Arundal Reunion Interupted

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Reunited at last with their parents Rorgan and Derrin enjoy their time talking about the past, until it is learned that the past might destroy their future.

The sounds of laughter can be heard well into the night, long after the otter Elesi left for her errand. For the first time in a long time the old hunter and old healer were well and truely happy. It was if their sons had come back from the dead. After splashing some water on her husbands face the parrents of Rorgan and Derrin sat them down at the kitchen table. Made for two the space was crowded, vannon had to sit on the bed across the room. Their hosts decided to throw as much of a feast as they could. The quantity of the stew wasn't much but the quality was superb. Fiagai proved to be quite the cook. Finishing his stew the older odder asked, "So look at you two, all grown up. What have you been doing all this time?"

The twins really would rather not go into much detail about every single thing they had been doing, but they figured they could summarize somewhat. "When we became of age, we both served in the Rogue Crew up north." replies Rorgan. "I was an archer, an' Derrin here was a paw t' paw fighter." Derrin simply nods, trying not to burst into a thousand questions. "Although a season or two ago, I left, an' Derrin came after me, but all that time we never actually knew we were related."

"Rogues Crew? Heh, I always wondered what you two would be doing if you had...well, survived. IF you would have followed in our paw tracks or done something completely different." Fiagai chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck, "Assuming you both didn't drive us mad by the time you reach adult hood. You were both pretty energetic dibbins."

Derrin laughs, giving his parents a rather cheeky grin. "Well he didn't say everythin' was peaceful once we left the group. We've had plenty of action t' keep us busy in Mossflower. Everthin' from giant snakes t' bein' kidnapped an' tortured an' bandits galore." He lists these things off casually as though they don't quite mean anything.

The fox on the bed behind them is sitting on his haunches eating at his second bowl of stew. Because of his malnourished state Galah ordered him to eat up. He gets a good kick out of this, the best kind of gluttony is doctor ordered. He raises a paw and says, "Don't forget the lizard's in the ruin's under Beggar's Pass." Fiagai chuckles at this then pauses, "Wait...those are real? There really /are/ lizards down there?" Galah smiles and rolls her eyes, "I just got my babies back to me, I would rather NOT hear about how others tried to tear them to pieces, tortured them, and tried to kill them." She takes a sip of tea then immediately asks, "How did you both survive the Massacre?"

Both otters look at each other for a moment, then back to their parents, shrugging. "Honestly...we don't remember anythin' of our early lives. That's why we hadn't known we were related or where we had even come from fer the longest time." Rorgan sighs, leaning back in his chair. "I really wish I could remember more, but we've had time t' talk about it, an' we don't remember a single bit."

"That's not surprising, seeing how you were both so young." Galah nods her head as she speaks. Their father begins to take a sip of his own tea, "I'm interested in how you found out you are both related. Heh, I don't know why but I bet a girl is involved somehow." He smirks as he takes a sip.

Rorgan chuckles softly at this. Only thirty or so minutes in and his parents are already acting like parents with teasing to boot. "Well..we were walkin' along, an' we were attacked by Elissi, an' her da came out an' almost shot us, but he recognized us. He introduced himself as Henri, an' basically told us everythin'."

The laughter in the room comes to an abrupt halt. The joy and mirth from finding their sons alive has been lost. Setting his tea cup carefully down on the table. Fiagai gives them both a serious look compounded by his deep eyes and large eyebrow. "What in the nine blazes do you have to have to do with the likes of Henri Truchon."

This sudden change in mood catches both otters off guard, and they get a worried look, instantly feeling as though something has gone terribly wrong. "W-We don't have anythin' t' do with him, but he led us here, an' he introduced us t' the beasts who led us t' the bush folk who led us t' you." Despite these things, the twins can't shake the feeling that they may have been too trusting.

Fiagai nearly snarls the next sentence, "Henri Truchon is a liar and a thief. He is the reason our village was burnt to the ground and..." The old otter clutches at his chest and sighs. "Easy honey. You are still healing from that shoulder wound, and you know about your blood pressure." Galah says. She finishes for him, "He sold tainted goods to the Bush Folk. Blankets laced with insects infected by the plague. We...never found out why he did it but..."

