Another Day, Another Duel (Of Mice and Maps)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The party (Aikuen, Ekho, and Riverdale) encounters the enigmatic mercenary Anba Hor. Kitsune drops in to help.

Ekho may be hurt, but she's not out. Right now, she's sort of slowly walking about, wincing every few moments thanks to the stab wound. Though if she continues to get used to pain again, Maybe she'll be able continue.

Aikuen had spent the night up and about. He had collected the belongings that were scatered everywhere, and returned them to their original owner. The fire still glowed bright for he fed it trough the night, and even took out a small cooking cauldron, and was no boiling what looked like tea. He had removed his vest (for it was all torn up) and is now using it as a rag. He had gathered many medium length sticks, and was now sharpening them with is dagger.

Ekho slowly finishes her test walk before nodding painfully, but approvingly! She then sort of wanders over to Aiku and smiles slightly. "Whatch'ya doin?"

Aikuen takes the current he is working on and shoves it into the ground, he smiles at mouse, and pats her on the head. "Well young'un this are what they like to call throwing lances. The do a much better job then my ottelenia" He points toward the insturment by his side, which has cracked down the middle. He pulls out antother stick and begins sharpinging. Without looking up from his work, he says softlly "How the wound? any better? is it still bleeding?"

Ekho looks over to her wound before nodding. "Some...and it still hurts...but I've felt more" she replies.

Aikuen shoves another stick into the ground. he stands up goes over toward the fire. He pours the boliling water, from the caldron, into two empty flasks. he goes back toward his spot and hands one toward Ekho. "Here drink this, you'll feel better. Carful its hot." He takes a sip, his eye pop "ehhh.... awful stuff...." He takes another stick, but he looks at the young mouse with a quizical look on his face. "What do you mean by 'you've felt more'?

Ekho takes it and hrms a bit before sniffing it, then taking a drink. She pauses mid swallow then quickly throws the flask onto the ground, but its more reflex then anything. "Yeeeech!" she says, sputtering. Then she points to the horrible scar on the back of her neck. "Some big rat...hit me with a big axe" she says.

Aikuen says , "he hit you with a big axe? And you survived? Your as tough as your are pretty. a Suprise at everyturn..." He takes a long draft, from the now cool tea, he gulps it down, then he sticks out his tongue... "Blaaaaaaaa..... thats horriable....So...tell me... why did he hit you, with said axe?"

Ekho sits down before yawning. "I stole his food. But I had too...I was soo hungry" she frowns.

Aikuen looked at the mouse, "Stole his food cause you were hungry? Didn't your ma or pa ever feed yah?"

Ekho frowns and hangs her head before shaking it. "Never had a ma or pa" she replies. "Been alone forever"

Aikuen looks down at the ground, "Oh... Im.... Sorry...i didnt know..." hes quiet for a bit... then said, " where are you from?"

Ekho erms a bit and nods but does hold up Wallie, her teddy-badger. "Me ma did make this for me though before she left...i dont 'member her though..." then she sort of looks around then points south/

Riverdale's body, lying prostrate by the fire where the wounded old fellow fell the night before, shifts a bit, and he opens his mouth in a sudden yelp as the fabric of his traveling robe, fused to his side along the length of his scar, tears away from his side.

Riverdale begins painfully to sit up, rubbing his eyes with a paw.

Aikuen nods and hmms a bit. Then hearing the yelp, jumps up sword at the ready. He runs and looks, as if looking for the enemy. "Where are they!"

Ekho Screams, thinking something was wrong, quickly Dashing behind Aiku, shaking some in fear.

Riverdale shifts his weight first one way then the other, the sharp pain in his side dictating his very cautious rise to his feet. His teeth clench with the effort, and his breathing comes in unsteady gulps. "Ahh..." he rasps, jaw tight. "M-morrow, all." He notices Aikuen's alert posture. "N-no, lad. Just me. Just, ah, just ol' Riv."

Riverdale's eyes brush the surroundings. They are small and sunken, and his face looks bloodless and drained in the clear light of morning.

A dark shape approaches, a mere silouette against the gray morning... it is a fox, not appearing to be armed, but a disturbing sight all the same. He looks off to the side of the path, seeing the small camp, and breathes in the smells of the early day, and decides to approach the others. "Morning, friends... awfully close to the road, no fear of being looted?"

Aikuen breathes a sigh of relief. sheathing his sword and wiping the sweet across brow, he says "whew...dont scare me like that, im almost slew this tree, thinking it was the enemy." He goes over toward the fire and pours the bubling liquid into a fresh flask. "So why did you yell?" He sences tell him somethigns wrong. he turns around, and sees the fox. "Um..... Good Morning ....

Ekho Screams again as theres another voice, one she doesn't know. She hides next to Aikuen and cowers, afraid of the fox.

Anba_Hor peers, interested in the injuries as much as the frightened reactions, "By the looks of things, one would think somebeast has already come this way... I hope you all are alright?" He looks at Riverdale, moaning in pain. "Who is in charge of this camp? Are you? I don't mean to intrude, I've been traveling and needed to stop, is all..." He grins at Ekho.

