3-30-2016 (A Redwall log)
In which Cynthia and DoraRose meet, and D.R. finds out just who, exactly, her daughter attacked.....
RW Abbey: Cavern Hole
This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.
[G]reat [H]all
Mice: Cynthia, female. DoraRose, female.
Cynthia is sitting in a chair and moving her fingers along the harp. She has gotten very good the past few weeks. She also hums and then sings a simple little tune of maybe a couple verses. The music is soft and simple.
DoraRose enters Cavern Hole from the Great Hall. She is wearing her green dress and blue apron. She pauses at the doorway when she sees the younger mouse, then she silently pads a little in her direction and just quietly listens. She'll wait until the mousemaid is finished with her song before she says anything.
Cynthia does not notice the other mouse right away as she is practicing her music and smiles to herself as the tune gets a little more upbeat and then slows again. She soon finishes with her last couple movements on the strings and leans back in the chair and smiles.
DoraRose takes a few more steps forward and says, "That was very beautiful." The mousemaid might be able to guess that this is LilyMoore's mother because their faces are similar, but she also might not. The adult mouse comes and stands beside Cynthia. "You seem very talented."
Cynthia blinks and then nods "I...thank you miss. I love music and even my friends, well the couple I have, think I am good at it as well"
The adult mouse smiles. "Well, your friends are right. It's good to do what you love for the betterment of those around you." She extends a paw. "My name is DoraRose Strongheart, by the way. My husband is Leon."
Cynthia nods and goes to shake her paw "Cynthia....." She stops at the name Leon, wait isn't that Caleb's father and also Lilymoore's father. She looks a little worried for a short while before she answers "It's...nice to meet you"
DoraRose notices the worried look and the hesitancy, and gently says, "My children are named Caleb and LilyMoore. Have you, by any chance, met them, Cynthia dear?" She is suddenly thinking that she might have just met the person that her daughter attacked.....
Cynthia nods slowly "Yeah...I meet them both but I know Caleb more so as he and I talk alot and he even has helped me with reading lessons."
DoraRose smiles and drags a chair over so she can talk to the other mouse more easily. "I'm glad that my son is helping you. Is he a good friend for you?" She seems genuinely concerned. She's also trying to figure out how to ask the mousemaid about Lily without scaring her....
Cynthia smiles and nods "Yes...we get along very well and he is a great cook also. He made some cookies the other day" She doesn't mention it's because they were to replace some others. "And he is super nice also...I like him"
DoraRose raises an eyebrow, but decides to not ask about just how much the mousemaid likes her son. "He is a very skilled beast, both at cooking and at making friends," she says honestly. She then hesitates, and asks very gently, "How 'bout Lily? She usually tries to be a good friend."
Cynthia frowns, "I...she doesn't like me...not at all, she hates me and I been avoiding her which has been fairly easy so far"
DoraRose frowns. Hmmm.... "What makes you think that she hates you, love?" The Warrior goes to gently rest her paw on the mousemaid's shoulder in a very motherly way.
Cynthia looks down, she tries to stop a couple tears from falling but fails "She...attacked me when I was just telling her what happen to someone, she did not give...give me a chance to even explain what happen, I was telling the truth and told her to even ask someone and she refused and...and I was hurt and in the infirm for a few days"
Aaaaannd Dora now knows who her daughter attacked. "Oh, honey," the Warrior goes to try and hug the mousemaid close. "I am so, so sorry that she did that. She had no right." She is just trying to hold the young mouse for right now.
Cynthia tenses a little and still seems worried, maybe the mousemaid will harm her as well as she is not sure. She lets out a sort of sob-cough and sniffs, it's clear she is still a bit afraid to go outside of her room for too long.
DoraRose tries to look the young mouse in the eye. "You don't have to be afraid of me, honey. I am working with Angela, my grandmother, to punish Lily. She should have never done that to you. ...I'm so sorry that she did." She will let the mousemaid run off if she wants to.
Cynthia nods slowly, she for now semi-trusts Dorarose, as she scoots away slowly "I...I need to find my music teacher and let him know I am done with practice, excuse me" And she is off, it is true she needs to let her teacher she is done, also she is a little nervous but either way she is leaving the room and turns a corner and is gone.
And Dora will just let her go. She understands that it will take time for Cynthia to come to trust her. She'll be patient.
Thanks for reading!