A Vacation turns into a Nightmare: Day One

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Kentar, Garnet

Location: Somewhere Underground

The night after the stoats were taken, Kentar was pacing back and forth in his 'cage'. Garnet and Chris share the same 'cage' and right now, he sort of forgot they were there as he thinks of many, many things. Where are they? Why were they taken? Who were the beasts that took them? So many questions, so little answers.

Garnet is sitting in her 'cage' cradling Chris, and whispering encouraging things to sleeping one. Though she is more saying it to herself. She is very confused to what is going on. And had cried all night that she was here. Chris kept her sanity up to a controllable level. She doesn't know why they were taking. Must keep from breaking down. Must keep up her strength. She glance over to Kentar and says softly, "Kentar... Are... Are you alright?"

Kentar sighs and looks over slowly. "Do I look alright?" he asks. "Look around us. We're locked in a cage. No light. No windows. Nothing. The only thing that's down here is slime and the smell of death." he frowns slowly going over to sit next to his wife, leaning into her side a little.

Garnet frowns back at him, and makes to move away, but decides against it at the moment, "Were still alive. Were still together.... Aren't we..." he hmphs.

Kentar sighs. "Not what I meant." he says. "I'm sorry. I'm just. Scared." he admits. "I don't want anything to happen to you or Chris. I'd just like to know why we're down here." he frowns. "They're obviously not after Aik since they're not in red. So...who are they." he sighs and leans against the horrible, slimy, stone wall.

Garnet nods slowly, "Its alright. I know its... I'm scared also" she smiles a little at the next part, before looking away to look up and around. She sighs, "No... i don't think they are looking for Aik. If they were. Why would they capture us? They don't know who we are. Are that we know him..." she shrugs a little, "I have no idea... but..." she wipes a paw across her eyes, "But we can so this... Need to be strong..." she makes a very firm face. Just so she can feel better. Though it didn't.

Kentar nods a little bit and scratches his ear. He decides to try and take the focus off of them. "How's Chris holding up?" he asks. "Probably napping without a care?" he chuckles a little bit, smiling softly for a few moments but a few moments only.

Garnet shrugs a little, and looks to Chris, "He is... Alright..." the large bump on Chirs's head says otherwise. She smiles faintly and holds the little one closer to her, "He has been napping... for a few hours... Was crying, when i woke..." she looks away and sighs.

Kentar nods slowly then leans over to give her cheek a kiss and her a hug. "I'll keep us safe. I promise." he whispers to her and no sooner had he finished his sentence, the door down the hall creaked open and voices were heard. That caused Kentar to stand slowly and take a deep breath.

Garnet smiles a little and when she is hugged leans against his head a little, "I know you will..." she whispers. Then she blinks and holds Chris closer to her, as the door opens. A little bit of shock runs through her body. And besides holding Chris closer to her. She makes no other movement. She cant really. Not yet.

"Cell five!" A big rat growls out. Then three beasts step in front of the bars. Both stoats that bumped into Aikuen, and the rat bouncer that Aik gave the rum to. One of the rat bouncers anyways. "Your otter friends wont be saving you, if that's what your hoping." They laugh. "They've got a family, so I'm not expecting it." he growls. "Oh? The family? Well now, I think you don't know what your talking about, stoat. The otter has no family. Not anymore..."

Garnet blinks a little and manages to get some movement in her legs. Though she doesn't use them yet. At the talk of the otters she tilts her ears forward a little bit to make sure she doesn't miss anything. At the last part, she blinks a little more. What are they saying?

"What do you mean?" Kentar frowns and growls. But then two things smack him in the chest. He looks down to see two shiny rings. Slowly, he bends over and picks them up, dusting them off before going speechless. He looks to the beasts and they all laugh and grin. "They're dead." The stoat grips the wedding rings close before dropping them to the ground, yelling and aiming a hard punch to the rat's nose through the bars. CRUNCH. CRUNCH. That second crunch was Kentar's nose as the biggest stoat on the other side did the same to him, sending him flying back a bit and landing on his rear. "Hahah! Your fun, stoat. Maybe we should beat you up more often. But no. The boss has plans. Need information you see. Looking for somebeast called Garnet. Feel like telling us where she is?"

