All I wanted was a nap

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Rasta lets out a grunt as he sits down the the soft ground with a relieved sigh. "H'm ta big fer all dis." he laments as he detangles his longbow from his shoulder and lays it in front of his legs, he grunts and lays the large quiver beside he legs before he falls over on his side, closing his one good eye. "Tir'd."

Kaen had been walking non too stealthly through the brush when suddenly his one and only ear swivled toward the sound of speaking. He went into a predatory crouch and crept forward like death's shadow. He was in a foul mood, for not only had he missed, "food" yesterday but food had given him the better end of a halberd. He silently peered through a bush and grunted to himself. "Ugh, otter...." He didn't like otter. But he hadn't eaten in days...

Rasta lays there on the ground, Chest heaving slightly in a rhythm that matched his breathing and the calm around him. His ears perk at the sound of bushes rustling, although he keeps up the sight of a sleeping, unarmed otter.

Loving the idea of suprise and loving even more not having to use his mace to kill a beast, Kaen gives a wild snarl and a great leap that sends him flying toward the otter, popping out his claws with a srrrrrrk sound.


Rasta springs at that exact same moment, rolling in the direction of the wildcat, sending his thick disfigured tail in an ark towards the beasts face.

The Wildcat is a seasoned warrior and he jerks his head to the side as the rudder slams into his shoulder and knocks him to the ground with another enraged snarl. As he falls he twists though and slashes out with the long claws of his right forepaw, aiming for the otter's gut.

Rasta lets out a loud grunt and knocks the deadly claw towards the ground with a thick arm, being no novice fighter himself. Although he doesn't get off without injury as that claw adds a long scar to his solid gut, he growls and rolls away, picking himself up into a low crouching stance as he stares at the wildcat. "C'n ah 'elp ye?"

Kaen cracks his neck and chuckles dryly, "Aye, cut yer own throat an' save me the damn trouble!" He growls out then slashes low at the otter's legs then high at his neck, moving quickly for a beast of his size.

Rasta snarls as he feels a deep cut go across his thigh, another scar added to the already large tally of wounds on his frame. "Naht" he says as he grabs the wildcat's arm as it approaches his neck and yanks with his full force, bringing his other hand up aiming a devastatingly powerful uppercut.

The paw catches Kaen on the underside of his jaw and snaps his head back, he grunts as he sees stars but quickly regains himself and latches ahold of the arm that his holding his own and spins around so his back in to the otter then pulls forward while rolling his shoulders in a great full body throw, unless the otter is faster than he even seems.

Rasta oofs and lets out a suprised grunt as his world gets turned upside down on him, with a swift motion he swings his body along with the throw and uses the momentem from the wildcats throw to plant both feet in his chest and push him away from himself, before he hits the ground with a solid thud and groans, rolling back to his feet.

Kaen staggers back and smashes into a large tree, he is dazed for a second then run his claws in and out to test them. "Yer gonna regret that, streamdog!" He hissed though waited for the otter to make the next move, slightly more wary now.

Rasta straightens himself back up and dusts his pants off, breath coming a little harder to catch now but nothing that's to hard to cope with. he slowly advances on the wildcat and grins. "Make meh pay, K'ttn"

Kaen charges forward and hurls himself at the otter again, but suddenly he twirls in the air and sweeps his footpaw out in a broad arc, the claws sheathed in them shreiking out, glinting in the cold winter sun.

Rasta erks and raises an arm to block the footway, having grown attached to his one good eye. HE seeths and twists his wrist, clutching the ankle of the wildcats paw before he grabs him with his other hand and slings him towards the ground, the blood from the wound on his arm coming out in a crimson arch.

The Wildcat hit the ground in a roll, and kept rolling in toward the otter until he grabbed his wrist with one paw then drove the other paw into his locked elbow, sending him facefirst toward the ground. Kaen sensed victory at hand (or paw) and yowled victoriously (so he thought) and raises a clawed paw for the finishing blow...

Rasta huffs into the ground and sets his tail rocketing up into the wildcat's groin.

Kaen screams and leaps forward, he gives a gasp of pain then stabs downward at the otter, hissing in rage.

Rasta rolls out the way, if the cat was paying attention he would have seen a smirk across the cat's face. With a loud bellow he aims straight punch at the cat's elbow, Wanting to end this quickly now.

The Wildcat screamed again, the otter's blow has not hit straight or it would have broken his arm but even though it glanced off it hit hard enough to numb the arm from shoulder down. The Wildcat jumped back again, lashing out with his good arm.

Rasta catches the arm in his own and gives a snarl as he starts to try and crush the cat's hand while he aims a kick for his leg, still being on his back.

Something important pops in the Wildcat's paw and then a second later he is tripped and lands flat on his back, he scrambles to his footpaws though and, both arms quite useless, kicks out with his lower claws before bounding back.

Rasta rolls out the way and stands up, nursing his stomach as he glares at the wild cat, lips twisted back into an almost feral snarl as he wipes blood from his arm and torso... "B'd k'ttn. H'll let ye live fer naow. But if i see ya again...Th're be a new 'ole in ya hed. Got it?"

Kaen snarls back, showing every tooth in his mouth. "I'll have ye fer dinner b'fore it is all over, streamdog!" He gives a glare and a low hiss before vanishing into the forest, cradling both arms.

Rasta falls onto his rump with a fwump as he he sighs and looks over his arm. "th'ee more? An' all ah want' twas a nap."