Riverdale is still not entirely upright, wobbling woozily upon his wide-spread paws and stooped forward. He begins to fall but stabilizes himself and grabs his cane from the ground. He sighs heavily as he eases his weight slowly upon it. The look of relaxation that melts momentarily across his features indicates that he's ignorant of the fox's arrival. His eyes continue their lazy plod across the camp, then, at the sound of Anba's address, a feral terror seems to course through his body, stiffening it. He looks at the fox. "Ahh..." he mumbles, then looks towards Aikuen uncertainly and falls silent.

Aikuen goes over toward where his recenly made throwing lances are sticking in the ground. He eyes the black fox up and down, "You were traveling ... at night... during the winter season?"

Anba_Hor chuckles, turning around slowly and addressing Aikuen, "Of course... I was in a hurry - heading back home. I'm used to the weather, as I often hunt in the snow. Great fun too, in the snow." He eyes the lances and looks back at the otter, "Your friend seems to be in a good deal of pain - were you all ambushed?"

Ekho too scared to move...though after a few moments she slowly wanders to Aiku and hides behind the otter.

Aikuen places his paw on top of Ekho's head, "Yah, were ambushed, but that Kitty-Kat wont bother us again..." He lied, but thats how you act in front of strangers, " Oh by the way i am, former Captain Akiuen Tazen of the Asurahan 4th Milittia, so if you have any business, please speak up!"

Riverdale tempers his fear with habit. He limps over to his rucksack and begins to pull ingredients from it for a small breakfast.

Anba_Hor is all smiles, and goes over to offer a paw to the otter, "You can call me 'Val'... I am just wondering if I can offer my services to you in exchange for a hearty breakfast? I have nothing to eat and grow hungry..." He leans against the tree and nods to the little mouse, "She's awfully shy... say, I daresay I recognize her..."

Ekho wound starts bleeding again though the bandages from the stress she's feeling right now, that whole fact the fox is there...she does tilt her head though. " do?"

Aikuen takes the fox's paw, and shakes it none to gently. Since the fox is up close, he got a good glimpse of him. Seeing no visible weapons, he points to a spot near the fire. " Even though of what happend last night, i cant refuse food to a hungry beast, or refuse for other reasons..."

Riverdale's search has turned up a half loaf of bread, some more roasted acorn nuts, and some flour in a canvas bag. He holds them in his paw as he trudges back towards the campfire. He is very quiet, but his ears quiver now and again, and his nervous glance lands now and again on the strange looking intruder.

Ekho watches riverdale for a moment before hugging her Teddy-Badger closer to her, still hiding behind Aiku.

Anba_Hor winks at the otter and takes a seat, "I couldn't say I'd blame you if you did... but I appreciate it, Captain Tazen. I'd certainly be a foolish beast to put up arms against you and your lot. Now about what I do - I could offer myself to find this 'kitty-kat' of yours, or, depending on where you are going, accompany you as protection?" Anba looks at Riverdale, smile turning stale, giving him a cold, indifferent stare.

Aikuen sits down next to the fox, takes out his shortsword, and shoves it into the ground mere inches from where the fox is siting. "Where quite capable on our own, as for the Wildcat, he wont bother us again, i gurantee it." He leans foward and takes the some of the bubling liquid from the fire, and pours it into a flask. He hands it too the fox. "As for you, what shall we do with you"He places his paw on the hilt of his shortsword.

Ekho sort of...wanders over to the fox slowly, wound bleeding a bit more now...nothing serious though. yet..." do know me?" she asks with a confused look, curiosity getting the better of her

Anba_Hor smiles again as the otter offers the flask, "Why thank you... well..." He says, between sips of the liquid, "You may find a use for me yet, depending on what your situation is... I'm from very near here, and depending on what you seek, I may prove useful to you." He looks down at the mouse, smiling wide and bearing fangs, "Why, yes dear... I think I've seen you at the abbey up the road."

Ekho tilts her head and frowns some. "but...I no remember you?" she replies with a slight frown.

Aikuen aikuen takes last flask and tops if off with the Liquid, he leans toward riverdale and places the flask in front of him. He stands up and pulls the shortword from the ground easily as picking it up. He leans over the fire and pours something into the pot, he then tears a strip from his rag and puts it into the liquid.

Riverdale warms the bread over the fire and deposits a pile of roast acorns upon the ground. He then lowers himself gingerly to the ground and sits on his haunches. He grabs the flask and takes a grateful swig.

Anba_Hor continues with the little mouse, "Oh, I have eyes that see but aren't seen..." He points to the back of his head, then winks at Ekho. "I appear many ways, it is safer for me - being a hunted individual myself."

Ekho tilts her head. " Why?" She asks with a slight frown.

Riverdale plays idly with his cane, etching in the ground something that resembles his old map. It is clear from his tight expression that he is ill at ease.

Aikuen continues to stir the rag-water concoction. he whispears toward riverdale "So how are your cuts...." He sees the look on the squirrel face. he glances toward the fox, "Dont worry bout him, he looks harmless enough" He goes toward the stack of unsharpend sticks which is behind the fox. his sharp dagger begins to create a point on the end.

Anba_Hor grins at the little one's curiosity, "Well, I'm a fox for hire... I go places and do things for others who pay me. And, while I never fail... recently, some seem to think that getting rid of the breadcrumb trail that I represent is a better idea than just paying me. Apparently, they regret hiring me."

Ekho just...nods and does a little smiling before wincing, finding her wound bleeding. "oww..." she frowns some, before sitting down near the fire.

