Almost A Fight
Jake heads up the road, a walk to clear the mind, he breaths in deeply the air and grins, he needed to escape all talk.
Hudson watches the hare from where he is on the side of the road and goes to slip behind him.
Jake doesn’t see the monitor yet, he looks around the dirt road and stretches, long bow the abbey.
Hudson grins and goes to quickly grab him from behind, slow to make little noise and then a quick lightning move and claws are at his throat.
Jake sighs, he suddenly tenses up as he is grabbed from behind and goes to kick whatever it is that grabs him, he sees the claws and instantly frowns, he mutters under his breath a cuss word.
Hudson grins as he gets a better grip on his victim and his tail curls around his feet as he speaks, claws remain at his throat "In a bit of a trouble we are..yezzzzzzzz?"
Jake struggles at first and then stays still, he isn't stupid when it comes to this, he swallows "Wot..wot ya want?"
Hudson grins showing his razor teeth, "What?...funny beastie you are hare, what I want is....a good ...meal, volunteering yes?"
Jake tries to remain calm, he answers "Sorry,. Can’t say I am interested in that." His legs have a tail curled around them and arms behind his back and a clawed paw at his throat, he stays still, "Look, Trust me when say this… Your regret this."
Hudson hisses as he laughs "Oh...funny little tidbit you are. “He makes a claw do down his throat carefully, not to draw blood...not yet.
Silver walks down the road trying to find where Jake went, he sees Jake on the ground and frowns. “Wot is going on here?"
Jake sighs, "Look, have enough on my..mind!" at the word mind he kicks with his footpaw towards the monitor, as he hears Silver he frowns .
Hudson wasn't expecting a kick, he hisses loudly and upon hearing the other hare he narrows his eyes and looks at Silver, a sly grin and he goes to grab Silver.
Silver takes a step to get out of the way of the lizard, he draws his sword. “I would not do that if were you, wot!"
Jake glares at the monitor now and he goes to get his...oh yeah abbey, he cusses and finding a rock he throws it at the monitor.
Hudson smiles a cold smiles "Oh..why.." the rock hits him on the shoulder, he spins around and hisses at Jake "Misssstake!"
Jake frowns, he stands ready and looks at Silver “Go back in the abbey now!" He looks at the monitor, willing to take a chance to get it away from Silver.." Come and get me furless."
Silver smiles and throws Jake his dirk. "Think you could use this Jake. “ He looks at the lizard and laughs. “So wot got you all mad?"
Hudson smirks and hisses low as he goes to circle the two hares.
Jake frowns, that wasn't the plan, he gets the dirk and watches the monitor circle them "This is a monitor Silver...not good."'
Silver nods. “Aye it is never good when someone wants you dead!"
Jake sighs and shoves Silver towards the abbey forcing him to run when an opening comes up, luckly the hare gets the idea and runs to the abbey for help.
Hudson circles slowly, the other hare leaves as he smirks "Wise course of action. Running."
Jake frowns, he has fought one before and didn't end well, he then grins at an idea, and he lowers the dirk and watches the monitor "Suppose so.." He looks slightly north, ok get attention of something, but then the distance...he frowns somewhat.
Hudson watches the hare closely "What are you doing hare? giving up...try to run perhaps...what?"
Jake remains calm as he talks, "I don't run from fights, I’m no coward..I told my friend to get out of here...normally he wouldn't of.."
Maythus walks up and rests a paw on Jake's shoulder, "Kinda hard to give up, lizard. When there are two of us. An' one o' ye'."
Hudson watches the otter as it comes and hisses low, the monitor is getting a little cold, he speaks "Not. Over beasties..will return...must find warmth."
Jake at first tenses up as Maythus lays a paw on his shoulder and then relaxes again, he watches the monitor as he talks "Same thing told Silver...go, not gonna let a friend be hurt." He doesn't have his bow as he watches the monitor, just a dirk.
Hudson lifts a clawed paw and then lowers it as he starts to back up towards the grasses when the wind isn’t as cold, he hisses low as he looks between them, so much for plans tonight. He is cold and his reflexes are down, he bows his head as he backs up into the grasses "You win....this time"
Jake watches as he leaves and breathe a sigh of relieve as he sits down on the road and looks down, " Note to self...more alert on road and don't forget ya bow."
Maythus sighs and shakes his head, "Sorry, I took a personal oath to protect those that dwell within the walls. I will nae' go back on it."
Jake nods as he listens, he looks at Maythus after the lizard leaves "What if it had tried to kill you?...maybe back to the abbey is best..." he shakes his head “Today has been interesting ....rain storm, and now a monitor"
Maythus smirks, "What if? Jake, I’m a healer. But herbs are not the only thing I learned." He sighs and looks up at the still dull clouds, "I’m a poisonist as well, but only for the sake of defending myself."
Jake nods, he smiles some "But thanks for showing up, still could of turned out worse....was out walking to clear my mind"
Maythus nods a little, "I would have come anyhow, I needed a walk m'self."
Jake nods, "Yeah ..Earlier, though probably know this already...seems Kiara and Honeyfern got in a rain storm, someone prevented a large tree branch from landing on Kiara and now has a hurt leg, Honeyfern was asking me on wedding date time and sad about her father, and then Mr. monitor on the road when don’t have my bow, so...lot on my mind...abbey then? or walk and talk?"
Maythus smiles, "Walk and talk, would do to make sure the road is at least clear."
Jake nods, he places the dirk at his side and starts walking, he rubs the back of his neck "Bit..nervous about this whole..marriage thing, and if its..was good idea to ask so soon after getting reunited with Honeyfern"
Maythus pats Jake on the back, "M'lad, its ok. An' it was fine to ask, ye' both still 'ad those feelin's as if they were fresh from when they started."
Jake smiles, "Guess, just afraid, I mean...vermin I handle, possible fights I handle...this is new, and think she is afraid too and won't say anything, probably wondering if I will walk away again."
Maythus chuckles, "Go on a picnic or somethin' wit' her, get closer over the days till the weddin'." He keeps a smile on his face, enjoying the wet weather.
Jake nods, he looks up as it sort of mists rain again, he nods "On a sunny day a picnic and wedding may be in couple weeks, not sure yet on that"
Maythus hums a little, "Well, keep making her happy always. Get closer during those days of...impatient waiting." He winks.
Jake nods "I don't want her sad, I do want her happy and hoping she and Kiara get to like each other, " he thinks on something else worrying him "Maybe you can check on Kiara later, she was shivering and coughing after the rain storm they were in...I would but..think may do wall duty after all tonight, just in case...and will have longbow, I can fire arrows pretty darn far too, if needed."
Maythus sighs again and shakes his head, "Jake, I’ll watch the walls. Ye' can't keep leavin' out time when a father needs to be there for his daughter. When she needs him most."
Jake listens "Your right, guess try and protect everyone a little..too much maybe"
"Aye, but we are proud and appreciate what ye' do Jake." Maythus ruffles the hare's ears fondly.
Jake smiles, he nods "Thanks careful out here on the road...least let me walk you back to the abbey, then I will go back inside and to the infirm where Kiara is, and you can go to wall for however long you planned to."
Maythus smiles wide, "There ye' go. I plan on stayin' on those walls all night." He chuckles again and starts to head back to the abbey with Jake.