3-17-2016 (A Redwall log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Library

The library has never looked better in seasons as shelves have been

repaired and so have tables and chairs. The once empty sleeves now

have more books in them and not only that the books are in an ABC

order and arranged by subject to better find what one is looking for.

The beautifully crafted windows are well cleaned.

  This gives the library plenty of light during the daylight hours. The

room has a high vaulted ceiling. The flagstones of the floor are cool

and smooth, and echoes are sometimes heard when beasts walk. Brass

lamps containing short, fat little white candles provide enough light

for reading. Some books are still being mended but being working on

getting on the shelves. The backroom is even very clean and organized

as well. Books were found in the attic and some from Ferravale were

added that the Ferravale beast had maybe two copies of something so

gave Redwall one of the copies for the Redwall library, all in all a

lot of hard work has done wonders for the library.

  On an Oakwood desk is the charter laying inside a clear glass case for

all to see. The glass case keeps it safe and clean. Some other chairs

large and small, wooden and soft, have been placed in varies places

in the library and a pile of covers and blankets sit in one corner

with a few pillows as well.


[G]reat [H]all [M]ap [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [W]oodland [L]ore

[B]ookbinding [R]oom [H]istory [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [B]iographies

                      [P]oetry [B]ookshelf    [B]ookshelf of [S]tories


Abbey Charter

Badgers: Zinnia, female. Xander, male.

Mice: Angela and DoraRose and LilyMoore, females.

Zinnia got a little rest before she came up to the library and sat down in one of the chairs. She has yet to tell Boaz she is back, not too many know she is back. She flips through a journal she has written and has been sitting in here quietly for maybe an hour.

Well, quiet is about to be temporarily destroyed. The door opens and Angela hobbles in, saying, "I wanna look at some o' the books about 'erbs 'ere for a while." LilyMoore comes trudging in after her, carrying a big basket full of mending. "Okay, Nana," she says quietly. She then spots the badger and gives her a tiny smile, but doesn't say anything more for right now.

Zinnia looks up and waves before looking to her journal again. Its unclear whom knows she is back really, if she had not fallen asleep in the great hall it's possible her Uncle Oz wouldn't of know yet either.

"Oh, 'ello there, Zinnia. Lily, please go sit by Miss Zinnia." LilyMoore nods and obeys her great-grandmother's instructions. Picking up a pillowcase, she begins to mend the seam with slow, careful stitches. "Hi..." she says quietly as Angela begins looking at the books on the Shelf of Woodland Lore.

Zinnia seems a little surprised Lilymoore sits by her, "Hi...if sitting by me bothers you, you don't have do it. Probably some beasts that....most likely dislike me here now or could care less if I was back or not"

LilyMoore continues to sew her tiny, careful stitches. "Well, actually, I do have to, because I need to obey Nana. But sitting here doesn't bother me at all. And I understand how you're feeling; I'm feeling like that, too. Um....." she looks up with an ashamed look on her face and adds, "Do you wanna talk about why you feel like that?"

Zinnia sighs "Why would you feel like that, you have friends and your family is all back together now. I avoided beasts and refused to talk to others, locked myself up in the book binding room. I didn't even talk at the feast before I left. I...got better, but it doesn't mean I was missed, not after how I treated beasts here and I didn't even say bye to anyone"

LilyMoore listens, looking ready to cry. "I got mad and Bloodwrathish and I almost killed Cynthia an'....an' I almost got...." She gulps down her tears and tries to say in a calm voice, "S...see, I....I got you b...beat. Um....but haven't you even tried to say 'hi' to anyone?"

Zinnia frowns as she listens, she doesn't really know much about Bloodwrath, "Oh" she says quietly "I'm...sorry and I did talk to Uncle Oz a little. And me and him went to Papa's grave and then the...the orchards, I didn't stay long in the orchards its...still a little hard to look at the orchards even."

LilyMoore continues sewing. Angela comes over with 3 books about native plants and sits down. Having caught the last bit of what the badger had said, she asks, "I can understand why the orchards would still be 'ard for ye. I think that ye don't need to go there until yer ready."

Zinnia nods "I ...tried to go yesterday but ended up not staying long and the bell rang for dinner time anyways...I need to find out how to...let beasts know I am sorry for being, sort of...well avoiding them and refusing to talk I was lost in a way"

LilyMoore is listening very intently. Angela sighs and nods. "Aye, 'tis a hard thing to do. What ye need to do is apologize, but that takes great courage. It's pretty scary, huh?"

