Amazing Race (RW Edition) - First Piece of Map
OOC NOTE: Yes, Spring and Alteira are mine, but Spring was originally a friend's. After this RP, my friend gave up RW MUCK and gave me Spring's password.
Camp Willow: Graveyard
<----> Camp Willow - Graveyard <---->
History, War, Life, and Death spring to your mind as you enter the graveyard. Here, is where the Skippers of old are laid to rest for eternity in the Dark Forest. Other otters and rarely a different beast are strewn out for a short distance. Gravestones of the old, dating back to the seasons of Martin the Warrior are still here, though worn by the rainfall and wind. Moss cling to some of these gravestones, covering up family names, and also the season when they died. The only sound here is the silent waft of the waters behind you and the breezes that pass by you.
-- Travel: Public Places: Private Graves: --
-- [Pa]th Out Of Graveyard [Je]ssika's Gravesite --
-- [Li]ghtsail's Gravesite --
-- [Sk]ipper's Gravesite --
OOC Note: This is a very sad RP and referencesreal events.
The sun sinks in the west, bathing everything in a dim light. Spring stands by a grave, her head bowed. Her cloak is cast away to one side of her. She stares intensely at the grave, whispering faintly into the eerie silence, "Olivia..."
Alteira comes up behind Spring and touches her shoulder lightly. "Spring. Are ye okay?"
Spring jumps at the sudden presence of another otter and turns around. "I was just thinking about..."
Alteira nods. "I know, Spring. I was there." She blinks away the sudden tears the come as she remembers the day...
It was only last summer when the accident happened...
Some of the older otter dibbuns were playing in the inlet, paddling and sailing around in small boats. They were strapped in for safety. Olivia, Spring's little sister and Alteira's friend, was one of the dibbuns. There was a terrible accident: an eel came up from the depths of the water and overturned a boat. Olivia couldn't untie herself from the boat, and the otters watching didn't notice until it was too late... By the time they rescued poor Olivia, it was too late. They couldn't save her. Alteira was one of the otters watching the dibbuns to make sure they stayed safe, and to this day she blames herself.
Spring was there too. She was one of the dibbuns paddling around closest to Olivia. She still believes that if the eel hadn't shoved her boat towards the docks, she could have saved her sister. Survivor's guilt.
And back in present day...
Spring is crying still, the tears running down her face. "I could have saved her." More tears. "And I didn't."
Alteira shakes her head. "Spring. Nobody could." Some things can't be prevented. Some things are fated to happen. "But if anybeast could have, it was me."
Alteira says, "Spring, t wasn't anybeast's fault except the eel. You can't blame yourself."
Spring picks up her cloak and wipes her eyes with it. A muffled "Alteira, nobody could" comes from the cloak. And then... "What's this?" She holds up a scrap of parchment.
Alteira gasps and grabs the paper. "A map piece! Where was it?"
Spring fastens the cloak around her shoulders. "Strange. It wasn't there earlier." She stands up and peers at it. "It just... /appeared/ there on the grave."
Alteira heads towards the path, but turns around. "It's getting late, we should be going to sleep soon. You coming or not?" She adds, almost as an afterthought, "They say ghosts come out at night, if you were hoping to see Olivia," as she leaves the graveyard.
Spring sits back down by Olivia's grave, sobbing. "Olivia, how I wish you were still here... May the Dark Forest be good to ye..." she murmurs for only the wind and possible ghosts to hear.