Garnet blinks a little and goes wide eyed at the mention that they are dead. Her mouth hang open a little bit and that shocked felling starts to flow through her again. And it doesn't help that when the rings were dropped, she got a good look at it. Confirming it. She blinks away, and the she rises when they start to fight. She goes over to Kentar, and rests his head in her lap, giving the nose a good look. She looks away at the sight of the blood, and blinks back tears. Then she goes wide eyed at the last part. She is now speechless and motionless. Oh no. She looks to Kentar, and she looks very scared.

The stoat sits up a little with help from his wife. He doesn't fix his nose yet but the rat has already, and then left. "We don't know any beast by the name of Garnet." he growls. "Oh really now? Hmph, maybe the boss will be able to jog your memories." With that, both stoats leave. But one comes back. "Oh yeah, we got this from your little twerp." A bag of rocks was thrown into the cell, landing next to the rings before the stoat moved off. CRUNCH. Kentar sets his nose back before taking the bag of what are obviously Kluna's rocks, and then the otter's rings. He lays himself against the wall and starts to cry. "They're dead...all of them...I..."

Garnet is still blinking away tears, trying to keep it together as much as she can. 'Jog your memories' She knows what that is. And doesn't want that to happen to him. But what can she do. She takes slow quiet breaths, until the bag of rocks are thrown into the cell. It opens like a Watergate. She lets it all out. She goes over to him and goes to hold him, "Don't... Don't think about... it.... we... you... i..." she cant answer as she begins to cry softly into Kentar's shoulder. Chris is still blissfully ignorant of everything. Which is a good thing.

Kentar sobs away into his wife's shoulder. This is the first real time he's ever cried like this since Lanai died. He pulls away and sniffles for a moment before getting that 'vengeance' look. "I promise...I'll keep you safe. And I promise that I will hunt every last one of them down and make them pay for what they've done..." he leans against the wall again and stores everything in his pockets before looking away. He doesn't want his wife to see just how...evil looking and sounding he is right now. "I'm sorry we came here. I am so very very sorry."

Garnet takes very stuttered breaths as the stoat moves away. She holds Chris closer and begins to pat him softly. She wipes her eyes, though there is no point. As fresh ones fill up right in its place. She takes one long breath and manages to semi keep it together, just until she starts to hear him, "I.... We... should just get away first... Safety... protect ourselves as much as we can... Promise to keep us safe first!" she almost growls out. She cant lose Kentar, "Protect what's left of... our... family..." she shakes her head. But doesn't say anything to the last part. Its as much his fault. AS it is hers. Maybe hers more.

Kentar sighs quietly. "I promised to keep you safe. I will keep that promise. But once we're away from here. And I've got my knives back. I will kill them. Every one of them." he eyes her after a few moments and then buries his face in his paws, starting to cry again. His son...his friends...Will...Amy...Aikuen, Fira and their unborn. All dead and gone far away. But they're not as far as he thinks.

Garnet shakes her head, as that is not what she wanted to hear. At all. But there is no swaying the angered stoat. She just keeps from breaking down at this new thing and she just pats Chris slowly. Then Kentar starts to cry again. And boy howdy it starts all over again. The flood gates open and she goes over to him. Crying into his shoulder.

Kentar wraps his arms around her tightly and gives her the biggest hug he's ever given her yet, tear slowly starting to stop, but not fully stopping yet. "Garnet." he whispers. "I will protect you and Christopher until my final breath...I will do whatever it takes to make sure nothing...and I mean nothing ever happens to you. No matter what happens...you will always be safe around me...I promise" he whispers into her ear before kissing her cheek and slipping away slowly to remain in the corner himself for a while. He needs to think.

Garnet nods on his shoulder, "I know you will. I know you will... I love Kentar...I know you will..." she repeats over and over to herself. Though she hopes he wont die. She wouldn't know what to do. She lets him go to a corner, as she begins to think herself. Which is a bad thing. As she starts to cry softly again. She looks to Chris and kisses his forehead. And begins to rock him back and forth. Keep her mind off things. Gonna have to.