3-17-10 - Taye, Sephora, Dagda, Darklett

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Halyard Tavern: Main Room

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Tavern ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Warmly lit by torches along the walls and lanterns set upon the many tables

scattered around the room, the main room of the Halyard Tavern is an often-

populated area. One corner of the tavern is taken up by a stage, about a

foot or two higher than the rest of the floor, where live entertainment

performs, while circular tables, both large and small, are set up in front

of the stage, spreading out into the center of the room. Meanwhile, around

the perimeter of the tavern, booths are set, and, of course, the obligatory

bar rests against the far wall, a bartender or barmaid always on duty.


                               Visible Exits:

[K]itchen [O]ut to [E]ntrance

Ah, look. Taye's out on the town! Drinking! No real surprise there, it is one of the main hobbies of the mountain. He sits at the bar chatting with a couple of the locals, juuuuust passing the time.

It's deja vu. Except, tavern instead of rec room. It's all the same, really, as long as there are drinks available. Seph steps up to the bar near Taye, gives an order, and drums her fingers as she waits. "Hey, Taye - seen Rah around?"

Remarkably, Dagda is sitting beside Taye at the bar again, a goblet of dark wine before him. He glances over at Seph. "Evenin', ma'am."

Time to barge in. Everyone hide. Darklett's here. Rampage. The major swings open the door to the tavern, ears swiveling about. "Helloooo... Oh," he spots some patrollers at the bar and grins, heading that way. He is... Out of uniform, for what it's worth.

Oh, well, one supposes Taye can be talking to Dagda, as well. Tsk tsk tsk, these needy healers. He glances around at Sephora when she pipes up, flashing her a brief grin and a shake of her head. "Nn-nn, ain't seen 'im. Why? Ya lookin' for him?" Dark gets a nod as well, and a wave over.

Sephora rolls her eyes with a fond grin, supposedly aimed at Rah, whatever his whereabouts might be. "Supposed t' meet me an hour ago. Got tired of waitin' out by the beach so I figured 'd come hang 'round here. Might 's well get a drink while 'm bein' stood up." It's all playful and good natured, followed by a snort of amusement. Her eyes cast over toward Darklett, and she gives him a smile in greeting.

Dagda is, of course, blissfully unaware of Darklett's identity, what with the uniform being absent. He chuckles under his breath at some private amusement.

"Hello..." Darklett gives a grin to all included, including Dagda, whom he has met before so there you go! "I'm going to need an ale." The major flags down a 'tender and orders that ale, settling into a barstool on the other side of Sephora to Taye. "Is everyone having a good evening?"

"Mm-hm. Good company, good drink," Taye answers Darklett. He gives Seph another thoughtful look. "Ah, well. You know da'. His sense o' urgency was amputated as a lev'ret. He'll come 'long soon enough."

"Jus' hope /soon 'nough/ doesn' end up bein' dawn tomorrow," Seph says with a snort, picking up her drink. "He's probably distracted pokin' at herbs. So hey, been meanin' t' ask you somethin', but now may not be th' mos' opportune time, heh." She turns her muzzle toward Darklett with a nod. "Doin' good, major, how 'bout you?"

Dagda leans waaay out to answer Dark. "Doin' well, sah..? Yourself?"

Ehhhhh? Taye's eyebrows shoot up at this statement from Sephora, and he tilts his head. "... Uh. Well, okay then! Um. Lemme... know when you plan t' ask, or. Um. Whatevah. Eh?" He grins and then flags down the bartend. "What d'ya want, Seph? On me."

Hm, wonder if anyone will notice that Dark doesn't pay for his drink? And that the bartender doesn't care? Eh. The major accepts his ale and -- another. Apparently he ordered two. Heheh. "I'm doing /spectacularly,/ Sephora. Just /great./ I have a night off." He seems quite content with this as he begins drinking.

"... do me a favor, Dark?" Seph says with a grin at the buck. "Chop off th' "ora" from m' name from now on, yeah?" She then chuffs at Taye, bumping her elbow into his side. "Haha, cute, real cute. 'll take a spiced cider, splash of rum in it. Anyway, Taye, 's nothin' /bad/. Don't think!" She snickers.

"Noted, Seph. Seph." Darklett repeats it, hammering it home in his brain. With a drink. His ears swivel, and he looks around the bar. You know, just curious.

"I didn't expect it was. What, a buck can't buy a family membah somethin' t'drink?" Tsk. Tsk tsk tsk! Taye shakes his head, then orders the drink for Seph and another for himself before paying. "So - night off, eh Dark? Ha. Haha. Man." All of his nights are off, right now! XD At least at the moment he's not objecting. Much better to rub in another's face! xD

"Yes, yes, night off." He swivels back in his seat to shoot Taye a quick glance. Examine face, is he bitter... Doesn't seem so! Darklett gives him a nod and a raise of his mug. "You seem to be holding up well...?"

