Attack on the priory
Characters: Travian, Sivis, Odilo, Mayeul, Drago, Jessy, Antioc, NPC Guards
Location: Ruingate Priory, Via Caspius
Travian steps into the main room of the priory with his guard in tow. The ferret pair look around with amused smirks on their faces. Travian leans towards his guard and mutters something that elicits a good laugh.
Sivis nods, and then glances at Travian. He eyes the ferret with interest, waving at him. "Hello there."
Upon entry of the ferrets, A guard mouse steps up to them. "Welcome to the Redwall Priory...If you wish to enter, you have to leave your weapons at the door. Don't worry, they'll be kept safe and returned upon your leaving"
Drago yawns slowly and looks up to the ferrets, giving a nod, before yawning agian.
Travian and his guard look at the little mouse with the same grin, "Oh...of course...of course..." Then the two pull their visible blades out and turn them over hilt first. Travian turns then to the stoat, "Evening." He looks around again, "Word of has spread like a wildfire. I just /had/ to check it out." Then he looks back at the two, "Same with you two I'm guessing?"
Sivis shrugs and nods at Drago. "He showed me this place, it was better than I thought."
The mouse takes the weapons and smiles. "Thank you sirs. Feel free to stay as long as you wish" He then steps aside and places the weapons somewhere safe. Drago gives a bit of a shrug. "Found' dah place after escapin'" he says. "Good place...good food"
Travian nods, "It is rather amusing I'll admit. " Then he takes a particular interest in Drago, "Escaping? From what if I may be so bold..." The ferret guard watches the mouse take their weapons so he could be sure the abbey beasts wouldn't try to trick them.
Sivis frowns a little, not sure if he likes how Travian said 'amusing'. He glances at Drago.
Drago hrms and ohs. "Slavery" he says, sitting back in his seat and closing his eye, yawning again. "MMh...'scuse me...been working hard today, bound' tah be tired" he then tilts hie head to one side. "Amusin?"
Travian perks a brow then nods at Drago's response. Could make some more money with that. Then he nods to the both of them, "Of course it's amusing. The woodlanders trying to invade the good city of Ruingate under the guise of 'helping those in need'. Next thing you'll see the same in Jettekstan." The ferret crosses his arms, getting the idea of just how these two were.
Sivis shifts uncomfortably. "I don't particularly like woodlanders myself, but these ones are actually rather nice. There's no reason to suspect them."
Drago looks up and tilts his head. "Hrm? Whattah a Jettekstan?" he asks, opening his tired eye and looking over, scratching at the metal bracer a bit.
Travian frowns at Sivis, "And how long exactly have the two largest vermin cities been a thorn in that blasted 'Long Patrol's' side? Just you'll see badgers and hares coming here soon. But by then it'll be too late." Then he looks at Drago, "Jettekstan is my home. A beautiful place. Jewel of all the vermin cities if you ask me."
Sivis scratches his head and mutters to Drago, "Didn't you say Jessy was from Jettekstan?" He looks back at Travian. "I've heard of the Long Patrol. Vermin-slayers, I know. I don't know what they have to do with Redwall, though, these beasts come from the Abbey."
Drago ohs and nods slowly. "Ah...Well, when I return, maybe I'll go see it" he shrugs some before nodding. "Aye, I did"
Travian takes in a deep breath, "The patrol and the abbey are allies. The patrol does the killing and the abbey does the healing." He crosses his arms, "And you mean the Tsarina."
Sivis scowls. "I'm sure that those rabbits would not attack Ruingate as long as their allies are here. And Jessy? I don't care if she's a...Tsarina, or whatever it is, she scratched out poor Drago's eye." He points at his friend's face.
Drago Yawns. "That witch took me eye fer' nah reason" he says, lying of course, since it really wasn't her. But she's a good blame taker. The ferret just yawns and sinks into his chair.
Travian frowns, "What better way than to stage a surprise attack then to launch it from a place of peace. And the Tsarina is the ruler of Jettekstan. She would only take his eye if he deserved it. Why else would the Lady Jessy bother herself with it?"
Mayeul stretches and becomes alert as soon as he hears 'their allies'. He takes a seat at a table fairly out of the way, and listens. He doesn't dare look in their direction, and pretends to mind his own business. Of course they weren't welcome to more than a few, but he had never heard talk about the priory from such beasts in person...
