
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Lily & Keita.

Halyard Tavern: Sleeping Chamber

The door cracks open and Lily slips through, her eyes falling down on the apron she forgot to take off. The doe reaches back, fiddles with the tie, and slips it off, tossing it over a hair. With a heavy sigh she moves to the bed, flopping down on it.

To sink into luxurious softness, of course! Because Keita has a flare for ze poshness, it would seem. It isn't surprising, then, that the sound coming from behind a door is coming from a walk-in closet. Crash-bam! "Damn it!" Not long after, the door swings open and Keita comes limping out, looking over her shoulder at the pile of mess she managed to knock off a shelf. She hasn't looked towards the bed, yet.

Lily shifts slightly, turning her head to watch where the noise comes from. There is a tiny smirk on her lips at the curse, and Lily drums her fingers on the bed, looking at the moody doe. "Trouble, honey?" She says fondly, propping her head up on a bent elbow and palm.

Keita's ears swivel around and her head soon follows. As /soon/ as she lays eyes upon the doe, all the fret goes out of her. Knocking the door shut behind her with a crutch, she limps over to the bed and drops down onto it. Scoooooch over to the pillow and towards Lily. "Nothin' I seem to be concerned about now, anyway." She smiles.

Lily sits up slightly, still grinning towards the other. "Please, I'm usually the /cause/ of all your trouble." The doe says with a sage nod. She glances to the closet door, then back to Keita. Lily scoots too, meeting her halfway. "What in th' world were yah doin', 'nyways?"

Keita smirks dryly. "Organizin'." Eh heh... heh. She rolls her eyes. Ohhhh the irony, that eyeroll says. Yes, it does. She scooches her paw next to Lily's so that she can twine fingers.

Lily allows the fingers to twine, and she watches her paw for a moment before laughing. "I could tell." She shifts her weight, sitting up fully and crossing her legs. "'Tis nice 'avin' extra paws 'round th' tavern. An' Ary... eh, Ms. Aralc. She's a righ' card. Did'yah know she's deathly ticklish?"

Keita's lips purse in a mighty attempt not to laugh. "Uh... no. Can't say that I knew that, deah." She looks to the side at Lily, smiling. Not even a trace of jealousy. Isn't she just the bestest mate ever? "How'd you find that'un out?"

Lily presses her nose up against Kei's cheek. "Well, now you do." She informs the other. "Oh please." Lily starts in a cheerful voice. "Her big ol' clunker feet were up on th' bartop. Had t'get 'em down somehow." The doe explains, giggling slightly. She is, in fact, the best mate ever in Lily's eyes.

Okay, now. She can't /help/ but snicker at that. "I c'n just imagine Arly's reaction." All that fluster and burliness. She leeeeans into the other doe's shoulder. Nuzzle. "Did she fall offa her stool?"

Lily leans back against the other, smiling at the other. "Oh, it was ah sight f'sure." She agrees in a noble tone. "Almost. Not quite... but with tomorrow comes another day of chances!" The doe laughs and grins wickedly. "Witch reminds me... what about that lil' foot down there?" She asks, pointing to Kei's.

Keita peers at her foot, which unfortunately is only socked at the moment. She promptly tucks it under her. "Uh." Shifty-glance. "What foot?" Puzzlement. She is so innocent.

Lily leans over, settling her upper body weight on her paws as she leans over the others lap and ducks her head in search of the foot. "Oh, you know what m'talkin' ah'bout! It's 'ere, somewhere." The doe says slyly, pulling at the covers where the foot disappeared.

Keita grins smugly. "Even if it was there, I'm far too manly to be ticklish. That's fer you womenfolk." Nod-nod-nod. She pokes Lily in her unprotected side.

Lily wrinkles up her nose. "Oh please. Yer as manly as ah sunflowah." She retorts. "Everyone knows /I'm/ th' buck in this relationship." Lily reaches for the foot again, but collapses at the poke. "Waaha! Cut it ou'. Don' /do/ tha'!" She says in a giggle.

Ha! Haha! Another poke, and then a fluttering of finger-tips. "Oh, aye, certainly mistah Lily." Snicker.

Lily curls up on her side. "No! C'mon... Kei! Hehee! 'Ey... 'ey!" She dives, sticking her paws under the doe, trying to find the foot.

Eep! And she actually does eep, too. Kei jumps as Lily's paws digs underneath her. "'Ey now, that's cheatin'!" She grabs for Lily's wrists. Which is awkward, to say the least.

Lily finds her paws caught underneath the other. She lays her head down on Kei's lap, her eyes turning up. "S'no' cheatin'. An' don' talk t'yah favorite buck like tha'."

Keita tugs Lily's paws out from under her and presses them into the bed. Aha! Trapped. "Then I 'spect ya ought not cheat anymore." Grin. She leans down, kissing the tip of Lily's nose.

Lily wiggles, though a smile is printed firmly on her features. "Wasn't cheatin'! You were th' one cheatin'." She protests, pouting out her bottom lip. The kiss is given another giggle and Lily tries to snap playfully. "Oh, you great big flirt."

