A Chat In The Graveyard
Oz is in the graveyard, he may not be able to see but he remembers where Maxtor's grave is still. It would seem recent stories bring up memories maybe.
Zinnia walks quietly up to him and looks at the Grave, "So..Maxtor was buried here? I am confused then according to Great Uncle Zee, you and Maxtor came here one day."
Oz nods "Yes Maxtor was buried here as he called this a home as well even if he did wander a great deal." He sighs, “Any other family is in the snowy North lands."
Zinnia hugs Oz, "I am sorry on what happen. Zee told me the story up to when you left guess after that would have to ask you or Papa"
Oz smiles as he returns the hug, "Well..when I left, Maxtor was maybe a season old and we went to the north woods, about 3 days north of the river Moss. It wasn’t till maybe 8 seasons later came here, looking for Maxtor you see he so wanted to see the famous Redwall and I wouldn’t let him. I was very over protective of him"
Zinnia nods as she listens "You had your reasons, but what about Papa. Didn’t he visit you?"
Oz shakes his head "No..then thanks to a cousin the small hut was very well hidden, I didn't want found and didnt see Zork for a couple seasons after I came here..a little over 10 seasons we didnt see one another." He stops, “Well..very very rarely did we see one another. Maxtor saw him far more than I did, one reason I was ok with Maxtor getting supplies once in a while from Send, I knew Zork would protect him for me, Maxtor never told him where we lived and Zork seemed to respect that or just put up with it.”
Zinnia says, "You were a hermit Papa said, you still seem to dislike a lot of beasts in a room, even at feasts you don’t always stay long..why?"
Oz shrugs "One never outgrows being a hermit almost 9 seasons of one's life and I did slowly befriend others and use to place Sister May in charge of dibbuns at the feasts and take my meal in my room, but Lorimis said I had to stay, his orders and grinned. I saw the grin but when the abbot says stay a t a feast you do it. I think going blind 4 seasons ago now..make me enjoy a crowd of friends and my small family..even more so during feasts or anything major. Yes I still enjoy small little tea times with just the abbot and Benar and sometimes another brother or sister will join us."
Zinnia smiles, "I am glad you and Papa live here now, I guess Uncle Zee may stay in FerraVALE of all places. I wonder if he will be ok"
Oz chuckles "I wouldn’t worry about Zee. Trust me he will be fine"
Zinnia nods and yawns "I am going to bed..night Uncle Oz"
Oz nods back, “Good night Zinnia” He then heads to bed himself after another hour has passed.