Drago eyes. "Cause she's an evil witch" he says simply. "Tried to convince a member of the order tah go evil..I told'er to bug off...she' took mah eye...will gladly take 'ers iffen Oi see 'er again"
Sivis glares at Travian. "Why are you here, then, if you think that we're all in danger from the Abbeybeasts?"
Travian starts to laugh, "You? Take the Tsarina's eye? That's a riot." He points to the mouse that wasn't paying attention, "You'd have about as much luck as /he/ would." Travian's guard grins at the woodlander then looks at Drago, "She'd probably take the other one for even saying such a thing." Travian looks at Sivis, "Because I wanted to see. And they are just the start, it's the patrol that will do the most damage." He gets a serious tone, "Just watch. Hares and badgers before too long."
Drago yawns and hrms. "Dumb ferret...idiot" he mutters, slowly standing. "I'll kill her if she ever comes near me again...go ahead and tell'er dat Drago will gladly taker' life iffen she sets foot in here again" he mutters, heading off towards another room. "Willa' see yer latah Sivis" he says, yawning.
Mayeul groans and shakes his head from his subtle position. He doesn't try to hide anything now, as he gets up and goes over by Odilo, "Maybe you weren't welcomed to the conversation? Ever occur to you?" He sits.
Sivis waves at his friend, and then focuses completely on Travian and his guard. "Oh, a stripedog and a bunch of rabbits, I'm so afraid," he hisses mockingly. "You've seen this place. Now perhaps you'd better get out? Maybe a score of rabbits will come hopping through the door and slay you."
Whereas, Odilo simply walks into the middle of the room. "Hey what's all this about? Rabbits? I never seen any army of rabbits near Redwall... then again, I'd only been there half a season - oh, don't mind me..." He sits at the closest table possible to them, being quite intrusive, and props his boots up on the table in his usual fashion. "They don't have much use for me here, and I have little to do with that abbey place - carry on!" He grins.
Travian and his guard both bare their teeth at Drago but it's the guard that speaks up first, "You obviously don't know who it is you're calling dumb.../slave/ I'll let you live." Travian regains his composure and scowls, "See that they don't /woodlander/." He basically spits the insult out at the stoat.
Drago pauses. "I will kill that cat If I see her again, so do not worry, dumb vermin scum..." he gets a look from some of the order beasts. "I am not a slave anymore, and you'll do wella tah' remember that"
Drago adds, "And now I'm leaving. I'll see you Sivis" he gives a nod to the others before vanishing.
Travian's guard smirks at Drago, "Oh? Will I? Why don't you run along. Conversation with you is like talking to a stupid slave anyways."
Odilo frowns at the slave comment about Drago, but doesn't say anything else... he seems to be invisible, so he just ignores them too. He looks at Mayeul, at the table with him, "So mate, anybeast hire you as a tracker lately? Seems like you'd be more use to the slavers here than to us." He smirks.
The stoat shakes with rage, trying desperately to control himself. He reaches for his sword, and then realizes that he does not have it. He shoots a glare at the mouse guard before leaping at Travian.
Mayeul folds his paws, and is about to answer when the stoat leaps at Travian, "Whoa now, what's this?! Odilo, get a hold of that one, quick!!" He stands up, knocking his chair backward to avoid contact with the fight. "Don't just sit there!"
There is a reason wealthy beasts have guards. But unlike some, Travian is fully capable of defending himself. While his guard steps in the stoat's way with a fist to throw, Travian reaches inside his vest to pull out a curved dagger like the one he gave the guard.
Somewhere in the midst of the fight that's starting, Jessy steps into the doorway. She doesn't enter fully, owing to the havoc that's breaking out. The cat's ears cock forward and a mean kind of smirk shows across her muzzle. "Oh, pity, someone started the party without me..."
The guard blinks and draws his sword. "Hey now! Thats enough. This is a place of peace, not a place to start a fight!" he says, going to step in.
Odilo gives a glance at the guard, who is in front of the fight distracting the stoat as Odilo grabs both his arms from behind, using all his weight to pull him back, "Alright now, easy there... nothing's worth losing your cool that can't be settled outside." He doesn't care if this one kills the other one or vice-versa, he wouldn't mind it at all - he's just being useful, something he hasn't been in a while.
"Let me go!" Sivis screeches, kicking and trying to move his arms. "He insulted me and Drago! Let me go! Give me my sword!"
Travian grins and steps past his guard to slash at the stoat with his dagger. His guard looks around to make sure that no one snuck up on his employer.