Keita wrinkles her nose at Lily. "Ya know you like it." She sticks out her tongue, the picture of maturity. She does release Lily, though, grinning as she flops back onto the bed. Ahhh. Arm-spread. "It /is/ nice to have some extra help, again."

Lily pushes herself up, peeking up at the other. "Maybe..." She mulls, reaching out a freed paw and pressing it on Kei's stomach. The doe circles a finger lovingly. "Isn't it? I mean... I'm not much help myself. More trouble than m'worth, yeah?" Lily ponders aloud, attempt to clamber up and perch on Kei's stomach.

Keita is perched upon. Which gets a pair of wide eyes looking up at the other doe. Too distracted to respond immediately. Blink. Come to your senses, dear. "... Uh, no. I meant it's nice because I have more time t' have you to myself. Had t' drag you away from that bar kickin' and screamin', love." Lip twitch.

Lily flicks her ears up and grins down at the other. She busies with her own mails, picking and mussing with them. "Well, work is somethin' I was trained t'work, wasn't I? Y'mus' remember that it was /your/ mothah tha' brained washed mah noggin." Lily says, peeking over her paws.

Keita smirks dryly at mention of her mother. "She's not so irresistible that ya had t' listen to her, is she? I don't see how folks always fall fer it. I jus' don't... see it." She shakes her head, looking honestly puzzed. Amused, but puzzled.

Lily leans down, bending her head to press her and Kei's forehead together. "Don' be so hard on 'em, babe. I was one o' 'em. Kinda ah glorified life, h'aint it? Almos' like bein' some sort o' hero." Lily rolls her chin forward and catches Kei in a kiss. "But no more talk o' th' pah'trol. What a ruddy conversational topic!"

Keita sighs, but smiles nonetheless. She nods. "Aye... yer righ'. Enough about that." She bumps her forehead up against Lily's, then nuzzles noses.

Lily sits back up and slides off the doe. "I bet yeh jus' plum outta air wi' me sittin' on yah like ah dibbun, eh?" She chuckles. now sitting just to the side of the other. "Long day, huh?"

Keita dips her head, staring up at the ceiling. She squints. "Lil', ya know that badgah from the othah day?"

Lily folds her ears back. She slides her paws away from Kei, the memory of the badger not doing much as far as the flirty side of Lily goes. "Um... yeah. Y'mean Vansi-somethin' 'r othah?"

Keita nods. "Yeah." Pause. She steeples her fingers over her stomach. Peer. "I kinda, um. Did somethin' ya might not like."

Lily's eyes narrow. "What?" Whether or not it's intentional, she scoots a few inches away from the other. "What did you do?" Lily asks in a low tone.

"Um. Well..." She drums her fingers, nervously. "The, uh. Some patrol hares... Uh, well. Darklett was leadin' them, actually. They were tryin' to kill Vansinnig. I, uh... well." Squint. "He's in one o' the guest rooms. Passed out. Lost a lot o' blood. I dunno... /how/ he's still alive, but he is."

Lily ears shoot up, her eyes widening. "He's /here/. You... you. Are. Letting. Him. Stay. Here?" She says, every word a sentence full of bitterness and fear. The doe jerks away and gets off the bed. "Tha' beast would kill meh as soon as look at me! Yah... yah don' even care!"

Keita's eyes close. "They were tryin' to /kill/ him, Lil'! Their so-called healah didn't even try 'n' help him!"

Keita sighs, explosively. "What was I s'posed t' do?"

A growl rumbles in the back of her throat. "Well he is gonnah try t' kill /me/... but I bet y'wouldn't raise an ear iffen yeh did. You an' yer precious vermin badjah!" She turns, moving over to the table and grips the edge, her back facing the other. "Y'couldah not brought in scum o'th' earth intah our tavern... puttin' mah life in dangah! Our customers.. Aralcs... by th' whiskahs, Kei'... don' yah ever think o' beasts othah than yerself an' yer damned badjah friend?"

Keita winces at Lily's words, rolling around and sitting up at the edge of the bed, facing away from the other doe. "Lil', I would nevah bring him into this tavern if I thought he'd be /any/ dangah t'you... Don't you know that?"

Lily grimaces, not at all looking happy at the whole deal, but that look doesn't flash Kei's way. "No, I don' know. Yeh've never seemed t'concerned wi' mah well bein' bah'fore. What could make yah start now?"

An extended pause, in which Keita leans over her knees, staring at the floor. Her eyes close and her ears fall down over her eyes. Her voice is low and as calm as she can make it. "You c'n sleep here, t'night. I'll... sleep downstairs or somethin'."

Lily turns to look over her shoulder for a moment. "Forget it." She growls, starting for the door. "Yeh'd fall down th' stairs in th' dark. 'Sides... 'tis warm by th' ovens." Lily opens the door an stops for a moment. "'Nywhere is safer than /here/." And with that she leaves, closing the door behind her none-too-gently.