Almost to Ferravale(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The sun is high in the sky. The birds are singing, and nothing seems out of place. Well, actually, something is out of place. The grasslands just south of Ferravale have been completely invaded. By no less than eight hundred hares. It’s a bit cramped, but tents have been setup, though no fire pits placed. They're in war country now. Busy hares go about setting up racks where weapons sit, easily reachable at a moments notice, targets where archers can practice, and straw dummies where soldiers can spar. Sebastian is currently standing outside the largest tent, talking to two guards at the doorway, large battle axe sitting on his back.

Zinnia is sitting down writing in her journal as she has keep track of what’s happen and other notes for future reading in the records of the abbey library, and has even added her own thoughts on the trip. She looks up every so often and then is back to writing again.

Both guards crack off a salute and stand to attention as Sebastian turns away. Moving over towards where Zinnia and Anomen sit, the badger smiles. "I apologize for that. Bit of business to take care of." He says with a little bow towards them both. "We've got tents for you to stay in if you wish." He motions off down a set path.

Lacota wanders back from the trees, his pouch full of herbs. "Sir, how close are we to Redwall now?"

Anomen nods, "That is fine sir as it looked important so I stayed off to the side and we thank you for the tents. This location should be very good"

Zinnia looks up from her writing and nods, she smiles "Thanks." She nods to Lacota" We are very close, to Redwall and Ferravale in fact...oh sorry you asked Lord Sebastian..didn’t you."

Sebastian was about to lead them off down the path before he turns to answer Lacota's question. "About a day or so." He shrugs a little bit. "Roughly." He chuckles a little at Zinnia. "That's perfectly alright." He motions for all to follow as he starts along the path. "I do apologize that our camp is nothing exciting. Military posts rarely are."

Leon walks over to the group of Redwallers, he has since traveling with them the past couple weeks or so, well within a couple days of joining, has on pants and a shirt and his acorn pin on his shirt. Beside him is the hare Barley who stays close by the group and speaks "Just so we barely well surprise de vermin, wot." Leon nods in agreement to this.

Lacota nods as well. "Aye, I want to run that scum out of *my* kitchen, if I have to beat them with a frying pan to do it.

Anomen looks around "I wander where the Gawtribe is, from my understanding they were supposed to help fight Marek as well.." He chuckles at the Friar, "Hee hee..that be a neat weapon and probably hurt fairly well if one was hit on the head with one of those"

Zinnia goes to follow the group with Sebastian as she closes her journal and puts it in a knapsack she has on her back.

Sebastian lets out a quiet chuckle. "We'll get it back, don't worry." He thinks for a few moments before staring at Barley. "Surprise is not an issue. We'll have that covered." He grins a little bit and winks.

Barley nods in understanding, "All right sur, I will most likely be busy with healing and wot not, though do have some help with that course, wot"

Leon nods "Yes I'll be helping with healing wounds as well."

Lacota hmms. "What kind of surprise, Sir?"

Anomen listens, "Just be careful you’re not attacked, yes help the wounded or maybe we could have a place to take the wounded, and course keep a fighter if able near the healers for protection."

Zinnia frowns, but she has gotten use to all the talk on fighting, she most likely will stay at the base camp with some others.

The big badger rolls his shoulders in a casual shrug. "That is for me to know...and for them to find out." Seb smirks a bit, stopping outside a large tent. "This is where you guys can stay while you're here with us. We'll be heading to Ferravale at some point today when Benar has settled himself." He nods.

Anomen nods, "Sounds like a good plan sir, who all will be going if I may ask?"

Zinnia looks in the tent and nods slowly, "The tent is nice..well I wouldn’t think they all would go" She chuckles even "That would be like...too much of a shock at once to see "

Lacota looks determined. "I will go. I will not sit here and miss out."

Leon speaks up "I will most likely go, my mate is there and most likely worried by now, so she needs to know I am ok"

Sebastian shrugs a little bit. "Only useful beasts will be accompanying the long patrol. We won’t put anyone in the field who cannot fight." He says, turning to the group and folding his arms. "Healers, soldiers will go. Anyone capable of wielding a sword, and wielding it well, will go. But other than that..."

Lacota exclaims, "Oy! I can whack a frying pan!"

Zinnia says, "Looks like I will stay at the base camp"

Anomen nods "Then I will be going as I am military advisor for the trip and I fight well"

Leon nods as he stays close. The hare Barley nods as well "Sounds jolly good sur"

Lacota whispers, "I know poisons as well..."

Zinnia looks at Lacota and blinks, she is curious but decides not to ask right now, maybe later.

Leon glances at the friar as well, "You know what?" Maybe he heard wrong.

Lacota frowns. "I said I know poisons... I was taught about several types of poisons a long time ago... But I've never had the need to use the knowledge," he lies.

Barley asks, "Why were ya bally well taught that?"

Lacota sighs. "It...was... a dangerous time back then... Things were... different."

Anomen listens as Lacota explains and hmmms, "Well, still it will be up to Sebastian and Benar if you stay at base camp or tag along, then again the hares will like you to stay at the base camp, hee cook up food for energy to fight"

Zinnia speaks "I..can't fight, never really learned to fight, I Knew how to hide in the woods when I was on my own for a season and I know some healing skills but not many."

Lacota sighs. "Perhaps, but I'm keen to get to Ferravale. I have a friend named Derean there that I really want to see."

Leon nods, "I..know of poisons too, I would never use them though..oddly there is one plant that can heal, a faint like drop of it, but more than a drop or two well it could poison as well" He thinks and smiles "Well there was one time I did threaten to poison a snake that umm..wanted to at me, I said sure but I have poison in my herb collection and told the snake if it ate me it would eat that too...well it backed off and left me alone after that, then again I have lots of herbs in the different pockets of my surcoat..for healing needs, if the snake ate all that he would of died anyways."

Anomen hmmms, "Well guess snakes won’t bother you then Brother Leon, or least that snake" He chuckles some and sits down in the tent as it seems the Badger Lord goes to have a meeting with some of the LP Hares.

Not much else happen, they ate lunch and talked and got ready to go to Ferravale, or least the ones going to Ferravale, some will stay here and some will go to Ferravale. Some will fight or heal in battle and some stay at base camp as needed, like those who can’t fight well will be at base camp and runners will most likely rush between base camp and the fighting areas, as well as between base camp and Ferravale over next couple days probably.=