Adventuring We Go
Characters: Aikuen, Flicktail, Kentar, Orph
Locations: Redwall Abbey: Great Hall, Gate House, Dirt Road, Anian Metals
Redwall Abbey: Great Hall
Aikuen comes from the entry. He is quite sweaty, and is covered in sawdust. Before he says even a single word to anybeast, he make a b-line for the kitchen to get himself some cool water. He returns shortly, with a damp wash cloth, and plops into a chair. He wipes off the sweat, and sighs with relief.
Flicktail sits with a stick of wood whittling
Kentar arrives from the Staircase..
Kentar has mended up his tunic with some help from the abbey beasts before wandering down the stairs and into the hall. "Hello" he greets the beasts here before wandering to the fire.
Flicktail is whittling wood, sitting net to a cake
Flicktail looks up and exclaims "STOAT!" with a smile 'ello ere
Aikuen is at the table, after a good hard days work on the lumber. He looks up, and he thinks that he eyes deceived him. He squints, and mumbles, "Kentar?"
Kentar jumps when Flicktail shouts out /stoat/. He does the same. "Fox!" he smiles before looking over at the otter and nodding. "yeah, tis me" he smiles some, plopping himself in a chair.
"Otterfox" Flicky corrects smugly"
Aikuen nods to the Stoat, and smiles, "Welcome Back Matey! How was hunting? Did you teach that Fox the what for! HaHa!"
Flicktail says, "Oi actually loikes stoats...."
Kentar frowns at Aikuen and sighs, rubbing over his face a few times. "He found me...And taught me...the what for" he sighs. "You were right...that fox I went with was him..." Flicktail just gets a smile.
Flicktail shakes hisfinger at Kentar "oi manny time ave ye gotsto be tolds DON'T TRUST FOXES!
Aikuen shakes his head, "Oh Matey... Well your still alive... thats... still good..." He hoped that Kentar finished the fox off for good. He smiles weakly, "So how did he get yah... When did you find out... Please i need to know... So if i ever meet him again... so i wont have to bandy words."
Kentar blinks some. "Then I guess I shouldn't trust you either" he winks and smiles befor elooking to Aikuen., sighing. "We spared...he pinned me to the ground, to mah money and left" he says. "Took a while to get unpinned by the daggers"
Kentar adds "Now all I plan on doing is waiting a few days then leaving the abbey...don't care where I go, I'm just going"
Aikuen gives a quick once over the stoat. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary he asks, "Well since your still here... walking and talking, i guess you didn't get poisoned... Why are you leaving so soon... Don't like it here?" he leans closer, "Do you still have my vials?"
Flicktail smiles t Kentar "me dibbuns doesn't trusts me, ay keep tien me up an dumpin honey on me
Flicktail asks, "leave e abby?> ye doesn't LOIKES u?>"
Kentar laughs at Flicktail and smiles. "Sounds fun" he laughs before pulling out the two vials and handing them over. "They're both here...' he says. "and...well...I like it here, but I just don't feel like I should be here"
Flicktail says, "don't believes im, e dosn;t loikes us"
Kentar blinks a bit at the Foxotter, shaking his head. "I didn't say that" he says. "But now...I just feel like I've failed..." again "...So I think the only real punishment would be to leave"
Aikuen takes the two vials and quickly pockets them. He tilts his head, "You didnt fail! And self punishment just wont help... Though i can understand if you need to leave right now... Sometimes you just need to get up and go"
Flicktail says, "ye onlt faills if e quits"
Orph leans on the doorframe leading out of the Great Hall causally, he hasn't been there too long, just long enought to have heard Kentar's comment about leaving the Abbey. The young rat pulls the strap of the traveling bag he'd found higher up on his shoulder from where he'd let it slide down around to his elbow. "How soon can ya be ready t go?" he asks the stoat and otter." The rat has had all the rest and staying put he can stand, now it's time to go exploring once again.
Aikuen become startled when he hears his sons voice. He looks to the rattling, "Whoh Matey! where'd you come from... What go... er... yah... im ready as all always be... packed a few nights ago just incase... Are we going now?"
Kentar blinks a few times before staying quiet, thinking the rat was just asking Aikuen. Flicktail gets a smile in all this though. "If it helps yah, I like ya" He smiles. "So Oi wont be leavin' cause o' you"
Orph nods, "You ready Kentar?"
