A sad parting...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

              [K]itchen    [St]airs   [C]avern [H]ole
              [Li]brary    [En]try    [B]reezeway



a message (board) with notes tacked to it


Pike is sitting here in the great hall, he has a knapsack by his chair and he looks like he is depressed somewhat, he stirs his oatmeal as he takes a few last bites and drinks his water.

DoraRose enters from the kitchen carrying a large bucket. She smiles upon seeing Pike and walks over to where he is. She dumps the contents of the bucket on the table -- they are kitchen knives. Sitting down, she picks up a sharpener an a paring knife and begins to sharpen it, the soft 'shk-shk' filling the air. "And how are you this day, Sir Pike?"

Pike watches her and sighs, "Not too good, but sure will cheer up soon, gonna go help Lorimis and that Dazzlwe out few days in Ferravale needa get me mind off recent events."

DoraRose never looks away from her task. "What are you trying to forget?" she asks gently, her skilled paws setting the paring knife in the bucket and picking up a chefs knife.

Pike frowns, "Me best friend died couple days ago, and I have very few real good friends ta begin with."

DoraRose nods slowly, and for a few minutes only the sound of sharpener on knife can be heard. "I understand... When I started to follow the fox, I was alone. But many beasts have offered to help me, and I think they will for you, too." She pauses, then adds "Would you mind telling me your friends name?"

Pike nods, he isnt crying but its clear he was ealier probally..."Jake, he was a hare..use ta be a gaurd here couple seasons ago, he has left and came back from that..ummm fire Mt place think it was.Benar said...one of the other novice found Jkae..well he was dead, when he didnt come down for breakfast guess they checked on him."

DoraRose jumps as the hares' name was said. Her paws drop to the table as she looks at Pike, deep sorrow etched on her face. "Oh, no..."

Pike nods, he stands and grabs his knapsack "I..should go, I will be in Ferravale few days if ya be needing me or if Flicktail and Benar asks where I..went" He slowly walks off and to the entry.