A New Friend-Log with Juliana my dibbun alt :)
RW Abbey: Infirmary
Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.
Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]
Flicktail sits in a chair next to his dibbun where he has been ever since she was brought here.
Juliana is for now still on the cot with her eyes closed
Flicktail holds her paw quietly and gently
Thorn walks into the infirm from the steps, she goes to get some aloe as she has a small burn on her paw, she sighs and mutters a little and looks over at where the foxes are.
Flicktail's eyes are bloodshot red, if a foxes eyes can be so, his ears pick up the slightest of sounds, and one orients on Thorn. The bleary eyed fox nooks up and give thorn a genuine if warm smile
Juliana moves a little and starts whimpering some as she slowly opens her eyes.
Flicktail kneels beside his daughter to make sure he is where she can see him
Thorn walks over "Hey...everything ok?" She looks at her paw "I just burned my paw just a little, getting vase from kiln"
Juliana blinks a few times as if to focus and seeing Flicktail she reaches for him to be picked up
Flicktail smiles to Thorn "Maybe" He doesn't pick the dibbun up but does move to her so she can put her arms around him and he can snuggle her "Juliana was...very sick”
Juliana grabs a hold of his arm, she whimpers and coughs a little but just slightly, she doesn’t have a fever so that’s a good sign, her eyes go to the rat maid and she looks at her curiously.
Thorn nods “Your...daughter right? Usually dibbuns tend to dislike me so I stay away, lately in the library"
Flicktail says, "Juliana needs all the friends she can get Thorn" He says gently stroking her ears "I do not think she would dislike you...won't you come see her" He speaks softly to his daughter even though she cannot hear "I love you" He says, before telling Thorn "She is deaf so do not be surprised if she doesn't act like you may think"
Juliana can read lips, some and smiles at Flicktail and makes a sort of happy yip sound"..d...Da..." She speaks, sort of.
Thorn nods and gets closer, "Friends are good to have."
Flicktail tears up at his daughters voice "You know Thorn, your probably doesn’t want it but I think of you as a kind of...daughter" Then he says slowly to Juliana "Are you hungry?”
Juliana giggles a little and reaches a paw to Flicktail’s face.
Thorn says, "Oh well...already have an adopted father, so...don't need one. Its friends I have few of, I mean a novice is helping me with reading and writing""
Flicktail nods and lowers his muzzle to his daughter's paws "I will be your friend and Juliana too “
Juliana giggles and then notices Thorn and her ears go back a little as she studies her quietly
Thorn frowns and backs up "Yeah dibbuns just love me" She says sarcastically and pouts.
Flicktail smiles hen Juliana can see "friend" Flicktail then looks up at Thorn "You said you wanted some friends. Give her a chance"
Juliana just stares at the rat and tilts her head, she struggles in Flicktail’s arms till both paws are free and pouts like the rat and watches her
Thorn blinks, "Ok she is either mad or ..something" She does walk a little closer to her, "I have had dibbuns run from me before...trust me, well not here...outside"
Flicktail says, "I think she is mimicking you Thorn....give her a chance. She likes to play...she can't hear.Maybe try a smile"
Juliana ears go and she lets out a little growl. Then her ears perk up as she just carefully watches her get closer, she is a stranger still and this fox kit lets hardly anyone close to her.
Thorn shrugs and starts to go closer and stops backing off again, "See..." She does look at her and sighs "I...friend....pal?" She tries, she really does and smiles faintly, hey it’s a smile ok
Flicktail says, "Thorn, a strange beast just tried to drown her...she is young, give her a chance, she is nervous...you will make SPIFFY friends"
Juliana tilts her head at the smile and reaches a paw to the rat maid.
Thorn frowns “Why would someone hurt a dibbun?"
Flicktail nod nods "come slowly Thorn...she wants to see ya.." He pauses " He was A shrew..he tried to...kill her” He makes sure Juliana is NOT looking when he says that
Juliana waits till she is closer and reaches at her again, she smiles a little even.
Thorn nods , she has an idea but will ask later, she gets closer to Juliana and sits in front of her on the floor "Umm....hi"
Flicktail nods to Juliana... and says to her "Friend...Thorn “
Juliana is not facing Flicktail so if he spoke, she didn't hear him, she goes to slip free of Flicktail and sit in front of Thorn, she goes to touch her nose, it allowed, and just stares at her.
Thorn sits quietly and lets her touch her nose and pulls back slightly smiling some more, she rarely smiles.
Flicktail says, "I knew you two would hit it off. Juliana is a very good judge of good beasts"
Juliana giggles and slowly goes to hug Thorn. She seems to trust the rat maid now.
Thorn shrugs and tenses at the hug, she stays still and slowly returns the hug and chuckles "Well....this is a first"
Flicktail says, "Aye there be lots of firsts....I trust you with her Thorn"
Juliana seems happy to be by Thorn and just smiles.
Flicktail takes out one of Juliana's dolls so she has her toy and offers it to her
Thorn says, "You..trust me with a dibbun? You sure bout that?"
Flicktail asks, "Are you saying I should not trust you?"
Juliana notices the doll as it most likely be placed in front of her and grabs it, she shows it to Thorn and smiles again.
Thorn says, "I didn’t say that...just I have no skills with dibbuns, that’s Oz's department"
Flicktail says, "I did not trust you to raise her, I trust you to look out for her and be her friend"
Thorn listens and hmms "Well I...could make sure she comes to no harm maybe and maybe be a friend"
Flicktail says, "That would make us all very happy, Thorn" He beams "I am so relieved she is...better"
Thorn smiles as she looks at the fox kit and smiles, then back to Flicktail “Well healers here are good"
Juliana yawns and ends up falling sleep in Thorns lap