Flicktail says, "well o courseye loikes me oi be a Otter/fox"
Kentar blinks a few times again before pointing at himself. "Me? Um...sure, I guess" he replies a bit, looking a bit surprised still.
Flicktail stays out of this
Aikuen uses the washcloth on his head, while he gets up from the chair. He pockets it and makes for the door, When he hears Will ask Kentar, he stops and looks to the Stoat, waiting for an answer. He Didn't know Kentar was going along... oh well more the merrier.
Aikuen Nods to Kentar, "Well almighty matey! Im guessing you need to pack... well maybe not..." He shrugs.
Kentar looks to the otter and tilts his head. "Norra mind me comin' along?" he asks to the both of them.
Orph calls out "We're leaving now," before heading out to the gate house to wait for the others to join him.
Turzel casts the stoat a suspicious glance.
Aikuen nods, "More, the better!" he makes a turn to follow William, "Okay Matey!" He doesn't see the new beast.
Turzel shrugs and slowly shuffles over to the kitchen, humming softly to herself.
Kentar blinks and smiles, standing up. "thanka!" he says before. "Will be there in a sec" he says, running up the stairs.
Redwall Abbey: Gate house
Aikuen reaches the gatehouse, and retrieves his sack. Which is Huge! The pack has several large pockets, a Burlap roll bed on the top, and has four canteens attached at the back. He rings it though his arms, and there are serval clinking sounds on the inside. He goes over to the wall of Weapons, and retrieves his Short Sword. He gives it an expert twirl before sheathing it. Then he retrieves a black rope, which is actually his sling. He wraps it around his shoulder then around his middle. He looks to the others, "Im all set... heh...
Kentar comes in with a pack over his shoulder, his own stuff. He grabs his weapons, a dagger and a long sword, and his broken saber before nodding. "ready' he smiles. "Thanks for lettin' me come along with you" he smiles to the both of them.
Orph grins at the otter, the rat was ready hours ago. To the stoat he says,"Welcome. All set?"
Aikuen smiles back at his son, "brought a few more things then last time... Im all go!" He pumps his fist in the air.
Kentar smiles and nods again to the two. "All ready I is, too" he smiles
Orph smiles. With a nod at the other two to follow him the rat heads out to the road.
Dirt Road
Orph says, "Last time we went south, this time we're going north .... well to start with anyway."
Kentar nods a few times, looking around once or twice, just following and being quiet for the moment.
Aikuen nods, though he still has no idea where exactly we are going, "Sounds good matey... oh If you meet a ferret named 'Jim' just get me okay... He is friendly..." He nods again, then looks around, And breathes deeply.
Orph nods. "We'll need t keep a quick pace if we want to get very far tonight."
Aikuen rearrange the pack on his back. It sloshes and clinks lightly behind him. He looks to the Navigator, "So me matey of maps and other things... Whats our first stop on our excursion" He hums lightly.
Orph hums a silly tune, "You'll see. I think you'll like it."
Aikuen scratches his head, "er... okay matey... Lead on!" He gives a quick look to the stoat in front of him. He seems to be keeping to himself mostly... Its okay for now. He knows the tune that William is Humming, and he hums along.
Orph stops beside the Black Gull Tavern to rest a bit before moving on.
Aikuen immeaditly smells the Tavern from a good distance away.... one of his lesser gifts. Goes to sit next too William, giving him a confused look, "Is it this place
Orph shakes his head, "Nope, but we might stay th night here if it get too late. Not sure yet."
Aikuen shrugs and says, "I can still go forward... course i can go forward without eating and drinking for three suns. So its really up too you." He shutters as the smell fills him. He looks to Kentar, who has not said a word lately, the stoat gives a slow nod to the otter
Kentar has been keeping entirely to himself. He moves along with the group still, just being quiet and thinking, but keeping within range of the other two.
Kentar blinks out of his trance, looking down and smiling, shaking his head. "You keep it" he smiles. "I think its in better paws with you then it is with me"
Orph cocks his head at the stoat, "You sure?" The stoat was clearly better able to handle himself around vermin foxes better then a certain now one-eyed ratling, but if the stoat didn't want it ...
