Arundal Trouble on the horizon part 2

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Troubles Brewing in the town of Arundal. With a horde of angry vermin on the war path the village is like a powder keg ready to explode, in some ways literally...

Night falls quickly in these parts. The sunset lasts for only a moment before the land descends into darkness. The city is still active though, many beasts are walking down to the theater on main street, the lights from the vermin miner town at the bottom of the valley in the north east light up the canyon. As for others they make due with a pleasant dinner at the local eater. The tavern rests half on, half off the cliff side over looking the valley below. A large patio jets over the abyss, below it is Beggar's pass, to the west the water fall, to the east, the bend leading under the ruins of the castle.

Byron is here at a patio table. The fat bellied grey fox has a bib wrapped under his second chin and is eating away at a sort of tuna casserole dinner. Woodlanders. Never did know how to make a decent steak...

Neither Rorgan' or Derrin really imagined it would be very hard to find the tavern in order to meet Byron or Henri, but the village really proved to be quite annoying for the twins to navigate. However, persistence really worked for them, and eventually they both find themselves striding through the tavern towards the patio table. They both smile as they sight Byron, and they sit at his table. "Took us long enough t' find this place." Remarks Rorgan.

The heavy set fox takes a bite of his meal before replying, "Indeed it did, forgive me for starting dinner with out you." The fox leans to the side, picking up a leather satchel he had under his chair. Moving his plate off to the side the beast opens the bag to produce a small rolled up map which he unfolds across the table, "Sit, sit. I'll order you a drink while you get a lay of the land. This is entire area of mossflower around Arundal."

Rorgan and Derrin look at each other for a moment, already seated. "Right," says Derrin, looking down at the unfolded map along with his brother. "So where are we goin' t' be goin' after t' find our parents?" He asks, already getting excited at this point by the thought of his parents being possibly close to his location.

The fox waves the waiter over. The small squirrel tavern maid comes with a fresh bottle of brandy which she pours into three glasses, one for each. The squirrel doesn't even look towards Byron and her paws shake ever so slightly as she pours his cup. Continuing on the fox replies, "This area here is where the Mqua, Light Paw, and other tribes the locals call Bush Folk have made a larger tribe. We fear they are trying to amass a small army to come raid the village. If your parents are still alive they are most likely here." Bryon says with a cheerful smile, unworried about his blunt statement

Derrin narrows his eyes as he stares at the map. "They have t' be alive, an' we're goin' t' find them. Wot do we have t' do, Byron?" He looks back up at the fox, determination alight in his eyes, mirrored by his brother, who lets Derrin speak for him for the moment.

Byron nods, laying into his meal again. "Our first and primary goal is to rescue your parrents and any others that they have taken." He takes a bite and chews as he says, "I hate to say this but people should not be living out there by themselves surrounded by horde beasts. Sure there is vermin but then there are 'vermin'. It makes my job to keep them safe when they willingly throw themselves into danger, much like your parrents did." He chuckles making a mock voice, "Ohhhhh, these beasts are just missunderstood, they have kind hearts blah blah blah. And now look what it got them."

Rorgan raises an eyebrow. "We'll worry about why they did that /when/ we rescue them, but fer now, we need t' worry about how we're goin' t' save them." Derrin nods in agreement. "How exactly do you plan to pull this off?" He asks, leaning forward in his seat.

"Simple recon. Henri said you would be good at that and..." the fox snaps his fingers, "Oh right, sorry Henri gives his appologies. He has some business with the mayor turn up and won't be joining us. Now..." The fox pauses and sniffs the air, "Do you smell smoke?" At that moment a beast bursts through the door of the tavern. The hare looks startled and yells out, "The warehouse is on fire! The wear house is on fire!"

Derrin and Rorgan stand from the table at the same exact time, looking back at the hare, then down at Byron, trying to figure out what to do since neither of them know exactly where the warehouse is. After a moment, however, they both seem to decide it doesn't quite matter, since a burning building would be hard to miss, and they both burst into a sprint past the hare and out of the tavern.

The fox currses loudly, tossing his bib to the table. Out side the night sky is reflects the bon fire that has been the city warehouse. Located on main street the large wood building has only started to burn. Across the street is the Inn and theater. Several beasts stand in a circle shouting and pointing to the fire.

The twins both runs straight for the circle of beasts, trying to find out what happened. "Is anybeast in that warehouse?" Asks Derrin quickly, trying not to yell at the shouting beasts. Rorgan, for his part, stands there and waits for the answer, which he hopes will result in no.

In the ware house, no, ontop of it? That is another story. The woodlanders gasp as a trio of figures are seen on the top of the two story building. It's hard to tell what exactly the beasts are from this distance and under the face masks they were. Their gear is tribal with feathers sticking out of their beaded armor. They look down on the beasts below before dashing off to the north side of the building. They plan to leap across the gap to the building next door.

