A fearful dibbun

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Archived in 2003 but possibly pre-Earthquake

RW Abbey: Orchards

You stand in a sort of verdant sanctuary where the sun is filtered through leaves and thus comes out to be a much softer light, one that's a little more manageable. At least, more manageable than the comparatively harsh light of the more open entryway and a pond area almost completely devoid of large, shade-giving plants that this orchard has in careless abundance. A soft covering of moss and grass finds itself beneath the trees, only serving to add to the quiet comfort of the whole scene.

Flowers, leaves, fruit, you name it blossoms on the now-alive branches. Plum, pear, apple, peach, apricot. All these and more find their homes in the serene orchard. Any trace of the snow and death of winter is completely wiped away by the bright colors of blooming flours, developing fruit, unfurling leaves. However, the trees aren't the only thing in the orchard, for all that they dominate it with their colors and growth. The little flowers of the ground-covering plants that run rampant throughout the peaceful orchard bloom in abundance, as if the orchard were dusted with them.

Exits: [Move] to another section of Orchards, [D]umble's [L]og, [A]bbey [P]ond

Andor wanders around the orchards endlessly in an attemp to find shelter before nightshed. He is dressed in a tattered old habit that is much too large for him. His eyes are drooped as though he hasn't slept in days. His eyes wander towards a log but he seems to decide that it is too small. He notices a dibbun dormouse and asks, "You wouldn't happen to know of shelter around here?"

Dumble peers quizzically up at the mouse. "O' course!" she chuckles with a small smirk. "Dis is da Habbey..." she shrugs, not explaining further, as though her meaning is obvious.

Andor looks around questionably about the little mouse's comment. "Well thank you but I don't quite understand you. By the way my name is Andor, what is yours?" He smiles at her and it is noticable that he is missing a few teeth...probably from some meaningless fight.

Dumble steps back slightly and takes a moment to quickly scan Andor from head to toe. "Hiya," she remarks automatically, "I's Dumbley. I lives 'ere." She nods emphatically and continues, "An' so does da Favver Abbot an' Muvver Heartwood..." Her voice trails off and she whimpers with a confused frown, "But dey's not feeling so good t'days..."

Andor hears the sad voice of the poor little dormouse. He lowers himself to her level and asks, "What's wrong with them?" The tired look in his eyes change to concern and the bright smile he had at the beginning changes also. "Will they be alright?" he continues firing questions at the little mouse.

Dumble, being joined in her worry, sinks into further unease. "I dunno!" she blurts, tears squeezing out through squinting eyelids as she stomps her foot and lowers her eyes to the ground.

Andor watches the mouse go to the ground in a rage of tears. "Are you alright, i'm sorry, please don't cry, they'll be alright..." he continues on trying to make the mouse feel better. He holds back from crying his own tears for Dumble. He kneels down even lower and tries to lift her up into his arms.

Dumble squirms away from Andor to escape to safety behind a tree. Peering around the trunk, she screams, "Stay way from me! You's prolly got it twoo! I dun wanna get sicked too!" Her eyes are red, as though from lack of sleep, and glare fearfully at the strange mouse.

Andor is sad for the poor mouse but at the same time mad at her for accusing him of having some strange disease. "I won't hurt you. I'm a healer, I can protect you!" He pulls out a small pouch full of herbs and offers her some. "Just swallow these and you'll be safe. You can trust me..." he looks at her with the most innocent eyes ever seen.

More tears fill Dumble's eyes and she stammers, "N- n- NO!" You's not from 'ere!" Her breathing grows ragged and noisey as she pants through her fear and crying. "You's strange an' dirty an' weird!" she cries, mustering all the scorn possible into her dibbunish voice. [[category:2003]