Kentar chuckles softly, nodding. "I'm sure. Trust me. It will be much happier with you" he smiles. "It was my grandfathers...then my fathers...then its yours" he smiles before coughing a bit, turning away slightly.
Aikuen keeps himself busy, by counting in English... which has quite a past time of his. After awhile he looks to Kentar, "Dont you want to give it to your son one day?"
Orph frowns a little, "Yeah, you sure you don't want to save it for if you have dibbun one day?" /I lost the dagger my Pa gave me and you give me a family heirloom?/ the rat thinks at the stoat who more than likely isn't telepathic.
Kentar shrugs. "I don't plan on having a family...not anytime soon...I don't want to put any of them at risk if I did have them" he replies. "Trust me...You keep it" he smiles.
Orph frowns more, "You don't think you'll have dibbun one day or don't think you'll have no kind of family at all?"
Kentar shrugs. "Don't think I'll have any kind of family" he replies yawning. "Its not that big of a deal"
Aikuen leans on the side of the building, "Really? No Family at all... But that's one of the greatest joys of all..." He cant understand why somebeast would not want one...
Orph chews his lip a little, "What if you got one anyway?"
Kentar shrugs. "I doubt it would ever happen..." he hehs. "if you've noticed, I'm not all that social"
Aikuen shrugs, "Well Maybe you need to find a mate who is also... not social..." He looks to William, then back to Kentar.
"We ready to move on?" the rat asks pining the sword charm to his shirt.
Kentar blinks a few times and hrms. "I doubt that would work" he hehs a bit before looking at Will. "Uh...No?" he asks, shrugging before nodding. "Right...I am"
Aikuen shrugs to Kentar, "Just a thought..." He nods roughly, "Aye matey!" He sets the pack on his arms again.
Orph sits on the tree stump, this is where he'd last seen Fira. He wonders briefly about her house by a lake she'd mentioned and looks over the letters carved into the tree stump.
Aikuen takes the rag he 'borrowed' from the abbey kitchen, and wipes the sweat from his head. He takes one of the canteens from his pack, and hands it too William, "Never go Thirsty... Not when the weather gets hotter..." He plops next to the stump and leans on it.
Orph nods and takes the offered canteen, though he has one of his own. "We're nearly at the place I want t show you. After we stop there a while we'll find somewhere to stay for the night. And tomorrow we'll cross the bridge ... after that there's no buildings I don't think and then there's the river and there's some building there but not many ... it burned down again .... we might stop there anyway though .... but that's after." He takes a deep drink from the canteen.
Kentar just follows along, thinking now about what the other two said. He stops and stands near the two, just looking at the ground.
Orph asks, "You want t sit up here with me Kentar?" Then holds out the canteen, "You thirsty?"
Kentar looks over and smiles some, nodding. "sure...thanks" he says, sitting next to the rat before slowly shaking his head to the offer of the canteen. "I'm fine, thank you" he smiles.
Orph traces some of the letters in the wood with a finger, his mouth moving silently reading the words carved into the stump.
Orph hands the canteen back to the otter and slides off the tree stump, back to the road.
Orph nudges Aikuen and waves a paw at the shop with the sign proclaiming it to be Anian Metals, "You said you wanted armor, didn't you?"
Aikuen nods quickly, "I sure was matey!" He looks at the building, then smiles, "They look good enough to make exactly what i want..." He walks toward the entrance without so much as a regard to the others.
Orph and Kentar follow the otter inside the shop.
Anian Metals
Orph is quick to make his way over to the display cases holding the daggers, knifes and swords.
Aikuen enters the shop and is almost immediately blinded by all that is inside. He squints till he finds the counter with Armor behind it. He eyes pop open and heads immediately for it. He watches William by the Blades and smiles, then taps on the counter to get the shopkeeps attention.
Aikuen smiles at Anion, "Hello, I need a special order. You might want to write this down... I need an arm pleat... for my left arm... It needs to be Hardened steel, and it need to be scaled plates... I don't want the greaves... Just the pleat and the shoulder pad. Now here is the special part... I need leather to be placed in between the plates... To reduce the noise it makes... I don't want to be clacking everywhere i go..."
