeing his friend, not sure what he meant.

Aikuen shrugs, "Well... There is a few. The big one is just to tie you up and make you stay outside until you can deal with it..." he sighs, "Or if that doesn't work. Or if your not up to it. We may have to take you to the abbey. To spend the rest of your days there..." he sighs, "Its pretty severe what you have..."

Kentar blinks and then was just about to stand when he remembered his leg. So he just shifted uncomfortably. "Um." the stoat starts. "Why the abbey? And why tie me up? Cant...cant I just live with it or...something?" he asks.

Aikuen shakes his head, "No you can just live with it. You do realize that we spend eighty percent of our lifetime outside. Its just how life is in this time an era. Just be glad we do have a place to stay." he sighs, "The tie you up thing is called, 'Immersion therapy'... I think. It forces you outside, and into the world. So you have to deal with it. And the abbey. I'm doing for you. Cause if you stayed indoors for the rest of your life. Your going to get very, very lonely. And very very bored. Even with Garnet... I said the abbey, cause at least you will be doing something most of the time."

Kentar sighs a little and hugs himself lightly, looking around. "We've got to travel outside on our way home. Hopefully, I'll make it." he says quietly, closing his eye and thinking for a bit.

Aikuen nods forcefully, "We're going to make it. Even if i have to force you mate. I'm your friend. Just trying to get you over this hump your in..." he stops the chair, and picks up a stick, "Here. Have a sword. It will protect you!" he chuckles and continues to push the stoat.

Kentar takes the stick and holds in his paws for a bit. He'll humor the otter but after a bit, it snaps from how much pressure he's putting on it. "Er. Sorry." He tosses it away. "Look Aik. Thank you. But no thank you. I really don't want and don't need your help. Not yet anyways."

Aikuen shrugs, "Okay mate. I'm just telling you what you need to know. NOW, if they ask why you are so... odd lately. Flat out ask me. I'm going to have to say something. I cant just lie to them. As i care for you. Just want to make sure your gonna be okay!" he laughs, and then sighs, "Were going after the ceremony...thing... whatever is happening. Were all packed and ready to go. Everyone is." he stops, "Were going even if you... are not..."

Kentar nods slowly and sighs. "Do what you have to but please, don't tell them unless they ask." he says quietly. "Anyways. That's fine. I want to leave. Bad." he nods. "I told Garnet this morning about my rank thing." he says. "She was...not quite happy about it. But." he shrugs slightly. "She didn't say that I couldn't keep it." he then thinks. "Anyways, lets head to the stage thing Jasper setup."

Aikuen pats him on the shoulder, "Righto mate. Righto." he nods and turns the chair around to go back. Her nods at the other parts, "I wont. Unless the flat out ask me. Till then... Ill keep my mouth shut..." and he was wondering why Garnet seemed more depressed this morning then normal, that explains it, "I could see why... Though if you explained it too her correctly..." he nods, "Were almost there..."

Kentar nods a little bit and sighs. "I hope she doesn't mind. She said she doesn't care really but I know she does." he thinks for a few moments before shaking his head. "Anyways. Yeah. Good. I want to get this done with." he laughs a little bit with a little grin.

Aikuen shrugs, "If it was Fira. She would have beat me to a bloody pulp. But that is Fira. So... Cant really tell you about Garnet mate!" he laughs and shoves Kentar lightly in the back, "Oh pish posh. I know your looking forward to it!" he grins as they enter the camp. And let the hustle and bustle commence!

Kentar laughs a bit and grins. "Yeah, I guess. Just a little." he smirks a bit. Beasts carefully avoid the injured stoat and chair pushing otter as they move up to the stage. Jasper, is actually standing. He had both legs removed after a day or so and is walking around. How he's walking around is not clear. But he's walking. "Hey Kentar! Aikuen. Up here!" There's a ramp for the stoat to wheel up. Not steep at all and he can get onto the stage. "" he cut off by a wave of a paw. "Not now, mate, later!" he laughs as he goes about getting things setup.

Aikuen was caught off guard by Fira who is sitting in the crowd. She waves lazily at him as she eats her new craving for the day. Shrimp and parsley bread. She snorts and lets everyone else do everything. Aikuen reaches the top of the stage and finally looks over at Jasper, "Oh hey Ja- HOLY-!" he goes wide eyed, "I knew you cant keep and old soldier down!" he laughs.

