
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Taye & Rahier.

Salamandastron: Infirmary

Taye is finally a man. He has come to that right of passage that all patrollers do - the hating-the-infirmary ceiling stare. His jaw is clenched, waiting for the ache in his shoulder to dissipate now that the poking, prodding, and pulling has stopped. His shoulder is once again immobilized, wrapped up in the bandages around his upper torso.

If being squished is being made a man. Rah toodles his way on into the familiar infirmary, filled with familiar ceiling-hating hares. The healer regards them passively if not with a hint of pride; his work is as impressive as always. Especially with the ickle one on one also-familiar cot. He plops down on the worn stool next to Taye and grins, reclining. "Feeling better?"

Taye turns his head slowly. Grimace/grin. "... Oh, aye, m'shouldah feels much bettah now that its been jabbed at 'n' yanked around s'more..." Well, that's not really fair. Rah, as usual, was very good about minimizing pain. It still felt like crap, though.

Rahier grins and gives a good-natured chuckle. "Yeh, well, it weren't fixin' itself, were it?" He reaches over and gives the boy a headruffling pat. XD He will likely do this till the end of time. "T'will only get better, after all." He pauses, and taps his chin. Grin. "Feels like we should have a cake o' somethin'. Y'first broken-somethin'. In battle, too."

Taye rolls his eyes, but he really can't help but grin. "... Yeah, well, c'n I give up the cake 'n' have my shouldah back the way it was?" He grimaces, shifting positions. None is exactly comfortable, despite the pillow they've propped under his arm. "Anyway, it wasn't exactly m'best showin' evah... Darklett says I did fine, but." Eh.

Rahier snorts in amusement and headshakes slightly. ;p "No, y'will be lain up in here f'quite awhile, y'will." Beam. XD Ahem. He shrugs. "You'll have plenny o' chances t'getcha self all banged up in th'future, don't worry." He rubs his chin in further contemplation, before ah-haing. The hare half-stands and rummages in the cupboard above them both, and produces a dusty bottle and some glasses. "Here we are," he proclaims, retaking his seat upon the stool. "Medicine!" He offers one proudly to the wounded hare.

Taye groans, but it's a groan of emotional pain, not physical. In here? For quite a while? Noooooo. Then, he does seem rather cheered by the presentation of the bottle and glasses. He takes the offered glass, holding it out. "I love you, Da'." Snicker.

Rahier chomps down on the cork and tugs it free with a hollow 'pop'. The major spits it aside and reclines, placing his booted feet up upon the opposite, unoccupied cot. He reaches up and pours some into Taye's glass with a tink, and then some for himself, and clacks his glass against his son's. "F'Sala, eh?"

"Fer Sala," he agrees, and tips the glass to his lips. After a long drink, he coughs and makes a face. Oof. "What is this stuff, anyway?" He sniffs at it, taking another tentative sip. Eh, it's not /bad/...

Rahier takes his own casual sip, and grins over at the face Taye presently displays. "S'th'good stuff," he proclaims, with a grin. XD "N'bad indeed. Gotta have a drink t'celebrate y'boo-boo." The hare opens his collar comfortably and then continues to sip. "Why don'tcha tell me 'bout it?"

Taye sips for a few seconds longer and then, sighing, rests it on his chest. He looks anywhere /but/ the ceiling. Already bored of it. He stares at his glass, instead. "Not much to tell. I fired off a coupla arrows, missed him entirely, 'n' the big ole badgah came chargin' aftah me. I turned 'n' ran, 'n' he threw this metal ball... /thing/ at me. Slammed int' the back of my shouldah." He swallows with difficulty. "It had spikes all ovah. Felt like my whole left side'd exploded." He glances Rahier's way. "Ronan - y'know, that new healah type? He dragged me off. I don't remembah much aftah that."

Rahier closes one eye and looks rather comfortable as he listens to the account, his back against the squat cot table. He grins slightly, and then nods appreciatively, offering an mm. Another sip is taken, then he chuckles. "Dunno if we need t'work on y'accuracy, or y'runnin'." With a good-natured grin he tips back his glass. "Leas' we gotcha back, eh? I couldn't do with y'gettin' squashed by some backwards badger."

Taye rolls his eyes and - agh! There's that damned ceiling again. He looks back at Rahier. "My runnin's fine." Psh. He's a runner, after all. "Accuracy, too. I'm just not used to the target movin' s'much." Heh. He brings the glass to his lip again. Thoughtful sip.

Rahier grins. XD "I know, I know, y're faster than I'd ever dare t'try. Lil' rip." With the perpetual grin he gives the Taye a little nudge with his elbow. Not enough to upset his shoulder, of course. "A movin' target, huh? A movin' badger, isn't that kinda like shootin' at a movin' barn?" With a little snicker he takes a sip. "P'raps y'could try shootin' some stuff y'throw off th'mountaintop." He glances on over. "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?"

Taye smirks. "Yeah, well..." He shakes his head, not really certain how he missed, either. "That'd probably help, yer right. I'll have to try that." He grins. "Or... y'know. Have some o' the recruits run around with an archery target." Heh, hehe.

Rahier grins. XD "There's plenty o' annoyin' birds out there t'choose from." He shakes his head. "Jus' count y'self lucky that y'avoided that fate." The hare looks grim. "There's a reason many o' us avoid the archery chambers. Some weren't so lucky." Of course, he can't keep up the grimness, and snickers. ;p

Taye grins at Rah, then takes his glass, reaching around with a grimace to set the mostly-empty glass on the table beside his bed. He then settles back down, punching the pillows back into place. Comfy. "Yeah, well... Guess I won't be subjectin' them to any arrow-dodgin' for a while..." He yawns, then, his eyes closing as he snuggles - very dibbunishy - down into the blankets. 'Nother big yawn. "'Night, da'."

Rahier sighs and sets his glass away, watching the ickle one settle all into bed. "Good idea," he says, and grins, climbing slowly to his feet. He leans on down, and takes up the edge of Taye's blanket, to tuck them up. He smiles and leans on down to give the good-night kiss to Taye's forehead. "Y'aren't too old," he says, with a grin, "G'nigh', son." Rah rises to blow out the candle lighting their bit of the infirmary, and turns to walk on off.