An apology to Thorn...
RW Abbey: Pond ------------------------------------------------------------------- The abbey pond is practically the place to go for relaxation. The orchards that settle onto one side of the water hole provide decent shade for the more heated months to come. Various types of wild flowers grow about the edge of the ground that lightly overhangs into the pond. The pond seemingly invites one into its cool depths, which holds its fish life and multiple species of shrimp and other water dwellers. Spring has come. Due to the rains, the abbey pond is just gently lapping at the edges of the ground. Soon to overflow lightly if the spring rains don't let up soon. Plant life seems to explode here in a variety of colors, sizes and aromas. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [R]edwall [E]ntry, [P]ath by the [G]reat [H]all, [Dive] in the pond, [O]rchards Contents: South Wallgate
Thorn the rat. DoraRose the mouse.
Thorn is by the pond and some ice remains along the edge in thin areas but it's mostly gone as is the snow now and she seems glad of it as she throws a pebble into the pond and watches it sink.
DoraRose comes from the training yard, dressed in black tunic, leggings, and soft boots. Seeing the ramaid, she goes over and joins her, saying, "Good day, Thorn. How are you?"
Thorn smiles a little "I am doing fine, well better than last week anyways."
DoraRose smiles slightly, crossing her arms and staring at the pond surface. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I want to apologize about what Lily did to you. I have no idea what got into her. I am filled with sorrow that she harmed you."
Thorn frowns as she remembers, "Well...least the hot root was replaced but, I think I never want to see it again. My throat still hurts every once in a while but its basically healed now"
DoraRose sighs and sits down on the pond bank. "I don't blame you. I've tried to convince Lily to come and apologize to you, but she always comes up with some stupid excuse. I'm getting tired of arguing with her."
Thorn nods "Maybe Abbot Lorimis could talk to her, I don't know. Maybe she is deep down upset I was hurt and is afraid to say sorry?"
DoraRose gives the rat a thoughtful look. "Y'know, I didn't think of that. Perhaps you're right. I just assumed she was being rebellious and disobedient, but maybe you're right..." She stares at the pond's far bank, thinking. "I should ask the Abbot to talk to her again. She really seems to look up to him. Good idea, Thorn. Thank you."
Thorn smiles "Your welcome...maybe she could try meda...medation, a beast told me it clears the mind and showed me how when I needed to relax better when couldn't talk for a while, but I don't think I caught on too good and may of fell asleep cause I woke in my bed and I was in the cavern hole before that"
DoraRose smiles in returns. "I shall think about that. Was it Zork who told you about meditation? I've heard that he does it allot. And I would probably fall asleep, too, if I tried it."
Thorn nods, " Looks like just odd sitting to me but I guess it helps umm" She tries to remember what he said "Clears the mind or something of stress"
DoraRose chuckles slightly. "Well, if it can clear my mind of stress enough for me to fall asleep without any dreams, it might be worth a shot."
Thorn manages a chuckle as well, "Well if Brother Zork can do it then...cause he used to be like all warrior like and did alot of stuff at the forge, though now he doesn't do much."
DoraRose nods, still smiling, feeling alot better now that she has a plan for her daughter. "Yes, I've noticed that he is in his wheelchair alot more. I had a talk with him to tell him he's still a needed part of the Abbey, even though he's unable to much heavy stuff."
Thorn exclaims, "I think he feels down sometimes cause he is in the wheelchair " She stands up "I need to go do some chores, talk later!"
Thanks for reading!