The stoat chuckles a little. "That must have been what he was yacking on about the other day." he grins a little bit. The stoat laughs and shakes his head slowly before watching. Jasper finally finishes what he was doing and goes over to the two. "Now. Right. So. See this?" he motions to his legs. Of course, since they're covered by the pant legs, all they can see is the black of his trousers and the white of his boots. "Well. Now you do." he rolls up half the pant legs, showing off metal. Sort of a metal version of peg legs except there's boots attached to the bottom. "I can't run mind you, but they help walk." he nods. "My son's idea actually. Good metal worker he is." he laughs.

Aikuen knew they were peg legs, but metal? The otter has never heard of that before! He chuckles, "Dang, you must really wanted to get up and go again. Most beasts take seasons to get used to those. And that's for just one!" he laughs, "Its longer for both!" he shakes his head, "Good to see you walking again!" he grins.

The rat laughs. "Yeah well. I'm a fast learner. Besides, I'm me! I have to be up and about. No matter how hard it is." he then leans on his staff and whispers to the two. "Don't tell me soldiers but I keep falling over." he laughs. "Knees can't bend see, so not used to it fully yet. Tis why I still need this!" he holds up an oak staff and grins. "Helps a lot. Anyways. You two ready?"

Aikuen chuckles and nods, "I wont tell. But i bet its hilarious when it happens!" he grins, "Aye I'm ready. For... Whatever!" he laughs, and waves at Fira quickly, and like a dibbun. She goes a bit red, and pretends she doesn't know him. Aik smiles and looks back at Jasper.

Kentar laughs a little bit and grins. "I'm sure it is too. Anyways, I wont say a thing." the stoat then nods himself. "Yeah, we're ready. Just hurry up will you. We need to talk when its all done." he says. The rat blinks before shrugging and hobbling to the front of the stage, clacking his staff off the wood a few times to get everyone's attention.

Aikuen pushes the chair, so it faces the crowd, and goes to stand Next to Kentar. He places his paws behind his back and bounces on his footpads slightly. He listens intently as Jasper, even though his gaze is on his family, who have all gathered to watch.

When every beast looks towards the stage and becomes quiet, Jasper starts. "About a week ago, one of my best friends, his wife, and his son were captured and locked away. His best friend, son, and I, along with a group of soldiers tracked him and saved his wife and son. However, Kentar and I were recaptured and tortured." Whispers emerge from the crowd but then stop a few seconds later. "If it wasn't for Aikuen, here..." he motions to the otter. "I'd have died. He didn't come down to save me. He went for his friends. Now, where I would have been glad to die to save other's, I'm quite grateful that he took the time to save myself as well as his friend. So, I'm quite pleased to award him with this." he holds up a medal. Looks gold. "The medal of life. Given to all who put themselves in harms way to save lives. Not our highest honor, but its up there." he says before turning to Aik, motioning him forward.

Aikuen cant help but grin at this. He nods when he gets motions by the rat. Then he waits, and chuckles to himself as he steps forward going to stand next to Jasper. He smiles at the crowd, before turning his body toward Jasper. He gives a short bow, before going to a smart salute, "Sir!" he grins.

Jasper nods and then sets the medal around Aik's neck. He doesn't let go right away as he whispers something into his ear. "Sorry, but its not real gold." He chuckles quietly. "We're small. What gold we have we trade for. Sorry." he laughs before handing over a bag of coins. "And this! Its not much but its something." He then blinks. "Oh yes, and something else. Aik, we also give you..." the rat steps out of the way so the beast behind him can hand a FISH SANDWICH! That must be Kentar's doing. The whole crowd laughs. )

Aikuen keeps up his salute, expect to grab the bag of coins, until the sandwich appears. He almost breaks down laughing, and claps his paws, "Awww, you shouldn't have. What i always wanted!" he grins and takes the sandwich. Will give to Fira later. Aik nods and bows once more to Jasper, then once to the crowd, before going back to stand next to Kentar.