Riverdale looks absentmindedly at Aikuen. "Ah... I'm fine, lad. Really, I am." He offers a bit of warmed bread to the other three.

Riverdale leans towards the otter as he does so and says in a low voice, "Ah, I'll, ah, trust your judgment, lad." Then, more loudly, "But I'd like to... to get on the road again, soon as possible." Still holding how the bread loaf with his right paw, he lets his cane roll down his shins. It comes to a rest upon the tops of his hind paws.

Anba_Hor gratefully accepts, and as he leans over to get it, his cloak parts and perhaps the glint of blades can be seen underneath. "Thank you, sir. He eyes the small mouse again.

Ekho frowns and places a paw over her bleeding wound before wincing one more, just...ignoring it now.

Aikuen notices that Ekho is bleeding again, he whispears toward riverdale, "Im sorry, but i dont think well be able to go anywhere with a wound like that opening up."

Riverdale shakes his head and clasps his eyes shut. "No... No, Aikuen, I must press on. I... I..." he stutters. "I don't know what..." His eyes have taken on that madness again when he looks up at the otter, but he snaps his mouth shut. "But, ay, you're right, lad. Do, ah... Do as you think we must."

Ekho looks up. "no! We're going" She replies. "I'm fine, really!"

Aikuen takes the now sterile rag from the liquid, and pours the 'Medicine' on it. He hands it toward the Ekho, "Here put this on again, it seems to stop the bleeding. "He turns toward Riverdale, and whispears "Aye i hear yah, and i do have a way to seal the wound... but its a vary painful process, but it would gurantee seal of the wound..."

Anba_Hor looks interested at the conversation and at the little one's wounds. "What did this cat look like? He may be from around here... I know plenty of wildcats and other cats." He quickly wraps the cloak back around him when he notices it was revealing his weaponry.

Aikuen looks at the fox, totaly forgetting he was here. "Umm.. it was dark... we didn't get a good look" He saw the weaponry but did not say anything.

Riverdale picks up his walking stick again and rocks it slowly upon his lap. He watches the fox with careful attention but continues to say nothing.

Riverdale's mouth works slowly upon a piece of bread.

Aikuen looks at the fox, a sneer on his face, "So yah say, you do ... jobs for otherbeasts... huh..." He Glares deep into the eyes of the Fox, "Ever Killed anybeast...?"

Anba_Hor blinks and looks calmly over at Aikuen, "I have killed many beasts. Some for food, some for hire. Never for fun... although the experience is quite fun, in the right circumstance. Are you worried I might threaten you? I am not /rude/, sir." He smiles and bows his head, "Although, I certainly do not back down from others who threaten me."

Ekho just...looks to riverdale. "please dont stop...I dont wanna go back...m'fine, really" She says, ignoring that of which Aiku gave her.

Aikuen eyes unblink as he stares at the fox, "Im sorry... please forgive me. "Sarcasim is completly evident. "But while you are with us, i would wish that you drop all the weapons you are now carrying, I wont touch them, you have my word of honor." He eyes peirce the fox's.

Riverdale smiles faintly at his dibbun friend. "I... I didn't mean for you to get hurt," he says mournfully. He holds out a paw for her to come to him.

Anba_Hor slowly rises to his feet, opening his cloak for all to see... "They're all poison, mind you... I don't play around." He slowly draws one, "Perhaps someone has hired you to lure me with this show of pity you've set up here... ohho ho! Very convincing... very appealing, but I think you're from the abbey - why would you be out here, near my home, camping? Looking for someone, eh?"

Aikuen glances at the poison weapons then back at the fox's eyes, "We are from the abbey, we are traveling south, why is of our own reasons, but i can assure you are not a part of it. We just simply set up camp here for the night."

Ekho slowly goes over. "I know Riv-dale...but....please, I dont want to go back to the abbey"

Riverdale puts a paw upon Ekho's shoulder while watching the fox. He ventures, at last, to speak. "You, ah... You give us far too much credit, Val. This... this quest is all about me. Me and... some mad dream I had. Only, I wish I'd known how mad it was... Being at the abbey... It, ah... It lulled me into a sense of safety that softened me..." He rambles absent-mindedly, then looks apologetically at Aikuen. "I'm sorry, lad, I... I know I've probably spoken too freely, but..." he brushes the fur upon Ekho's miniature head, "I... I feel I've made such a hash of things." His mouth trembles, his eyes dampen.

Anba_Hor nods and points the dagger at the road, "Then you will take the advice of your friend the squirrel, Captain, and move on... you will not stay here - not if you have other places to be. And if I am met by any others with hostility, I /will/ hold you responsible." He circles around the camp's perimeter. "You can leave the food here."

Riverdale splutters.

Ekho frowns. "Please...dont cry Riv-dale...See! M'fine" she stands up and walks around a bit, going a little too close to Anba. "See! M'fine!" She nods, hiding the pain back.

Aikuen nods toward the fox, he knows when hes beat, "We will leave at once, and leave all the food...and rum... that we have as apologies for intruding" He dumps his sack onto the ground, "There is our food" and he takes the flask off his belt and places it on top of the sack. "And here the rum..." He turns to others, "We better get packing", he passes a wink to riverdale.

Riverdale seems perplexed at the otter's ready capitulation, and he remains sitting by the fire, cane across his lap.