Mayeul watches as the other one takes advantage of the situation. That doesn't seem fair... o.o
The guard shouts and attempts to get between the stoat and the ferret, aiming to block the dagger away with his sword. "Get out! Your no longer welcome here if you continue to cause trouble!"
Jessy's tail ticks side to side. She leans into the doorframe, watching, not interfering.
Odilo gives a light shove to the stoat and steps in front, "Yeah, ferret, that goes for you too." He eyes his own sword at the doorway, and debates going over to get it. The abbeybeasts wouldn't like that one bit, though... "Who exactly are you, anyway? And why were you insulting poor old Drago?"
And the sword wielding mouse gets Travian's guard's attention. The guard draws a hidden dagger and steps in to keep him from interfering with what was going on. Travian didn't care much as to who his target was, he wanted to see blood now. He makes another slash with the curved dagger with a laugh.
Sivis continues to struggle. "Let me go! I'm going to kill him, that son of a mangy old cat! Let me get my sword!"
The guard frowns. "Weapons in the Priory!" he calls out, another guard coming in to help out. The mouse blinked at the other ferret, frowning, going to give a swing as the other guard, this time a squirrel, tries to help out. "Everyone, calm yourselves!" Words don't appear to be working!
A brief cackle of laughter comes from Jessy's direction. "'Mangy old cat'? That might be the most ridiculous insult I'm ever heard..."
Mayeul sighs... and starts thinking about Zen, at the abbey. Who knows what trouble he's in... His thoughts shift to a certain fox and he no longer wants to be here, at all. The mouse goes over to Sivis and /tries/ to put a paw on his shoulder, "Please, calm yourself... uh, what's this now?" He looks in the direction of the voice.
Travian laughs again at the poor insult and steps forward to stab Sivis, counting on his guard to keep the priory guards busy. Travian's guard sidesteps the wild swing and makes one of his own at the mouse guard.
Sivis quickly ducks out of the way of Travian's dagger, ignoring Jessy. He rushes over to the guard. "Give me my sword back!"
If all else fails...Fall! The mouse guard falls to the floor, but getting his ear cut off as he goes down, letting out a loud yelp. The squirrel guard frowns and draws his own weapon, a sling and a few stones, launching a stone at Travian, then one at his guard, attempting to distract them. "Everyone, stop this! Take it to the streets, not the priory!"
Odilo takes the stab himself - he doesn't know why, but the dagger enters and the squirrel winces and stumbles back a few steps. He leans on a chair, holding the wound with the other paw. "You'd better stop this nonsense before I get /my/ sword, vermin." He turns around and sees Jessy, and winces again.
With the guards distracted Jessy's attention moves to the small collection of weapons near the door. She takes a step, and lifts the nearest sword. It's examined, turned this way and that, and she bares her teeth a little - not impressed.
Everything is going fine, until a stone hits Travian in the back of the head. He is put off balance, but his turban absorbs most of the damage. He points at the offending squirrel and shouts for his guard to kill, who promptly rushes towards him with his dagger ready after ducking the second stone. Travian chases after Sivis, laughing wildly.
Mayeul doesn't see Odilo go down at first, but as soon as he does he ignores Jessy as well and goes over, "Odilo! Ahh, what did you do this time? That was quite stupid..." He sits him in a chair and goes to get the closest healer, "...yes, get all of them! The best poultice we have!"
The squirrel launches quickly another stone at the guard before letting out a yell, hoping to awaken the rest of the priory guards, novices, etc..."Leave this place evil vermin, or we will be forced to kill you!" he growls, ducking out of the way and grabbing another stone. "Take your fights to the streets and we will not interfere! but leave this place of peace at once!" The mouse is down and bleeding quite a bit, slowly and weakly taking his sword, and giving a hurl at Travian before passing out.
Sivis rushes towards the weapons by the door. He angrily grabs the sword from Jessy and turns away, not realizing that the cat who hurt his friend is right behind him.
Jessy blinks, and lifts her brows at Sivis. "Okay, take it, it'll probably break in half." She smirks.
Odilo's vision starts to blur, and his heart races in panic, "Oh, heh, yeah he got me good I guess... not as good as that fox of yours did, though, so don't worry..." He may be lying, he's not sure yet... he starts to slide out of the chair as he loses some of the feeling in his legs. Well, /that's/ not a good sign!
Mayeul hurries the healer over, and calls over to the other squirrel, careful not to get in the way of the fighting, "Does the mouse there need help? Can you get him out of this mess to where we can treat him??!" Why did they let healthy vermin in here in the first place?