The rat can hardly stand, he's laughing so hard. But he manages it. "Yeah. Anyways. Once again. We all thank you. My family most of all." he points down to a family of rats. His wife, his three sons, new born, and old, and then his daughter. "Also, few announcements for the village. We're going to be constructing a new ship in the coming weeks. Starting to anyways. Any beasts who wish to help are welcome but must know its not entirely safe. And the barracks will be getting a refit as well, so anyone who wants to help with that too, is welcome. That's it. Thanks!" he smiles and then turns towards Aik and Kentar. "Aik, can you give us a minute please?" Kentar asks.

Aikuen waves a bit to the crowd, before patting the stoat on the shoulder, "Sure mate. Ill be with Fira. Got a present for her!" he waggles the sandwich, and chuckles loudly. He hops off the stage and heads over to his wife. Falling on his rump placing the sandwich in her lap, "Its chow time!" she chuckles, rolls her eyes, and shoves him. Aik grins at that.

Kentar shakes his head and chuckles. "Anyways. Jasper. Look. I can't keep my rank like I said I would." he says. "My wife. Well. She's not happy about it. So." The rat nods a little and sounds a little disappointed when he speaks. "Its fine, mate, I understand." he smiles then nods. "Right. Anyways, I'll make sure its noted in the records." he nods. "Thanks Jasp." Kentar chuckles before thinking. "Can you get a guard to wheel me to Aik and them?" he motions to the two otters in the crowd.

Aikuen and Fira are the only ones left in the crowd, both of them munching on the sandwich. The older otter is looking at Kentar and waves stupidly when he gets motioned. Aik laughs loudly at them, "WA! She is eating me!" he grins, and is shoved to the ground.

Kentar laughs as he's pushed by a guard towards the otters. "Right! Get him Fira!" he laughs at the shove. "Anyways. Jasper." he looks up to the rat who followed. "We're going to be leaving now. Going home and everything. So. Thanks for everything. I'll be back eventually!" he laughs then looks to the otters. "Is it okay if we do two things first? Before we go and get the others?" he asks.

Aikuen stands, leaving his wife to fend for herself. He said he would stop treating her like a little kit. Well, Fira is now struggling to get up. She slaps him in the leg, and holds up her paw. She needs help. Aik ows and smiles, going to help her to her feet, "There yah go honey..." he chuckles and nods at Kentar, "Sure matey!" he holds out his arm for her. She shoves him lightly again. Violent today isn't she! But she takes his arm anyway. Aik grins, "Where to first mate?"

Kentar hms a bit and shrugs. "Lets go to the cabin first." he says. "Got something I need to do." he then nods, waiting for someone to push him.

Aikuen nods and volunteers to push Kentar, "I got yah... lets go then!" Fira frowns at him and shoves him before saying she would rather stay here. Not walk as much, until she has too. Aik nods and kisses her. Nice and long, "Love you more everyday!" before pushing Kentar toward the cabin, "What we getting matey?"

Kentar chuckles at the otters then shrugs. "Nothing. We're saying goodbye to the otter family." he says although, something in his voice says its more then that.

Aikuen nods, "Right.... I know what your doing. You old scalawag you!" he knows. The otter is not that dense. After a long time of pushing, they finally get to the cobbled streets of the village, and the otter pushes the stoat up to the cabin.

Kentar hums and looks with a bit of a grin. "Well then?" he asks. "What am I doing?" he asks, tiling his head as he's pushed along the streets and then towards the cabin.

Aikuen says, "Well i could say what i am thinking. But if I'm wrong. It... will seem so bad from now on... But okay!" he knocks on the door to Kentar's cabin, "Your going to give it too them. Aren't yah!" he laughs.

Kentar looks to Aik and smiles a little bit. "Yeah. I am. And this." he pulls out a pouch of gold coins from his side. The door opens, and its the wife. "Hi." she stands aside to let them in but Kentar puts a paw up. "No, we wont be staying for long. Thank you." he smiles. "Anyways. Look. I know your family doesn't have much but each other and when we're gone, you'll have even less and stuff. So. Here." he holds out the piece of parchment that's the deed to the cabin. "This is the deed to the cabin. Was my fathers, was mine, and now its yours." he smiles. "Oh, and this too!" he holds out the coins. "Wow..H-honey, come see!" her husband comes quickly to the door and shows the deed and the coins. "What!? don't have to do this." Kentar shakes his head. "I don't, but I want to." there's a long pause. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Both otters come out to give him a hug. And Aik too.