Wow, that was easy... he keeps on guard, in case he is being tricked. The ease with which the otter gives up convinces him that he's right about them - they were sent for him! He entertains this delusion further while he keeps a wide berth of the others, letting them go about their business. Anba switches dagger paws.

Ekho goes back to riverdale. "please...please lets not go back! Lets go on! please...please please please?" She hugs her teddy-badger hopefully.

Riverdale hugs Ekho gently, avoiding pressure on either her wound or his, then he releases her. "If it's what you want, young 'un. I suppose there's no denying you." He touches a paw to Wallie's nose, then turns to regard the standing fox. "Aikuen..." he says, waving a paw behind him. "Ah... one moment. Don't pack. Fox--ahh Val--you, ah... You say you can be hired?"

Ekho smiles widely and goes to give Riverdale a great big hug. "Thank you Riv-dale, thank you!"

Riverdale winces but returns the hug.

Anba_Hor shakes the dagger at Riverdale, "I don't accept payment from beasts who have others ideas or agendas for me..." He is facing the other two now, momentarily distracted by the question. "Back to the abbey or onward bound, I don't care - as long as you are away from here.

this moment of distraction is all Aikuen needed. he throws up one of the javalins thats sticking out from the ground. While it is in the air, he places his finger on the blunt end, and creates a V with his other hand. He pushes slightly on the butt end driving it foward to land in the V. He shoves with his finger launching the Javalin. He doent have to aim, the fox is too close to miss.

Anba_Hor tries to fall on his back before the javelin impales him, but the sharp end of the wood slices into Anba's muzzle. Luckily, the force of the speeding weapon knocks the fox's muzzle to the side, creating a gash instead of driving straight through. The fox is down on his back, though, with a deep gash carved into his face by the javelin.

Riverdale is startled by Aikuen's sudden demonstration of aggression, and he springs to his feet, clasping a paw to his wounded side. "N-no, lad!" he cries belatedly, then grabs Ekho in his arm and escorts her hastily away from the fire. "Quick, young 'un. Let's get clear of this." He limps towards his rucksack, which lies at the midpoint between the center of the camp and his tent.

Ekho frowns and was about to look over but was yanked over away from the fire. "M...ow...Riv-dale, what's going on" She cant get a clear view of what's happening.

Aikuen goes over to the fallen fox, a javalin ready for another shot. He kicks away the poison dagger, he then yells at the fox, "Now Im goning to tell you, that i dont like beasts with the intent of peace, trying to steal our food!" He looks toward the other two,letting his gaze off the fox "get ready to go, ill take care of him...

Anba_Hor pretends to be down but as the otter approaches and kicks the dagger he kicks up with both hind legs, hoping to send him flying in the direction of the tree.

Riverdale breathes heavily as he beats his retreat. "Ah... don't you... worry, Ekho... Aikuen is... just being, ah... protective." They reach the rucksack as he finishes. He runs a rapid paw through the little beast's hair, then pats her on the back. "Now, ah, you do as he says and get ready to go." He looks over to where his tent is still set up and gives a wistful shrug. "We'll, ah... We'll have to take only what we can manage." He rummages through the sack and tosses a few items onto the ground nearby.

Ekho frowns some and goes to start gathering...everything that belongs to her...too scared to let anything that she has left of her parents to be lost...namely, everything she had in her pack...most of it was still placed into the pack as she packed it but some were knocked around on the ground.

Aikuen Goes flying into tree, he hits the trunk with a loud Thump! He lets go of the javalin, an it goes boucing off. He grunts "unngg" as he tries to regain his sences...

Anba_Hor,reacting immediately, draws another dagger and throws it at the tree, even before he is to his feet. Of course, his senses are still recovering from the javelin blow, so he isn't at his best... the dagger flies towards the tree and the otter, as the fox rushes the tree after it.

Riverdale finishes lightening his rucksack and painfully begins to drag it so that it is positioned between the road and their campsite, ready for a quick departure. Then he lopes as quickly as his infirmity permits back to the fire and, left arm pressing down upon his cane, he stoops to grab the sack of flour that he left there.

Aikuen Grunts, as the dagger digs itself into the trunk of the tree. it misses his leg, but only just... he reaches to pull it out, he doesnt see the fox rushing him...

Ekho pulls her pack over her shoulder, wincing as it hits her wound. "Nhh..." she frowns some before starting to go after riverdale. "shouldn't...shouldn't We help him?" she asks about the otter.

"Stay here, Ekho," whispers Riverdale. He moves swiftly in pursuit of the fox, his cane fairly skipping alongside him despite the freshly damp wound in his side. He readies the sack of flour in his right paw as he angles himself for a good shot at "Val"'s face.

Kitsune drops down from the dark brances of the tree, between Anba_Hor and the fallen Aikuen. She takes up a fighting stance, her tail jingling slightly.

Anba_Hor takes a third dagger out as he rushes in, and drives it deep into the trunk, pinning the otter as the wide handle pinches against the otter's shoulder. Suddenly, though, the fox is thrown back as the cat drops in front of him, "Whoaaaaaa!!" What the heck?? He scrambles backward on all fours, completely caught off guard.

Riverdale seizes his moment and, spinning around once, he hurls the loosely bound sack of flour in "Val's" direction. The old squirrel's momentum causes him to teeter then topple into the cold earth. He lies panting for a while.

Ekho Jumps a mile as Riverdale falls. "Riv-dale! You okay?" she asks, going over.

