This takes place in Camp Willow! It's Kacy and Kik chatting after their little experience with the butcher thingy :D
There is a gentle breeze in the air tonight. The reeds of the pond move back and forth in the wind. The sun is starting the process of setting in the west, the clouds and sky are highlited by bright orange, red, even pink colors. The camp is also starting to wind down, most otters heading off to their homes. One particular bat however is walking in a bit of a zig zag away from the local eatery. Her paws are full witha basket stacked hi with verious fruits. Kacy eats an apple as she watches the sky in the distance.
Another beast has elected to stay out late tonight. Kik is standing amongst the reeds, facing the pond. She has her arms behind her back as she stares into the clear depths of the water, lost in thought. Her eyes have dark circles under them and occasionally she looks around her at the surrounding camp, as if to reassure herself. It takes her a moment to notice the bat trundling along with her basket of foods, but upon making the observation, she turns towards Kacy and grins, raising a paw in greeting, "Hey Kacy!"
With an apple in her claws the bat waves back, "Hey there kik, how are you holding up?" As the bat draws closer she offers her some food from the basket, "These otters are nice folk you know. They couldn't get enough of the (hic) story I was telling them. They kept buying me food and ale, especially when I started to sing!" The bat chuckles a bit, "Feel free to grab some food...I'm already too full to fly..." Indeed the young bat looks practically swollen with her meal.
Kik chuckles, moving towards the bat, "I'm holding up well enough. Sleep hasn't come easy. How 'bout you?" She helps herself to a pear, grinning as she does so, "They have a taste for true talent! What story were you telling them?" She bites into the pear and shivers with delight. It's been far too long since she last had pears!
The bat spreads her wings out wide, "Our narrow escape from the jaws of death of course! Did you see that thing! It's teeth and claws! The size of it! The only way it could have been better is it being a dragon! Pure balled gold there lass." The bat finishes her apple and tosses it away before picking up another. Kacy is determined to finish her basket of fruit before the night is over. "Why can't you sleep?" She asks almost as a side note.
Kik shivers, smiling ruefully, "It's hardly an experience "I'll soon forget! What exactly is a dragon? I've never actually heard of them." She takes another bite of her pare, asking around it, "I'm glad that you're making use of it, though. You're certainly reaping the benefits of having an audience, eh?" She nods towards the basket. As the matter of her sleep is brought up, she shrugs, gnawing on the inside of her cheek, "I dunno. Every time I try to sleep, I start seeing it again. Its huge form, foaming jaws and blood soaked claws. It's not really a forgettable sight."
Kacy bites into another apple and talks as she chews, "A dragon is some kind of flying lizard thing. They hide in caves and kid nap princesses." THe bat swollows, "I can't quite get it out of my mind either, I keep seeing all the balleds I'll sing about our narrow esacape and all the gold I'll make from it." The bat finishes her apple and moves for another fruit much to the chargen of her already full stomach. "I must say this is a pretty interesting place. Very...homely. You forget how nice it is to visit these backwater places after singing song for vermin taverns..."
Kik looks slightly perplexed, saying in a voice that is equally so, "Remind me to never become a princess." She takes her third bite of pare, chews slowly, then swallows. She smiles lightly, if not a bit contritely, and mutters to herself "The beast has certainly left different impressions on our minds, to be sure!" She takes another bite of pare, nodding in agreement as she looks around her at the camp, "I agree! It's a very pleasant place. I've enjoyed my time here, however short." She pauses a moment before continuing, "Do tell Kacy, what were some of your experiences at these vermin taverns?"
Kacy works a bit slower on this apple than the last two. "Well, I used to carry a lute. Saved my life one day though. A fox tossed a dagger at my heart and killed my precious lute...well, bashing the head of another beast sealed the coffin for it in the ensuing fight but..." The bat shrugs. "I miss that lute. Maybe someone here would be able to sell me one.
Kik grins, imagining the bat in the heat of battle, which, for some reason, hits her as funny. "Sounds like you've had quite the adventures! Do you think you could teach me how to play the lute? If you manage to get another one, that is. I'm sure someone here could sell you one." She finishes her pare and chucks the remains towards the pond, where it lands with a small 'plunk'
Kacy nods vigerously, "Sure thing! If I can teach myself then there is no reason I can't teach someone else." The bat finishes her apple and tosses it into the pond as well. She eyes the basket still laden with fruit, "Mostly when playing an instrument or singing, the music comes not from you but from your heart. You play with feeling, know what I mean?"
Kik scratches her ear, nodding in agreement, "Yeah, I think I know what you mean. So, it doesn't really matter how you sound, just as long as you sing from your heart?"
Kacy laughs, "Nah, that's just silly. The heart can't sing. That's what you use your mouth for." The bat thrusts a wing claw in the air, "But you do it with /feeling!/"
Kik rolls her eyes, laughing lightly, "Oh, you know what I meant!" She pears into the basket and picks out an apple, which she bites into, grinning with pure happiness. She glances at Kacy, saying as secretly as she can with a mouthful of apple, "By the way.....have you seen Venner? He's tall with brown eyes and splendid biceps."
Kacy decides to finely eat another peice of fruit. If her stomach bursts at least she will die well fed. While she eats Kacy shakes her head, "Fraid I havn't. I take it he's a /special/ friend of yours?" The bat nudges the otter in the shoulder.
Kik laughs, a tad nervously, "Pfft, I only met him today. That's hardly enough time to decide if I love him or not..." She fades off, her eyes moving back and forth a bit suspiciously, before she bursts out with, "Alright! Fine! Yes, I like him, and yes I might have only gotten his attention by following him around, but still! He's just so perfect!" She squeezes her apple, her eyes shining dreamily. She glances down at Kacy, grinning, "Were you ever in love?"
The bat watches this display and shakes her head, "Wow, I guess that beasty we met yester day was infested with love bugs." The bat laughs, "I've never been in love but I've sang plenty of love songs. If that counts."
Kik rolls her eyes sarcastically, "Ha! That /thing/ was hardly the romantic type." She glances at the darkening sky and shivers, becoming serious, "I think I'm going to head inside. This night is a little to dark for my tastes. Thanks for the fruit!" She heads off towards the lodging area.
Kacy tilts her head to the side. The bat asks, "What's wrong with the dark?" Kacy shrugs and laughs, "Sure thing. Get some rest. You look like you could use it." The bat waves with her wing as she heads off for the inn carrying her basket of fruit with her. Chances are it will be empty before morning.