Looking up at the trio of beasts, Rorgan and Derrin narrow their eyes and exchange quick glances with each other and giving a quick nod before dashing off again in the direction of the beasts, with Rorgan drawing his bow and an arrow and Derrin simply tightening his fists in preparation of a possible fight. "Rorgan, shoot them!" Exclaims Derrin, which prompts Rorgan to stop and draw his arrow back before letting it loose at the beasts just as they go to take the leap.

The arrow wizzes by the head of the lead beast. All three land on the next roof and roll to their feet. They continue to run for the next roof, admitedly a little bit quicker. Byron eventually arrives along with Tavis from the Inn. The mouse starts shouting orders along with Byron to corrordinate their efforts to get the fire out. "Still think they are not a credible threat mouse?" Byron shouts with a chuckle, "Stow it fox!" Tavis snaps back.

Derrin curses to himself, but Rorgan, being ever stubborn, goes for another shot, focusing on his shot a bit better this time, but this only counteracts the fact that he's stretching how far he can shoot accurately. With a whoosh, the arrow is released and is sent on its merry way towards the group again.

There is a shrill yelp and one of the beasts stumbles and rolls down the roof of the building, falling off into the alley between it and the jail house roof. The other beasts look back after making the jump. There is an argument between them but finely leap into the alley as well two buildings away from Rorgan and Derrin.

Derrin growls, and dashes off after the two beasts that had disappeared, yelling over his shoulder, "Rorgan, make sure the one you shot doesn't get away!" With a nod, the other otter sheaths his bow and draws both of his daggers, dashing off towards the alleyway, prepared to take this beast prisoner, or kill him in the process.

The Alley itself is deserted, a few box's are over turned where some beasts fell and there is a blood trail leading away from Main Street, to the set of residential houses on the other side of the alley. Who ever is missing this much of their blood is certainly going to start missing it soon.

The trail leads out into the next cobble road. The houses here are small, single story and modest looking. And with the beasts focusing on the fire the dozen or so beasts here did not see the person who made the trail of red dropplests leading down the street and into another alley. There are also a few feathers here, and a face mask. A simple wooden peice of clothing made to expose the wearers snout but keep his eyes covered, and is lined with brown sparrow feathers. Apparently the beasts are trying to ditch their tribal gear which would stand out like a sore thumb in this crowd.

The sight of these things on the ground really could do more to divert the twins' attention, but as it is, they run straight past, figuring the injured beast would be rather easy to spot being held between two beasts. "Derrin, we have t' hurry. You can run faster, so go up ahead an' catch at least one." Derrin quickly nods and speeds up, leaving his slightly slower brother behind within moments.

The blood trail is starting to become smaller. Either the beast has stopped the majority of the bleeding or he has no more life blood to bleed. The trail leads into another small alley, it cuts through the open gate of a large wooden privacy fence surrounding the backyard of a small single story log house. As the otter nears he catches the tail end of an argument, "...just leave the fox behind! You know he would do the same to us!" Another voice, "Blast it! You idiot we need to stick together! Hey! Where are you going!" The first voice replies, "Away from you! You lot are going to get me..." A tall and skinny weasel appears out the fence. He is a brown furred beast currently tossing on a red tunic with a pair of stolen pants in one paw. He is also wearing a cloth sash around his waist. His eyes meet with the otter in the alley and he gasp, "Ah heck..."

The weasel goes flying into the fence behind him, sliding down the edge of the gate and clutching at his snout. "DAH! yu bro' my 'ose!" The weasel looks down through tear filled eyes for some help from his allies but the yard is already empty. All that is left is a clothes line with some missing cloths and discarded bead vestments and face masks.

At that point, Rorgan rushes into the alley, daggers drawn and ready to do some work, though he is slightly disappointed to find that he won't end up having to use them. Derrin walks forward towards the fallen weasel, chuckling darkly. "If you don't get up an' come with us, I'll break more than that, mate."

The weasel makes a pitiful dook sound. One paw clutching at his snout the other held up defensively he says, "W-wait...I surr'nder!" The weasel isn't going to put up much of a fight, not against two otters and with a broken snout.

Derrin gives a humorless grin, walking forward more and reaching down to grip the weasel's arm with a merciless iron grip as Rorgan sheathes his daggers. "Is this the only one then?" He asks. Derrin nods. "Aye, the one you shot seems t' have gotten away unfortunately, but we got this one at least."

THe weasel makes a low whine as protest, "Hey! Wa'tch 'da fur!" The fire from the warehouse lights up the town and can be seen even from here. It seems the fire brigade has failed to get it under control and the flames have spread to the roof. It juts out of every window and crevasse. The weasel looks at his handy work and gulps. Looks like some one got left holding the bag...