What a Stroke of Luck! Aikuen pulls out the dagger, he looks at the blade, it has blood on it... He grabs his shoulders, more blood but the blade only nicked him...

Riverdale, splayed upon the ground, flips head head round to smile at Ekho. "Just, ah... Just tripped over me own tail there, young 'un." He reaches a paw to touch his side, and it comes away brushed with red.

Anba_Hor is winded completely by the sack of flour. Blood mixed with flour trickles down his cheek and onto the dirt as he is knocked unconscious. The fox lies on his side, the cloak in a tangled mess behind him, revealing four more deadly blades and a pouch about his waist.

Ekho Looks over and sees The fox down...So she goes over and tries to kick his back. "Big Meanie!"

Kitsune moves over toward the fallen fox, her tail curled to muffle the sound of the bells. Ekho goes nearer the threat. "Stay back little one. I do not know why you are at disagreements with one another but I would like to help solve them if I may."

Riverdale stands up.

Aikuen goes over toward the fallen fox, his eyes are begining to go in and out of focus...He holds out his paw toward the ginger cat, "Id like to thank you personally for saving me." He galnces toward riverdale "Aye and thank yeh for your precise flour toss!"

Anba_Hor regains his senses as he is surrounded... feeling something hit his back, he turns around and goes to grab the little mouse... "Everybeast, stay back!" He draws another dagger simultaneously, reaching for the mouse's leg...

Ekho turns and starts to run away when all of a sudden...Splot! she lands flat on her face, her teddy-badger getting thrown near Riverdale as the fox grabs her ankle. "No! no! Let me go! help! help!" she's crying now...way to go, you made a dibbun cry!

Kitsune flickers her tail and remains focused upon the fallen fox. "There is no call for that, if the little one dies either I or the mouse will kill you soon afteward." Her eyes narrow and her voice deepens as she finishes her dialog.

Aikuen is getting tired of the fox impudence, Clenching the dagger in his right paw and using whole arm as a mace he swings it at the fox's face.

Riverdale is preoccupied with the wound in his side, but his attention is immediately stolen from his own injuries when he hears the voice of his little friend in danger. He watches impotently as the others try to rescue the mouse from "Val's" clutches.

Anba_Hor now takes advantage of the situation. Without thinking, he lifts the mouse clean off her feet, upside down, and hovers the dagger a fraction of an inch from her, "I'll tell you what's happening, cat... this irrational otter here doesn't think I'm serious when I tell him to move on away from my home... I was being so nice, too - really do hate... when good manners go to waste.." He rubs at his face and the wound there for a moment before hovering the dagger again near the mouse.

Ekho continues to scream and cry, shaking, trying to kick free, but it was all for naught. She only swings aimlessly. "Let me go! Let me go! please please, let me go! I didn't do anything, Riv-dale, help!"

Aikuen eyes is now completly out of focus and he is now slightly rocking, But maintaing his ground, he points at the fox, "How a beast wou cant even defend herself.... Fight me, leave... the others..."

Riverdale's face creases deeply and he seems near to tears. Paw to his chest, he mouths words to Ekho: We'll protect you.

Anba_Hor laughs without regard for the poisoned otter, "You're not feeling well, my friend... I suppose you'll have to be a bit nicer and do what I say to live. That of course goes for all of you -" He thinks quickly, "Go back to the abbey and send this message to the one called Leilah... tell her that there is a price on her head, and I can protect her if she pays me."

Kitsune is still for a moment then then sprints forward a few paces. Her hind paws dig into the ground as she is suddenly airborn. Her hind paws swing around to aim a powerful kick at the foxes head. Meanwhile her tail rings through the air like a whipe, also aiming to do some damage.

Ekho continues to try to swing away. "Riv-dale! help! Heeeelp!" She cries out, more scared then she's ever been in her life. "dont let him hurt me, please!"

Anba_Hor is slightly bogged down by the weight of the mouse, and growing tired. Nevertheless, he is able to sidestep the kick, which knocks into his shoulder instead of his head, making him drop the dagger. While the cat recovers, he switches the mouse to the other paw and draws the fifth dagger. "Another move like that, and this one gets a lethal dose."

Kitsune recovers, her tail rining discordinately to the situation. "I hold no ties to the little dibbun." Sad, she is sure for Ekho to hear. "Release him and you shall return to your home. I do not wish to fight you."

Aikuen falls to the ground, inches in front of Anba, The otter seems to be unconsincious

Ekho was sort of...was sort of....Stunned. Her crying continued but she was a lot more quiet for some reason. " me!" she says very quietly so that really only Anba can hear...Then she flails up again, trying to get free.

Riverdale approaches slowly, but he is too distant and too old to be much good. His spectacles are coated in a light mist; his arm quivers.

Anba_Hor looks at Riverdale, the only one left in a position to save the dibbun from death, "It is your choice, squirrel... do you trust this little one's fate to the cat who has nothing to lose? Or the brash, headstrong otter there? I trust you'll pack your things and carry out my simple task..." He holds the mouse up higher, "Do it for... what's your name?" He grins at the upside-down mouse. "And the dying Captain there, of course."

Riverdale's look meets Anba's. He stops where he stands, perhaps two paces from the fox. "P-please," he begs. "Yes, I will... I will do as you ask. Just... Just let the little one go." His mouth trembles, and his eyes have nearly disappeared behind the fogged lenses of his spectacles.

