Amazing race: Map piece 7 10

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Camp Willow: Swaying Reed-Guest Room 3


The first thing that you notice in the room is the king size bed, mainly for two beasts. The room is relitivly large and is much larger than the other two rooms. Curtains on the windows cover up some sunlight if there is too much coming through, or blocking the moonlight for a good night's rest. The rug seems to have more hand-craft than the rest, showing that this room is truly more expensive than the rest of the rooms.


Exits: [B]ack

Wildefray stands tiredly in the doorway, and sighs. She'd much rather be fighting tree rats than cleaning out a guest room, but hey, when she has the map, maybe more tree rats will need beating.

Hale creeps up behind Wildefray. "'Ello, maid. I didn't know we 'ad a maid 'ere. I need this room cleaned by tonight. Hop t' it!"

Wildefray falls backwards on purpose, knocking her friend over onto a pile of old blankets. "Maid yourself! I would never have gotten involved in this if not f'r ye. Help me find it, will ye?" She extends a paw to Hale.

Hale grabs the paw and flips her friend over, so Wildefray lands next to her. "Where should we start? I don't fancy the moulderin blankets- I'll take the bin with all the shiny trinkets."

Wildefray laughs and stands, heading to the dresser. "I'll start here." The doors open with a loud protest and a huge cloud of dust.

She sneezes loudly. "Whooo! Wonder what the last time a beast was in 'ere?"

Hale gets a sword caught on an open dresser drawer and almost trips. "Too long ago." The dust cloud Wildefray raised makes her sneeze, also.

Wildefray jumps at the noise. "Ah! What /is/ that...Oh. Ye sneezed." She goes back to her search, rifling through wooden hangers and musty clothes. A moth flutters out and bounces off of her face. She splutters. "Ahughsplut! Very poilte, flyin' right into my mouth like that. Yes, how are ye today, me fine and dusty moth?"

Hale doubles over with laughter, but stops abruptly when she almost bangs her head on a stack of trunks. She sighs, feeling the way Wildefray did when she first saw the room. "This task is incredible." She pulls out a handful of broken jewelry from the bin of trinkets, tailrings, necklaces, earrings. She lets the broken beads fall to the floor with a clatter. "When are we ever going t' find et?"

"Patience, matey. It's here somewhere." Wildefray sets about tearing open all the hidden pockets inside a detiorating cloak.

Hale snorts. "This has nothin' t' do wi' patience, matey. An' besides, I've more patience than ye do!" She plunges her paw into the bin, almost tipping it over. One of the things she comes up with this time is a fancy belt. She wraps it around herself. "Wilde, what do ye think o' me new belt?" She strikes a ridiculos pose.

Wildefray cracks up. As she bends over, the cloak she was inspecting falls to the ground, and a small clank is heard as a cylinder falls out of the pocket Wildefray had been tearing open. She grabs it, still laughing, and holds it up. "I've got it!" She sneezes. "Now we c'n--Ahchoo- get out o' here! -Ah--" She sneezes again, and hands the paper to Hale as she stumbles out of the room still sneezeing. "Make sure ye don't wear that belt outside ' here, matey!" She calls as she leaves.

Hale goes to follow her friend, but trips over one of the necklaces she dropped, and the whole bin comes crashing down on her. "Wilde...I think the belt wants me t' stay...I'm trapped." She shouts at Wildefray, wondering if this is an extreme case of karma.