"Because of him hundreds of vermin died, and then they attacked our village. He has so much blood on his paws you can drown a beast in it." Fiagai continues, a bit more reserved now.

Rorgan's eyes widen at this revelation. "But...if he did that because he wanted the bush folk dead, then....wouldn't it make sense that he stayed in Arundal t' do something t' finish them off?" Derrin looks almost horrified at the suggestion, but it kind of made sense to him. "The beasts in Arundal are on edge, an' three vermin set a warehouse on fire yesterday, so everybeast wants war."

Vannon gulps down his stew nervously. Oh blast oh blast oh blast. He is so going to get beaten up for this, but there are lines that even he won't cross. Turning away from the otters to look out the windowand looking away the fox begins to rub the back of his neck, "Yeah...about the fire. Bush Folk, were not exactly responsible for that...."

Rorgan's eyes almost visibly harden as Vannon speaks. "I swear t' every star in the sky, Vannon. If you were anywhere close t' responsible fer that, I'm goin' t' make you wish you had never been born." Unfortunately for Vannon, Derrin seems to share the same sentiment, though this is shown by him standing with tightened fists.

"Wait..." Fiagai rubs the bridge of his snout. This is all new information to them. "You told us you were robbed by bandits...and...wait, hold on. I'm confused. That little otter gal there is the same Elesi as Henri's daughter? Why would they want you to burn down the warehouse. That makes no sense." The fox gulps, "Well...maybe you can ask her, she came back with the sherrif." The fox points out the dirty window to where the otter is leading Byron down the street. Even in the darkness it is clear to see that the fleshy vulpine sherrif has all twelve of his deputies behind him.

Rorgan instantly stands at the sight he sees out the window. "Ma...Da...let Derrin an' I take care of this. We'll make sure they don't touch you or Vannon." Derrin nods in agreement, standing up with his brother. "We've only just found you. Wotever these beasts want, it's obviously not good, an' I doubt they'll be peaceful."

The sherrif stops several paces away from the house. While taking a bit of the apple in his paw he orders some of his beasts to surround the house. As six depties manuver around the house to secure the exits Aryln the stoat walks up to the door and pounds on it. Fiagai and his wife don't argue, they begin to help the wounded fox to the back room, "Oh blazes...she's working with the sherrif...the've come to kill us all and OW." Fiagai slaps him upside the head, "We don't know anything yet. The sherrif is a corruptible thug but...burning down the warehouse?" Galah shrugs, "I wouldn't put it past him. I never did trust that fox. We need to get to the mayor. Maybe he..." Fiagai laughs, "Yeah, like he is going to help, just like how he ALWAYS helped before..." The fox inside the room snarls, "Argue later deal with this now!"

Derrin breathes a sigh of relief as he watches his parents comply with their request. He hadn't been expecting them to go along with it so quickly, but he also hadn't been wanting to argue with his parents so soon after meeting them. Rorgan looks over at his brother, looking almost hopeless. "You know...there are far too many armed beasts against us, an' we weren't ready fer this." Derrin makes a cutting motion with his paw. "Save it, Rorgan. We'll come out of this just fine, an' we'll get Ma, Da and Vannon out too." He walks towards the door, fists tight. "Rorgan, stay out of sight an' be ready with yer daggers. We're likely goin' t' have t' commit more than a few crimes t' get out of this alive." With this said, Derrin turns towards the door as Rorgan moves to the side, letting his armor and fur blend him into the shadows as he draws his dagger. Derrin reaches out and opens the door, and gives a smile to the stoat on the other side. "Can I help you?"

The stoat give him a crooked smile with missing teeth, "The sherrif would like to have a word with you." The fat fox shouts, "More than a few I can tell you that much." The stoat nods and steps aside to let the otter pass through, keeping his paw on the hilt of his blade. The six five other deputies here are of various species and armed with short swords and cross bows.

Derrin really has no other choice but to step out the door, still giving off his innocent smile. "I'm sorry, but is somethin' wrong Byron?" It's all he can do at this point not to lunge at Elissi and rip her throat out from pure rage, but seasons of experience told him to simply stand there and take the needles of betrayal with a smile.