Travian takes another swipe at Sivis, this time aiming for the belly. While the sword that was thrown at him from the wounded mouse didn't have the power to hurt him really, it did trip him up which made his swipe at Sivis go wide. Travian's guard presses the attack on the squirrel guard relentlessly, trying to cut him down quickly.
Sivis ignores the cat once again, and laughs at Travian. He jumps at the ferret, seeing as his guard is already occupied, and swipes at Travian.
The squirrel launches a few more stones before he's eventually cut down, killed quickly. After a few more moments, all the commotion has managed to get a few more guards, along with a few novices into the fray. Most chime out 'Stop this madness' or 'Martin help us' or stuff like that as they all try to subdue the Ferret guard, then the fighting ferret and stoat.
Odilo does what he can to breathe normally and not go into shock, and chuckles, "Will somebeast just push those two outside? C'mon, really! That's all that needs to be done here..." He watches and covers his ears as the guards, not really helping the situation, shout over the already noisy fighting. "...and shut those guards up!"
Travian slashes towards the swinging sword, and deflects it enough to knock his turban from his head. He sends a punch with his other paw at the stoat and yells out, "Rafail! Lets go!" Travian reaches down and swipes to get his turban before the two of them try to break contact and head out the door. Travian mutters a hurried apology to Jessy as he passes. The guard grins after killing the squirrel and throws the dagger at Odilo as hard as he can before following after Travian.
Mayeul makes sure Odilo is okay and goes over to Jessy, having no reason to fear her, and simply states, "What is your business here? You can see, we're quite busy right now... so you should stop by at a later time..."
The guards and novices feel that they drove off the vermin and now attend to the wounded. A few go to Odilo, then another few go to the murdered squirrel.
Sivis yelps as Travian's paw hits his belly. In anger he swings his sword, before realizing that there is nothing but thin air where Travian and his guard were moments before. With a roar, he rushes outside, but there is no sign of the ferret and his guard.
Jessy sidesteps well out of the way of Travian as he goes out, with his guard trailing. She cocks her head sideways a little and focuses her good eye on Mayeul, a bit of a sneer moving across her muzzle. "Don't /question/ me, mouse-thing, or you'll find I have extremely limited patience for it."
Odilo ducks the dagger, and looks at it, not a paw's length from his face, in the wood of the chair. "Okay, I'm okay, everybody!! No worries..." He faints!
The guard who was picking up the wounded, now one eared mouse, growls at Jessy. "No more threats. Threaten again, and leave, and don't bother coming back" He says loudly and angrily as he helps his friend towards the Infirmary.
Jessy gives the grumpy guard a sweet, fangy smile and a one-fingered wave as he leaves. :D
Mayeul frowns and answers Jessy, "Well, the question is already asked. So you can answer, or not." He folds his paws and waits, ready to follow her if she should start moving around the room.
Antioc comes walking in the front doors of the priory, a strange look on his face. Then he sees the blood, adds that to the ferrets that ran out the door, compounds that to Jessy being present, and comes up with a frown. He steps into the middle of the room and shouts, "All'a ye be quiet! No more shoutin an' no more commands! I wanna know what 'appen 'ere." Looks like the brother is a little angry about this attack.
A novice helps Odilo to the infirmary as another Goes over. "Somebeasts came in here with secret weapons, brother. Started attacking. Two are dead, and a few are hurt"
Jessy's glance flickers over to Mayeul. "If you /really/ have nothing better to do than act like some childish inquisitor... Ah! There he is." She gestures at Antioc with a come-hither wave.
Odilo groans as he starts to wake up... "What... what, did I kill the ferret? Is he dead yet?! Where... what are you doin'?!" In spite of his reaction, he lets the novice take him to the infirmary.
Sivis growls and stomps back into the priory. He sheathes his sword, refusing to add it to the pile of weapons by the door.
The Novice helping Odilo chuckles. "No, they're both gone...Don't talk, save your strength, we're going to get you patched up"
Antioc nods at the novice, "Make sure th' 'ealers be in th' infirm'ry an' get th' wounded in 'ere." Then he looks at Sivis, "No weapons. Leave 'em wit' th' guard at th' door." Then to Jessy with a 'is this your work' look.
Mayeul doesn't think he was being childish... he's probably older than she is - what nerve! "Actually, now I should probably go see to my friend... but yes, for those two seconds of my life, I decided to grace you with my attention. Do you pity me for it? Don't." He turns and walks up to the infirmary.