Taye grins at the somewhat wary look from his superior, and shakes his head. He flashes the buck a grin and a shrug. "I'm happily buzzed, mate. No worries, here." He holds up his mug in cheers to Dark.

"Dark. Dark Dark Dark...." Dagda's face scrunches up in a quizzical manner, taking a sip from the goblet and swishing it around in his mouth. "Oh, /Major/ Darklett. Good evenin', sah!"

".. his perpetual state, these days," Seph comments with a grin, picking up her drink. She lofts it in Taye's direction. "An' I plan t' join you! Reckon I can get you t' pay for m' second round, or 's that pushin' it?"

"Psh. The only thing keepin' everyone else from drinkin' this much 's duty, ya know. I'm takin' advantage." Taye grins at Seph, then, and shrugs. "... Eh. Sure. I'll throw ya anothah 'round. You've gotta ordah, though."

"Good evening, Dagda." Hm, hm. Darklett holds his mug close to his lips, never lowering it past drinking range. "Sorry we haven't gotten around to that training session... Say, you got your weapons with you?" Gulp, gulp, gulp. And he puts the mug on the bar.

Ooo, buzzed sparring. "I do, sah." Dag sets the goblet aside, scooting off his stool. "'M guessin' you do, too." The buck windmills his arms experimentally. "Don' worry abou' the delay, eithah."

Taye glances around at the doe with a surprised smirk. "I think Keita migh' have a fit if ya spar in 'er tavern," he notes with an amused grin.

"... though I would definitely not complain 'bout seein' that," Seph quips right after Taye.

"She'll live," Darklett answers Taye with a grin, sliding off his bar stool and jumping up and down. Luckily, he's only had those few gulps of ale. His shoulders roll around and he takes out a pair of daggers from his belt. "Don't... Stab me." He points with one paw, gripping his daggers in both of them, rolling his knuckles and taking a few quick breaths.

Taye snickers. "All righ', then." He spins around on his stool and leans back into the bar to watch the pair, sipping on his drink. "This should be entertainin'."

Sephora turns on her stool as well, and slumps back against the bar, nursing her drink while she watches the start of this.. potential fiasco. "Money's on th' major, 'course," she decides.

Dagda takes a moment to crack his neck, first on one side, then the other. The buck coolly slips the dagger on his back out, holding the curved blade in such a way that his thumb is towards the base of the weapon. "Righ'. Don't stab you." The healer settles into a practiced stance, left foot deftly sliding backwards while he raises the dagger to right about head level.

Darklett rolls his shoulders again. Live weapon training is always kind of a rush. "Right. Don't even... Just don't stab me." He grins across at Dagda. Of course the kid's not gonna stab him. His daggers go up... Then down a little bit... Then adjusts back up. Got it. "I won't stab you, either, for what it's wroth."

"Ahem. Worth." Uh, oh. Okay, maybe that ale didn't take too long to get to the head, eh?

"Well, 'll /try/ not to." The buck returns the grin. "You ready, sah?" The fingers on Dagda's free paw flutter slowly.

Taye glances to the side at Sephora with a quirk of his brow. "... Ah, what the 'ell. For the sake of bettin', I'll put m'money on Dag." He grins, digging in his pocket. "Whatcha think? Losah buys the third round, eh Seph?"

"Ready when you are," Darklett murmurs, twirling those daggers one after the other in his paws. And he goes on guard, one dagger back-paw gripped and out in front, the other down and back a little, but gripped normally. He takes a couple steps forward, thereby initiating this little spar.

Dagda, unused to fighting an opponent similarly armed, takes a wary step forward, dagger kept high. "'M ready whenevah..."

Sephora glances sideways at Taye. Hmmm. "Deal, man. Guess you jus' really like buyin' me drinks tonight, huh?" She gives him a broad grin as she sticks out her hand to shake on it.

Taye slips his paw into hers and gives it a firm shake with a grin and a shrug. "Glutton for punishment, I guess."

Again those daggers are twirled, just before he gets into striking range. "Daggers aren't very good for sparring, are they?" He smirks... One gets the feeling he isn't going full-pace as he steps in, swiping in an upward arc with his back paw, that back-gripped front one staying into guard. The strike is going for the middle of Dagda's chest. It'd be a stab if he wasn't planning on pulling it before it touched him.

Dagda neglects to answer, his focus narrowing sharply as Dark's dagger swings into motion. The buck sidesteps left, moving to press his guard against the major's, intending to push it up and open the target.

