And the new site is UP!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Greetings, everyone!

The new site is obviously open!

Now, what does that mean for us?

You can now make accounts here and have forums again, for a start.

With luck, we'll link this to the MU itself, which means that you'll be able to link your account to your character (or characters, assuming you don't mind your alts being known).

The Help Guides are mostly editable by anyone. Some of the pages aren't, such as policy pages. But the help and how-to bits are freely editable by all members of the web-site. Furthermore, you can create your own help and how-to pages and add them to the Help Guides book.

Thus, the website should let us share all the knowledge that's currently scattered about.

Anyone can write a story (think "news story or article") like this one which will appear in the news site. All articles can be commented on.

Also, this web-site uses Capthca technology so that bots won't be able to post junk into our forums (at least, not as easily) and we have the ability to easily boot the junk off should it happen. So we'll be a lot more stable over time.

Last but by no means least, we've added a web-hosted Flash client to talk to the game. That way, from any page, anyone can jump right into the MU with a client nicer than telnet. This makes it easy for you to show friends when on their machines, and lowers the barrier of entry. I lasted less than ten minutes before I installed TinyFugue to play on my first MU. Many just give up right away. No longer!

So, everybeast, enjoy, and thank Heartwood for the work of setting up this site, and Drupal ([1]) for creating the software.

Keep the Light,

Otter (Chief Wizard, Redwall MUCK)