Zinnia says, "I feel as if they think I left to get away from everyone and maybe at the time it part way was that but it..didn't go like I had thought or planed I guess."

Angela nods as Lily continues to sew. "Ye should apologize. Ye'll probably feel afraid. Afraid that ye'll be hated and rejected. But courage isn't in 'avin' no fear; it's just standin' up to what yer afraid of." And with that the old mouse opens a book and starts to read in it.

Xander has explored a little and f his way to the library and pokes his head inside the room. It's a library so he knows to be quiet.

Zinnia says, "Well when I get a chance to see some others, not sure who knows me, Leon and Dora are back even"

LilyMoore says, "The guards who opened the gate know, and they probably told other beasts, unless one of you told them not to..." Angela looks up from her book and nods. "The sooner the better, I think. But that's just a suggestion...." Lily spots the little badger and pauses in her sewing to wave hello at him.

Xander was always shy around others and slow to trust. There is just one in the room he knows for sure and he bolts straight to her and that's Zinnia and if allowed will climb up into her lap and give a quick look at the other two and then lean against Zinnia.

Zinnia smiles as she nods and blinks as she finds "Xander" She smiles and hugs him, she had been worried about him since the river "I was so worried about you"

LilyMoore smiles and goes back to sewing. Angela smiles at the Dibbun and addresses the Abbey Recorder. "Oh, is this yer son? 'E's a bright-eyed little young'un. Tell me, please, why ye decided to become a mother all of a sudden." She doesn't seem to be condemning it at all; rather, she seems to be approving of it.....and curious.

Xander listens, he may talk later on but for now he has got to get use to others here, maybe a lot more so than he had at the mountain.

Zinnia smiles "I...well, this is new to me yes but he was alone and he needed someone." She then says quietly "His real mother was dead, he was by the boat and it was broke apart maybe from a storm the night before. Sea gulls were trying to hurt him and I stopped them from killing him and got him inside Salamandastron. There was a hare with a longbow that helped make the sea gulls leave and one sea gull died." She slowly moves her robe enough to show a nasty looking scar on her shoulder, like talon marks and speaks again "One sea gull got me, it did bleed fairly bad and needed a good number of stiches but I was ok...I was more concern with the dibbun, with Xander to notice just how bad one of the gulls got me"

LilyMoore listens wide-eyed to the tale. Angela studies the scar from where she is. "Ye were very brave then, Zinnia. I take it a 'Ealer at the Mountain 'elped ye? Or was this before ye 'ad reached the Mountain?"

Xander whimpers "Sea gulls bad...bad bad bad. Not like them or storms neithers"

Zinnia says, "I held a paw to it and...got inside to their infirm and think one of the main hare healers was there. Leon was elsewhere and found out later and he did check to make sure it was healing right."

LilyMoore nods and says to the Dibbun as she continues to sew, "That's sounds really scary!" Angela nods. "Well, I'm sure 'tis 'ealin' just fine." She turns back to the book but is now just looking at the pictures. "I 'ope the rest of yer trip was uneventful. Rose didn't tell me much; she was too tired."

Xander looks unsure of weather to say anything right now and just frowns a little.

Zinnia says, "Well...on the way back was interesting. The boat ride was fairly nice." She doesn't mention the mini- weasel clan. "The boat owner is the hedgehog you seen come with us"

"Ah, yes, Stonepaw. Nice beast, I always did like 'egehogs...." Angela murmurs, letting the statement of it being interesting drop. She can get more information from her granddaughter after the returning ambassadors have talked to the Abbot. Lily pauses in her sewing, pulls out a candied chestnut, and offers it to the Dibbun. "Here, you can have this."

Xander shakes his head and mutters something, then turns to Zinnia "Mama....Mr. Dot still not around, maybe he is lost"

Zinnia blinks "Oh...I don't know dear last time I saw him was on the boat. I am sure he is ok"

LilyMoore puts the chestnut on the table in front of the Dibbun and continues sewing as she asks, "Who's Mr. Dot?" Angela looks at the Recorder sharply. "Aye, is a member o' yer party missin'?"

