Anba Hor Returns (Again) Part Three

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Aikuen, Will, Fira, Garnet(spoof), Skuld

Location: Old Stone Bridge, Mossflower

Old Stone Bridge

Aikuen takes off the cloth from his leg, which has become considerably pale. He rubs life back into it, and limps over to Fira, placing a paw on her shoulder. One he needs a crutch, and another because he needs too, "He is the only one who knows where that damn fox is... He is a total coward... but he is our only hope at the moment..." He hears Garnet, looks to her and sighs, "Im not good with these sort of situations..."

Garnet just sobs away relentlessly, and if she doesn't stop, there might be a river bigger then the River moss sooner or later.

Will shakes his head, his senses slowly returning, "Sorry Fira ..... Your wrong Pa. He's not th only one that knows where the fox lives ...... just one more reason for me t hate th grasslands."

Garnet cant stop sobbing. She's laying on the side of the road, hugging Kentar's pack, hoping it would comfort her, but it was just making her even more upset.

Fira probably needs the paw just as much as Aikuen today. She sighs quietly, going to place her paw on top of Aik's "Had just better get Kentar back" Garnet gets a glance and a small frown "He's been gone five minutes maybe" she mutters. Looks to Will a second later, giving the bite mark on her arm, still has to clean that up but the bleeding's slowing down "It's fine, could have got worse"

Aikuen rubs his eye with his free paw, "I hate this... Kentar returns, then is taken by Val to be killed, by poison..." He sighs and shakes his head, "That fox... Needs to die... He has done so much to me... I HATE THIS!" He yells the last part.

Garnet actually stops crying for a few moments to look at Aikuen. "I...hate this too." she goes back to sobbing.

Fira finally gets up, wrap an arm around Aik's back, all the better to keep him steady "Has been a bad day" she looks back to Garnet again...another sigh "He's not been gone long yet, he'll be back, just needs the mouse to catch up with him"

Garnet sniffles. "But...but what...what if he's...already d-d-dead?"

Aikuen smiles when she wraps around him, "Thanks..." He looks to Garnet, "The poison wont take fully effect for an hour or so... And Val, will keep him alive... He needs him to be alive... He will live through this!"

Fira looks exhausted, adrenaline from the fight is starting to wear off and she's getting tired. She shakes her head at the stoat "Can't think like that. He'll be back, fox isn't just going to kill him if he needs him"

Garnet sniffles again and slowly sits up, rubbing at her eyes. "But...but h-h-how can we trust the mouse?"

Aikuen notices that Fira is tired and motions for her to sit down, and he does the same. Sticking his leg out at an odd angle, he says quietly "I... Dont... know... But... I don't know..." He shrugs, "I don't know Mayeul well enough to know..." He sighs, "We just have too..."

Fira is quite happy to get to sit down again, keeps her arm round him though. Thinking it all through a little more calmly "Fox seems to be after him, probably in his better interests to kill the beast"

Garnet goes back to sobbing, just quieter. "Mayeul won't be able to do it...He...he wont be able to...K-K-Kentar is as good as dead." she hides her face in her paws and cries more.

Will speaks up, "Let's keep walking. We're not doing anyone any good just by sitting here. The fox probably went straight to his den so he wouldn't have to carry Kentar around all the time .... it must not be too far from here then .... and if it's not then the Abbey isn't either."

Aikuen makes is light to help her stop "Dry up those tears... What if Kentar was here to see you like this..." He sighs, "Keep up hope, never lose faith, and believe that he is still alive... that's all you can do..." He stands slowly, and limps to his pack, "...Aye Will...


The group somberly crosses the bridge into Mossflower passing the Fang and Claw tavern on the way. It's late and everyone is very tired.

Garnet was still semi crying now. She's been convinced that there is hope. "I...want to lay down...get some sleep." She yawns before stoping out side the F&C. "Can we...stay in there?

Fira would also like to lay on a bed again but leaves the decision to the group. Will having no money of his own anymore naturally looks to Aikuen knowing the older otter may not /want/ to stay in a tavern.

Garnet sighs. "I can pay for our rooms." she says. "I just really, really want a bed. Please?"

Aikuen looks from Garnet to Fira then to Will and gives in, but he declares he'll pay for the rooms. To which Fira suggests they all just pay for their own rooms to make it easier. After some talk back and forth it's settled and they all go into the Fang and Claw to see about getting rooms for the night.

Garnet nods slowly. "I'll just pay for everyone...its easier...besides, I need...something to take my mind of Kenny..." She says before stepping into the Fang and Claw.

Aikuen nods, "Fine, fine." he's not to happy with this but he'll let the stoatmaid pay if she wants. He limps into the F&C after her leaning on Fira for support. Will follows behind the otters.

Fang and Claw: The Claw

Garnet leads the group in and look around. There's drunk vermin everywhere. She slowly walks up to the bar and takes a deep breath. "T-Two rooms please." The ferret behind the bar nods. "Pay up. Two hundred!" that makes her blink. "t-t-two hundred?" she frowns. "You heard want two rooms, you pay two hundred." she sighs and places the coin on the bar. "Almost broke now...enough for food if you guys want."

Aikuen says he isn't hungry and Fira says Garnet's done enough by paying for the rooms. Will keeps his mouth shut.

Garnet just nods. "Okay..." she says before looking around for a little bit.

Kragger sighs and rises, dragging another sleeper off to the common room to sleep it off.

Fang and Claw: Common Room

After a while getting directions the four head to their rooms for the night. Fira, Skuld and Garnet in one room, Aikuena and Will in the other. The rat doesn't object but Aik seems a little miffed at first but shrugs it off as he and Will settle in their room. "Just like our last trip eh, Matey?" he says to the ratling laying down on one of the beds.

Will nods a little, "Almost." He drops his pack on the floor before crawling into his bed. "Stupid fox," he murmurers burrowing under the covers so that only his nose peeks out.