Ekho is sort of eye level with the fox spits in his face! muhahaha! does in fact giggle at it before crying again.

Kitsune take the oppurtunity while Anba_Hor holds the dibbun upside down to dart handspring forward almost to fast for the eye to follow. She comes up under Ekho between fox and dibbun, her paws going for his neck.

Riverdale shouts, "N-No! Stop!" as the cat attacks.

Anba_Hor acks and drops the dibbun, but slashes at the cat at close range with the /poison/ /dagger/. An elbow from the other arm also comes up towards the cat's face to make a hard hit if possible. "Gah!! Get! Away!" This cat has a way of getting into places it shouldn't!

And wipes the spit from his face. XD

Ekho screams and falls onto her head.../hard/ There's a loud crack too when she does...but that was only a Twig she landed on snapping. but the Dibbun is still out cold.

Kitsune endures the slash, not knowing of the poison. Her paws are not detered she wraps them in a tight death embrace on the foxes neck. "Get away from here dibbun." She growls.

Riverdale seizes the moment and limps towards Ekho. With considerable effort, he hoists her up into his arm, then moves towards Aikuen, giving the otter a few whacks with his cane.

Anba_Hor pushes away from the cat, for the moment just eager to get away from the cat, "If you value your life, cat, you'll stop! The poison is already flowing through you! You're at the mercy of it, and I'm your only way out, just like the otter over there." He is crawling on his paws and feet backward, tripping once every while on his cloak.

Ekho is still...out like a light, over Riverdale's shoulder.

Kitsune as quickly as her assult started it ends. Anba_Hor is moving away and Ekho is safe. "Poison?" Her tail rings lightly, the only outward sign she is nervous.

Anba_Hor stands up and points the dagger in an outstretched arm towards the rest of the group, "They are to send my message to the one named Leilah, and be on their way... and I shall give them, and you, the antidote once you have your things and are on your way. I should leave you all to die!" He needs to get that information from the mouse at the abbey, though, so he's sort of desperate...

Aikuen regains consincious, he gets up quickly and sees the retreating Fox, He glares at the fox, his eyes are red and completly dialated. He points to the fox, and laughs manaically "youR poison is weak, im here still standing!..." He staggers a bit then, he chuck a nearby javalin at the fox, but he missed. but it still stuck in the ground by about 6 inches.

"Lad, stop!" Riverdale whispers urgently while the cat and fox continue their parley. "Y-you must stop!" He cradles Ekho awkwardly and brushes her fur.

Anba_Hor wipes his face again and looks down, blinking at the javelin. No harm... done... He is wary of the otter, though, now... "Listen to the squirrel, cat - he is the voice of reason. This was none of your business to begin with... I mean none of them their deaths." He holds up a paw to signal the cat to hold his position, as the other paw lowers the dagger to a non-threatening level.

Kitsune flicks her ears back and forth. Another outward sign of her nervous state, she is starting to feel a weakness crawling under her hide. She gives an angry flicker of her tail as Aikuen tries to instigate another assult.

Aikuen falls down again, he moves slowly, but he crawls toward the boiling pot , he gets near it and pleads to Riverdale, "H....Help....Me!....Cauldron.....shoulder....anitdote..." He passes out.

Anba_Hor reaches into his pouch and tosses Riverdale the antidote. "You, cat, will have to wait a bit longer for yours... back up, back to the others, now..." He moves forward to make sure she complies.

Kitsune holds her ground, locking her knees and planting her paws against her falling to the earth beneath them.

Riverdale awkwardly catches the antidote, dropping his cane in the process and nearly dropping Ekho. He carries the dibbun over to where Aikuen lies passed out and settles her there.

Riverdale looks in confusion at the antidote, apparently unsure how to administer it.

Anba_Hor growls, frustrated by this foolishness, "Don't make me kill you, cat - you are in no position to fight..." He calls out to Riverdale, "Quickly now, before your friend dies... this one you have to boil in water and pour directly on the wound." He leans over carefully to pick up the javelin, now brandishing both at the cat.

Kitsune says, "I will not fight you fox. You may leave my pressence when you wish."

Riverdale limps to the cauldron of boiling water and drops the antidote into it. There is no effect for several seconds, but then a cloud of some inky substance bubbles up from within, and the roiling water flushes brownish red.

Anba_Hor finds the cat amusing, if nothing else, and laughs in her face, "May I?? Oh, thank you!!... Haha, well now, I suppose I could leave you to die out here, but I would just feel /horrible/... I'm sure you won't be able to stand like that much longer - with your knees locked, you'll pass out anyway." He ignores the cat and calls again to Riverdale, "How's that water? Ahh, I love the smell of that stuff!" He grins at the cat. "Dig in!"

As the water boils away, the potion evolves into a slightly thicker reduction. Riverdale, not entirely sure what to do, takes the cauldron off the flame and drags it in a beeline towards Aikuen. Its heat thaws the frosted ground in circles around it as he goes.

Kitsune remains planted, her tail curled to muffle the jingling bells. "I am sure a creature like you would feel no remorse at my parting." Her voice is slurred and her legs begin to fold underneath of her. Kitsune tries her hardest to remain foused on An_Hor.

