A Seer Has Entered The Camp and News of The Gawtrybe(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Somewhere in Mossflower Woods south of Ferravale=

Leon a short distance from the group and staying alert as he collects some herbs he may need later on. He had been away about two weeks and is now back in the area, not that he choose to be gone that long but it did give him a bit of a break and even helped his friends know some of what’s happening in Mossflower.

"Leon..." A calm voice says from behind the mouse Healer. A cloaked figure--Nightbreath--emerges from the brush. "I was wondering when you'd be back," He says casually.

Leon gets some red clover and then hears the voice, he slowly turns around. "Hello Nightbreath, got back yesterday. It wasn't my plan to go off like that, just sort of..happen “He places the herb in a pouch so it can dry later.

"Indeed." Nightbreath nods. "I'd recommend gathering your party and possibly coming with me to Ferravale. The woods aren't safe at the moment as I'm sure you know."

Leon nods "Yes some of Marek's horde most likely and also Anomen seemed to have some issues last night but he has yet to say what he saw or may of heard, he had went for a walk and came back looking a bit angry and the others are not too far from here"

"Hm...At any rate, we should bring them back to the village. Marek's horde isn't the only danger here." Nightbreath smiles slightly. "And I'm sure I can persuade the innkeeper to let you stay free if you're short on coppers."

Leon says, "I will stay in the village, but the Long Patrol has its base camp and they will most likely stay there, there will be a group come to Ferravale of course, maybe more than I am thinking I do not know, I just know where the main camp will be and trust me it will be well guarded"

Nightbreath nods. "Understood. You should tell your companions where you're going if that's your choice, then. Don't want them to be worried."

Leon looks back through the woods and nods" True. I will also be at the main battle as they will need healers. We are also hoping others will be helping also. Has anything new happen in the past two weeks that’s important to know?"

“Well, a group of vermin-hating woodlanders have united and are calling themselves the Mossflower Militia," Nightbreath sighs. "...may affect our operations." He shrugs. "that's about it."

Leon says, "Well vermin hating woodlanders could be helpful, but at the same time dangerous "

--Few Minutes later---

Leon walks back into camp after getting some needed herbs, well this part of the camp anyways as this many hares, 800-1000, would take up a large area .

Anomen is close to the camp edge, stick in paw and poking the ground idlely with the stick, he has avoided talking to most since his walk.

Zinnia writes in her journal and every so often looks over at the squirrel as if debating on just flat out asking him to tell them what’s wrong. She places the journal in her knapsack and starts to walk over to him.

Lacota is resting on a fallen log when he spots Leon returning. He waves a little, then crosses his arms and watches.

Nightbreath walks in with Leon and looks around the camp briefly, unsurprised that the hares have moved in virtually overnight. They're hares. Do they multiply too? He chuckles a little to himself.

Leon waves to Lacota, "Hi..I went to get herbs and..well guess a friend found me, not to worry he is on our side" He also looks at Anomen, "Are you still..not speaking to us?"

Anomen looks up and starts to speak when he sees Nightbreath and stands quickly laying a paw near his blade, he hears friend and decides to trust Leon "Friend you say, hope so." He sighs "As for friends we may of lost some."

Zinnia blinks, as she walks closer to Leon and Anomen, "Wait..lost some?"

Lacota frowns. "What do you mean we may have lost some friends, lad?"

Nightbreath says nothing. Not his place to interfere.

Leon frowns "Anomen its best to tell us now not later"

Anomen sighs, "The Gawtrybe has a new leader who threaten to fill me full of arrows if I didn’t leave, oh and he clearly started how they were not helping anymore and if we got on their land, they would fill us full of arrows also." He frowns at the next part, "And...he...he married Treesong." He looks down at the ground after saying this, it's clear this is upsetting him. "It..it doesn’t make scène"

Zinnia looks surprised "What?..He who? And..ok this is odd and there has to be more to this"

Leon sighs, "Yeah that would be...if remember right the Gawtrybe is a little ways from the path to Ferravale, deep in the woods around there somewhere"

Lacota' frowns deeply. "This is grave news. Now, not only do we have to fight Marek, we have to fight an uncivilized tribe of insane squirrels? Could it get any worse?"

Anomen shrugs, he has gone back to being quiet again.

"Aye," Nightbreath sighs. "I'm sure we have the military strength to crush them, but I'd really rather we did it. Because we'd be no better than Marek." He pauses. "Mayhaps I can find out if Ekon is truly dead."

Zinnia tilts her head "How would you...find out if he is dead or not?"

Leon looks at Zinnia, and the others "Nightbreath is a..a seer"

Anomen looks at Nightbreath, but doesn't say anything his mind is too full of a lot of different things right now.

Lacota hmms. "A seer, you say?"

Nightbreath nods. "A Seer. Last of the full-fledged order of Gil'amar, too," he adds. "And I am no charlatan. My prophecies have never failed to be true, or at least accurate." He sighs. "I will find Ekon if you wish."

Anomen just nods slowly, "I also..worry about Treesong as something just seemed, off as to why the sudden dislike of helping us that new leader had."

Zinnia sits quietly

Leon lets Nightbreath speak and stays quiet.

"It could be that he is under Marek's influence," Nightbreath reasons. He shrugs. "Now to find Ekon...if we are agreed to use such measures?" he adds.

Anomen speaks "I need to know if he is alive, this new leader may of lied or least on that."

Zinnia says, "We need to find out the squirrels name or least what he looks like""

Lacota' listens.

Nightbreath closes his eyes and begins chanting something softly to himself as behind the lids, his eyes fog over and gleam. "I am," he whispers, "With you, always, from life until death takes me..." At that a hint of sadness enters his voice before, mind focused and in synch with whatever forces guide him, he exhales slowly and begins to speak..

."Alvar is the fell, the stealer, the scarred, but his foe lives yet beneath his feet, for it takes more than a single blow to slay a wily enemy. So thus he lies whether he knows or not." Nightbreath sighs, and many voices seem to speak with him.

"Cut off the head, and the body dies," he intones, scooping up granules of dirt and dust and letting them slip between his fingers like liquid back onto the ground. "Dust to dust. For those with dust in their hearts will return to the such same material. Eliminate one and the others fall like a stack of stones. The old one lives and the young one lies."

His eyes clear and his voice slowly seems to fade back to normal as he slowly opens his eyes. "They show me no more," he says.