The fox takes a few steps forward. It's amazing what you can get away with in Silver Valley, how quickly beasts turn a blind eye and deaf ear. There are some things best not to leave to chance of getting in the rumor mill. Now closer with the slender otter Elesi behind him the fox gives Derrin a cheerful smile, "You guys kind of left us there back at the camp." He chuckles, "And might I add, in the company of a known fugitive who just happens to want to, you know...destroy us all." The fox paces a bit his smile fading, "Elesi here also tells me you found your parrents AND one of the beasts who set the warehouse on fire." Byron stops he gives the otter a look of contempt, "So...yeah. 'somethin' is wrong."

Derrin chuckles rather sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Aye, sorry about that, but when the fox led us here, we weren't exactly able t' come back an' get you since he would' you on sight." A sick feeling begins to rise in his chest, knowing he would be lucky to get out of this situation alive, even with his brother hidden back in the house. "An' as fer Vannon, I've learned of some interestin' news about him. Aye, he helped set the warehouse on fire, but did Miss Elesi tell you who told him t' do it?"

Bryon pauses for a moment, shifting his weight to one side as he crosses his arms considering this for a moment. One must always way their options. Option one. Storm the house by force, risk killing himself and his deputie. Two threaten to do horrible and nasty things people infront of their loved ones. Three listen to what is about to be said. Choosing the path of least resistance Byron replies, "Veriken seemed not to know who exactly set the fire when we caught him. I havn't had much chance to 'process' him at the jail." He nods his head, "I am interested though in what you have to say. But do make it quick. I am not a patient beast."

Derrin smirks, looking rather victorious. "Twas nobeast other than Henri Truchon an' his liddle angel lass, Elisi." He points at Elisi finally. "She was here when Rorgan an' I got here tendin' t' Vannon's wound from an arrow Rorgan shot. The moment she saw us, she hightailed it right out o' there, an' she looked rather nervous as well."

The fox raises an eyebrow at this, "You mean to tell me the person you came here with, is the one who burned down the warehouse. That is either quite the charge, or else you are trying to toss your friends under the wagon." Elesi tenses. "Byron what are..." The fox silences her when he orders two of his deputies to grab the otter. "You know what, this is way over my pay grade. Derrin, if what you say is true then you, your family and the fox arsonist you have can follow me and my men peacefully up to the mayors manor. If not...well. I would really hate to have you shot in the knee infront of your parrents." He says with a friendly smile.

Derrin slowly nods, holding his paws up in a show of submission. "Alright, let's not be too drastic, alright? I'll call them out right now." Turning, he calls, "Ma, Da, Rorgan! Come out here with Vannon. Everything's fine, but please don't do it with weapons out." That last bit is more specifically directed at Rorgan, who, upon hearing his brother, rushes into the back room. "Did you hear him?" He asks.

Fiagai nods, "Aye, we heard." Vannon grits his teeth, "Doesn't me i have to like it. Something isn't right here though." The fox takes a step toward the door, "At this point...I don't trust any of you, least of all the otter who just went to help from the one beast we were trying hard to avoid..." And with that the fox hobbles out.

Marched under the cover of darkness the otters, all five of them plus the fox are taken up the hill, through the city and past the old castle ruins. There is not much to see of the mayors manor at night. The beasts are ussured into the manor with out ceremony. Eventually they come to a large dinning hall. A simple wooden room large enough to accommodate a festival. A large window lines the far wall over looking the back yard gardens of the estate. The mayor edwin is here eating an extravigant dinner with Henri the otter sitting to his right behind a long table when Byron leads the party in with four guards behind them.

The moment the twins are marched into the dining hall, they both break into enraged growls as they spot Henri. Their bared teeth give them a rather terrifying look, though this probably isn't the best way to react around one's parents. "Enjoyin' the fruits of betrayal I'll bet," Mutters Rorgan to Derrin, who simply continues with his low growl as they walk.