Riverdale kneels down beside the otter. His eyes pass between the hot liquid and his friend several times before he assays to tear a bit of cloth from his traveling robe. Nope. He looks at his paw. And again at the steaming potion. He sighs, fetches Ekho's teddy-badger from where he landed earlier, and returns to Aikuen's side. "Sorry, Wallie..." he says, closing his eyes and dipping the badger's paw into the cauldron.

Anba_Hor shakes his head, "Really, we're all friends now, you don't have to worry... I want us all to get along - there's no reason for me to let useful creatures die. Look, they're even playing 'antidote' with the teddy-badger - looks like fun!" He chuckles and tires of the cat, so he trots around the camp so that the others are between the cat and himself.

Kitsune falls into a kneeling position on the ground. She throws her head back; her mouth moving incoherently as she falls upon her side.

Riverdale gets the plushie paw good and wet with the antidote. He then lifts Wallie gingerly and rotates so that the badger is hovering close above Aikuen. "Ah... there we go, lad..." he says quietly. An ample quantity of the liquid flows onto the injured shoulder.

Aikuen grunts as the antidote is applied, he remains passed out.

Anba_Hor gleefully watches the cat go down, "Ooop! Another one down! Hurry, hurry, my friend..." He squats by Aikuen, "I'll look after this one while you take care of kitty over there..." He bends over and smacks the otter's cheeks one after the other, "This one may be starting to come around!" He looks at Ekho, contemplating... nahh... they're devastated enough. "My, my, you all have had a very bad few days, haven't you? Glad we could all work this out..."

The Slaps wake Aikuen from he passed out state. He bursts opens his eyes, and look straight into the fox's eyes.

Riverdale wipes a weary paw across his forehead and stumbles to his feet, peering meanwhile at the strange fox. The hapless fellow begins to pull the cauldron toward Kistune, hoping the antidote might at least provide some reprieve for their mysterious defender.

Aikuen growls "You!" he tries to move, but for some reason he cant. The poison is still causing his muscles to fail him.

Anba_Hor snaps out of his excited state and stands straight up, backing up a few paces. He makes sure nothing of any danger lies near the otter, and backs away... slowly... "Well, I must be going now - but I'll return, and if there is still any sign of you, you won't be as lucky as you were this morning. Remember the message you are to send - if you fail, another innocent creature may die." He circles the camp once more before disappearing.

Aikuen looks for his shortword from his postion. He sees it, its a good distance, but his muscles cantinue to fail him. He has spasmic movement, after a bit he gives up.

Kitsune moans slightly but other wise is still.

Steam rises from the cauldron as Riverdale pauses to squint after the departing fox. The tension that had grasped his form when Anba_Hor first arrived suddenly relinquishes him, and it is all he can do to stop himself from falling over. Tears dribble down his face, but he persists to bring the medicine to Kistune. He kneels beside her and begins to dunk Wallie.

Kitsune's only movement is her tail; which gives a spasmodic jingle as the medicine is applied to her wound.

Riverdale presses Wallie's moistened paw to Kistune's injured face, covering the length of her scar bit by bit.

Chuckling from the fox can be heard, and Riverdale will find a piece of parchment with the name 'Leilah' scribbled on it, with the message, 'You are in danger - king is after you, will help you for a small fee... your friend the fox.' On the stones by where the fire was lit.

After the antidote has had some time to take effect, Kitsune's tail jangling starts up with great fever. Her head begins to lull from side to side and her mouth mutters incoherent, but probable obsenaties.

Riverdale reaches a finger into the now-cool medicine and samples it. His face screws up instantly, and he spits several times to clear out the bitter taste.

Riverdale rises to his feet again, more gradually now than before, and limps stiffly towards Ekho, still lying near Aikuen.

Aikuen has regained movement in his arms, and he hauls himself up. he sees the note left by the fox, and manages to pick it up. He looks at the squirrel, then at the cat, then at Ekho. His face falls, and his red eyes begin to tear up.

Ekho groans in pain some. "Riv...dale?" she asks quietly as she slowly wakes up.

Riverdale picks up the dibbun and stumbles back towards the warmth of the dying fire. His face is damp with tears of many battling emotions. "Ah..." he says, and loudly coughs up some phlegm. "Lad... Good to see you on your paws." He rubs Ekho's head. "Hush..." he says and slumps down on the ground for a moment's rest.

Kitsune lays still, gaining strength enough to weakly say. "My thanks to you squirrel, you have saved my life."

Ekho closes her eyes some before whimpering, her stab wound from yesterday still bleeding though all of this. "Is the gone?"

Riverdale does not hear Kistune's words, but he hears that she is awake. He turns his sad eyes to look back, and he smiles, though regretfully. "Yes, Ekho..." he coos. "He's ah... he's gone."

Riverdale nods his head at the parchment that Aikuen is holding. "What have you there, Aikuen?"

Anba_Hor isn't taking any chances, he's still hidden in the brush, watching every move of the camp... He wants to make sure the food, if it's left behind, doesn't go bad! Also, that they take the note and don't destroy it.

Kitsune lays gaining strength.

Aikuen Looks at the small paper, "Im not quite sure, its written in a diffrent script then what i know.." He hand the parchment to riverdale. "See if you can read it.."

Riverdale cleans his misty spectacles upon his cloak, then takes the letter.

Riverdale frowns down at it.

Ekho falls asleep, before shifting some before sleeping soundly.