Jessy raises both hands innocently at Antioc's look. "I have nothing to do with this, Dag. It was going on when I showed up. ... not that I didn't enjoy the spectacle." She arches one eyebrow, ignoring Mayeul.
The guards go, and only a few novices are left cleaning up. Now, Drago appears! " the world did I miss? Anything..." he pauses and glares at Jessy. "You shouldn't be welcome here, vermin cat, I do not get why you are" He growls, speech much better, but he takes a position behind Antioc, afraid obviously.
Sivis glares at Antioc. "You Abbeybeasts lied, this is not a place of peace! I am keeping my sword with me!" He glances at Jessy, and then at Drago. "Who is she?" he mutters to the ferret.
Drago looks to Sivis and taps his eye patch. "Shee da' witch that tooka me eye" he says quietly, making sure only Antioc and Sivis can hear.
Mayeul is just about to go when he hears Drago, the one that was saying nasty things about this other one... he decides to stay, to see how this plays out - and hopes that another fight doesn't erupt. He's certainly not going to take any wounds for any of them...
Antioc frowns at Jessy, but nods. He wasn't going to be angry at her if it wasn't her work. Then the brother turns back to Sivis, "This is /s'posed/ t' be a place 'o peace. And if'n ye won' turn in yer sword, then ye leave. Simple as that," he says while pointing at the door.
Sivis freezes and glares at Jessy. "Get out," he hisses. "Get out now."
"If you're going to be whispering, you shouldn't make accompanying gestures," Jessy recommends to Drago. She eyes Sivis with disinterest, chooses to ignore his demand, and focuses her attention on Antioc. "If you're about done mopping up this mess..?"
Drago raises a paw at Sivis. "Norra your call" he says. "Tis Antioc's..." he glares at the ferret, then to the cat. "Oi warn ya cat, touch me, you will drop dead" he threatens, eye narrowed upon her.
Mayeul walks farther into the room, "I agree... why do we let her stay if she's not in need of our help? Make her leave, before she blinds this poor ferret completely."
Antioc steps between Sivis and Jessy, his gaze on Sivis, "Apparently ye didn' 'ear me stoat. Turn in yer blade or /I/ will force ye t' leave. And ye don' be th' one sayin who kin stay an' who 'as t' leave. That's /my/ job." He's clearly getting pissed now. Then he turns to Jessy, "If this be a priory matter, I'll talk t' ye outside."
Jessy gives Antioc a slight nod, and makes a gesture at Sivis. "I have time. Deal with that one first if you need to. In fact, I may even lend a hand."
Drago looks to Jessy then leans forward to whisper something into Antioc's ear.
Before he can filter out the thought, Mayeul thinks to himself, 'why did they let a vermin be in charge of this abbey's priory'? He visibly frowns... that's what Odilo would think... has he been conditioned the same way? Suddenly, he blurts out, "Well, great job doing that job tonight..." He turns and leaves, up to the infirmary.
Drago does it without gesturing.
Sivis scowls at both Antioc and Jessy. "Go and talk to her outside, and /then/ I'll give my sword up."
Drago whispers, "Yourra gonna needa 'elp with this one? Support mebbeh?" to you.
Antioc shakes his head at what Drago whispered to him. He glares at Sivis, then steps in close, his teeth bared, "Ye 'ave this one last chance a'fore I make ye. Drago...tell yer friend 'at if 'e doesn't turn in 'is blade, he's gonna be removed."
"Or gutted," Jessy volunteers. "I have no qualms about gutting this one. He's mouthy."
Drago Casts Sivis a glance before nodding at Antioc twice, once for the response then for the other thing. "Sivis...Norra worry...iffen she starts something, she'll..Drop dead!" he raises his voice at the -drop dead- part, eyeing the cat after a moment before back to the stoat.
Sivis blinks. "...What?" he mutters, only loud enough for Antioc and Drago to hear.
Antioc turns his head to look at Jessy, "An' ye shut yer mouth. Ye ain' 'elpin things 'ere." Not the wisest thing to say, but he was furious right now. Then he reaches up and grabs the front of Sivis' tunic, "I said git rid 'o yer sword 'r I'll remove you..."
Drago frowns. "Justa leaves the sword down, please Sivis. Norra wanna see you out of 'ere again"
Sivis glares at the two of them, but reluctantly takes his sword out and hands it to Antioc. "Now get her out."
