A Quick Decision Saves A Life (Redwall Log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

Coolness has swept into the air now, bringing with it the autumn leaves of the orchards. Coating the trails that lace and move through the dying grass and flowers. Regardless of the death of plants, the area is beautiful in its gold and orange season. The abbey is sporting the colors in full pride.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Hecktora hops all around waving a wing, the other loose her side, "Trouble kerwal"

Leon is just now coming out of the gate house and looks over at the bird but he keeps his distance for now.

Hecktora finally sits as a guard gets her calm she just crashed into the great hall doors, feathers askew, "Trouble, red stripe float down river."

Leon asks, "Red stripe? I could find the champion but I am unsure where he is for sure"

Hecktora waves her wing, "Red stripe not gots longs." She checks the wing at her side, “Tora no fly now."

Leon frowns, he is unsure what to do, “I don't know what to do, that’s not a good distance walking or running...is your wing broke?"

Hecktora nods and hops over, "No broke, sprain, no fly." She kaws loudly, "No save red stripe."

Leon frowns “They was for sure in the river or almost in the river?"

Hecktora blinks, "No rafty ,on shore."

Leon nods and then goes towards the infirm quickly for supplies and his surcoat of herbs, yep walking infirmary. He also finds his whistle and pockets it heading into the open ground.

Pine, a novice follows him “Are we going somewhere today Brother Leon?”

Leon shakes his head “Just me”

Pine is nosey so he follows him to the open ground anyways.

RW Abbey: Open Ground

The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.

Dry, dying, brown grass is all that is left of the once plush, green, verdant pasture of the open ground. Autumn is now upon the abbey and as such, the time for this year's growth is over and it blows and crackles in the stiff wind that blows 'cross the open ground, whisking with it the dried leaves that arrive from the orchards as well. The dead and dying grass is now trampled flat -- having lost its living resilience -- by the many foot paws that cross it every day. Autumn indeed has even Redwall Abbey in its happy, festive clutches.

Exits: [Gr]aveyard, [Up] the stairs to the Ramparts, [G]arden of the [L]ate Rose, [A]long [S]ide the [I]nfirmary, [B]ell [T]ower, [Infirm]ary, Lower [Dorm]itory, Redwall [Entry]

Leon walks into the open area and frowns, he paces and sighs. He is not the type to usually think of an idea like this, he be called insane but he pulls out a whistle given to him and blows on it, a passing novice, Pine, chuckles "Tis broke Brother Leon" He shakes his head and blows again before speaking “Trust me it is not..and that’s if anyone is around"

Thunderwing is around and he hears the sound and circles around looking down at the abbey and then comes down slowly for a landing, "Vhat Vant with Thunderwing? Drop of supplies not to Ferravale place?"

Pine backs up a little when he sees the eagle “Wow..’” He says quietly.

Leon shakes his head “NO, decided to wait till after the feast for that so..yeah that’s later, the infirm supplies there should be good for a couple days. I..."He gulps and asks as he climbs onto his back before he changes his mind "Need to help someone maybe" He fixes his surcoat of herbs and his healers bag “By bridge maybe or close there...one by a stream...river, let’s just go"

Thunderwing nods in understanding and looks at Pine “Shrew step back…back back need rooms fly”

Pine steps back more and watches the bird, he just seems speechless.

Leon just holds on tight, he also uses some rope to tie around the eagle’s middle, yes he avoids wings so he can fly very easily and closes his eyes once he feels them going airborne and just breaths calmly and opens his eyes slowly.

==== They take to the air and fly around a while go by the dirt road, some woods and by the bridge area finally, Oh and the sky!!!=============-

Thunderwing carefully flies along and uses keen eyes to scan the ground, ”Thunderwing not seeing no squrrelbeasts none”

Leon just nods slowly, “Ok..ok well keep looking you can see better than I can. See something we can land ok?”

Thunderwing goes a little higher and flaps his wings, he also goes a little faster as time was said to be against them after all.

Leon just takes a deep calming breath, he keeps his eyes closed and decides he will wait to open them.

Thunderwing flies till they are by the bridge, ”Thunderwing looks for squirrelbeast now, he will get lower now”

Leon opens his eyes and nods as he peers down”O..ok Sounds good let’s just do this before it gets late”

Thunderwing nods as he scans, most likely for a good hour, or just under an hour.

