Aftermath (Marek's Reveng TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Scioto and Fargo meet up in the Great Hall the day after Marek's invasion.

Scioto sits in a chair, arms crossed over his chest as he is very moody right now, being stuck here is not fun

That could be due to the fact that the great hall is filled with maurading vermin. Redwall is used to seeing vermin by now, but prehaps not of this calibur. The room is crowded by beasts enjoying the victory party of the centery! Most lay passed out from over eating and drinking, others with teh stamina continue to party it up. This day will live on for ever in the hearts and minds of all horde beasts! The day they took over redwall! Traversing the crowd, nervously carrying a platter is a very, very heavy set grey furred weasel. He approaches the chief, "M-more wine sir? Its...Scioto? What are you doing here?" The beast nearly shouts.

Scioto looks up at Fargo, "What it look like Fargo, I came to help and got stuck here, he is smart it seems. Knew I would go get help" He slams his fist into the chair," Not only that he has the NERVE to collect taxes from me!"

Fargo looks around to see if anyone is listening...or cares that he is talking with the cheif of Ferreval and not taking care of his duties. The nearest beast is a fox laying belly up from wine ontop of the table. He makes a whining sound when the table rocks from Scioto's fist, but quickly resumes his snoring. The pot bellied weasel sets aside his platter filled with snacks and wine and sits down next to the chief. "If it makes you feel better I came here a few months ago looking for a job. Finely found one as 'horde beast server' was either that or they would have promoted me to the status of 'rug'." The weasel sighs, "Please tell me this is all just a bad dream...and what do you mean taxes?"

Scioto growls, "I mean like gold cause he owns the land where Ferravale is now, and he knows alot of my family too, cant let them be hurt. I worry as I am stuck here, by now they most likely know Redwall has fallen"

Fargo leans forward and sighs. "He owns Ferraval too? I...I didn't know he took over Ferreval either." He may be living here for the moment, but Ferreval will always have a place in his heart. The weasel has yet to put together exactly what the feline is talking about

Scioto sighs, "In a way he owns it too, or least useing it as a small base and this is his main one now"

Stroking his whiskers nervously Fargo makes a series of 'Dook' sounds. "Scioto, what..." he gulps, "What is going to happen to us?" The weasel looks just as stressed as the feline.

Scioto shrugs "I have no clue"

The weasel begins to nervously stroke his tail. "What...what are we going to do then? What...what happens if they kill us and make us into little hats! What if they go through all the stores of food and decide that weasel is on the menu? What if they use us for catipult ammo! What if...what..." The weasel leans forward, rubbing his forehead with both paws, "I feel dizzy."

Scioto shrugs "I dont know, I do not think we will run out of food, its rasioned I think, but Marek is not one to starve beasts"

Fargo sighs deeply with at least some measure of relief. "Well at least we don't have to worry about that." The weasel begins to nervously stroke his tail again, "This warlord seems a bit more civilized than others...i mean I was surprised to see you here, but even more surprised to see you here /alive/. Thankfull too I might add."

Scioto nods "Yes I am alive, injuried but alive" He shows a bandaged leg , his lower leg and sighs, "Others are hurt, some of my guards and fighters died, course some of Redwalls Guards died and it could of been alot worse but.."

Fargo smiles weakly. "I try not to worry what could have been. I-its distracting from the hear and now. I'm just thankfull that we are both alive, and not bound in chains at the moment." The weasel pauses as a stoat with too much ale in his belly bumps up against the weasel on his way for the stairs. The stoat pauses, flaggon spilling about the stoat points to cat, "Aye! Looke what we have here! If it aint the grand ol leader of Ferreval!" The stoats leather armor is still stained from the battle last night.

Scioto glares slightly, he is still in a bad mood as he looks at Fargo again.

Fargo does his best to look away from the stoat. The stoat however does not wish to be co operative, "All hail the chief right?" He cackles in delight, "I heard you came down here to (hic) to warn the goody tree dwelling reddywallers that we was coming!" He takes a long swig at his mug before continuing. A fellow warrior placed here to keep the order catches sight of the stoat harrassing the two and sighs. He begins walking over but doesn't make it in time to stop the stoat from continuing, "Fat lot of good that did them eh? What is this...the second time you lost a city to ol' marek?"

Scioto growls low as he tries to control the urge to kill riseing within him, he may not have a weapon but he has claws and he is close to making them come out.

The stoat finishes his flaggon of ale, "Hey! And another thing..." The guard, another weasel, grabs the beast firmly by the scruff of the stoats neck and begins to drag him off to the kitchens. "Hey! I wasn't done! I still needed to get a few more kicks in! You hear me cat! All hail the Failure of Ferrefal! Ha! That rymes...." The guard pauses only to kick the tail of a sleeping beast out of the way of the door before dragging the stoat into the kitchens. There is a loud noise like an iron pot making the aquaintance of a very hollow head. Stepping back out of the kitchens the weasel dusts off his paws. Meanwhile at the table Fargo just shakes his head, "Ignore them boss. Blighters, every last one...just don't tell anyone I said that..."

Scioto frowns slightly, maybe the staement did get to him a little, but he tries to pay it no mind.

The weasel looks around again, making sure no other beasts are coming to harass them, "So did anyone else from Ferreval get stuck here? I saw the story telling fox Wilks earlier. And that crazy inventor, but so far you are the first friendly face I reconized from Ferreval."

Scioto sighs "A few fighters and me, a lot died out on the road, not many came with me sadly"

Fargo nods his head. He wonders if he knew any of them. He was only in Ferreval for half a year, but still, he made freinds both on the guard force and off. "What are we going to do now?"

Scioto frowns, he is starting to lose a little faith it seems, just a slight amont so far "I..don't know yet."