Xander answers "He my friend"

Zinnia smiles some "It's a...well something called a hermit crab and guess it's missing for now. Maybe Stonepaw could look for him if he is on the boat"

LilyMoore looks confused, but Angela nods knowingly. "Ah, yes, 'ermit crabs. I met a few o' those in my travels. Cute little things. I'm sure we can find yer friend, son, don't worry," she adds kindly. "I eve 'ave a few shells ye can 'ave for 'im if ye need them."

Xander smiles some "You is nice" He says quietly, he seems a little less worried and mentions something least he thinks is cool "they have trees here like in the woods and by the river, but wood trees be taller"

Zinnia chuckles "Yes the trees in the orchards, just be careful in trees"

Angela smiles. "Aye, we do 'ave trees 'ere. And yer right, the ones out in Mossflower Wood are taller than our orchard ones." Lily smiles at the little badger as she continues to sew. "You know how to climb trees?"

Xander nods "And climbed a cliffside once too, down to a seal on the beach, well by some rocks by the water but I didn't get hurts and took a small sand path back to main shore"

Zinnia blinks "A...when was that?" Ok something she didn't know about.

LilyMoore blinks, too. "What's a seal???" Angela glances at the Recorder and says, "Little Xander, hon, ye might wanna tell yer Momma just what ye're talkin' 'bout so she doesn't worry."

Xander frowns, "I wanted to see the seal. I got downs ok and was notta hurt." He smiles "I was not alone...Leon was there too, but he got down another way and he helped the seal 'cause her flipper was hurt"

Zinnia sighs, "I know about the seal." She nods again "Just no climbing anything...dangerous looking again"

LilyMoore mumbles, "I wanna see a seal...." Angela glances at her, then turns back to the badgers. "I met a large group o' seals once. Very loud, spoke broken common with effort, but very kind and 'ospitable. Were ye able to meet it, Zinnia?"

Zinnia smiles and looks in her journal for a neatly folder paper and unfolds it to show them "I meet her, her name was Kenwei...or something close to that she seemed nice"

Xander yawns, all this talk and he is tried and is soon falling asleep.

LilyMoore looks at the picture, smiling. "Aw, they're kinda cute! Did you do this, Miss Zinnia??" Angela smiles at the sleeping Dibbun.

Zinnia shakes her head "A hare from the mountain did, I think she did a good job." She looks at Xander and smiles a little "I...still am not use to this being a mother thing, I suppose I am doing alright"

LilyMoore continues to study the picture. Angela nods. "Aye, ye seem to be doin' a good job to me so far. If ye need any elp or advice, I'm more than willin' to 'elp."

Zinnia nods "Thanks. I am unsure why I adopted him, maybe cause I was an orphan at a young age as well and I didn't want him to be alone "

LilyMoore goes back to her sewing as Angela nods. "Ye did well, hon. I don't think ye 'ave to worry about 'im bein' alone now that 'e 'as a family and Redwall around 'im...."

Zinnia says, "He is a little, well shy. He takes a while to trust others but maybe that's good. He does seem to trust badgers faster though. Maybe that's why Uncle Zee was able to find him when me and Xander got separated, still odd Uncle Zee is here...hmms winter maybe"

LilyMoore says helpfully, "I heard something about a fire in Ferravale but I don't know what burned." Angela shrugs. "I don't really know, love. Ye'll 'ave to ask 'im yerself. Sorry."

Zinnia says, "Who knows, maybe he just liked the abbey"

LilyMoore finishes mending the pillow and starts working on a sheet that got ripped. Angela shrugs and returns to her book. "Aye, we do 'ave good food and drink 'ere....although I've been thinkin' about maybe goin' on a trip 'ere come spring..." Lily looks up at her, sad.

Zinnia asks, "A trip? I would be careful trips alone are not always good"

Angela purses her lips and wags a finger at the badger. "Y'know, yer right. I should take my grandson with me....per'aps it would do 'im some good.....and don't worry, I'd do my best to be back by the fall."

Zinnia asks, "Where would you go during the spring and summer?"

Angela shrugs. "I don't really know. Wanderlust 'as crept up on me, and I want to see what's beyond Mossflower. I'm sure I'll be fine, especially if I can get my grandson to go with me."

Zinnia nods "Well...think about it first"

Thanks for reading!
