A new family...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This is a long, narrow room with five large fireplaces set into one wall, and two equally large wood burning iron stoves set against the opposite wall. Several small, rectangular tables rest in here, but there are no chairs available. The rest of the wallspace is taken up by an entire array of shelves, cupboards, and counters which hold the day-to-day cooking supplies and utensils. The kitchen is clean and well maintained, and more recent efforts have been made toward organization of the cooking ware.

On the wall just right of the door leading into Great Hall is a neatly penned chart, which lists the names of beasts assigned to cooking duty as well as the dates and times they are scheduled. A small note above the chart urges residents to volunteer for at least a slot or two a week.

Outside, the last rays of sunlight are fading. The ovens are being allowed to cool.

          [G]reat [H]all     [Wine] Cellar    [Sc]ullery
          [C]avern [H]ole    [Pan]try         [La]rder
          [Ki]tchen [P]ath

Charlie starts sampling a pie that is on the counter, seeming to have forgotten why he was in the kitchen....

Silver walk's into the kitchen not fully knowing what to say...

Biff walk's in behind silver smileing..."Well silver...this was your idea..."

Charlie looks confused from his pie, "Warra his idea?"

Silver sigh's...'Well...um...rember how you ask us to find you a family..."

Charlie nods, still slightly puzzled, "Uh-huh...."

Biff just smile's...

Silver smile's."Well...we found one..."

Charlie spins around facing them, food, for once, forgotten. He nods exitedly, almost shyly.

Biff sigh's seeing that silver is geting nowhere fast,she pipe's up."What silver is trying to say is we would like to adopt you!"

Silver is about to say somthing but biff cut's him off so he just nod's...

Charlie for once, doesn't have anything to say..... He just stands there...... his jaw dropped. Suddendly he jumps up and attempts to hug them both at the same time, squeezing as tight as his little arms will allow.

Silver laugh's."Well i guess he like's the idea biff!"

Biff smile's and hugs the dibbon back."I do to silver..."

Charlie starts laughing like he hasn't laughed since he doesn't remember when. This was the best day of his life, he went from having no parents to having both, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

Silver laugh's...he can only seem to get out one word..."Son..."

Biff laugh's still huging them both..."Well now you two can not complain not haveing a family!"

Charlie stops laughing rather abruptly, and looks sencerely at the two, "Is usn's a fambly now?

Silver nod's his head and wipe's away a tear."Aye...we are!"

Biff laugh's."You two...now i have two dibbon's to take care of!"

Silver laugh's."I am not that bad biff!"

Biff shrugs."Say wot you want...i was only telling you wot i thought!"

Silver laugh's and sit's down."So...i...i have a family now..."

Charlie runs over and climbs onto Silvers lap, "So ummmm.... What is i 'apposed t' call you ?"

Silver smile's."Well...call me what you want..."

Biff laugh's."Silver..."She slap's her face."You ARE CRAZY!"

Silver smile."And now you are stuck with me!"

Charlie laughs and snuggles up against Silv, "Hims not crazy, hims my da! An....an-an you's my mudder!" Apparently the thought hasn't quite sunk in....

Silver laugh's."I never thought i would be called a dad......"

Biff laugh's."Speaking of that i wonder wot MY family will think of this..."

Charlie looks up at her in amazement, "Iffen dey be's your fambly, an you be my fambly does dat make dem my fambly too? I have a bigger jolly fambly han I could have ever imagined......

Biff laugh's."Aye...i guess it does!"

Silver laugh's."Wonder wot thay will think of us..."He look's over at his new son."You think thay will like us?"

Charlie strokes an imaginary beard, "Hmmmm. I dunno.... I hope so." suddendly he looks worried, "Wat if dey'ms dont'?!!? Will yous leave me alone too?!?!?!?" H starts thinking about this and looks like he's about to cr\

Silver smile's and offer's him a hug."We will never leave you!

Biff laugh's."It is not you i am worried about charlie!"

Charlie doesn't take the hug, he is too worried, he looks directly into his new fathers eyes, "Promise?

Soclose rap, tap, taps rather loudly on the door leading in from the kitchen path.

Silver smile's at his new son."I promise...there is nothing that will take you from me or biff!"

Biff nod's her head and echo's silver."Nothing!"

Charlie nods happily, then looks up at his newly found mother, "Wharra 'bout you?" he hears the nothing and nods happily. The he hears the knocking on the door. And looks expectantly at his parents....

Biff laugh's."Son...we will never leave you!"

Charlie grins, "But.... Wharra 'bout da beast who be's knocking on da doe. Are we gonna leave him ou'side?

Charlie asks, "Inna told?"

Silver laugh's."Let him in!"

Charlie says, "Ummmm I canno' reach......"

Biff smile's."Wot beat knocking at the door?"

Soclose shuffles his feet and raps again, "Ahoy inside! You must be there? Or must not?"

Silver smile's and open's the door."Sorry sir..."

Charlie looks slightly puzzled, "Wharra him means, mom'ma?

Biff laugh's."Who are you talking about?"

Charlie says, "Da big bird chap, he said us must not be dere...... "

Silver laugh's."Well we are here now."

Soclose scrambles through the door, balancing a rather large fish in his beak. Ruffling his feathers as he moves over to one of the tables he sets it down, "Much warmer inside! Much colder without!"

Biff laugh's."Well is should be cold outside sir...it is winter!"

Silver laugh's."She has a point!"

Charlie looks at the hawk in something like awe, or perhaps fear. He scramble behind his mother. Peeking out and staring at the huge talons and beak.....

Soclose's talons tap tap tap against the floor, "Yes, surely!" He looks over at the ovens and ruffles his feathers again, "But I did not like the looks of those clouds. It will be morning before I will fly home. Until then, share my gift of fish!"

Biff laugh's seeing the fish."Where did you catch that!?!"

Silver smile's."You did not need to bring a gift...but we can cook that up and eat it!"(silver like's fish).

Charlie hmms, he has never tasted fish before. He looks up at his father, who apparently likes it, Maybe this scary looking bird was alright after all.....

Soclose preens his wings, "It is no great thing," he croons, "some waters are still unfrozen! You need only take-what-you-need."

Silver laugh's."Well thank you for the fish...what is your name sir?"

Soon after every one goes to bed ....