Kentar looks around the shop as William continues to stare longingly at the blades in their cases, pantomiming using one on invisible enemies.
Anion comes wide eyed. Never do Special orders much. He pulls out a parchment and Charcoal stick. He writes down the requests, and he also eyes the length of the otters arm. The squirrel thinks to himself before saying, "Well i believe i have a pleat that you want... Have to put the leather in between the plates though... That'll cost for leather and labor" He writes down prices, and looks back at the otter, "One left arm pleat, Scaled, Shoulder pad, and leather bracing... Anything else?"
Aikuen smiles and nods, "Aye! One more thing..." He takes the Parchment, and stick, and draws what appears to be drawings... He gives it a swirly underline, then hands it back to the Squirrel, "I would like to have this engraved at the top, on the shoulder pad. And i think that's it, oh! a blue jerkin if you got it... So what going to be the damage..."
Anian looks at the 'Drawing' and decides the cost for the engraving. He nods then adds a few more things to the list. He holds up the paper and reads off the bill, "Okay, You want a Left arm pleat, Scaled, Shoulder pad, leather bracing, engraving, and a blue jerkin. That comes to a total of... 83 gold coins. Or whatever you got thats equal to that."
Aikuen is hit with the price, but its worth it. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his money bag. After digging in it for awhile he pulls out a gold ring, with a white diamond on the top. He stares at it for awhile before putting it back, not worth his ring... He shrugs, then pours out the coins. After what seems like an age has has finally got a stack of his gold coins, but he is just a little under what the squirrel wants. He smiles, "All i got is 81 coins... Can you let that go?"
Anian eyes the otter up and down, before taking the stack of coins and putting them in his box, "I guess i can let that go... You knew exactly what you wanted, and you didn't haggle the point... Your pleat will be ready later today..." He takes the bill and heads for the back room. He opens the door, and stops and asks, "What do the squiggles mean"
Aikuen looks to Anion and tilts his head, "Oh you mean the thing i want engraved... Its just my name... Aikuen Tazan, written in my native tongue... I always have that put on my things... Keeps them from getting lost... why?
Orph continues to play at fighting invisible foes with an imaginary blade happily unaware of the goings ons about him ... well most of them anyway.
Anian nods his head, "Oh okay..." Then the name hits him, "Wait your name is Aikuen... From the abbey right... HaHa..." He enters the door, and you can hear shouting, "Oi Jim! you got Company..."
Aikuen now becomes wide eyed. As The Ferret named Jim enters through the back door. He is sold black from head to footpaws. and the only thing that's different color, is the whites of his eyes. The ferret eyes the Otter up and done, then growls out, "Heloo Aik... You is was not at the abbey... the night i is came... your sword is are ready..." He holds out a wrapped package, to the otter.
Orph's ears follow the sound as he plays on.
Aikuen takes the package, and opens one end of it. He gives a nod of approval before patting the shoulder of the ferret, "It looks Excellent matey... Thanks!" He reseal the package, and holds down in his right paw. He smiles, "Best Weapon smith ive ever known...". From the Back room you hear the Squirrels shouts, "Jim! get back in here! There is work to do!" The ferret grunts and heads back through the door. The otter leans over the counter, and watches William, and Kentar.
After several attempts, the rat has persuaded the stoat to join him in his play battle with invisible weapons against the equally invisible army he's been fighting.
Aikuen laughs a bit, then goes over to them. He smiles, and asks, "Im guessing you guys are hungry... Lets go outside, and eat something... They should call me when they're done..."
Orph shrugs but follows the otter out. The stoat, surprised the game is over already, follows behind the other two.
Dirt Road
Aikuen sits down just outside the store, and places his pack in front of him, and places the package next to him. He opens one of the side pouches, and asks the other two, "Ok... I got Scones, Biscuits, a few fruits... and a jar of Barley soup. Sorry Will... But i didn't bring any hotroot soup.. Tends to eat through the jar... Hee!" He yawns a bit and holds out the pack, "Here take what you want, im going to take a few winks..." He lays against the ground. He is tired, he hasn't slept in a few days.
Orph takes a few of the biscuits for himself and passes some to Kentar before settling down by the otter.
The trio spends their first night on the edge of the road in a tent Aikuen set up for them out of a tarp.