Big Bang Bar and Grille
Big Bang Bar and Grille is a very strange bar. It has a few booths and tables, but if you look around you'll notice it doesn't keep the same size. It's as though it changes with some hidden clock.
Exits: to [B]ooth [1], Exit
a bowl of (peanuts) sits on the bar
Lenore the raven. Sarnith the ferret.
It's high time that someone in here made a band of sky pirates! Or at least that's what Captain serenity thinks, I mean what could be better than a flying ship that you could use to rob people? Of course the first order of business would be no rats, those things give pirates everywhere a bad name! Enter Captain serenity, or so he thinks, in new nautical attire that looks like it was made from old silk scraps and waste bin gilt and a silly tricorner hat to top him off. Of course disappointment is high when there is practically no beast here, I mean it's hard to have a horde of a crew when you can't find anyone, and don't have a flying ship yet either.
Lenore had been alseep.
She is hidden, completely and utterly, in the darkness of the ceiling. She had been dreaming about ice cream when SOMEBODY entered and woke her up.
She glares down at the intruder, still undetectable...unless, of course, he has night vision glasses. Then she'll be easily found.
Of course Sarnith isn't paying any mind for birds, they will be insignificant next to the massive sky galleon that he has planned! Besides, who needs to bother with all that wing business when you can SAIL the sky! Of course it is rather dim in here, where did the light switches go? Or at least where is the fire wood! Because a roaring fire can make almost anything better and it has the added incentive of being handy for cooking things! Like birds.
It's a good thing Lenore can't read minds, because if she could, she would be attacking his face right now.
As such, she's just glaring at him as he does his thing. The nerve! She never really liked ferrets, either ICly or OOCly. They're annoying.
She stretches her wings and prepares to fly down from her perch.
Well since no one else is fourth coming Sarnith finds the light switch and turns the fire up to ROAR, it's hot enough to singe whiskers at range. As soon as that happens of course Sarnith goes all squinty eyed and starts stumbling over towards the bar its time for a drink! At the bar Sarnith is hunting for something horribly strong smelling and of course some rocks for the glass.
Lenore suppresses a laugh, even though she's having trouble seeing. She lifts off from her perch and soars silently over to the ferret...and goes to land on his back! Mwahahaha!
Unluckily for the birdy Sarnith chooses her moment of landing as the time to bend down and rummage around under the bar for a freezer, leaving the birdy to go face first into the rows of bottles. It's the work of but a moment of course for Sarnith to get the freezer open and start scooping ice into a glass. Sarnith has half a mind to find some of that sea weed grog, that's what those nautical types go for right?
Lenore barely manages to not run smack-dab into the wall. Turning swiftly, she goes to peck the ferret on the ear.
More bad luck for both of them now, because now Sarnith is standing up, and leaving a solid wall of ferret back for the bird to crash into. As Sarnith was standing up he saw exactly what he was looking for a nice aged bottle of aged sea weed grog! Of course he will have to get to it first.
Time for plan B.
Which is grabbing hold of the ferret's back and going to stab him repeatedly in the shoulder with her beak!
Lenore is upset, just so y'know. And, boy, is she trying to do him harm!
Much to what will surely be everyones dismay Sarnith grabs the bottle of grog and spins around with it in paw. The bottle JUST SO HAPPENS to be on the level with the birdys attack, a nice big old clay jug full of perfectly aged highly flammable and very strong grog.
Oh, shoot.
Lenore squawks as she runs into the bottle, which miraculously doesn't break.
She now says her first words of the day: "Why did you wake me up from my Ice Cream Dream to do /this/ to meeeEEEEeeeeeeEEEEE????"
She looks ready to cry.
Well well well! Why she asks? WHY? BECAUSE AIR SHIPS! Sarnith goes ahead and pitches an ice cube at the birdy? " Has some ice? " With that he pours some of the grog which is eye watering enough to lift paint and almost melt the glass that it is in. Of course Sarnith can't smell much normally but in this case its an exception, it clears the sinuses and goes straight to the hind brain.
Lenore barfs and flies off, back to her perch in the shadows. "You infidel! Blasphemous heathen! IT WAS AN ICE CREAM DREAM, YOU HORRIBLE PERSON!" She is now hidden again.
With a sigh Sarnith takes a sip of the grog and immediately goes and stands up straight as his face contorts into shock at the fiery stuff. After a shiver runs up and down the ferret he exclaims " GOOD STUFF! ". As the ferret speaks the stench of the grog spreads through the room, even up to the rafters.
That does it! Lenore, struggling to not vomit, flies out the door, wailing, "I hope your face catches on fire!!! It'd be an improvement!" And with that, the very annoyed and sad raven is gone.
Thanks for reading!