Jessy's ears twist back. She gives Antioc a fierce grin. "I say I wouldn't mind gutting a guy 'cause he's being mouthy... and /you/ decide to be mouthy? Really?" She's more amused than angry.
Drago looks to Jessy. "You, shuddup" he says, frowning but sighing happily at Sivis.
Antioc accepts the sword and turns away, "I don' care who 'as anythin t' say. All'a ye shut yer mouths. There'll be no more fightin 'r threats. Next one t' do either 'o those ain' welcome 'ere no more." Then he looks at Sivis, "And you. I don' know who ye be, but ye ain in th' order an ye ain' in charge 'ere. I am. Don' proceed t' tell me what t' do agin." Then to Drago, "Collect yer friend Drago. I ain' playin."
Drago slowly goes to push Sivis gently towards the inside of the room, away from Antioc. He turns and speaks quietly, but loud enough so that its not meant to be kept private. "Take yer friends advice, Antioc...Get rid of her, or kill her...The second would be preferred" he says. "From a friend to a friend, do whats right" And thats all he says before turning away.
Jessy looks between the three hobs with her ears cocked forward, swiveling a little to pick up the quieter bits of what's said. She waits.
Sivis shoots a glare at Jessy. "What did you say to the ferret?" he mutters to Drago.
Antioc tightens his grip on the sword in his paw, remembering what it felt like. He motions towards the door with it and looks at Jessy, "Ye wanted t' talk t' me?" There is still a good deal of anger in his voice, from the attack and from Sivis.
Drago mutters back to Sivis. "Told him to do the right thin and send her off" he says quietly, heading for the middle of the room, and then a chair.
Jessy dips her head in a slight nod, and turns, moving back out into the street with her tail swaying back and forth behind her. Her expression has turned thoughtful.
Sivis nods. "He'd better listen..."
Drago sighs and nods, looking over his shoulder. "There's something we need to talk about, when they're gone" he says -quietly-.
Antioc returns the nod and waits for her to go out first. Then he passes the sword off to a guard and follows.
Jessy moves a little away from the Priory's entrance and turns, leaning casually into the wall of the building. She gestures Antioc toward her as he emerges.
Antioc looks over at her from the entrance and follows her. He at least looks like he's calmed down some as he waits for her to begin.
"It occurred to me," Jessy says slowly, watching the hob's expression, "that you might be under the impression that I /trust/ you..."
Antioc shakes his head, "I've never thought ye t' be one t' trust /any/ beast. It be th' best way t' keep yer skin most 'o th' time."
"Good." Jessy's gaze is sharp and calculative. "See, I figure if you thought I trust you... you might be inclined to take advantage of the supposed trust. You might be inclined to betray me..."
Antioc crosses his arms and raises a brow, "'Ow long 'ave ye known me now? 'Asn' it always been me 'at trusted ye?"
Jessy smirks at the hob, watching him carefully as she leans in a little. "Oh, aye, I knew you... But don't think that little stunt you pulled with cutting out his eye has impressed me much. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you tried to cross me."
Antioc doesn't betray any emotion, until she mentions the cutting of the eye. That gets a /very/ quick eye twitch in response. He shakes his head, "An' what would I 'ave t' gain from 'foolin' ye like 'at? Or foolin th' captain 'o th' guard 'ere?"
Jessy moves one shoulder in a small shrug. "Maybe to ease your stricken conscience. Maybe the other hob's idiocy has just rubbed off."
"Ease me conscience? 'O what?" the brother asks.
Jessy mutters in response, "The more appropriate response would be 'what conscience?'..."
Antioc continues to look unimpressed, "Semantics. Yer tryin t' get me t' admit t' sommat." Then he smirks, "But I know yer tricks Cap'n Jessy. I sailed wit' ye long enough."
Jessy's teeth show in a broad smile. "You don't know my tricks my half. But sure, if it makes you feel better."
Antioc nods, "Perhaps. But I do know enough when someone's tryin t' manipulate me."
Jessy arches one brow just a notch. "Am I? I can't imagine what end I'd be trying to achieve..."
"Exactly what ye said when we first came out. Ye don' think 'at I's truthful when I took th' ferret's eye," Antioc says easily.
"I didn't say /that/. I said I wasn't impressed." Jessy flexes one hand, claws slipping out, and takes a moment to examine the sharp tips. Then she reaches up to curl her fingers around Antioc's muzzle, holding it shut. "Do not. Betray me. /If/ you have something you're hiding, something you're plotting, I /will/ find it out. And I will make your life hell. And then, most likely, I'll end it. Understood?"