Feeling his guard pushed against, Darklett simply pushes right on back. The intent is to rather physically shove Dagda away from him, and as he pushes he grunts with the exertion -- can't actually contact with the weapons, but that doesn't mean he can't be mean about it.

Rather than attempting to overcome Dark's force, Dagda simply slips under it, bringing himself in close to aim a punch at the major's gut with his free paw, keeping a weather eye on the normally-grasped dagger.

Sensing the lack of resistance on his push, the major's first instinct is to step backwards, letting the punch reach its extension just short of his body. His guard dagger still back to guard against Dagda's one, his striking dagger stays dormant for now. Sure he could slice at Dagda's arm, but that would be rather unsporting. Just let the kid have at it for a while.

Fashionably late. That's Rah. He makes his way on into the tavern, and of course spies the little knife-fight going on and the couple-few spectators keeping watch and placing bets. Taye and Sephora are an easy spot, so he makes his way on over to them. "Hey," he greets. "What's th'figh' 'bout?"

"If Dag manages t'kill Dark, I take 'is place 'n' let Dag int' our patrol as my new lieutenant," Taye answers smoothly as he watches the spar, grinning to himself. Yes, he thinks he's hilarious.

Sephora arches a brow over at Taye. "Wouldn' Dag killin' Dark.. jus' make Dark's /other/ lieutenant int' your lieutenant?" she counters, a small grin flitting across her muzzle. She has just ordered that second drink and the bartender stands there, expecting money from Taye for it. XD

Taye waves a paw dismissively at Sephora as he does, indeed, pay for her second drink. "Technicalities. It'll all be worked out, eh?"

Dagda steps back, rescinding his punch rather quickly and popping a knife from the holster at his side. That's right, they've /both/ got two now. He steps toward Dark again, leading with the knife.

"See, if /I/ was th' one makin' th' plans, 'd jus' kill all the majors in one fell swoop. Then promote m'self t' colonel, 'course. Make /you/ fetch me coffee an'.. /hey/ Rah." She is diverted from potential plotting by the buck, and gives him a light punch in the arm. "You're /late/, bugger. Ah, heh, they're jus' seein' how long 'fore Keita makes th' big bouncer kick 'em out."

Darklett smirks approvingly at the revealing of the second knife. "Very good... Now I don't have to worry about cutting your paw off." The major advances back, meeting Dagda in the middle of their respective former positions, feinting an uppercut-like stab to the belly of Dagda before planting a foot and bounding to one side, his guard dagger on the attack now as he swoops it in a downward arc to Dagda's shoulder... So the flat of his blade would strike it rather than the edge cut it. Meanwhile, his attack dagger shifts to a backwards grip to go on guard.

Taye roll his eyes at Sephora and grins. Yeah, yeah, yeah, his looks says. Suuuure you would. "I don't think Keita'd need the bouncah. Have you /seen/ 'er lately? She's /huge/." Yes. Make fun of a pregnant lady. That's real smart, Taye. You'll live a long and happy life.

Sephora quirks up a brow at Taye. "Is that th' sort of sweet thing you said 'bout me when /I/ was pregnant?" she asks, grinning, and reaches to.. flick him. In the forehead.

Rahier is punched. Awh. "She might not have to make him," he says, amused. The big wolverine is always watching and ready to do something like pick Dark up by his scruff and pants and give him a toss. Rah snorts, looking at Taye. "Seph was huge not t'long ago..." And Taye is punished.

Sephora reaches up and repeats the flick, against /Rah's/ forehead. "If you ever want more kids, don't refer t' th' doe who'll be carryin' 'em as /huge/. Ever," she scolds, while smiling in a happy-to-see-him kind of way.

It was totally worth it. Taye grins at the flick, allowing it with a tsk. "You'll nevah know, will you?" And then he grins at Rah, as he gets equal punishment.

A small grin steals onto Dag's face as the Major makes his move. The knife is pulled back to divert the feint, but. Realizing the snare that's just been laid, as he was about to attempt something similar, the buck reacts quickly, dropping into a crouch that sinks his shoulder down out of striking range, mostly. The tip rakes the padding beneath his tunic as it passes. Then Dag is rebounding upwards, hilt of his dagger intended to thump into Dark's chest while the knife swings in an arc to stab-but-not-stab.

Darklett decides to stay with his momentum, continuing his strafing movements around the other buck, accelerating just enough to be able to push that hilt-strike off to the side with his forearm. The stab-but-not-stab is parried likewise as he continues to move around Dagda now that he has the other hare relatively flat-footed, that first paw that had switched to a guard grip before using that grip to deliver a hilt-strike of his own -- not quite full-force, seeing as he doesn't want to kill the guy and he /is/ focused more on speed now, but still to the back of the head, so.