Leon is slowly getting use to air travel, but after heading off he quickly decided it was a bad idea and just as fast found out he was stuck with his idea. He holds on tight every time he peeks down and gets a bit dizzy"Ok...ok you see anything? Maybe it’s a bad idea or the bird was seeing things"

Thunderwing scans the area as he soars around. He can fly fairly quick when he wants to and even let his friend place a strap of sort on his midsection to hold on better so he could go faster. “Thunderwing not seeing anything" He gets a little lower.

Leon looks down and frowns, they are lower now but it's still flying and he has yet to totally relax during it.

Laying on the raft mumbling incoherently Sarah is on her stomach, her red streak that goes from her head to tail tip on display her green tunic barely hanging on her, she very thin, her left leg looking bent oddly, the raft bobs in the water almost dislodging from the shore.

The eagle sees movement and lands, he nudges the mouse "Thunderwing finds squirrlbeast"

Leon slowly opens his eyes and slides off carefully and goes over to carefully move her, with the eagles help if need be and onto the shore better so he can better look at her. He checks her pulse, any wounds and checks her leg.

Thunderwing carefully helps move the raft for the mouse and then steps back and tilts his head watching his mouse friend tend to the injured and ill squirrel maid.

Sarah moans as she is pulled onto the shore she mumbles, “Mommy sorry ben." She is alive, weak, dehydrated, the left leg broken, and minor scrapes, not to mention she is filthy. Sarah keeps babbling softly not making much sense.

Leon catches some of what is said, he is in healer mode right now as he has a water canteen with him to clean off wounds. He also offers her some water to drink, placing the canteen to her lips. “Here...take small sips if you can" He looks to the eagle as he is unsure how to do this, but he will try, but first there is applying healing herbs to the wounds, and bandaging them.

Thunderwing stays close by and acts as a guard, and he has made it his vow  to protect the mouse and stay here till they head back to the abbey.

Sarah sips the water and coughs, she settles back down after a few moments, not flinching once, as the cuts are cleaned and dressed. "Papa I am sorry," Seems she is delusional.

Leon checks her pulse again and frowns "We can't stay here, need to get her to the abbey and carefully" Maybe riding an eagle sometimes can be a thing for him, it does seem to get him around faster and clearly helps to save lives. He stands and looks around with a frown. "Ok..let's do this.”

Sarah groans as she is carefully picked up.

After she us carefully place on the eagle, Leon climbs on and will make sure neither fall and that Thunderwing takes it easy on the way back.

Thunderwing will take it very easy, no real hurry to get back. He also lands carefully in the open ground by the infirm.

Leon carefully gets off and then lifts the squirrel maid and takes her inside the infirm “Tell the guards I am back..”

Thunderwing nods and heads off to do just that.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Leon makes it inside and carefully lays her on a cot, he nods to a novice to help get a clean robe, they can also better clean her off better. The healer mouse already cleaned around the wounds and maybe he can see any new ones or bruising. He makes sure to be extra careful with her leg and looks for a stick to help the leg if it's needed but fist he carefully checks her leg.

Sarah passes out on the trip back, she lays limp, breathing nice and slow, for the better she is out, her leg is broke and was set but needs to be reset and splinted, she has swelling in both ankles, her paws a little blistered no shoes of any kind. once cleaned some her red streak markings are clear, from her head to tail tip runs a streak of red fur.

Leon studies the fur markings. He frowns and has another healer help him reset the leg, and splint it carefully before he looks at the ankles "Should heal..slowly, she may of walked too much maybe but should recover “The other healer nods as Leon sits down in a chair by the squirrel's cot. He is worn out now himself.

Sarah sleeps quietly breathing nice and slow, she will take some nursing back but Sarah is alive, she mumbles a name again, "Ben"

Leon does catch the name, he knows who Ben is as he watches the squirrel maid. When she is more awake he can see about getting her some thin soup to drink and some water. He stays in the chair and quietly speaks with another healer.

Sarah sleeps for a while before waking mumbling some, she calms down after a few moments and tries to sit up her body so weak

Leon looks ready to fall asleep when his son taps him and Leon just nods,"Come on dad...you need to slleep".."Sleep..." Leon mutters. Caleb helps him back to the gatehouse andwill help his father to bed, and tell Angela whats going on in the infirm, she can hopefully keep an eye on the squirrel for a few hours.

Healers will make sure Sarah rests and stays layed down for now. A close eye by someone will always be there.