Antioc knows that he used to always be a little more timid when she did something like this, so he doesn't fight against it. His eyes widen slightly and he nods at her threat, fully knowing that she /would/ find out and that she /would/ make him pay for it.
"Good." Jessy's muzzle is nearly touching his, teeth apparent. She lets him go.
Antioc takes a step back and frowns, "Don't ye think 'at's not a good visual if any beast 'appens t' be watchin?" He definitely has a different tone in his voice now.
Jessy smirks. "Since when do I give a bloody hell about anyone watching? Paranoia is such a mediocre survival trait..."
Antioc shakes his head, "Apparently ye don' care if word reaches th' abbey a'fore I do." He crosses his arms and leans against the building, looking around at anything but her.
"I'm not so adamant about Ghost that any of it really matters. It's the /game/ that's so much fun..." Jessy makes a gesture of dismissal to let the ferret go back inside.
Antioc nods to her and immediately turns to leave upon seeing her gesture. He didn't want to be around her much longer this time, she seemed like she was in a mood.
Jessy stays where she is, eyes narrowed a little skeptically at the hob as she watches him go.
Antioc stops when he gets to the door and turns to look at her, "Jus' don' mess things up fer me. I still like t' get me job done."
Jessy flicks one ear more forward toward Antioc. "Which job? Or rather.. which hob. Dagger, or Antioc?"
Antioc responds without thinking, "Th' Dagger, Cap'n. I get results." He knew what she wanted to hear.
"Yeah, we'll see," is Jessy's rather clipped response.
Antioc doesn't say anything else, he just opens the doors and disappears inside.
Antioc comes walking back into the priory, looking like a mixture of anger and nervousness.
Drago is curled into a ball, shaking and sobbing quite a bit.
Drago is also right next to the door.
Sivis looks at Antioc. "Hello." He wipes a couple of tears from his eyes.
Sivis looks away from Antioc and Drago. "I...I'm going to take a nap..."
Antioc looks over when he hears Drago crying, frowns, then looks at Sivis. He looks from one to the other for a moment before asking, "What did I miss?"
Drago's ear twitches, the ferret looking up and jumping to his footpaws quickly, trying to give Antioc a very, very tight hug. "Thank goodness your alright...we....w-we need to talk"
Antioc seems a little taken aback, though he does return the hug, "I be fine. I got 'er t' leave...but, aye. We do need t' talk."
Drago breaths a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry...I...I told Sivis you were the one to take my eye...I we're...planning s-something we want you in on..." he blurts out, still hugging.
Antioc pulls himself away from the hug and looks at the other ferret. A moment later he motions to a chair, "Sit down...tell me what 'appened."
Drago is shaking quite a bit, nodding as he slowly sits down. "I...I told Sivis...that you were f-f-forced to eye by the cat...We both...f-f-forgive you and now we are..p-planing to go after her and kill her so she can't do anymore harm..." stupid, or brave, but its definitely dumb. "I...I'm s-s-sorry"
Antioc shakes his head, " Drago. She be th' ruler of Jettekstan. Fer one she 'as guards. Fer two, I seen 'er fight more'n two at a time and come out on top."
Drago shakes her head. "I...need to...try" he sniffles. "I can't let...her...r-r-ruin my friend's life" he says. "Please...Don't...don't turn, please" he goes to hug again.
Antioc puts his paws out to stop the hug, "She ain'. Plus, I kin take care 'o meself matey. Ye ain' gotta worry 'bout me."
Drago takes a deep breath and closes his eye before opening it again. " you can't take care of yourself..." he takes off the eye patch. "You almost killed me because of her. You were evil, and she's exploiting that. You are at risk Antioc and I can not let her hurt you"
Antioc looks away from the empty socket and swallows, "She'll kill ye both."
Drago eyes the ferret before placing the patch back. "If she kills us, we'll die trying to protect a friend. You should go, Brother. Go to the abbey, and hide. Let us deal with her...please...Just leave"
Antioc clenches a paw into a fist and motions to the rest of the priory with the other, "An' who'll look aft'r th' rest 'o th' priory? Huh? Sist'r Sunny be back at th' abbey right now. I be th' only one 'at can Drago. I cain' abandon th' novices 'ere like 'at."
Drago looks around and takes a deep breath. "Close the priory...burn it, blame the vermin, do something. Just do not go back to your old ways, please. Just go where she can not get you. Be safe, never speak of it again, please..." he's sobbing again, doing his best to keep calm.
