Adrift and Sinking Quickly (Penny Bone)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Mutany! Last time on the Grand Adventures of the Penny Bone! We found our dear captain Orlop and his band of loyal crew mates cast to see by a traitorous mutany! Now several days out to sea the cast aways are faced with dwindling supplies, hunger, thirst, and the ever present danger of sharks lingering in the salty ocean around them. Will they survive? Will they pull through? Will they live to reclaim their beloved ship, the Penny bone?

"I'm going to DIEEEeeEeEEEEeeEEe!"

"Oh pull yourself together Kazi, It's only been what...three days since we got thrown off the ship?" The brown furred fox scolded the pine marten. Like Kazi she had a bit of a mid riff growing before their exile from the ship. Since then they had to tighten their belts from the lack of rations. Kazi lay sprawled out from one end of the life boat to the other, his paws and tail dragging in the water. "Food...I...I need food!" He whined.

Along with sharks, food and water, there is also the issue of moral on the little life boat. Orlop, the once strong and proud captain, has since retired to the very edge of the boat, trying to be as far away from everyone as possible. He has commandeered the single jug of grog and had been sipping at it for a better part of the first two days. He now has a rather nasty headache and an even nastier temper. At the sound of Kazi's whining, a low growl starts in his throat and he turns a menacing eye onto the martin. His headache prevents him from actually /doing/ anything to Kazi, but the threat is still there. In the space of three days, the two fox brothers have tried to kill each other at least twice. The one eyed vole's fur has started falling out, leaving clumps of it around the boat, which has completely disgusted Juan, who has come down with a rather nasty case of seasickness. All in all, it's been a very community building experience

The marten completely disreguards the squirrels ill temper. After all, Orlop isn't his boss any more! Kazi is a free beast! Free to starve! Free to die out here on the open sea! "Oh blazes...why didn't I stay on the ship? This is all your fault you little rat!" Kazi thrust an accusatory claw towards Juan. "If it wasn't for bleeding loyalty to that bushtailed tyrant none of us would have come aboard this light forsaken life boat!"

"Man you whine a lot." Kilby spat over the side of the boat. He was currently rubbing the sore stump of his leg with his wooden peg laying across his lap.

"I know, right? I vote we eat Kazi first." Cid hissed. The lizard sat not too far away from them both.

"W-what?" Kazi gasped in horror.

"It's nothing personal mate. But your the fattest of the bunch. Hench you get eaten first."

"I'm not fat! It's my winter coat you idiot! And besides, Tera is much more plump than I am!" The pot bellied vixen growled from the back of the boat. "Yeah, but she would kill me if I tried to eat her, I vote we eat Kazi first."

"I vote we eat BOTH of you numbskulls!" The vixen shouted.

Juan looks up at Kazi from his birth on the floor of the boat, a hurt expression crossing his face,

"MY fault?! You could have chosen not to join me! I didn't force you to do anything!"

He is interrupted by a wave of nausea. From his position at the back of the boat, Orlop grits his teeth. Why had that bloody Mortimer offered to let beasts come along? It'd be a whole lot quieter alone. Finally he gets fed up with the arguing. He turns slowly, his gimlet eyes roving over the motley group before he bellows as best he can with a splitting headache,


The boat falls quite under the wrath of their captain. For about ten seconds until the pot bellied pine marten stands up, shaking his fist to the ex captain, "Oh put a sock in it cotton tail, lilly livered...WOODLANDER!"

"Kazi!" Tara gasped, clutching her paws to her muzzle.

"No! I'm not taking any more of your garbage! You are not our boss any more!"

"But kazi!" The vixen tries to tap the marten on the shoulder but he shrugs her off.

"You guys want someone to eat? I say we eat HIM! Better yet, let's just toss him overboard and see if the sharks like the taste of his-"

"KAZI!" The vixen did not take to being shrugged off so well. She grabs the marten by the head, twisting it until she forces him to look up, "SEAGULL!" The two beasts then yelp and duck low to the boat as a seagull swoops down towards them, snapping at them both with it's beak before launching up again into the air.

High above the little boat a second sea gull appears. It screeches its cry for all to hear, telling any who listen that he has spotted his next meal. He starts circling, slowly getting lower and lower towards the boat; turning his head this way and that to see it out of each eye. There! A scaled blue lizard! What a tasty treat! With one last cry, the gull dives in for the catch, aiming to grab the lizard around his shoulders.

Cid looks up and gasps with fright. He falls instantly to the ground, head covered by his own claws and his tail sticking strait into the air as the gull grasps at nothing! "GAAAAAAAAAAAH! BIRDS! BIRDS! WHY? WHY did it have to be birds!?" The lizard got to his feet, trying to hide behind the captian, "Don't let them eat me captain! Don't let them eat meeee!"

At least one member of the crew proved themselves usefull. Tera the fox grabbed an oar and began waving it into the air. "Shut up you cowardly snake! Someone start rowing, we can follow them to land!"

"Or eat us!" Cid cried.

The gull flies higher into the sky in defeat, screeching his frustration allowed!

Meanwhile, Orlop hunches lower in the boat, cowering away from the birds. He seems quite annoyed with the whole thing, especially when Cid has nerve the use him as a shield! He scowls and waves his paws around behind him, trying to deter the reptile. Vincent, who had been napping up until the attack of the gulls, hears sense in what Tera says and he leaps up to grab an oar. His brother, not to be outdone, jumps up as well and is about to reach for the same oar as his brother, when he steps on the unfortunate Juan, who is still sprawled out across the deck. The rat groans loudly and shoves at the foxes legs, causing him to fall and further smash the rat.

Tera facepaws. "Brainless twits!" She declairs. Picking up an oar she tosses it to Kazi. He stumbles backward until his tail brushes the side of the boat. "Wh-what do you expect me to do with THIS?"

The growl of the vixen makes him whimper, "Row you dolt!" Looking at the oar like the fox had just handed him a cannon. Begrudgingly he set the oar in place and sat down.

Shaking her head the fat vixen continued to hold her own weapon of choice at the ready less any more bridies decided to make a quick lunch out of her crew. After a moments thought the fox sat down, laying the oar across her lap. Then again, maybe having the birds eat one or two of these idiots would not be a bad idea...