Riverdale looks up from the parchment at Aikuen and bobs his head at Ekho. "She's still bleeding, lad... Not much we can do, 'cept head back to the abbey. Unless you can think of something." For a moment, he looks deeply distressed, but he turns again to regard the letter again and his face relaxes somewhat.

"Ahh... Looks to be the same as what he told us." He peers over his spectacles. "It's addressed to this, ah, this 'Leilah'." He ruminates for a moment on the name. "Don't think I know her."

Aikuen glances at the little mouse, "Aye, she does....need something to stop the bleeding, i do have something, but your not gonna like it... of course after i do it, we can continue on course."

Kitsune , with her strength returning, stands using her tail as a counter balance. She turns toward the camp fire hearing Riverdale speaking of heading off. "Perhaps before you go could you kindly give me some food for my loss of sleep and an explanation?"

Riverdale taps the parchment while looking up at Aikuen, "And what of this? What, ah... What about this message?"

Riverdale looks back at Kistune and gestures to her to come nearer. "Come, ah... Miss. Rest by the fire."

Aikuen points to a sack over by a tree. and tells kistune "Take your fill matey. " he looks back at the Squirrel, then at the message, then back to the cat. "Oi, are you heading to the abbey?"

Kitsune walks silently closer and kneels lotus position. Her eyes silently watching the Otter and Squirrel, a glance is given the sack by the tree. Abbey? Her ears prick up taking in the strange pair and their unconcious injured dibbun.

"Lad, 'long as your up... Get my cane?" It's lying on the ground a short distance away.

Kitsune makes herself useful and spring rolls over picking up the cane and standing leaping lightly upon her paws. "Here is is Sir."

Riverdale blinks up at Kitsune and lets the note fall to his side. He reaches up for the cane. "Th-thanks," he says. "Ah... what's your name, miss?"

Aikuen mouth falls open, at the agility of the cat. Espiccaly since she just got over being poisoned...

Kitsune locks her knees again as the blood rushes to and from her head. She blinks back the static, "Kitsune, Sukashi Kitsune..." she paused smiling, "Little fox ironicly enough."

Aikuen nods , "I am Aikuen of West Islands, pleasure to meet you..."

Riverdale says, "And I am called Riverdale."

Kitsune says, "Pleasure I'm sure. I'm sure our fox friend is not far off, perhaps watching us. So gentlebeasts, have you decided upon a course of action?"

Aikuen shrugs and looks at the cat. "Well it depends, where are you headed?"

Kitsune shrugs, her tail curling. "Where ever you shall go."

Riverdale lets his cane fall to the ground, and he takes up the parchment again. "Ah..." he says with a thoughtful pause. "Lad, I'm of a mind we should, ah... We should do as the fox said." He pats Ekho. "And we should see that the dibbun is safe... Whatever that may mean..."

Aikuen shrugs again, and points toward Riverdale, "Well you have to ask him, his the navigator... But south, i think is our current destination..."

Kitsune nods, "All the same to me. I would think your destination should lead us to a place of healing for the little one." She eyed the blood on Ekho.

Riverdale notices Kitsune's gaze. "This, ah... wasn't the first time we've been set upon," he says, his face falling. "Last night..." he trails off.

Aikuen looks at the sleeping mouse with a bleeding wound... Riverdale, with several scratches that still bleeds. Himself who has just been poisoned, and is slahed in his shoulder. And Kitsune whos face injuries still are visible. He comes to an agreement. He stands up, wobbles a bit, then stands tall. "I belive its time we returned to the abbey...

Kitsune frowns. "Explanations can be given when you're safe, paws resting near a fire." She knelt and once more picked up the can, standing slowly so as not to faint. A agreeing hmm is given to Aikuen.

Riverdale looks deeply aggrieved, but he says nothing, nodding ruefully into his chest.

Aikuen goes over and pats Riverdale on the shoulder. "Well, we can always try again after a bit of healing..."

"I'd press on myself, but... I'm, ah..." Riverdale looks down at his friend, "I'm afraid she'd insist on accompanying me..."

Aikuen sighs, "well its your descison, I can seal the wound, and i have enough 'medicine' to go around, so its up to you..."

Kitsune stands quietly.

The tears that flood abruptly to Riverdale's eyes bespeak his inner torment. "N-no... Lad, don't make me choose. I... I fear both decisions... though... for very different reasons." He closes his eyes tightly, and little droplets spelunk down his face and onto Ekho, sleeping beside him.

Aikuen stands and begins to gather the strewn about objects. "Id say we press on, But thats the former Milittia captain in me... i know lets let Ekho Decide...when she awakes."

Riverdale looks down at Ekho, his eyes still damp. "I... hope she'll make it long enough t-to be able to tell us." The old fellow takes off his glasses again and rubs them dry. "Perhaps..." he grunts. "You should do what you must to... stop the bleeding."

"Even if we turn back towards the abbey, if we don't take care of the bleeding soon..." He shakes his head. Better not to dwell on such grave thoughts.

Kitsune pats Riverdale on the back, "There now it'll be alright. She's young yet and I'm sure Sir...Aikuen will have her fit as a fiddle soon enough."

Aikuen nods, and places his shortword into the fire... Explaining what he plans on doing... "Well when i was in the milittia, this is what we do to stop the flow of bleeding. it was quick and it worked... problem is..." He picks up the sword, it is slightly glowing red..."I have to burn her skin..."

( To be continued ... )