Antioc shakes his head, "I cain' do 'at. I'll go back t' th' abbey, aft'r another brother 'r sister comes 'ere t' take over."
Drago shakes his head and growls. "You are so stupid!" he shouts, standing and growling, his sword is on his belt. "If you stay, you're bound to be turned over to her, why are you being so stupid? Huh? You took my eye...if she gets to you, there's a priory full of woodlanders...What would happen if she convinced you to join her again? Huh? You gonna take their eyes too? to kill..t-t-them" he starts to hyper ventilate, the ferret sitting down and panting hard.
Antioc stands up and raises his voice, "Sit. Down. Drago. And give me yer sword. Now." He holds out his paw to take it, "Ye still be in th' priory, ye still know th' rules." The other hob was right though, what if she did get to him again.
Drago pants hard and looks up to the other ferret. "I...I can't. Today was...the second time...vermin attacked the priory...and...I can't let you hurt anybeast else...if...she gets to let me stay with it, or I will leave..." he pants out, eye closing, tears falling still.
Antioc narrows his eyes, "Why are ye so willin t' throw yer life away fer me? I'm going t' go 'n talk t' th' Lady Regent 'n get all'a this taken care of. Put yer blade away or I will take it from ye. I ain' gonna let ye do sommat so /stupid/ as to try 'n kill Jessy. I 'aven't seen a beast alive 'at could kill 'er."
Drago eyes the ferret and then wipes his tears away. "I can not...and will not...let her live...that too evil to be left alive, not just to you" he says, standing. "If she gets to you again..." he almost places his paw on his shoulder but doesn't. "I...I'll have no choice...but to kill you" his voice shakes more then ever at that part as he slowly heads for the door.
Antioc steps forward and reaches out to put a paw on Drago's shoulder, "Drago...don't..."
Drago pauses once but sighs. "I have to" he says quietly, slowly going for the door again, but pauses. "Unless you stop me, and that...would require you to do what you did to me the first time"
What to do, what to do. Why couldn't the abbot be here, or at the very least Sister Sunrose. They could at least give him some advise. Then, an idea springs to Antioc's head and he reaches out, grabs hold of Drago's shoulder, and pulls him backward so he could get in between the other ferret and the door. "Ye wanna go get yerself killed? Then get past me," the brother challenges.
Drago blinks as he's pulled back, his sword drawn quickly and pointed at the other ferret. "Do...not make me kill you, please" he says.
Antioc narrows his eyes at the other ferret and puts his arms out to the side despite the blade, "Git yerself past me 'n I'll let ye go t' yer death at 'er paws."
Drago watches and slowly draws his blade back, the ferret trying so hard to strike but its not working, his brain not working with his paws properly. "I...I don't see why you have the stop me" he tries so hard to bring the blade upon Antioc but right now, he just can't do it.
Antioc takes a step towards Drago, his arms still out to the side, "Because it's what a friend would do, it's what a good beast would do, and it's what a brother 'o th' order would do."
Drago watches and watches before letting out a loud yell. "Arrrauhg" he shouts, brining the blade down lightning fast into the ground, it missing Antioc completely.
Antioc slowly reaches out to take the blade from Drago, "Give me th' blade matey..."
Drago grips it tightly before letting it go, falling to his knees and looking completely lost.
Antioc takes the blade and tosses it towards the door where there was supposed to be a guard. He kneels down in front of Drago, "Look matey. If there was 'nother chance of Jessy gettin me, do ye think 'at I'd 'ave stopped ye?"
Drago closes his eye and thinks. "Maybe...I...don't know what that vermin would want you to do" he sighs. "I...just don't want to lose you"
Antioc shakes his head, "Ye ain' matey. I still 'ave many more seasons 'o tormentin novices in th' kitchens ahead 'o me." He chuckles and stands, reaching a paw out to help the other to his feet.
Drago slowly takes the offered paw and stands. "I...I need to...think for a while" he says, slowly going to find somewhere to curl into a ferretball.
Antioc tries to lead him towards the stairs, "Ye got a bed up 'ere. Git yerself some sleep."
Drago nods and slowly goes for the stairs, starting up them. "Thank you...don't ever...ever go evil...please" he says finally before proceeding up the stairs.
Antioc watches Drago go up the stairs and nods, "I won' matey." Then he goes to sit on the floor in front of the fireplace, trying to plan out his next move.