A Friendship Starts To Grow

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

Coolness has swept into the air now, bringing with it the autumn leaves of the orchards. Coating the trails that lace and move through the dying grass and flowers. Regardless of the death of plants, the area is beautiful in its gold and orange season. The abbey is sporting the colors in full pride.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Caleb has just up and steps outside, it’s a little chilly outside but he is bundled up in his cloak as he kicks some snow near the gatehouse.

Cynthia walks into the entry and smiles when she sees Caleb and walks over to him slowly "Hey, so...guess we got to go to the feast after all and it was fun, I liked it."

Caleb glances over at the mouse maid, "Yeah feasts are usually fun , wish I had been able to make something more than a few cupcakes but hey maybe the next feat huh" He watches her "You could of sang though or played the harp."
Cynthia shrugs "Well, maybe I mean I didn’t know I was gonna be able to like go even. I am glad the abbot let us go and that whole punishment thing is over, that was not fun and I am sorry I got you in trouble too, tried to get you out of it and I even mentioned to father...ummm Lacota, bout us wanting to go to the feast"
Caleb says, "I know Friar Lacota is you dad now...and you helped to..to get us to be able to go to the feast?" He looks surprised at this as he studies her for any possible tricks,"Really?"
Cynthia smiles "Yes, cause I knew it was important to you that you at least went and guess we both got to go. I mean your my friend..right? You are my friend correct?" Ok she is a little worried he is not.
Caleb walks closer "Oh course I am your friend Cynthia and I don't plan to ever not be. That was a very nice thing you did to help me and even got you to the feast to. And I bet your do really well with music lessons"
Cynthia smiles at the thought “I hope so, I really really want to learn and you can get back to your cooking more often right? Practice is always the best thing after all"
Caleb chuckles "Well practice is important, but it’s not like I can practice a lot, it is Friar Lacota's kitchen after all, not mine and he is strict but that’s also a good thing"
Cynthia says, "Yeah I know, hard work to get where one wants in life. Mine has be better so far, I mean a mom and dad now and starting to gain friends and see that its ok to trust beasts"

Caleb asks curious “Why...did you or do you find it hard to trust anyways? Just curious and if you don’t want to say that’s ok too"

Cynthia looks at the ground and then back up to him "Well...see a fox tricked my parents, not recently but last winter season. Claimed to be hungry and lost, and they believed him and the first day it seemed ok, the next day but then he day after that the fox killed and almost me too. But I ran and he chased me, I made it across the river and that on very thin ice but the fox fell through the ice and drowned. I almost did but a vole maid saved me and I stayed with her a season, she is the one that played the harp, that I watched her and learned a little."
Caleb says, "Oh...I ..didn’t know, and why only a season were you there?"

Cynthia sighs "Cause..guess trust maybe and it was bout the time I meet Kyran, he found me at a market place and said he help me get food and supplies for me and the old vole maid, again..a trick. He said he care for me and his idea of care was..not the best. He killed the old vole maid when she tried to protect me and ...then basically made me a slave. Yeah sort of got food and shelter, but he made me steal things or pick locks..I am glad Kyran is no longer around, I hated him"

Caleb frowns, well that was a bit more info that he thought he get, he is unsure what comes over him but he goes to hug the mouse maid if she allows it.
Emyuil walks into the Entry from the direction of the Champion's cottage--there's slight sweat on his brow despite the chill of winter; he's clearly been sparring. He watches his nephew from about five tail-lengths away, not interrupting and becoming quite interested in the clouds.

Cynthia tenses, she is not use to hugs but she does allow it and sighs, "I am glad we are friends"

Caleb doesn’t see his uncle, least right away and looks over at him as he does, he then nods to Cynthia "Yeah...me too." Then back to his uncle he nods a hello.
Emyuil watches silently, a sense of approval coming from his eyes, but no words coming from his mouth. He nods once--just once--and continues to see how this all plays out.

Cynthia smiles again, maybe, just maybe she can get us to hugs, they are not so bad after all."Still...it may take me a while to trust some beasts, but I do trust...well a certain few beasts here anyways" She steps back now.

Caleb nods "And that’s just fine. You can take your time and decide who to trust and who not to trust and...well they will just have to deal with that"

Cynthia manages a smile, something else she been doing more of lately," I guess, just...just hope I get to stay being, well happy. I don't want to lose anything. I have a family now as I said and...a couple friends, and a home. I am getting to practice my music and singing and found beasts DO really like what I can do and even some encourage me. I have NEVER had anyone want to encourage me to do much before I lived here."
Caleb says, "I don't see why someone wouldn’t want you to be happy, you smile when you’re happy and...ummm..." Words fail him, "Its..good to smile, yeah, it’s a good thing to smile."
Cynthia blinks and watches him seemly stutter some and shakes her head with a small chuckle. “I am going gonna go inside, it’s cold." With that she starts to head inside.
Caleb nods "Yeah..Inside is good too as its warmer there" He watches her go before he too also heads inside.