Edwin looks up from his meal, "Oh, Byron. I see you brought the otters here, and their parrents. Good work." the shrew cuts into fish dinner while Henri narrows his eyes at the fox, "Why is elesi in ropes." The fox turns to the younger otter and the rope binding they put around her paws, "Well, apparently she and yonder fox." He nods his head to Vannon who also has his hand paws bound, "Are the other beasts who started the warehouse fire." He says with a chuckle, as if only he is getting the joke.

Rorgan pipes up with a rather irritated tone. "An' there's really no point in denyin' it fer her either. Vannon already told us wot happened, an' I think I know exactly why Henri an' Elise would want Vannon t' set the warehouse on fire." Derrin interjects, basically finishing the thought for his brother. "Aye! Henri was tryin' t' start a war between Arundal an' the bush folk so that Arundal's superior forces would completely wipe out the bush folk an' finish wot he started when he gave the plague t' that same tribe!"

There is a long pause. Byron blinks in surprise at this last part, Elesi does too. " That can't be true." Elesi gives her father a pleading stare. She helped with the first part yes but, this can't be true! can it. Henri remains silent as Edwin takes this all in. Taking his bib and wiping the food off of his snout, "Yes. Because I hired him to do so."

The shrew stands up from the table. Folding his arms behind his back the mayor walks behind henri and faces the window to the outside. "Why? Because they were too stupid to get out of the way. This land is filled with silver, among other gems. And all that stood between us and its bounty were a group of savage tribal vermin. We tried to reason with them but they wouldn't let us mine here. So...I gave Henri here a modest fee to, take care of the problem." He glares at the otter, "His tactics were crude, and ended up wiping out the village to the south instead, but in the end i was able to salvage his mess. I convinced the surrounding village leaders to form an army and drive them out of the land."

The shrew chuckles, "Ironically the bush folk relocated to a land with gold under it." He turns to the shocked and horrified faces of the otters and foxes. Even Byron looks horrified. "And by superior forces you mean the militia. The only way to drive them off the land now is with their help. So I had henri burn down a few houses here and there, and get rid of some pesky bleeding hearts that were starting to sway others away from war fare."

There's really nothing to stop Rorgan from pulling a dagger and launching it straight at the shrew, but even before that, Derrin lets out an enraged scream and sprints towards the mayor, aiming to tackle the shrew straight to the ground and hopefully end his miserable life. "You miserable cheatin' waste of fur!" He snarls as he goes, jumping into what he hopes will be a flying tackle into the shrew.

The shrew is tackled to the floor. But not for very long. Henri is up draws his blade, resting it on the otters neck, "Enough. He turns to the guards who have drawn their blades but make no motion to interfier. "Let him up, or your parrents get to watch you die. and then afterward you are all going to tell Tavis about the evils of what the bush folk are plannin...or he will finely get his evidence from seeing your cold, dead corpses that Byron brought back." The fox tilts his head to the side, "Did I?" The otter smiles, "Unless you want to join yall be good for Tavis eh? He's on his way over..."

Derrin is simply forced to freeze the moment he feels the blade touch his neck, and the one fist that had been poised to punch the shrew's lights out now stops in midair. Rorgan, however, thinking quickly, pulls one of his daggers and launches it straight towards Henri, though he had never imagined he would end up doing such.

The knife flies true. The otter screams as it passes by his face, taking a good chunk of fur and forrever blinding him in is right eye. The otter stumbles through the glass window and into the ground outside. Elesi shouts "Daddy!" And byron draws his blade but doesn't make a move to help or hinder them. Outside the otter gets up. Behind him is the gardens and a large fountain. "Miserable rat! I'll kill you both!"

Rorgan draws his remaining dagger and dashes off after Henri, calling back to his parents, "Stay here!" Before jumping out the broken window and landing in front of Henri. "Alright, Henri, now you pay fer wot you did." Meanwhile, Derrin's raised fist now has the opportunity to come down, slamming straight into the shrew's jaw with terrifying force fueled by pure rage.

With a shout of rage Henri slashes at the otter with his blade in his left paw, holding his wounded eye in the right.

Rorgan ducks under the slash, bringing his paw up and over in an arcing attack with the knife point coming straight towards Henri's left eye rather quickly.

More to come. We had to pause here for rl reasons but don't worry more is to come soon!