Aikuen smiles at the otters, and ergs at the hug, "What did I do! Give him all the hugs!" he chuckles, and takes the bag of money that he got from Jasper, "Here, its not as much as what Kentar gave yah. But its more than i will ever need!" he tosses it at them, wether they take it or not, he doesn't care. He grins and says, "It was a pleasure bunking with yah. Maybe we will see yah later on down the road!" he chuckles.

When they're done with the hugs, they eye that second bag of coins. They catch it before smiling and speaking softly. "Thank you. Thank you both. You're always welcome here." They nods. "Thanks." Kentar nods. "Its no trouble." he smiles. "Anyways. Aik. Off we go!" he smiles and waves to the family.

Aikuen shakes the paw of the husbands before nodding to them, "See yah!" and he turns the stoats chair a bout and pats him on the shoulder, "That was a good thing you did mate. Good thing." he chuckles, "SO! Where next on our to do list?" as they enter the cobbled street.

Kentar smiles a little bit and nods. "Yeah. It was." he sighs. "Just wish I could do more for them. I know they don't have much..." he then shrugs. "Right. Uh. The graveyard." he nods. "Up there." he points to a path that they've not taken before.

Aikuen tilts his head and pushes his the stoat up the new path. He knows what the stoat is doing. He wishes he didnt. But can understand what he feels. The otter sighs, and pushes him, "Here we are mate..."

Kentar nods as they arrive into what's considered a graveyard. Its in good shape considering the length its been here. "Lets see." he looks around then ahs as he points down a small side path into a row of graves. "There. About halfway down."

Aikuen nods and leads him down the way he pointed. Aik is not really afraid of graveyards. Just. Bad memories about them. Aik stops and says, "Okee... Want me to leave?" may want a private conversation.

The grave they arrive at are his parent's grave. And right next to them is Lanai. He feels he should say something before they leave. "Hm? Oh. Sure, I guess. If you want." The stoat shrugs.

Aikuen pats him on the shoulder. Give them some family time alone. He walks back along the path, just in shouting distance and plops on the ground. Waiting for Kentar to finish up here.

The stoat watches Aik leave and then sighs a little as he turns back to his family. ", dad. Love." he says quietly. "I'm sorry I haven't been around in a few seasons but...the fire sort of." he pauses. "Yeah, your right, I don't have to be sorry. But I am." he nods. "I'm um. Going home now." He says. "I wanted to come and say goodbye before I left." Kentar says before slowly getting out of the chair, careful of his leg, and sitting down on the ground next to Lanai's grave. "I've got something for you." he says, digging a little hole. He places their wedding rings into it and then fills it back up. The rings he kept for so long. "I love you." he whispers, tears falling from his eye. "Goodbye love...goodbye." slowly, he returns to his chair and nods. "Love you too mom and dad. I'll be back soon. Okay?" he nods once. "Okay. Keep well. Please." he dries his face off as much as he can before calling out to Aik. "Aik. I'm ready."

Aikuen is just twiddling his thumbs. Thinking. Where is his fathers grave right now? He chuckles at that thought before getting up and walking over to Kentar, "All set?" he shakes his head as he can see the tears, "Alrighty. Lets get the crud out of here" he nods slowly, and pushes the stoats, the crud out of there.

Kentar scratches his ear as he's pushed out of the graveyard. "Thanks for bringing me there." he says after a while of quiet. "I'm ready to go home. Lets go home, Aik." he smiles a little bit.

Aikuen pats him again, "Oh aye! Lets get home!" the otter can almost hop skip. GOOD! Fira will stop beating him now. That's always good. He pushes the stoat from the village, onto the shoreline, "As much as this vacation was. I think we shouldn't come back here for a long bit... You know... Cause... yah..." he chuckles.

Kentar nods a little bit and rubs over the wound on his leg. "Yeah, yeah. We wont come back for a while. I promise." he chuckles a little bit before he settles into the back of the chair.

Aikuen nods and sighs, as they enter the bustling camp. Everybeast is taking everything down, getting ready to get back to the village. Aik smiles, "Come on... Lets go get our stuff... Then we can mosey..." he nods and pushes the stoat toward the tent. Aik is ambushed by Fira, who attacks him by kissing him on the nose. And now Robin gets to push the stoat now, as the otters go about collecting their own things.