Rahier is flicked, and similarly to his boy.. he accepts it with good grace and a grin. "I'll let it go this time," he says, and then his eyes flick up to the fight. "My. Vicious, innit?"

Dagda's strike.. fails, and his stab-but-not-stab.. fails. And now he's been flanked. Not knowing quite what's coming back there, the buck sort of just squats down, as quick as he can manage, which saves his head, but not his ear. Veiny things that ears are, the slight nick bleeds impressively but lacks any real harm.

"Hey, hold, hold up, hold up." Darklett steps back a few times. "That's enough. Don't want to get /too/ into it..." He puts his daggers back in his belt, then eyes the ear after the fact. "...Ah, did I get ya? I went with the hilt..."

Dagda straightens up, the paw with the knife in it going up to feel at his ear. "Yeh, must've. Prob'ly jus' got it in passin'." He sheathes his weapons smoothly, looking only slighted disappointed, but puts on a congratulatory grin as he turns and offers his paw to Dark. "Good fight, sah. 'S differen' fightin' someone who's not wavin' a sword about."

Taye looks a tick disappointed as well. Tsk tsk, now he'll have to hatch another assassination plot! He claps briefly for the pair and then turns to Seph with an arch of his brow. "So, huh. I think since Dark stopped the figh', he's gotta be considahed the official losah, here. Sorry, mate. Guess you'll have t'cough up for this round. Eh?"

Sephora seems to have lost interest in the fight for the moment. She tugs on Rah by the arm until he's close enough for her to snug her arms around his middle from where she's sitting on the stool. "No /way/, Dark got firs' blood, /he/ won. Didn' you, Dark!"

"Yeah, good fight. We'll have to try it with training weapons sometime, but I think you'll be competent enough to join up to my patrol, if you're still up for it." Shrug. Darklett goes right to the bar after that. "He might need some gauze," he gestures over his shoulder with his thumb, picking up his ale and having a gulp. His ears swivel towards Seph. "Mm?" He glances between the two, gathering the situation. "...Mm. Sorry, I'm gonna have to back up my lieutenant on this one, Seph. Dagda was clearly the winner, here."

Sephora tosses a peanut at Dark's head. You know.. bowls of peanuts on the bar? Yeah, one of those. "Your humility's gonna lose me money, mate."

"'D like tha', sah. The patrol thing, I mean. Well, an' the othah, too." Dag quietly collects the satchel propped against his empty stool and heads for the door. "Nigh'."

Darklett ducks his head to let the nut plunk off his forehead, winking at the doe after. "Oh, is that so?" He turns towards Dagda as he goes to leave. "Hey, good night!" He calls out with a vague wave. "Good kid. But, ah. What do you think, Taye? I kind of went and made that decision without you, sorry, but we /do/ need a healer..."

Taye flashes Seph a cheeky grin. Haha, he wins! He sticks his tongue out at her, then turns his attention back to Dark at the question. "Ah - y'know. I already toldja I like 'im for it. S'fine. He's a good buck. Solid." He nods.

"Good, we're in agreement, then." No need to ask Sid, hah. "Ohhh, this is nice." Dark leans sideways against the bar, sipping at his ale -- his second one, now. "I /still/ haven't seen the kid, you know..." He's of course talking to Rah and Seph.

Rahier's being held by Seph, so he need only turn his head to Dark, sipping at his own drink. "Well come on by then," he says. "You got longer legs'n th'kiddo." Grinning, he looks to Seph, then back to Dark. "We should have that dinner we talked 'bout."

"Yeah. Yeah, we should." Darklett nods in agreement. "Very soon."

Sephora gives Darklett a grin, like 'what he said'. She glances over at Taye, tilting her head. "We could have Taye and Fiona along, too? Make a lil' group of it, even."

Taye dips his head in a nod. "Aye - that'd be fine with me. I'll see what Fiona thinks, eh?"

"Heck, might as well bring Selene..." Darklett drains his mug. "Speaking of... Have a great evening, you three. I've gotta go see my mate." Swinging his feet out backwards so he can stand up to leave, Darklett then does so. With a wave, he heads out the door.

Sephora pushes her muzzle against Rah's upper arm, then peeks over at Taye. "Supposed you can have him for a while. All this /waitin'/ f' him t' show, 'm gonna head back an' sleep."

"I'll try not t' keep him up too late," Taye promises with a grin, as he turns back 'round to the bar and signals the bartender over. Now he's /really/ got to get some fresh rounds!